Issues related to the EIA Form 176 natural gas supply and disposition dataset.
Issues related to EIA Form 191: Monthly underground natural gas storage report
Issues related to EIA Form 757a: Natural Gas Processing Plant Survey
Anything having to do with EIA Form 860
Anything having to do with EIA Form 861
Anything having to do with EIA Form 923
Related to the EIA Form 930
EIA Annual Energy Outlook
Data from EIA's National Electricity Modeling System.
EIA Data related to the cooling water used by thermoelectric generators
Improvements in existing functionality.
Integration and analysis of the EPA CEMS dataset.
Issues related to the EPA IPM dataset.
Any issue whose primary purpose is to organize other issues into a group.
Issues involving data in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
Anything having to do with FERC Form 1
Issues related to the FERC Form 2 dataset
Anything having to do with FERC Form 714
Data from FERC's Electric Quarterly Review (EQR)
Spatial data and transformations. Anything related to mapping.
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
PUDL specific structures & metadata. Stuff that connects datasets together.
Good issues for first-time contributors. Self-contained, low context, no credentials required.
Work related to open modeling input data integration funded/coordinated by GridLab
Data derived from the GridPath Resource Adequacy Toolkit
Normalization of poorly normalized inputs and reconciliation of internal inconsistencies