Printer: A Carbon built machine where final part(s) printed in the desired material.
Prints: A specific set of summary information related to a specific print generated from a Carbon Printer.
Models: A file representing a three-dimensional geometry with no particular orientation, supports, etc. Models can belong to multiple parts.
Parts: A printable model design which includes DLS-specific data, such as a specific orientation, resin, etc.
Part Orders: A logical grouping of parts you would like to be auto packed on as few builds as possible.
Build SOPs: Optional configurations for automatic build generation
Print Orders: A single build that you would like to queue X times on Y printers.
Builds: A printable set of parts arranged on a build platform ready for printing associated with a specific version of a project.
Printer Queue: An ordered list of builds in a given printer's queue.
Printed Parts: A specific instance of a part that has been printed and properly serialized.
Part Measurements: Measurements taken on a specific printed parts and logged in Carbon's cloud quality management system.
Part Measurement Templates: Templates for defining a part measurement to be taken and pass / failing criteria (e.g. length, width, visual inspection).