// Configure command handlers
const helloWorldCommandHandler = (args: CommandCallbackArgs): cMessage | void => {
//Platform agnostic reply
const message: cMessage = {
theme: DefaultTheme,
content: 'Hello world uwu',
actions: YesOrNoAction
return message;
const helloWorldCommand: Command = new Command(
'hello world command description :)',
[],// No arguments for this example...
const myLogger = new XulLogger()
const mockCBootConfig: CBootConfig = {
port: env.PORT,
clientKey: env.BOT_TOKEN,
clientId: env.CLIENT_ID,
serverId: env.GUILD_ID,
useImplementations: ['MockImplementation1', 'MockImplementation2'],
locale: 'en-US', // Assuming it's a locale string
theme: 'dark', // Assuming it's a theme string, replace with actual dummy value
commands: [helloWorldCommand], // Fill with actual dummy Commands
logger: myLogger
// Define the callback function to handle the bot startup
const onStarted = (args: OnStartedArgs) => {
myLogger.info('onStarted: Add Additional logic after the bot has started')
// Start the bot
cBot.startBot(mockCBootConfig, onStarted)