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File metadata and controls

92 lines (73 loc) · 4.64 KB


Build Status codecov

A pinging project.

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ASCII Copyright


$ pip install -e git://

Project architecture

 1. Producer                                                        
 +---------------+        +--------------+       +-----------------+
 |               | func() |              | Log   |                 |
 |  Regular job  | -----> |   Producer   | ----> |  Kafka producer |
 |               |        |              |       |                 |
 +---------------+        +--------------+       +-----------------+
                                 | func() -> dict                     
                          |  +-------+  |   Create Log            
                          |  | check |  |   with unique Log.uid       
                          |  +-------+  |                          
                          |             |                          
                          |  +-------+  |                          
                          |  | check |  |                          
                          |  +-------+  |                          
 2. Consumer                                                        
 +---------------+        +--------------+       +-----------------+
 |               | func() |              | Log   |                 |
 |  Regular job  | -----> |   Consumer   | <---- |  Kafka consumer |
 |               |        |              |       |                 |
 +---------------+        +--------------+       +-----------------+
                                 | Log                              
     INSERT              |                 |                        
     ON CONFLICT UID     |    Postgres     |                        
     DO NOTHING          |     client      |                        
     PARTITION BY RANGE  |                 |                        

Project contains several components:

  1. A regular job worker. Runs given func every given interval in seconds
  2. producer which run any amount of checkers and save those result as a labeled Log with an unique uid to Kafka
  3. "Checkers" are just regular functions
  4. consumer is also run by worker, reads Kafka topic and saves data to partitioned table in Postgres. Since Kafka guarantees at least on delivery it doesn't fail with existing log uid.

Every component is well isolated by simple interfaces:

  • worker run any async function
  • producer run any async function, which however must return a dictionary
  • checker does whatever it does until it returns a dictionary
  • both consumer and producer use "repositories" to read or save data. All of them use Log object as a contract.

See tests/ for usage example.