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As a Bugzilla administrator, sometimes the queries I need to do are too specialized for the standard Bugzilla query page and I have to do them in SQL. I want to record some of these queries here for later reference to save me from re-inventing the wheel. Hopefully others will find this useful as well.
Search for bug owners who seem to have not used Bugzilla in a while. Send these people mail and disable the accounts of those that bounce. Use the date that they last commented on a bug to decide whether they're active. This isn't perfect, but its good enough since most bug operations require a comment of some kind and in any case, we're not going to do anything to them unless their mail bounces.
SELECT MAX(bug_when) AS last_update, profiles.login_name AS email FROM longdescs AS ld, bugs, profiles WHERE ld.who = bugs.assigned_to AND ld.who = profiles.userid GROUP BY email HAVING last_update < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 YEAR) ;
The above query probably would have done the job but our db is too huge to take the direct approach. I made a copy of the bugs db and deleted resolved bugs and 'old' comments. From this I created a list of owners of open bugs and a list of owners who have commented recently. Subtracting one list from the other creates a list of people who haven't.
Create a dump of the original database.
% mysqldump bugs > ~/bugs.dump
Create a temporary database to hold your trimmed version of the db.
% mysql mysql> CREATE DATABASE tmp;
Import the bug database.
% mysql tmp < bugs.dump
Delete old long descriptions.
Remove bugs that aren't open.
The only bugs left are open ones. The only comments left are recent ones. For each bug, print the owner if you can find a comment for them. This is a list of bug owners with recent comments.
SELECT p.login_name FROM profiles p INNER JOIN bugs ON p.userid = bugs.assigned_to INNER JOIN longdescs ON bugs.assigned_to = longdescs.who GROUP BY p.login_name INTO OUTFILE "/tmp/aliveowners" ;
Make a list of all bug owners.
SELECT p.login_name FROM profiles p INNER JOIN bugs ON p.userid = bugs.assigned_to GROUP BY p.login_name INTO OUTFILE "/tmp/allowners" ;
Subtract the list of alive owners from the list of all owners to get a list of owners of open bugs who haven't commented on a bug recently.
% diff aliveowners allowners > checkonthese
Bugs assigned to people with disabled accounts.
SELECT bugs.bug_id, p.login_name, comp.name, bugs.short_desc FROM bugs INNER JOIN profiles p ON bugs.assigned_to = p.userid INNER JOIN components comp ON bugs.component_id = comp.id WHERE bugs.bug_status IN('UNCONFIRMED', 'NEW', 'CONFIRMED', 'ASSIGNED', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'REOPENED') AND p.disabledtext != "" ;
Bugs whose QA contact is disabled.
SELECT bugs.bug_id, p.login_name, comp.name, bugs.short_desc FROM bugs INNER JOIN profiles p ON bugs.qa_contact = p.userid INNER JOIN components comp ON bugs.component_id = comp.id WHERE bugs.bug_status IN('UNCONFIRMED', 'NEW', 'CONFIRMED', 'ASSIGNED', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'REOPENED') AND p.disabledtext != "" ;
Count how many times a bug has been marked FIXED.
SELECT bug_id, COUNT(bug_id) AS my_sum FROM bugs_activity WHERE added = 'FIXED' GROUP BY bug_id ORDER BY my_sum ;
See who triages the most newly filed bugs by counting the number of times each person has changed bugs from the UNCONFIRMED state in the bug activity table. This includes confirming bugs and closing bugs without confirming them first (e.g. marking as duplicate).
SELECT COUNT(ba.bug_id) AS confirmsum, p.login_name FROM profiles p, INNER JOIN bugs_activity ba ON p.userid = ba.who INNER JOIN fielddefs fd ON ba.fieldid = fd.fieldid WHERE fd.name = 'bug_status' AND ba.removed = 'UNCONFIRMED' GROUP BY p.login_name ORDER BY confirmsum ;
Count how many bugs each person has confirmed. List the top 20 people in descending order.
SELECT profiles.login_name AS email, COUNT(bug_id) AS bugcount FROM bugs_activity ba, INNER JOIN profiles ON ba.who = profiles.userid INNER JOIN fielddefs fd ON ba.fieldid = fd.fieldid WHERE fd.name = 'everconfirmed' AND ba.added = 1 GROUP BY email ORDER BY bugcount DESC LIMIT 20 ;
Count how many unconfirmed bugs people closed as INVALID, DUPLICATE or WORKSFORME. Sort in descending order and list only the top ten.
SELECT profiles.login_name AS email, COUNT(ba.bug_id) AS bugcount FROM bugs_activity ba INNER JOIN profiles ON ba.who = profiles.userid INNER JOIN bugs ON ba.bug_id = bugs.bug_id INNER JOIN fielddefs fd ON ba.fieldid = fd.fieldid WHERE fd.name = 'resolution' AND ba.added IN('INVALID', 'DUPLICATE', 'WORKSFORME') AND bugs.everconfirmed = 0 GROUP BY email ORDER BY bugcount DESC LIMIT 10 ;
Count how many bugs each person has verified as INVALID.
SELECT profiles.login_name AS email, COUNT(bugs.bug_id) AS bugcount FROM profiles INNER JOIN bugs_activity ba ON profiles.userid = ba.who INNER JOIN bugs ON ba.bug_id = bugs.bug_id INNER JOIN fielddefs fd ON ba.fieldid = fd.fieldid WHERE fd.name = 'bug_status' AND ba.added = 'VERIFIED' AND bugs.resolution = 'INVALID' GROUP BY email ORDER BY bugcount ;
Count how many bugs each person has added attachments to.
SELECT p.login_name AS email, COUNT(a.bug_id) AS bugcount FROM profiles p, INNER JOIN attachments a ON p.userid = a.submitter_id GROUP BY email ORDER BY bugcount ;
List the top 100 bug reporters.
SELECT profiles.login_name AS email, COUNT(bugs.bug_id) AS bugcount FROM bugs INNER JOIN profiles ON bugs.reporter = profiles.userid GROUP BY email ORDER BY bugcount DESC LIMIT 100 ;
List people who have reported more than 500 bugs.
SELECT profiles.login_name AS email, COUNT(bugs.bug_id) AS bugcount FROM bugs INNER JOIN profiles ON bugs.reporter = profiles.userid GROUP BY email HAVING bugcount > 500 ORDER BY bugcount ;
List the top ten largest attachments.
SELECT p.login_name, attach_id, bug_id, LENGTH(thedata) datalength, ispatch, description FROM attachments a INNER JOIN profiles p ON a.submitter_id = p.userid ORDER BY datalength DESC LIMIT 10 ;
List all of the people who have granted or denied a review in the Bugzilla product in the last 6 months.
SELECT profiles.login_name, MAX(act.bug_when) AS last_review, COUNT(act.added) AS review_count FROM bugs_activity AS act INNER JOIN profiles ON act.who = profiles.userid INNER JOIN bugs ON act.bug_id = bugs.bug_id INNER JOIN products ON bugs.product_id = products.id WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 6 MONTH) < act.bug_when AND (act.added = 'review+' OR act.added = 'review-') AND products.name = 'Bugzilla' GROUP BY profiles.login_name ORDER BY review_count DESC ;