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17e3bb0 · Mar 11, 2020



A Simple Chat on WebSocket

This is a simple chat demo. The client side uses the WebSocket Web API and is connected to Azure SignalR Serverless WebSocket acting as a reverse proxy. There is no need for the server side to be a WebSocket server, the server side, hosted in node.js, only need to handle bussiness logic.

Run the demo locally


  • Node.js to host your server locally
  • ngrok to expose local port to public


  1. Update AzureSignalRConnectionString in settings.json with your connection string.
  2. Under this folder, run the local server by:
npm install
node index.js

The local server now listens the 8088 port.

  1. Expose the local port using ngrok Go to the path where ngrok exists, type:
ngrok http 8088

Now local server has a public host name As in the below screenshot, the public host name is


  1. Set the Upstream pattern for your service We have the Upstream Manage Page as a temp workaround before the Upstream settings are available in the Azure portal.

Open the page and input your ConnectionString, set the upstream for hub simplechat to the textarea for Set Upstream Settings, remember to replace xxxxx with your ngrok host. Our sample server listens to path /simplechat/connect, /simplechat/disconnect and /simplechat/message, from which simplechat is the value of the hub, and connect, disconnect and message are the name of the events. For details about the terms, please refer to the spec.

	"templates": [
			"hubPattern": "simplechat",
			"urlTemplate": "{hub}/{event}"

For example, the below screenshot sets the upstream templates for both chat and simplechat hubs. ngrok

  1. Visit the chat Now it is all set, visit the client page http://localhost:8088?name={user_name} with your {user_name} to try the Chat. chat