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06b6d72 · Mar 18, 2020




This is a ChatRoom built upon Azure Function and Azure SignalR Serverless, Azure blob storage is used to persistent data.

Check the Live Demo

Run the Chat sample locally


The following are required to run the Chat sample locally

Configure application settings

When running and debugging the Azure Functions runtime locally, application settings are read from local.settings.json. Inside local.settings.json, replace the value of AzureSignalREndpoint and AzureSignalRAccessKey with the value from your ConnectionString of the Azure SignalR, the value of Endpoint= and AccessKey= respectively. Later on, you can upload these settings to remote when you try to deploy Function App to Azure using Azure Functions: Upload local settings command inside VS Code command palette

Run the Function locally

Open current folder in VS Code, it contains a Function App host config host.json so that with when press F5, the Azure Function extension detects the config and starts to run both home and messages Http Functions. The home Function http://localhost:7071/api/home is which to return the hosted web app, and the messages Function http://localhost:7071/api/messages is the Upstream we expect the Azure SignalR will invoke on every event. So next step is to expose this local port so that Azure SignalR is able to reach it. ngrok helps us to achieve this.

Inside the ngrok folder, type:

ngrok http 7071

From now on, ngrok forwards every request to http://(id) to http://localhost:7071.

Set the Upstreams for the Service

Now it is time to config the Upstream URL pattern inside Azure SignalR Service.

With this Private Preview version, we provide a REST API endpoint for you to set and get the Upstream settings of the Service. Please note that, later on, this endpoint will be removed when we support setting the Upstream from portal and Azure CLI.

We provide a simple web app deployed for you to easily get and set the current Upstream settings of the service.

Put following into the Set Upstream text area to set the Upstream settings for the service for the hub chat. In this way, you can set different Upstreams for different hubs. You can also define different Upstream patterns depends on different events by setting eventPattern, or depends on different categories by setting categoryPattern. Please check Upstream spec for detail

    "templates": [
            "hubPattern": "chat",
            "categoryPattern": "*",
            "eventPattern": "*",
            "urlTemplate": "http://(id){event}"

There are 3 kind of pattern syntax supported. Take the eventPattern for example:

  1. "*", it to matches any event name
  2. Combine multiple events with ,, for example "connect,disconnect", it matches event "connect" and "disconnect"
  3. The single event name, for example, "connect", it matches "connect".

You can define multiple template items in order. With every incoming request, the first matching one takes effect.

Run the chat

Now visit http://localhost:7071/api/home?name=yourname and you are ready to chat locally.

Go through the demo code

There are two Functions inside this repo:

  1. The Function hosting the Chat's static webpage
  2. The Function handling WebSocket requests

The Function hosting the Chat's static webpage

The Chat's webpage is quite simple, a static webpage is enough. It is based on pure html and the Vue.js JavaScript framework. What the function does in index.js is simply return the content of index.html, providing the Azure SignalR Serverless WebSocket endpoint value {AzureSignalREndpoint}/ws/client/hubs/chat. The following patterns are all valid while {hub} is required and {format} is optional with text as default value.

  1. /ws/client?hub={hub}&format={text|binary}
  2. /ws/client/hubs/{hub}?format={text|binary}
  3. /ws/client/hubs/{hub}/formats/{text|binary}

To make the demo workflow simple, current auth info is read from request's query name. AAD is also supported if AAD is configured for the Function App.

Configure the Upstreams for the WebSocket requests

You may've been noticed that no auth info is needed connecting to Azure SignalR Serverless WebSocket. It is the case when the connect UpstreamSettings In the demo, we provide a workaround for setting the Upstream URL pattern as providing a claim as asrs.s.rfh and read the value from Environment variable UpstreamUrl, as for now the portal access is not yet ready. Later on, when Azure SignalR Service adds the ability to set the Upstream Settings from portal, this workaround will be obsoleted.

The Upstream URL pattern has 3 supported parameters, {event}, {hub}, {category}. These 3 parameters will be evaluated and replace dynamically in Azure SignalR for a single client request. For example, when a request /ws/client/hubs/chat comes in, with a configured Upstream URL pattern http://localhost:7071/api/messages?event={event}, when the client connects, it will first POST to this URL: http://localhost:7071/api/messages?event=connect.

Event {event} {category}
Connect connect connections
Message message messages
Disconnect disconnect connections

The Function handling WebSocket requests

Before the WebSocket connection is established, the connect event is triggered, providing the Function the ability to Auth the user or reject the user or select the subprotocol for the WebSocket connection. The subprotocol of the incoming request is set inside the header Sec-WebSocket-Protocol. As defined in the WebSocket spec, the header can be set multiple times, and the Function should be responsible for setting the response Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header of one selected protocol.

If the connect event returns success code, Azure SignalR Service will establish the real WebSocket connection with client. After that, every WebSocket frame triggers a HTTP request to the Upstream URL. The following headers are added by Azure SignalR Service so that the Function can read the info from the request headers:

  • X-ASRS-Hub: {hubname}
  • X-ASRS-Category: connections
  • X-ASRS-Connection-Id: {connection-id}
  • X-ASRS-Event: connect
  • X-ASRS-User-Id: {user-id}
  • X-ASRS-User-Claims: {user-claims}
  • X-ASRS-Signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
  • X-ASRS-Client-Query-String?: {query-string}

Note that the Function can set the user identity of the connection by setting X-ASRS-User-Id response header when connect, as ./messages/events/connect.js shows.

Ask Azure SignalR to do things for you

Azure SignalR provides REST APIs to be used to manipulate connected WebSocket connections, the following actions are possible:

Actions REST API
Broadcast message POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}
Send message to user POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/users/{id}
Send message to connection POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/connections/{connectionId}
Add connection to group PUT /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}/connections/{connectionId}
Remove connection from group Delete /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}/connections/{connectionId}
Add user to group PUT /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}/users/{user}
Remove user from group Delete /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}/users/{user}
Send message to group POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}
Close connection DELETE /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/connections/{connectionId}?reason={reason}

The Auth of REST API leverages JWT Token, ./messages/api.js demonstrates how to sign the request using jsonwebtoken library.