- fix: Allow csrf retrieval for asyncCsrfInputs. Thanks to @Tim-Wils
- fix: removed reference to old code
- fix: dont allow visits to plugin templates before 2fa
- fix: Missing usertoken table on fresh install
- fix: Exposure of Sensitive Attributes
- fix: Corrected the single use token time window
- Deprecate php 8.0
- Updated spomky-labs/otphp
- Updated endroid/qr-code
- Remove unneeded getTotp call.
- fix: Exposure of Sensitive Attributes
- fix: Token is now single use within time window
- Fixed a post-login vulnerability.
- Use
on settings screen. - Use
action on settings screen.
- Verify screen updated to Craft's new frontend style.
- Verify step wasn't functioning correctly.
- Prevent error when lastLoginDate is not set. Thanks to @joepagan
- Make sure to render CP templates in
- AssetBundle improvement to prevent assets not loading during login
- Code cleanup
- Fix 500 error in CP for non-admins. Thanks to @mike-moreau
- Updated froms and controllers to use Craft 4 way of returning data.
- Code cleanup
- Simplify request check
- Init load event now really uses
- Issuer name is now the system name instead of application name
- Init load event now uses
- Added craft 4 support
config option to allow specific backend paths to bypass 2fa checks.
- Verification is now also needed after a second login.
- Fixed otphp update. Thanks to @bencroker
- Updated spomky-labs/otphp requiring php 7.3 and up.
- Use endroid/qr-code for qr code generating instead of google's deprecated chart api.
- Fixed getting logged out during 2FA screen on Craft 3.4 and up. Thanks to @goraxan
- Fixed composer.json for composer 2
- Don't do anything until EVENT_AFTER_LOAD_PLUGINS
- Make sure not to install the old session table.
- Fixed installation errors
Released earlier changes.
- Move from a custom session table to storing data in the session.
- Move from a custom session table to storing data in the session.
- Allow
to be0
- DateTime comparison is now between similar timezones.
Fixed warning of 2.6.0
{warning} BREAKING! Use frontEndPathAllow/frontEndPathExclude instead of frontEndPathWhitelist/frontEndPathBlacklist!
- Use allow/exclude in favor of whitelist/blacklist
- Removed
from config making configs more dependable.
- French translation thanks to @romainpoirier
- Removed some old & unused code
now uses verifyBackEnd and verifyFrontEnd options as it is supposed to.
- Add in the ability to add the secure redirect field to the front-end forms. Thanks to @coxeh
- Fixed a bug where turning off 2 step on the front end always redirects to the admin cp. Thanks to @coxeh
- Added verifyBackEnd option
- Fixed admin redirect issue when using forceBackEnd.
- Added
config option (gives the user some extra time after code expired)
- Disabling 2FA for other users failed
- Make sure the User's EVENT_AFTER_LOGIN is triggered thanks to @engram-design
- Fix otphp to pull their fix for random_compat on php 7.0 thanks to @mikestecker
- Fix otphp to pull their fix for random_compat on php 7.0 thanks to @mikestecker
- Support for Craft 3.1
Stable release for Craft 3.
- Blacklist and whitelist can be exact paths or regex.
can be used from twig.
- Added option to disable 2FA when a user is locked out of the account.
- Allow 2FA on the front end home.
- Fixed link to Google Authenticator
- Fixed 2FA CP path detection
- Front end 2FA support
- Allow forcing 2FA
- Migrated old code to Craft 3
- @jlamb1 Fix Deprecation Error "Round"
- @brandonkelly Fixed the install migration
- Disabled the plugin for console commands.
- Added support for upgrading from Craft 2.
- Added Dutch (NL) translation file. Thanks to @RichardFrontwise
- Changed the translation scope to app.
- Fixed debug bar support. Debug should be allowed, not trigger logout.
- Prevent redirect loop for cookieBased login.
- Fixed user overview with 2FA column enabled.
- Beta release of the Craft 3 plugin.
- Moved releases to the craft-2 branch.
- Fixed console support.
- Downgraded otphp to 8.3.2 for better PHP support.
- rememberedUserSessionDuration is now optional.
- Fixed a DateTime checking issue causing unpredictable behavior.
- Validation feedback fix.
- Updated otphp to 9.0.2.
- Make csrf required to turn 2FA off.
- Fix for login popup on verify screen.
- Fix for looping back to the verify controller.
- Added our own vendor code.
- Fixes for installing through composer
Initial Beta Release