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Front-end Web: Lesson 2

Web design with CSS an introduction

Class objectives

students will:

  • Identify Selectors, properties, and values
  • Write CSS rules
  • Modify tags with class names
  • Formulate selectors to select anything in a page


Time Activity Description
1 5 min 5 TT What is CSS?
2 5 min 10 I do, we do Create a style sheet, link it to a document
3 5 min 15 TT CSS syntax, Selectors, Properties, and values
4 5 min 50 I do, we do Applying styles
5 10 min 60 Break
6 5 min 65 TT Closer look at selectors
7 15 min 80 Pair CSS Diner quiz
8 5 min 85 TT Using selectors effectively
9 25 min 105 work Apply some styles to one of your web pages

1 - What is CSS?

  • CSS enforces the separation of content and presentation.
  • CSS is a language of visual description.
  • CSS is super powerful it can:
    • Set the font, size, color, line spacing, etc
    • Set the size, position and layout of elements in a page
    • Set image and color fills, border styles, size and position
    • Animate elements on a page
    • Apply styles for interactive states
    • and more...

How do you use CSS?

CSS is written in a plain text document with the .css file extension. Link your css files to you HTML documents by adding the following to the head tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

You can also write CSS inside the <style> tag:

  /* Your CSS styles here... */

Styles can also be added to any tag with the style attribute:

<h1 style="color: red">hello World</h1>

2 - Create a style sheet, link it to a document

Linking to a file (first example) is the preferred method.


3 - CSS syntax, Selectors, Properties, and values

CSS is defined as a collection of rules. Each rule is made up of a selector followed by a block:

selector { ...block... }

Inside the block you will define property and value pairs that set styles for the elements that match the selector. The following sets the H1 to red, 36px, and Helvetica.

h1 {
  font-family: Helvetica;
  font-size: 36px;
  color: red;

The selector h1 in this case targets all tags named h1.

4 - Applying styles

Contunue with the previous example and apply some styles.

Font styles

Use the list of styles here to look up each of the styles below as you apply them.

  • Set the font-family of the h1 to Helvetica
  • set the font-size of the body tag to 18px
  • Set the color of the body tag to
  • Set the H1 font-size in ems
  • set the line-height
  • color (font color)


  • Set the margin-top and margin-bottom of the H1 and P tags
  • Set the margin-left and margin-right of a wrapper


  • Set the body background color
  • Set a background image
  • Set the background size
  • Set the background position
  • Set the background attachment

Set the background for the H1

  • Set the background image
  • Set the background repeat
  • Set the background position

5 - Break

Take a break you 've earned it!

6 - Closer look at selectors

Selectors point to elements in the DOM. Selectors allow you to select one or more elements. There are many different types of selectors which allow you to select elements based on a wide variety of criteria.

7 - Selector Quiz

Pair up and take the online quiz below.

Learn the power of selectors take the Test:

8 - Use selectors effectively

There are many many selectors, some of which may seem confusing at this point. Don’t feel you have use them all. Your new secret super power:

Revist the quiz page anytime you have a question about selectors

Your other new secret is that you don't need most selectors. The following list of selectors you can select anything on the page with great flexibility. Here are the most common selectors that you will use often:

  • Tag selector
  • Class selector
  • Descendant selector
  • Child selector

Styling links

There are many pseudo selectors that are useful for special occasions. For now it's probably best to familiarize yourself with:

  • :link
  • :visited
  • :hover
  • :active

Note! Be sure to define these styles in this order! This will allow them to function best. You can think: LoVe and HAte to remember the order.

9 - Style your work

There are hudnereds of CSS style properties. See the list for yourself: Don't feel you need to know all of these yet. We will be looking at important CSS properties in future classes.

  • Style the HTML meta doc example 4
    • Challenge: Use only tag selectors along with descendant and child selectors
  • Style your App page
    • Challenge: Use only class names
  • Try these CSS style properties:
    • font-size
    • font-family
    • color (sets the color of text)
    • line-height
    • font-weight
    • background-color
    • background-image
    • background-size
    • Find some other properties and have fun!


Except for a couple exceptions every value you declare must include a unit. Typical units are:

  • px - pixels
  • pt - points (1/72 in)
  • mm - millimeters
  • cm - centimeters
  • in - inches
  • em - A unit equal to the current font size
  • % - Percent


There are several ways to sepcify a color in CSS.

Hex colors:

#57c409 - a mild green

#dddddd - light gray

When the pairs repeat can be written as:

#ddd == #dddddd == #DDDDDD == #DDD

Hex colors begin with the # followed by 3 or 6 digits. With each digit being a number between 0 and f. The first two digits represent the red component, the second two digits represent the green component, and the last two represent the blue component.

RGB values can be used in this form:

rgb(74, 144, 226) - a friendly blue

RGBA rgb with an alpha component:

rgba(224, 67, 67, 0.5) - red 50% transparent

For more info on CSS colors take a look at these sites:

Investigate color palettes here:

Simple rules for creating good typography

Have a clear typographic hierarchy. Visitors should know where to begin and what to do next. Choices should be clearly laid out.

Make type that is comfortable to read. Use line-height, and constrast to make your type more legible. Avoid overly saturated colors and harsh constrast.

Avoid center aligned text.

Limit the number of fonts to one, two, maybe three at most.


Try to complete as many of these projects as you can. The more you practice the more you will learn and further your abilities! These projects continue the projects from the previous class.

  • Style your app page.
  • Style the sample mark up from class.
    • Set the font properties
      • Set the font family
      • Set the font size
      • Set the line height
      • Set the color
      • Try the text-shadow property
      • Investigate different ways of setting colors using hex values, and rgb, and rgba
  • For more practice try styling the other examples from class 1:
