All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.0.20 (2024-01-29)
- . (f5d4f83)
1.0.19 (2023-04-12)
- . (0d0b919)
1.0.18 (2022-11-01)
- add
1.0.17 (2022-11-01)
- add support buffer like (0e3e07c)
1.0.16 (2022-10-15)
- add test (fc7ccd5)
- . (339c50c)
1.0.15 (2022-09-26)
- bug by
- . (a67bf79)
1.0.14 (2022-09-26)
- . (6ffcb1e)
1.0.13 (2022-09-16)
- update build (d9ce276)
1.0.12 (2022-08-27)
- . (c46dd5c)
1.0.10 (2022-08-26)
- . (ab44fbb)
1.0.9 (2022-08-26)
- . (f02f008)
1.0.8 (2022-08-26)
- update import (7bace20)
- update configuration (a695a63)
- . (b04d67c)
1.0.7 (2022-01-17)
1.0.6 (2021-07-05)
- typescript: importHelpers (0716543)
1.0.5 (2020-06-20)
- . (737847a)
- git: subtree add crlf-normalize (0c67bd3)
- Add 'packages/crlf-normalize/' from commit 'c823daeb6a921b55911740de4fb370218ca5b8d1' (68ece72)