- __TEXT.__text: 0x293c84
- __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x3bb0
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x29481c
+ __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x3bc0
__TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x1658
- __TEXT.__const: 0x127c
- __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x26de4
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x1cebd
- __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x33584
+ __TEXT.__const: 0x1294
+ __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x26e48
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0x1cf5c
+ __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x336f5
__TEXT.__dlopen_cstrs: 0x676
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xc260
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xc2b8
__TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x3c0
__TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x5700
__TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x42fb
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protorefs: 0x28
__DATA_CONST.__objc_superrefs: 0xb0
__DATA_CONST.__objc_arraydata: 0x358
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1df0
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1df8
__AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x8
- __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x10998
- __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x5540
+ __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x10a58
+ __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x5560
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_const: 0x3b38
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_intobj: 0x5b8
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_arrayobj: 0x408
- /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
- /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
- /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
- Functions: 9197
- Symbols: 10804
- CStrings: 8264
+ Functions: 9223
+ Symbols: 10831
+ CStrings: 8271
+ _AudioObjectAddPropertyListenerBlock
+ "%!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING) %!s(MISSING): Detected actuator routing delay - added property listener to defer Haptic Server initialization until the haptics VAD is routed to the actuator"
+ "%!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING) %!s(MISSING): ERROR: Could not find haptics VAD. Aborting Haptic Server initialization"
+ "%!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING) %!s(MISSING): ERROR: Haptics VAD not routed to actuator after the ActivePorts property listener fired"
+ "%!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING) ScreenSharingStateHost@%!p(MISSING): Set Active = %!d(MISSING), isSystemWideTap = %!i(MISSING), activate count = %!l(MISSING)d, state changed = %!d(MISSING)"
+ "DeferFuncUntilActuatorRouted_block_invoke"
+ "com.apple.coreaudio.systemwidescreensharingstate"
+ "gqDnklGQnpv5ilgh5uHckw"
+ "v20@?0I8r^{AudioObjectPropertyAddress=III}12"
- "%!s(MISSING):%!d(MISSING) ScreenSharingStateHost@%!p(MISSING): Set Active = %!d(MISSING), activate count = %!l(MISSING)d, state changed = %!d(MISSING)"