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448 lines (442 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

448 lines (442 loc) · 12.4 KB



-  __TEXT.__text: 0xb3f0
-  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x870
-  __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x860
+  __TEXT.__text: 0x3228
+  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x360
+  __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x5c0
   __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x1c4
-  __TEXT.__const: 0xd0
-  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x1836
-  __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0xaa4
+  __TEXT.__const: 0x30
+  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x42e
+  __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x4d9
   __TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x52
-  __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x9f4
+  __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x8c7
   __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x147
-  __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x2b4
-  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x178
-  __DATA_CONST.__auth_got: 0x448
-  __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x130
-  __DATA_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x10
-  __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x178
-  __DATA_CONST.__cfstring: 0xf80
+  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xc8
+  __DATA_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1b8
+  __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x98
+  __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x40
+  __DATA_CONST.__cfstring: 0x3c0
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x10
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_catlist: 0x8
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0x10
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
-  __DATA_CONST.__objc_intobj: 0x198
+  __DATA_CONST.__objc_intobj: 0x60
   __DATA.__objc_const: 0x7a0
-  __DATA.__objc_selrefs: 0x290
+  __DATA.__objc_selrefs: 0x230
   __DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x34
   __DATA.__objc_data: 0xa0
-  __DATA.__data: 0x180
-  __DATA.__common: 0x28
-  __DATA.__bss: 0x38
-  - /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork
+  __DATA.__data: 0xc0
+  __DATA.__common: 0x10
+  __DATA.__bss: 0x10
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit

   - /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib
   - /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
   - /usr/lib/updaters/libSavageUpdater_iOS.dylib
-  Functions: 140
-  Symbols:   197
-  CStrings:  522
+  Functions: 57
+  Symbols:   91
+  CStrings:  253
- _AMAuthInstallApImg4SetSepNonce
- _AMAuthInstallSetSigningServerURL
- _AMFDRSealingMapGetFDRDataVersionForDevice
- _AMSupportCopyHexStringFromData
- _AMSupportCreateSetFromCFIndexArray
- _AMSupportHttpCopyProxySettings
- _AMSupportHttpSendSync
- _AMSupportLogDumpMemory
- _AMSupportLogInternal
- _AMSupportLogSetHandler
- _CFDataCreate
- _CFDataCreateCopy
- _CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy
- _CFDataGetBytePtr
- _CFDataGetBytes
- _CFDataGetLength
- _CFDataGetTypeID
- _CFDictionaryAddValue
- _CFDictionaryContainsKey
- _CFDictionaryCreateCopy
- _CFDictionaryCreateMutable
- _CFDictionaryGetTypeID
- _CFDictionaryGetValue
- _CFDictionarySetValue
- _CFErrorCreate
- _CFGetTypeID
- _CFHTTPMessageCopyAllHeaderFields
- _CFHTTPMessageCreateRequest
- _CFHTTPMessageSetBody
- _CFHTTPMessageSetHeaderFieldValue
- _CFNumberCreate
- _CFPropertyListCreateData
- _CFPropertyListCreateWithData
- _CFRelease
- _CFRetain
- _CFStringAppend
- _CFStringCompare
- _CFStringCreateMutable
- _CFStringCreateMutableCopy
- _CFStringCreateWithFormat
- _CFStringGetCStringPtr
- _CFStringGetTypeID
- _CFURLCreateWithString
- _CFUUIDCreate
- _CFUUIDCreateString
- _HSCGetPearlNonce
- _HSCSecurePairPearl
- _HSCSecurePairPearlWithProxy
- _IOConnectCallMethod
- _IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty
- _IORegistryEntryFromPath
- _OBJC_CLASS_$_CRPersonalizationManager
- _OBJC_CLASS_$_CRPreflightController
- _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSNumber
- _SavageUpdaterCreate
- _SavageUpdaterExecCommand
- _SavageUpdaterIsDone
- __Block_object_dispose
- __NSConcreteStackBlock
- __Unwind_Resume
- ___chkstk_darwin
- ___objc_personality_v0
- ___stdoutp
- __logHandler
- _bzero
- _ccder_blob_decode_len
- _ccder_blob_decode_range
- _ccder_blob_decode_sequence_tl
- _ccder_blob_decode_tag
- _ccder_blob_decode_tl
- _ccder_blob_encode_body
- _ccder_blob_encode_tl
- _ccder_sizeof
- _ccdigest
- _ccsha384_di
- _dispatch_queue_create
- _dispatch_sync
- _kAMSupportHttpOptionDisableSSLValidation
- _kAMSupportHttpOptionMaxAttempts
- _kAMSupportHttpOptionSocksProxySettings
- _kAMSupportHttpOptionTimeout
- _kAMSupportHttpOptionValidResponses
- _kCFAllocatorMalloc
- _kCFBooleanFalse
- _kCFBooleanTrue
- _kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey
- _kCFHTTPVersion1_1
- _kCFNull
- _kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks
- _kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks
- _malloc
- _malloc_type_calloc
- _malloc_type_malloc
- _memcmp
- _memcpy
- _memset_s
- _objc_autoreleasePoolPop
- _objc_autoreleasePoolPush
- _objc_release_x10
- _objc_release_x26
- _objc_release_x9
- _objc_retain
- _objc_retainBlock
- _pearlSeaCookieHandleMessage
- _qsort
- _syslog
- "\terrorCode: "
- "\terrorString: "
- "%.*s"
- "%.2X"
- "%@\n"
- "%d"
- "%lu"
- "%s%s:%s%s%s%s%u:%s%u:%s aks connection failed%s\n"
- "%s%s:%s%s%s%s%u:%s%u:%s bad 1%s\n"
- "%s%s:%s%s%s%s%u:%s%u:%s bad 2%s\n"
- "%s%s:%s%s%s%s%u:%s%u:%s fail%s\n"
- "%s: %s"
- "(type == kMesaFactorySeaCookieMessageS0) || (type == kMesaFactorySeaCookieGenerateNonce) || message"
- "(type == kMesaFactorySeaCookieMessageS0) || (type == kMesaFactorySeaCookieGenerateNonce) || messageLength"
- "(type == kMesaFactorySeaCookieValidateTatsuTicket) || reply"
- "(type == kMesaFactorySeaCookieValidateTatsuTicket) || replySize"
- "(type == kPearlFactorySeaCookieMessageS0) || (type == kPearlFactorySeaCookieGenerateNonce) || message"
- "(type == kPearlFactorySeaCookieMessageS0) || (type == kPearlFactorySeaCookieGenerateNonce) || messageSize"
- "(type == kPearlFactorySeaCookieValidateTatsuTicket) || reply"
- "(type == kPearlFactorySeaCookieValidateTatsuTicket) || replySize"
- "*replySize >= outData->dataSize"
- "------- CLIENT REQUEST -------\n"
- "------- END CLIENT REQUEST -------\n"
- "------- END SERVER RESPONSE -------\n"
- "------- SERVER RESPONSE -------\n"
- "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/private/var/tmp/usr/standalone/firmware/Savage/"
- "/tmp/%@"
- "/tmp/%@-from-server"
- "00"
- "0x"
- "1.2"
- ":"
- "ApChipID"
- "ApChipID: %@"
- "ApECID"
- "ApECID: %@"
- "AppleBiometricServices"
- "AppleKeyStore"
- "C4"
- "C5"
- "C6"
- "C7"
- "CFDataCreate sik_digest failed"
- "CFPropertyListCreateData failed\n"
- "CFPropertyListCreateData failed : %@\n"
- "Calling pearl patch loading."
- "CameraH10 devices not supported"
- "Command"
- "Command = %@\n"
- "Content Length -- empty \n"
- "Content Length Empty"
- "Content-Length"
- "Content-Type"
- "Could not create proxy settings, system default proxy will be used."
- "Couldn't create OS Log for ''!\n"
- "Create UpdaterOptions successfully, value of ticket is: %@"
- "Create xmlData failed, error: %@"
- "Create xmlData failed."
- "Creating savage updater ..."
- "DataRef or responseDict is NULL."
- "Device info dict is %@"
- "Digest"
- "Disabling SSL validation"
- "Empty deviceInfoDict"
- "Error is empty"
- "ErrorCode"
- "ErrorCode is String Type"
- "ErrorMessage"
- "ErrorMessage - %@"
- "ErrorString : %@\n"
- "Exiting parse_response : %d"
- "Extracted patch digest: %@"
- "FNvQ6lBvJIUcYBzQ8ggOUQ"
- "Failed to allocate UpdaterOptions."
- "Failed to create %s obj::error: %@"
- "Failed to create FDR permission string"
- "Failed to create connection options dictionary.\n"
- "Failed to create max attempts\n"
- "Failed to create timeout\n"
- "Failed to enable single sign on"
- "Failed to encode RIK keyBlob to base64 data"
- "Failed to exec Savage Updater command: %@"
- "Failed to exec SavageUpdater Command: %@:%@"
- "Failed to find patch files"
- "Failed to get Savage Serial Number"
- "Failed to get Savage UID"
- "Failed to get default AMAuthInstallRef"
- "Failed to get manifest ticket"
- "Failed to get pearl nonce with error %@"
- "Failed to initialize personalization manager with error %@"
- "Failed to load savage patch. Error: %@"
- "Failed to pair pearl: %i, error: %@"
- "Failed to power cycle sensor: %@"
- "Failed to request FDR permission"
- "Failed to set SEP nonce with error %d"
- "Failed to set TATSU server URL with error %d"
- "Failed to sign payload data"
- "FirmwareData"
- "Found patch files successfully"
- "HSCGetPearlNonce"
- "HSCSecurePairPearlWithProxy"
- "HTTP Status == 200. OK\n"
- "HTTP send error: %d\n"
- "HorizonSeaCookieErrorDomain"
- "IODeviceTree:/chosen"
- "IOService:/IOResources/AppleKeyStore"
- "Input argument req_dict is empty or NULL\n"
- "Invalid Argument"
- "Invalid Arguments"
- "LE2kQ7U1iM32AmlhYvlagg"
- "Library-MesaFactory"
- "MesaFactoryC seacookie message handling."
- "Not supported."
- "Options"
- "Output - Module Function = %@\n"
- "POST"
- "PairProjector"
- "PairProjectorFinal"
- "Payload = %@\n"
- "Pearl Nonce Size: %d"
- "Pearl Nonce: %@"
- "PearlFactoryLib seacookie message handling."
- "PersonalizedFirmwareRootPath"
- "Processing Message  %@ --> %@"
- "Protocol Version : %@"
- "RePairingSessionKeyExchange"
- "ReprovisionSensor"
- "Request"
- "Request Dictionary Creation failed\n"
- "Request data is : %@\n"
- "Resetting session\n"
- "Response"
- "Response Dictionary : %@\n"
- "RestoreInternal"
- "S4"
- "S5"
- "S6"
- "SIK"
- "SIK : %@"
- "Savage"
- "Savage Serial Number: %@"
- "Savage UID: %@"
- "Savage,Ticket"
- "SeaCookie server returned HTTP status: %ld\n"
- "SeaCookiePairingOption"
- "Seacookie Pairing URL: %@"
- "Send request status: %d http status: %ld error: %@\n"
- "SensorChipID"
- "SensorChipID : %@"
- "SensorChipID: %@"
- "SensorNonce"
- "SensorNonce : %@"
- "SensorSN"
- "SensorSN: %@"
- "SensorSNUM"
- "SensorSNUM: %@"
- "SensorType"
- "SensorType : %@"
- "SensorUID"
- "SensorUID: %@"
- "SepNonce"
- "SepNonce : %@"
- "Server did not return session cookie"
- "Server returned an "
- "Session"
- "Setting custom TATSU server URL: %@"
- "Signature = %@\n"
- "SpecVersion"
- "TrustedAccessoryFactory seacookie message handling."
- "UUID"
- "Unable to create Error object\n"
- "Unable to get Mesa Information"
- "Unable to get Pearl Information"
- "Unable to get pearl nonce"
- "Unable to parse response data from SeaCookie server\n"
- "Unable to receive Module Information\n"
- "Unable to relay response to SEP and obtain information \n"
- "Unable to send/receive data with SeaCookie server\n"
- "Unable to validate tatsu ticket"
- "Unknown SeaCookie type"
- "Unknown callback type."
- "Unknown camera type"
- "Unprovisioned sensor"
- "Update savage firmware successfully"
- "Validate tatsu ticket succeeded."
- "Version"
- "X-Apple-SeaCookie-IP"
- "XML datalen: %lu data is : %@\n"
- "^{__CFString=}24@?0r*8Q16"
- "_HSCGetMesaInfo"
- "_HSCGetModuleInfo"
- "_HSCGetPearlInfo"
- "_HSCHandleMesaMessage"
- "_HSCHandleMessage"
- "_HSCHandleMessage Failed"
- "_HSCHandleMessage returned : %d"
- "_HSCHandlePearlMessage"
- "_HSCHandlePearlMessage_block_invoke"
- "_HSCPairProxy"
- "_HSCSeaCookieHandler"
- "_aks_operation"
- "_merge_dict_cb"
- "aks"
- "aks-client-queue"
- "aksStatus is %d"
- "application/xml"
- "appropriate command is not present"
- "base64EncodedStringWithOptions:"
- "callback"
- "chipID: %u Size: %llu"
- "could not create contentLengthStr\n"
- "could not create httpRequest\n"
- "createError"
- "createRequestData"
- "dataWithBytes:length:"
- "der_key_validate"
- "development-cert"
- "enableSSO:"
- "failed to open connection to %s\n"
- "getApTicketForSeaCookiePairingWithOptions:pairingTicket:error:"
- "getClientAuth"
- "getDefaultAMAuthInstallRef"
- "getSIKString"
- "i24@?0r*8Q16"
- "i28@?0i8r*12Q20"
- "inData"
- "initWithAuthInstallObj:"
- "initWithBase64EncodedString:options:"
- "inputData"
- "inputData --> %@ inputSize --> %lu"
- "isSSR"
- "mesaInfo"
- "mesaStatus: %d Size: %d"
- "moduleStatus = %d reply[%lu] \n"
- "numberWithInteger:"
- "parseResponse"
- "pearlInfo"
- "pearlSeaCookieHandleMessage %d %p %zu %p %p\n"
- "pearlSeaCookieHandleMessage, type=%d -> 0x%x\n"
- "pearlSeaCookieHandleMessage, type=%d reply[%zu] %.*P\n"
- "pearlStatus: %d Size: %d"
- "performNextStage"
- "powerCycleSensor:"
- "queryInfo"
- "requestData : %@ responseData : %@"
- "responseDict : %@"
- "responseDict NULL. Unable to parse Response\n"
- "result : %d"
- "result = %d\n"
- "seaCookieHandleMessage %d %p %zu %p %p\n"
- "seaCookieHandleMessage message[%zu] %.*P\n"
- "seaCookieHandleMessage, type=%d -> 0x%x\n"
- "seaCookieHandleMessage, type=%d reply[%zu] %.*P\n"
- "sendRequestSync"
- "shouldPersonalizeWithSSOByDefault"
- "sign:keyBlob:"
- "signature"
- "sik_digest is NULL"
- "sik_pub_key is NULL"
- "sik_pub_key_len is 0"
- "size == sizeof(state)"
- "startPairing"
- "unable to create a request \n"
- "useProdMasterKey"
- "xmlData : %@"
- "xmlData is not CFDictionary type."