- __TEXT.__text: 0x22ab24
- __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x2b00
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x222880
+ __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x2a90
__TEXT.__init_offsets: 0x4
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0xb969
- __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x1dc48
- __TEXT.__const: 0x25688
- __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x19252
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xe7f8
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0xb151
+ __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x1d834
+ __TEXT.__const: 0x25588
+ __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x16e68
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0xe6f8
__DATA_CONST.__got: 0x4a8
- __DATA_CONST.__const: 0xb270
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1588
- __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x21118
- __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x220
+ __DATA_CONST.__const: 0xb1b0
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1550
+ __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x21060
+ __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x200
__DATA.__data: 0x58
__DATA.__bss: 0x1
__DATA_DIRTY.__common: 0x4
- /usr/lib/libTelephonyCapabilities.dylib
- /usr/lib/libTelephonyUtilDynamic.dylib
- /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
- Functions: 12188
- Symbols: 14631
- CStrings: 4150
+ Functions: 12161
+ Symbols: 14594
+ CStrings: 3898
+ ___TUAssertTrigger
- _CFPreferencesCopyValue
- __Z8asString18DataConnectionType
- __Z8asString19DataConnectionState
- __ZN3awd8asStringENS_11PayloadTypeE
- __ZN3ctu2cf6assignERNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEPKv
- __ZN9DataUtils26getPcscfAddressOverrideKeyEN10subscriber7SimSlotE
- __os_log_debug_impl
- _syslog
+ "totalNumOfSegments > 0"
- "#D %!s(MISSING) client started, but some clients are still not ready"
- "#D %!s(MISSING) client stopped, but some clients are still active"
- "#D %!s(MISSING) system status reporting"
- "#D %!s(MISSING) was already on!"
- "#D %!s(MISSING), len %!z(MISSING)u (0x%!l(MISSING)X), %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D %!s(MISSING): received segment #%!d(MISSING) (of %!d(MISSING) total segments)"
- "#D %!s(MISSING): sending segment #%!d(MISSING) (of %!z(MISSING)u total segments)"
- "#D 1x is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D <%!p(MISSING)> deregistered"
- "#D <%!p(MISSING)> registered"
- "#D AKA response success; reporting result"
- "#D ANBRDeregisterFilter was successful"
- "#D ANBRQueryBitrate was successful"
- "#D ANBRRegisterFilter was successful"
- "#D Adding %!s(MISSING) active band %!l(MISSING)u"
- "#D Adding %!s(MISSING) band mask 0x%!l(MISSING)lx"
- "#D All technologies: Going to determine if this call should go on"
- "#D Audio logging enabled succeeded"
- "#D Audio stat disabled succeeded"
- "#D BB returned UTF 16 characters data. Taking this data."
- "#D BB returned UTF 16 characters data. Taking this value as the data."
- "#D BB returned simple (non UTF 16/extended characters) data"
- "#D BB returned simple (non-extended chars) data"
- "#D BSP QMI Client is entering low power"
- "#D BSP QMI Client is exiting low power"
- "#D Band %!z(MISSING)u not enabled"
- "#D Binding"
- "#D Binding NAS subscription succeeded"
- "#D Binding USSD subscription succeeded"
- "#D Binding subscription not supported by the device"
- "#D Binding subscription succeeded"
- "#D Bootstrapping"
- "#D Bulk hints request succeeded"
- "#D CS-PS Attach preference request succeeded"
- "#D Call preference update successfully completed"
- "#D Can send DTMF tones in a burst"
- "#D Cancelling ongoing USSD Session"
- "#D Cannot send DTMF tones in a burst, so send 1 at a time"
- "#D Cell Monitor IndicationRegister succeeded"
- "#D Clear configuration %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Client started"
- "#D Client stopped"
- "#D Coding scheme for USSD Ind is UCS2, converting"
- "#D Command Driver is trying to send end call audio for call: %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D CongestionInd simSlot %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Decoding %!d(MISSING) to %!h(MISSING)hu"
- "#D Do not send VoLTE call type to baseband."
- "#D Does not have LineControl TLV or polarity is false. So not telling call to go active"
- "#D EAP-AKA response success; reporting result"
- "#D EAP-SIM response success; reporting result"
- "#D EVDO is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D Enabling band %!z(MISSING)u at bands[%!z(MISSING)u] = 0x%!l(MISSING)x"
- "#D End indication is parsed. RadioCallId we will look up in map is: %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Enter E911 state successful"
- "#D EurekaCallCommandDriver::fillUpC2KCallCapabilities"
- "#D EurekaCallCommandDriver::fillUpDefaultCallCapabilities"
- "#D EurekaCallCommandDriver::fillUpGSMCallCapabilities"
- "#D Failed to set profile because profiles were locked"
- "#D Formatter needs to be set."
- "#D GBA-BS response success; reporting result"
- "#D GSM is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D Get Cell Info request succeeded"
- "#D Get NR disable status succeeded"
- "#D Get PLMN Name succeeded"
- "#D Get System Selection succeeded"
- "#D GetANBRProhibitTimerInfo was successful"
- "#D Getting current data system status"
- "#D Got PII/Location used message from BB: appid= 0x%!x(MISSING), cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), pa:%!d(MISSING) la:%!d(MISSING) pu:%!d(MISSING) lu:%!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Got PII/Location used message from BB: cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), pa:%!d(MISSING) la:%!d(MISSING) pu:%!d(MISSING) lu:%!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Got Remote Party Name (via CallerName) of %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Got Remote Party Name (via DisplayBuffer) of %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Got Remote Party Number of %!s(MISSING) with PI of %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Got a call status notif. Is there a settings call going on? %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Got configuration success message from BB: profid=0x%!x(MISSING), %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Got finish submission from BB: appid=0x%!x(MISSING), cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING)"
- "#D Got finish submission from BB: cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING)"
- "#D Got metric submission from BB: appid=0x%!x(MISSING), cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), metricid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING), %!d(MISSING), %!d(MISSING) bytes"
- "#D Got metric submission from BB: cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING), %!d(MISSING), %!d(MISSING) bytes"
- "#D Got trigger submission from BB: appid= 0x%!x(MISSING), cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), %!l(MISSING)ld"
- "#D Got trigger submission from BB: cid=0x%!x(MISSING), trid=0x%!x(MISSING), sid=0x%!x(MISSING), profid=0x%!x(MISSING), %!l(MISSING)ld"
- "#D I2S Clock Rate: 0x%!x(MISSING)"
- "#D IMS call status update successfully completed"
- "#D IMS-GBA-NAF response success; reporting result"
- "#D Ignoring camped indication, because of rat %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Ignoring enhanced voice LQM TLV due to presence of legacy voice LQM TLV"
- "#D Ignoring legacy OTASP value"
- "#D Indication reports handover for call id: %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Informing AWD location was used by BB"
- "#D Init"
- "#D Invalidate cache request succeeded"
- "#D LTE is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D LinkStats request success for pdp %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Metric query %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Metric submission %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D NAS end call reason TLV not supported"
- "#D NR Cell ID lsb: 0x%!x(MISSING)"
- "#D NR Cell ID msb: 0x%!x(MISSING)"
- "#D NR NonStandAlone is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D NR StandAlone is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D NR is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D No handover related items in indication"
- "#D Number of active calls ended now are: %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Number of active calls ended so far are: %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D PDC client not ready yet"
- "#D PDC client not stopped yet"
- "#D PhsStatusInfo %!d(MISSING) request: success"
- "#D ProceedWithSubscriptionChange request successful"
- "#D QMI BSP Send AP Status for screen was successful"
- "#D QMI BSP Send AP Status for sleep was successful"
- "#D QMI BSP Send AP Status for tethering status was successful"
- "#D QMI client has started"
- "#D QMI client has stopped"
- "#D QMI clients created"
- "#D QMI clients started"
- "#D QMI clients stopped"
- "#D Query for bandwidth info"
- "#D Querying metric, component: 0x%!x(MISSING), submissionId: 0x%!x(MISSING), triggerId: 0x%!x(MISSING)"
- "#D Received Geo MCC fetch indication"
- "#D Received Geo Plmn info indication"
- "#D Received NR disable status indication"
- "#D Received audio statistics indication"
- "#D Received current sys info from baseband"
- "#D Received distortion indication."
- "#D Received frequency report indication"
- "#D Received frequency report response"
- "#D Received vocoder info indication"
- "#D Received vocoder info response"
- "#D Register for NAS indications succeeded"
- "#D Register for indications succeeded"
- "#D Register request %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Registering for UI info indication"
- "#D Removing vinyl transaction %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Requesting metric submission to be %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Requesting to add configuration type: %!s(MISSING), payload size: %!l(MISSING)u"
- "#D Requesting to clear configuration"
- "#D Requesting to update properties"
- "#D Send VoLTE call status info was successful"
- "#D Send tagged info not supported"
- "#D Send wds::notifyCellularDataSwitchingAllowed::Request allowed = %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Sending Activation"
- "#D Sending CancelMessageTX"
- "#D Sending DTMF tones in a burst"
- "#D Sending Deactivation"
- "#D Sending DiagCmd"
- "#D Sending GPSDataUpdate"
- "#D Sending GetCapabilities"
- "#D Sending GetCellularTxDeferTime"
- "#D Sending GetServiceInfo"
- "#D Sending InitiateRegistration"
- "#D Sending MessageRXAck"
- "#D Sending MessageTX"
- "#D Sending Resume"
- "#D Sending SetBroadcastInfoBlob"
- "#D Sending SetCellularDataStatusInfo %!s(MISSING) request"
- "#D Sending SetConcurrencyConfig"
- "#D Sending SetSecurityConfig"
- "#D Sending Suspend"
- "#D Sending cell avoidance request successful"
- "#D Sending pdp statistics; PDP=%!u(MISSING) TX=%!u(MISSING) RX=%!u(MISSING)"
- "#D Sending read record for id: %!d(MISSING) in %!s(MISSING) file 0x%!x(MISSING)"
- "#D Sending reportPhsClients %!d(MISSING) request"
- "#D Sending stop DTMF? Burst? %!d(MISSING), DtmfType: %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Sending user response to USSD Request/Indication. Response: %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Set 2G %!s(MISSING) succeeded"
- "#D Set 3G enable succeeded"
- "#D Set 5G %!s(MISSING) mode succeeded"
- "#D Set 5G Standalone %!s(MISSING) succeeded"
- "#D Set LTE enable succeeded"
- "#D Set System Selection succeeded"
- "#D Set emergency mode succeeded"
- "#D Set%!s(MISSING)(%!s(MISSING), %!s(MISSING))"
- "#D SetAntennaPreference succeeded"
- "#D SetCellularDataStatusInfo %!s(MISSING) request: success"
- "#D SetCoalescing was successful"
- "#D Source does't not still exists. We will create one now."
- "#D Source still exists, so end it!"
- "#D Starting client"
- "#D Successful Response to NotifyDataService"
- "#D Successfully sent InMetroStatus TransitClassiferInfo to: %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Successfully set battery saver mode to: %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D SystemStatusChange response received successfully"
- "#D SystemStatusReport indication received"
- "#D TDSCDMA is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D There is no caller name information"
- "#D Transaction[txid=%!d(MISSING)] no longer exists, cannot cancel."
- "#D Transaction[txid=%!d(MISSING)] no longer exists, cannot finish"
- "#D Transaction[txid=%!d(MISSING)] no longer exists, cannot finish data."
- "#D Transaction[txid=%!d(MISSING)] no longer exists, cannot finish with firmware update data"
- "#D Transaction[txid=%!d(MISSING)] no longer exists, cannot finish with profileId %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D Transaction[txid=%!d(MISSING)] no longer exists, cannot finish with result %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D Turning it on now!"
- "#D UMTS is enabled in RAT selection"
- "#D Update IMS Status succeeded"
- "#D Update SA Info succeeded"
- "#D Update properties %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D VinylQMICommandDriver: QMI client started"
- "#D VinylQMICommandDriver: manager signals ready=%!d(MISSING)"
- "#D VinylQMICommandDriver::init_sync: creating QMI client"
- "#D Voice call status indication"
- "#D VoiceStatus indication has RemotePartyNumber, parsing"
- "#D We already sent one request to end active/accept waiting so ignoring the request to send another"
- "#D Write security attributes: Attribute %!d(MISSING), Mask %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D [App %!h(MISSING)hu] Metric submission %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D [App %!h(MISSING)hu] Requesting metric submission to be %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D get UI info"
- "#D handleQMIClientStarted_sync()"
- "#D isBootstrap: %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D isEmbedded: %!d(MISSING)"
- "#D query card status"
- "#D query eos status"
- "#D sending wds::NotifyDataService::Request %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING)"
- "#D start"
- "#D transientCamping=%!s(MISSING), status=%!s(MISSING), domainValid=%!d(MISSING), domain=%!s(MISSING), rat=%!s(MISSING)"
- "#D vocoder info: %!x(MISSING), %!x(MISSING)"
- "#I %!s(MISSING): PCSCF address substituted with %!s(MISSING)"
- "#I DiagCmd succeeded"
- "#I Received DiagCmd indication"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CSI/Modules/CallModule/EurekaC2KCallFormatter.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/AQM/QMIAQMCommandDriver.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/Activation/QMIActivationCommandDriver.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/Awd/QMIAwdCommandDriver.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/DataSubscription/QMIDataSubscriptionCommandDriver.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/Dormancy/QMIDormancyCommandDriver.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/MavCommandDriversFactory.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/QMIClientPool.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/QMIClientPool.h"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/STK/QMI_STK_Helper.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/SignalStrength/QMISignalStrengthCommandDriver.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/Sim/EURSubscriberSimCommandDriver.cpp"
- "/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreTelephony/CommCenter/CommCenterCommandDrivers/Stewie/QMI/QMIStewieCommandDriver.cpp"
- "Assertion failure: ( %!s(MISSING) ), in file %!s(MISSING), line: %!d(MISSING)"
- "Failed to execute DiagCmd. Client is not ready"
- "Failed to execute DiagCmd. Error code:0x%!x(MISSING) (%!s(MISSING))"
- "LTE"
- "NR"
- "Received DiagCmd indication with error code:0x%!x(MISSING) (%!s(MISSING))"
- "com.apple.commcenter"
- "disable"
- "enable"
- "error"
- "failed"
- "kLimited"
- "kLimitedRegional"
- "kPowerSave"
- "kService"
- "kSysServiceDomainCSOnly"
- "kSysServiceDomainCSPS"
- "kSysServiceDomainCamped"
- "kSysServiceDomainNoService"
- "kSysServiceDomainPSOnly"
- "succeeded"
- "uim::sendSimApdu, block"
- "uim::sendSimApdu, single cmnd"