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338 lines (332 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

338 lines (332 loc) · 10.7 KB



-  __TEXT.__text: 0x11da14
-  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x3460
+  __TEXT.__text: 0x118ae8
+  __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x3390
   __TEXT.__init_offsets: 0x118
-  __TEXT.__const: 0x667d
+  __TEXT.__const: 0x658d
   __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x4bc
-  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x21f7a
-  __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0xf6d4
-  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x3e10
+  __TEXT.__cstring: 0x20439
+  __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0xf338
+  __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x3d68
   __TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x1
   __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x8c
   __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x120
   __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x248
-  __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x1058
+  __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x1038
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
   __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x48
-  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x1a48
-  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x28
-  __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x7008
+  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x19e0
+  __AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x20
+  __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x6f58
   __AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x3220
   __DATA.__data: 0x708
   __DATA.__bss: 0x1e0
   __DATA.__common: 0x90
   __DATA_DIRTY.__data: 0x948
   __DATA_DIRTY.__bss: 0x5908
-  __DATA_DIRTY.__common: 0x41
+  __DATA_DIRTY.__common: 0x31
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
   - /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation

   - /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
   - /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
   - /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
-  Functions: 2743
-  Symbols:   3851
-  CStrings:  3991
+  Functions: 2722
+  Symbols:   3820
+  CStrings:  3730
- _KTLParsePSIICETestModeResponse
- _TelephonyBasebandWatchdogStartWithStackshot
- _TelephonyBasebandWatchdogStop
- __ZNKSt3__110error_code7messageEv
- __ZNSt3__115system_categoryEv
- __ZNSt3__14__fs10filesystem11__file_sizeERKNS1_4pathEPNS_10error_codeE
- __ZNSt3__14__fs10filesystem12__remove_allERKNS1_4pathEPNS_10error_codeE
- __ZNSt3__14__fs10filesystem18__create_directoryERKNS1_4pathEPNS_10error_codeE
- __ZNSt3__14__fs10filesystem6__copyERKNS1_4pathES4_NS1_12copy_optionsEPNS_10error_codeE
- _backtrace
- _backtrace_symbols_fd
- _sigaction
+ "/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/955b7ce0-87db-11ef-857c-86b8363ea862/Applications/"
+ "<< SNUM >>"
- "        %!s(MISSING) '%!s(MISSING)' - Press [c] to continue ; [q] to quit: "
- "!fDebugOptions.fFFBootup"
- "!fDebugOptions.fFFCreateTransport"
- "!fDebugOptions.fFFFirstStage"
- "!fDebugOptions.fFFPing"
- "%!s(MISSING) SHA Hash:  %!s(MISSING)\n"
- "/AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/f67a58a9-8709-11ef-bfc4-86b8363ea862/Applications/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "/Library/Caches/"
- "About to load"
- "About to load image "
- "About to load last chunk of"
- "About to send last chunk for"
- "About to start"
- "Assertion failure ( false && \"Unrecognized BBU Capabilities digest type.\" )"
- "Assertion failure ( ret == kBBUReturnSuccess && \"Loader is aborted.\" )"
- "AuthPerso"
- "AuthenticatePersoDevice"
- "BBUCreateCFError"
- "BBUFDRLogHandler"
- "BBULogPrintBinaryDelegate"
- "BBUReadNVRAM_block_invoke"
- "BundleVersionsSupported"
- "ClearMetadataForIccids"
- "CreateDictionaryFromPlistData"
- "CreateFromData"
- "CreateValidationBlob"
- "DeleteProfile"
- "DumpRecords"
- "Fail Forward: Fail to bootup baseband.\n"
- "Fail Forward: Fail to create transport.\n"
- "Fail Forward: Fail to perform first stage.\n"
- "Fail Forward: Fail to ping baseband.\n"
- "Failed formatting PSI enhanced command to run PSI test vector\n"
- "Failed parsing test vector results\n"
- "Failed receiving test vector results from device\n"
- "Failed sending PSI command to run test vector\n"
- "FinalizePerso"
- "FinalizePersoDevice"
- "ForcePerso"
- "Found CPMS via SPMI enabled in boot-args"
- "GetData"
- "GetFirmwareInternal"
- "GetListOfIccids"
- "GetNonceServer"
- "GetRecoveryForMac"
- "GetVinylType"
- "GetWrapKeyServer"
- "HowToProceed"
- "InitPerso"
- "InitPersoDevice"
- "InitPersoServer"
- "InitPlistAndMac"
- "InstallTicket"
- "Loader hash: "
- "MRC training commands"
- "Perform"
- "PostDataSync"
- "Quit after PBL connect requested - quitting..."
- "Quit after programmer connect requested - quitting..."
- "Received test results: status = 0x%!x(MISSING), log_len = %!u(MISSING)"
- "Requested to force Restore Mode cookie"
- "Requested to obliterate baseband EEPROM"
- "Requested to run PSI test %!x(MISSING)\n"
- "Requested to run test vector %!x(MISSING), not programming firmware"
- "ReverseProxyGetSettings"
- "ReverseProxyGetSettings_block_invoke"
- "Run"
- "SendReceiptServer"
- "Sending PSI enhanced command 'Run ICE Test Vector'\n"
- "SerializeKeyValuePairsIntoPlistData"
- "SetCardMode"
- "Source"
- "Step"
- "StoreData"
- "StreamFirmware"
- "UpdateOutput"
- "User request to ignore this failure and return success"
- "ValidatePerso"
- "ValidatePersoDevice"
- "Watchdog timed out"
- "bootupInternal"
- "captureRecord_nl"
- "caught signal %!d(MISSING)\n"
- "cbEventNotification"
- "cbReadLogs"
- "checkManifest"
- "checkProvisionManifestStatus"
- "cmdCopyIdentifier"
- "collectCoreDump"
- "collectCoredumpInternal"
- "compareHash"
- "connect"
- "connectForImage_nl"
- "copy"
- "copyData"
- "copyDataFromFile"
- "copyFusingProfileArray"
- "copyHashData"
- "createFromVersionString"
- "createFuseDictionary"
- "createImageFromData"
- "createImageFromFDR"
- "createImageFromFile"
- "createTransport"
- "createTransportNoEvents"
- "createTransport_block_invoke_2"
- "createWithFile"
- "disable"
- "disable_block_invoke_3"
- "disconnectForImage_nl"
- "dumpDebugLogBuffer"
- "duplicateRecord"
- "duplicates/"
- "enable_block_invoke"
- "enable_block_invoke_2"
- "enabling debug log for coredump\n"
- "eraseBasebandFilesystem"
- "eraseEEPROM does not need additional parameters."
- "eraseEEPROM does not need additional parameters.\n"
- "execCommand"
- "failed to create directory %!s(MISSING) to store duplicate files, error code %!d(MISSING), error explanation: %!s(MISSING)\n"
- "failed to duplicate file %!s(MISSING) due to duplicate directory string concatenation error\n"
- "failed to duplicate file %!s(MISSING) due to duplicate filename string concatenation error\n"
- "failed to duplicate file %!s(MISSING) to %!s(MISSING) due to error code %!d(MISSING), error explanation: %!s(MISSING)\n"
- "failed to remove all files from duplicate directory %!s(MISSING) due to error code %!d(MISSING), error explanation: %!s(MISSING)\n"
- "fetchPersonalizationParameters"
- "file %!s(MISSING) was successfully duplicated to %!s(MISSING), failed to get file size due to error code %!d(MISSING), error explanation: %!s(MISSING)\n"
- "file %!s(MISSING) was successfully duplicated to %!s(MISSING), file size: %!l(MISSING)u bytes\n"
- "finalize"
- "findRemoteData"
- "forceRestoreModeCookie does not need additional parameters."
- "freeTransport"
- "freeTransportSync"
- "freeTransportSync_block_invoke"
- "freeTransportSync_block_invoke_2"
- "fuse"
- "fuseFromBB"
- "gatherManifestInfo"
- "gatherPersonalizationParameters"
- "gatherProvisionParameters"
- "getBasebandState"
- "getCalibrationEntitlements"
- "getECID_block_invoke"
- "getFuseItem"
- "getFusingSource"
- "getManifestSource"
- "getNVRestoreSetting"
- "getProgrammerSource"
- "getProvisioningStatus"
- "getSegmentRequestInternal_nl"
- "getShouldFuseProvision"
- "getUpdateSourceForCoredump"
- "getVersion"
- "go"
- "handleCapureProgress"
- "handleCommandMode"
- "handleException"
- "handleGetDDRCalData"
- "handleHashesQuery"
- "handleICETestModeVector"
- "handleSaharaMode_nl"
- "inRestoreOS_block_invoke"
- "inRestoreOS_block_invoke_2"
- "invalid input parameters\n"
- "isAbsentOkay"
- "isErrorImageNotFound"
- "isNVRAMKeyPresent"
- "isProcessLoaded"
- "isTrustErrorAcceptable"
- "load"
- "loadBINFiles"
- "loadDataSourceToData"
- "loadEBLImage"
- "loadELFFiles"
- "loadFileMap"
- "loadMRCData"
- "loadNVMFiles"
- "loadOptions"
- "loadPSIImages"
- "loadProvisioningData"
- "logEUICCData"
- "manual step operation aborted"
- "manual step operation aborted\n"
- "mapFuseNameToID"
- "mapFuseNameToLength"
- "mrcFastboot"
- "mrcTrainInit"
- "next image"
- "no_transition"
- "overriding Sahara Memory Read size %!d(MISSING)\n"
- "overriding product parameter in hello response with: %!s(MISSING)\n"
- "parseVersionString"
- "peformFinalStageInternal"
- "performBootedStageInternal"
- "performEUICCStageInternal"
- "performFirstStageInternal"
- "performManifestCheckInternal"
- "performNVSync"
- "performPingInternal"
- "performSecondStageInternal"
- "personalize"
- "pingAndCheckForResponse"
- "postCrashReason"
- "prepareRemoteData"
- "processFusedArray"
- "processFusedItem"
- "processItems"
- "process_event"
- "programmer"
- "pushImagesInternal"
- "query"
- "queryChipId"
- "queryChipInfo"
- "queryInfoBootedStageInternal"
- "queryInfoEUICCInternal"
- "queryInfoFirstStageInternal"
- "queryInfoSecondStageInternal"
- "queryPKHash"
- "querySNUM"
- "readFuse"
- "registerIOABPControl_sync"
- "registerIOABPControl_sync_block_invoke_3"
- "resize"
- "runTest: missing test number to run"
- "running PSI Test Vector"
- "saharaMemoryReadSize requires a parameters to override default size.\n"
- "saveCoredumpEntry"
- "saveDataToFile"
- "saveFile"
- "saveImages"
- "saveMRCData"
- "secure mode"
- "sendEBL"
- "sendImageInternal_nl"
- "sendImageSegment"
- "sendImage_nl"
- "sendProductType requires a parameters to override product type and hardware config."
- "sendProductType requires a parameters to override product type and hardware config.\n"
- "sendSegmentInternal_nl"
- "setBasebandCapabilities"
- "setDebugParameters"
- "setTransportCreationTimeout"
- "shouldPerformEUICC"
- "shouldPerformFusing"
- "shouldPerformFusingVerification"
- "skipPersonalize"
- "statusCallback"
- "switchSaharaMode"
- "test 0 invalid, please run another test"
- "unrecognized parameter:  %!s(MISSING)\n"
- "user requested to stall on baseband update failure"
- "validateAndCopy"
- "validateBootupItems"
- "validateFusingData"
- "verifyFuse"
- "writeFuse"