- __TEXT.__text: 0x18dc4c
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x19111c
__TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x1110
- __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x121e0
- __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x8208
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x13ad3
+ __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x122a0
+ __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x821c
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0x13c0b
__TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x1bc1
- __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x184d5
- __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x3575
+ __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0x185ad
+ __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x3576
__TEXT.__const: 0x458
- __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x2da5c
- __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x1e934
+ __TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x2e0c0
+ __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x1eed7
__TEXT.__dlopen_cstrs: 0x60a
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x59d0
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x5aa8
__DATA_CONST.__auth_got: 0x8a0
__DATA_CONST.__got: 0xd60
- __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x5af0
- __DATA_CONST.__cfstring: 0xc8c0
+ __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x5c80
+ __DATA_CONST.__cfstring: 0xca20
__DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x650
__DATA_CONST.__objc_catlist: 0x48
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0xd0
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protorefs: 0x80
__DATA_CONST.__objc_classrefs: 0x10
__DATA_CONST.__objc_superrefs: 0x4d8
- __DATA_CONST.__objc_intobj: 0x2310
- __DATA_CONST.__objc_arraydata: 0x7b0
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_intobj: 0x2328
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_arraydata: 0x7c0
__DATA_CONST.__objc_arrayobj: 0x5b8
__DATA_CONST.__objc_doubleobj: 0xd0
__DATA_CONST.__objc_dictobj: 0x28
- __DATA.__objc_const: 0x13488
- __DATA.__objc_selrefs: 0x4d90
- __DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x1014
+ __DATA.__objc_const: 0x134c8
+ __DATA.__objc_selrefs: 0x4dc8
+ __DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x101c
__DATA.__objc_data: 0x3f20
__DATA.__data: 0xa68
- __DATA.__bss: 0x690
+ __DATA.__bss: 0x698
- /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Accelerate
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Contacts.framework/Contacts
- /usr/lib/libcompression.dylib
- /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
- /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
- Functions: 4533
+ Functions: 4555
Symbols: 712
- CStrings: 8593
+ CStrings: 8634
+ "UnifiedLivePhotoPublishStepSeconds"
+ "[VCPPhotosCoreAnalytics] Could not determine analysis step field name"
+ "UnifiedMovieDownloadStepSeconds"
+ "synchronousRemoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:"
+ "[%!@(MISSING)] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[%!@(MISSING)] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (imageOnly:%!@(MISSING)) (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[OCR][Process] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "setLocalAnalysisStage:"
+ "NumberOfFacecropsGenerated"
+ "com.apple.mediaanalysisd.PECAnalysisRunSession"
+ "[PEC] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "%!@(MISSING) No existing session log"
+ "UnifiedImageOnlyEvaluationStepSeconds"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Analysis version outdated; re-doing updated analyses (%!@(MISSING)) with MA DB results"
+ "[CAM] Sending session event for %!@(MISSING) - %!@(MISSING)"
+ "UnifiedLivePhotoPrepareStepSeconds"
+ "[PEC] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[Face] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[OCR][Download] Downloading %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Asset missing modification date; skipping analysis with Compute Sync results"
+ "UnifiedMovieProcessStepSeconds"
+ "[MADPhotosFullClusterProcessingTask] task cancelled, VU clustering incomplete"
+ "[QuickFaceID] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[Scene] Persisting %!l(MISSING)u assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[PECSingleRequest] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "UnifiedLivePhotoProcessStepSeconds"
+ "v20@?0d8B16"
+ "[Scene] Preparing %!l(MISSING)u assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[%!@(MISSING)] Downloading %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "NumberOfAssetsIneligibleDomains"
+ "UnifiedImageOnlyDownloadStepSeconds"
+ "NumberOfAssetsLabeled"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Asset has been modified; discarding MA DB results"
+ "[VSKDBMigration][%!@(MISSING)] Failed to reset VUWGallery for type %!d(MISSING): %!@(MISSING)"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Request is canceled during preparing; quitting ..."
+ "%!@(MISSING) Asset blacklisted - skipping analysis with MA DB results"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Saving session log %!@(MISSING)"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Request is canceled"
+ "UnifiedMoviePublishStepSeconds"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Undegraded asset available; re-analyzing with MA DB results"
+ "resetForType:error:"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Asset missing modification date; skipping analysis with MA DB results"
+ "[%!@(MISSING)][Process] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "petWithCrashCallback:"
+ "[BG Service] Updating scheduling history session log"
+ "[OCR][Prepare] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[MADComputeServiceClientHandler] Entering results handler group ..."
+ "[VisualSearch] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "mad_performChangesAndWait:cancelBlock:extendTimeoutBlock:error:"
+ "[VisualSearch] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[Scene] Processing %!l(MISSING)u assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[MADComputeServiceClientHandler] Entering results handler group with error ... %!@(MISSING)"
+ "sessionLog"
+ "[Face][Download] Downloading %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Request is canceled during executing; quitting ..."
+ "[PEC] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "v56@0:8@\"NSArray\"16@24@\"NSString\"32@\"NSError\"40@?<v@?B>48"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Analysis complete and up-to-date with MA DB results"
+ "UnifiedImageOnlyProcessStepSeconds"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Merging existing session log %!@(MISSING) with new session log %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[MADComputeServiceClientHandler] Connecting client proxy error %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[CAM] No session event for %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[OCR] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[Face][Process] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Clearing result %!@(MISSING): %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[VSKDBMigration][%!@(MISSING)] Failed to obtain VUWGallery"
+ "dataUsingEncoding:"
+ "[QuickFaceID] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Failed to parse existing session log %!@(MISSING); ignoring"
+ "TotalProcessTimeInSeconds"
+ "UnifiedMoviePrepareStepSeconds"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Processing"
+ "VUWGallery_resetForType_Scene"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Request is canceled before video processing; quitting ..."
+ "%!@(MISSING) Undegraded asset available; re-analyzing with Compute Sync results"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Movie asset has non-zero keyframe time in existing outdated analysis (existing version %!d(MISSING), existing types %!@(MISSING)), request movie curation reprocessing"
+ "UnifiedLivePhotoEvaluationStepSeconds"
+ "[OCR][Publish] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "NumberOfAssetsMissingCSUObject"
+ "JSONObjectWithData:options:error:"
+ "[MADComputeServiceClientHandler] Received acknowledgement response %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[Face] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Asset has been modified; discarding Compute Sync results"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Analysis version outdated; re-doing updated analyses (%!@(MISSING)) with Compute Sync results"
+ "[CAM][TaskID-%!d(MISSING)]"
+ " [%!@(MISSING)][ComputeSync]"
+ "UnifiedMovieEvaluationStepSeconds"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Analysis incomplete; performing missing analysis (%!@(MISSING)) with Compute Sync results"
+ "[CAM] Fetched session analytic data - %!@(MISSING)"
+ "UnifiedImageOnlyPrepareStepSeconds"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Updating scheduling history session log ..."
+ "[%!@(MISSING)] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ " Publishing PHAssetPropertySetMediaAnalysis for %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[VisualSearch] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[FaceCrop][Download] Downloading %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ " [%!@(MISSING)]"
+ "localAnalysisStage"
+ "[CAM] Fetching session analytic data for %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[OCR] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "UnifiedImageOnlyPublishStepSeconds"
+ "UnifiedLivePhotoDownloadStepSeconds"
+ "[OCR] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (QoS: %!@(MISSING))"
+ "[MADComputeServiceClientHandler] No remote proxy; exit resultHandler"
+ "v12@?0B8"
+ "%!@(MISSING) Analysis incomplete; performing missing analysis (%!@(MISSING)) with MA DB results"
+ "[MADComputeServiceProcessingTask] Request is canceled before started"
+ "[MADPhotosFullClusterProcessingTask] task cancelled, skip VU clustering"
- "[BG Service] Scheduling history update"
- "[QuickFaceID] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[OCR][Process] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "UnifiedMovieProcessStepTimestamp"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Undegraded asset available; re-analyzing with MA DB results"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Analysis incomplete; performing missing analysis (%!@(MISSING)) with Compute Sync results"
- "UnifiedMoviePublishStepTimestamp"
- "[Scene] Persisting %!l(MISSING)u assets"
- "[PEC] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "UnifiedLivePhotoEvaluationStepTimestamp"
- "[QuickFaceID] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "v56@0:8@\"NSArray\"16@24@\"NSString\"32@\"NSError\"40@?<v@?>48"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Analysis complete and up-to-date with MA DB results"
- "%!@(MISSING) No valid asset in VU gallery for Photo Library (%!@(MISSING))"
- "[Face][Download] Downloading %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[PEC] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "UnifiedImageOnlyProcessStepTimestamp"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Asset missing modification date; skipping analysis with Compute Sync results"
- "[VisualSearch] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[Scene] Processing %!l(MISSING)u assets"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Analysis version outdated; re-doing updated analyses (%!@(MISSING)) with Compute Sync results"
- "[%!@(MISSING)][Process] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[OCR][Publish] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets"
- " Publishing PHAssetPropertySetMediaAnalysis for %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "assetAnalysisStage"
- "[OCR][Prepare] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[CoreAnalyticManager] No session event for %!@(MISSING)"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Undegraded asset available; re-analyzing with Compute Sync results"
- "[PECSingleRequest] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[OCR] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "UnifiedLivePhotoPublishStepTimestamp"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Asset blacklisted - skipping analysis with MA DB results"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Analysis incomplete; performing missing analysis (%!@(MISSING)) with MA DB results"
- "[CoreAnalyticManager] Fetched session analytic data - %!@(MISSING)"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Asset missing modification date; skipping analysis with MA DB results"
- "[%!@(MISSING)] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[%!@(MISSING)] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Asset has been modified; discarding Compute Sync results"
- "UnifiedImageOnlyPrepareStepTimestamp"
- "[Face] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[OCR][Download] Downloading %!d(MISSING) assets"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Asset has been modified; discarding MA DB results"
- "[CoreAnalyticManager] Fetching session analytic data for %!@(MISSING)"
- "[PEC] Preparing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[%!@(MISSING)] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets (imageOnly:%!@(MISSING))"
- "[Scene] Preparing %!l(MISSING)u assets"
- "[FaceCrop][Download] Downloading %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[OCR] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "UnifiedMoviePrepareStepTimestamp"
- "UnifiedLivePhotoDownloadStepTimestamp"
- "UnifiedMovieEvaluationStepTimestamp"
- "%!@(MISSING) Scheduling history update"
- "UnifiedImageOnlyPublishStepTimestamp"
- " [%!@(MISSING)] Analysis version outdated; re-doing updated analyses (%!@(MISSING)) with MA DB results"
- "[Face] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "[CoreAnalyticManager] Sending session event for %!@(MISSING) - %!@(MISSING)"
- "setAssetAnalysisStage:"
- "UnifiedImageOnlyEvaluationStepTimestamp"
- "UnifiedLivePhotoPrepareStepTimestamp"
- "[OCR] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "UnifiedMovieDownloadStepTimestamp"
- "[VisualSearch] Persisting %!d(MISSING) assets"
- "UnifiedImageOnlyDownloadStepTimestamp"
- "UnifiedLivePhotoProcessStepTimestamp"
- "[VisualSearch] Processing %!d(MISSING) assets"