- History of Philosophy
- Logic and Philosophical Methods
- Formal, Classical Logic
- Higher Order Logic
- Modal Logics
- Temporal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Deontic Logic
- Non-Classical Logic
- Many Values Logic, Fuzzy, Computability (provablity), Linear, Non-Reflexive, Relevance, Intuistic
- Informal Logic
- Inductive Arguments, Abductive Arguments (the best explanation)
- Philosophical Methods (techniques used by philosophers)
- Thought experiments, Experimental Philosophy, Intuitions
- History and Traditions of Philosophy (Greeks/Romans, Stoicism, Skepticism, Atomism, Epicureanism)
- Medieval Philosophy (Scholasticism, Thomism, Aquinas, Anselm, Boethius, St. Augustine)
- Seventeenth Century Philosophy (Descartes, Lock, Leibniz, Hobbes, Rationalism, Empiricism, Idealism, Dualism)
- Eighteenth Century Philosophy (Hume, Rousseau, Voltaire, Kant , Bentham)
- Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Mill, Utilitarianism, Hegel, Nietzsche, German Idealism, William James, Transcendentalism)
- Twentieth Century Philosophy (Russell, Popper, Wittgenstein, Kuhn, Sartre, Godel, Quine Heidegger, Lewis)
- Analytic Philosophy , Native American Philosophy, Colonialism, Afro-Caribbean, Latin American Philosophy, (Australia and Polynesia)
- Continental Philosophy (Phenomenology, Post-Structuralism, Hermeneutics, Existentialism, Critical Theory, etc.)
- African Philosophy (Carneades)
- Eastern Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy , Japanese Philosophy , Korean Philosophy Tibetan Philosophy
- Indian Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy
- Value Theory
- Aesthetics
- Philosophy of Beauty
- Political Philosophy (Justice, Government, Freedom, Law, War, Political Theory, Human Rights, International Development)
- Social Philosophy (Feminism, Equality, Culture, Gender, Race, Sex, Sexuality)
- Moral Theory and Ethics (Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics)
- Epistemology (Study of Knowledge), Epistemic States and Properties, Social Epistemology (Trust, Social Choice Theory, etc.)
- A Posteriori and A Priori
- Epistemic Theories/ Epistemic Logic
- Metaphysics
- Ontology, Objects, Mereology, Identity/Personhood, Properties, Realism, Interlevel Metaphysics, Time, Modality, Causation)
- Philosophy of Science
- Problem of Undetermination, Rule of Induction, Problem of Induction, History of Science, Natural Kinds, Scientific Realism
- So Much More
- Philosophy of Religion
- Arguments for Existence of God/s (Ontological Argument, Teleological, Cosmological, Problem of Evil)
- Attributes of God (Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnibenevolent)
- Religious Experiences
- Philosophy of Particular Religions
- Philosophy of Language
- Meaning, Truth
- Specific Expressions of Philosophy
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophical Zombie, Mental States and Physical States, Perception
- Philosophy of Action
- Game Theory, Choices, Free Will/Determinism, Motivations, etc.
Author: www.superscholar.org Source: https://superscholar.org/comp-history-philosophy/ (Mar 2015)
Author: www.superscholar.org Source: http://www.visualistan.com/2014/10/history-of-philosophy-infographic.html (Oct 2014)