diff --git a/contrib/build.Dockerfile b/contrib/build.Dockerfile
index c99ceaf44..a1edf1171 100644
--- a/contrib/build.Dockerfile
+++ b/contrib/build.Dockerfile
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ COPY contrib/reproducible-python.diff /opt/reproducible-python.diff
 ENV PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared"
 ENV BUILD_DATE="Jan  1 2019"
 ENV BUILD_TIME="00:00:00"
-RUN eval "$(pyenv init --path)" && eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" && cat /opt/reproducible-python.diff | pyenv install -kp 3.9.17
+RUN eval "$(pyenv init --path)" && eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" && cat /opt/reproducible-python.diff | pyenv install -kp 3.9.19
diff --git a/contrib/build_wine.sh b/contrib/build_wine.sh
index e03c0259a..64d211f97 100755
--- a/contrib/build_wine.sh
+++ b/contrib/build_wine.sh
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 set -ex
diff --git a/docs/development/release-process.rst b/docs/development/release-process.rst
index 6a3c58d04..fb739ffdc 100644
--- a/docs/development/release-process.rst
+++ b/docs/development/release-process.rst
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ Build everything::
     docker run -it --name hwi-wine-builder -v $PWD:/opt/hwi --rm  --workdir /opt/hwi hwi-wine-builder /bin/bash -c "contrib/build_wine.sh"
     docker run --platform linux/arm64 -it --rm --name hwi-builder-arm64 -v $PWD:/opt/hwi --workdir /opt/hwi hwi-builder-arm64 /bin/bash -c "contrib/build_bin.sh --without-gui && contrib/build_dist.sh --without-gui" 
 Building macOS binary
@@ -37,14 +35,14 @@ Note that the macOS build is non-deterministic.
 First install `pyenv <https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv>`_ using whichever method you prefer.
-Then a deterministic build of Python 3.9.17 needs to be installed. This can be done with the patch in ``contrib/reproducible-python.diff``. First ``cd`` into HWI's source tree. Then use::
+Then a deterministic build of Python 3.9.19 needs to be installed. This can be done with the patch in ``contrib/reproducible-python.diff``. First ``cd`` into HWI's source tree. Then use::
-    cat contrib/reproducible-python.diff | PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" BUILD_DATE="Jan  1 2019" BUILD_TIME="00:00:00" pyenv install -kp 3.9.17
+    cat contrib/reproducible-python.diff | PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" BUILD_DATE="Jan  1 2019" BUILD_TIME="00:00:00" pyenv install -kp 3.9.19
-Make sure that python 3.9.17 is active::
+Make sure that python 3.9.19 is active::
     $ python --version
-    Python 3.9.17
+    Python 3.9.19
 Now install `Poetry <https://github.com/sdispater/poetry>`_ with ``pip install poetry``
diff --git a/hwilib/__init__.py b/hwilib/__init__.py
index 528787cfc..f5f41e567 100644
--- a/hwilib/__init__.py
+++ b/hwilib/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-__version__ = "3.0.0"
+__version__ = "3.1.0"
diff --git a/hwilib/devices/jade.py b/hwilib/devices/jade.py
index 6d471f6fc..ddb8f1250 100644
--- a/hwilib/devices/jade.py
+++ b/hwilib/devices/jade.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 from .jadepy import jade
 from .jadepy.jade import JadeAPI, JadeError
+from .jadepy.jade_serial import JadeSerialImpl
 from serial.tools import list_ports
@@ -38,19 +39,12 @@
 from ..key import (
-    KeyOriginInfo,
 from ..psbt import PSBT
-from .._script import (
-    is_p2sh,
-    is_p2wpkh,
-    is_p2wsh,
-    is_witness,
-    parse_multisig
+import base64
 import logging
 import semver
 import os
@@ -58,7 +52,6 @@
 # The test emulator port
-JADE_DEVICE_IDS = [(0x10c4, 0xea60), (0x1a86, 0x55d4), (0x0403, 0x6001), (0x1a86, 0x7523)]
 HAS_NETWORKING = hasattr(jade, '_http_request')
 py_enumerate = enumerate # To use the enumerate built-in, since the name is overridden below
@@ -89,7 +82,7 @@ def func(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
 # This class extends the HardwareWalletClient for Blockstream Jade specific things
 class JadeClient(HardwareWalletClient):
-    MIN_SUPPORTED_FW_VERSION = semver.VersionInfo(0, 1, 32)
+    MIN_SUPPORTED_FW_VERSION = semver.VersionInfo(0, 1, 47)
     NETWORKS = {Chain.MAIN: 'mainnet',
                 Chain.TEST: 'testnet',
@@ -165,206 +158,22 @@ def get_pubkey_at_path(self, bip32_path: str) -> ExtendedKey:
         ext_key = ExtendedKey.deserialize(xpub)
         return ext_key
-    # Walk the PSBT looking for inputs we can sign.  Push any signatures into the
-    # 'partial_sigs' map in the input, and return the updated PSBT.
+    # Pass the PSBT to Jade for signing.  As of fw v0.1.47 Jade should handle PSBT natively.
     def sign_tx(self, tx: PSBT) -> PSBT:
         Sign a transaction with the Blockstream Jade.
-        # Helper to get multisig record for change output
-        def _parse_signers(hd_keypath_origins: List[KeyOriginInfo]) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[bytes, Sequence[int]]], List[Sequence[int]]]:
-            # Split the path at the last hardened path element
-            def _split_at_last_hardened_element(path: Sequence[int]) -> Tuple[Sequence[int], Sequence[int]]:
-                for i in range(len(path), 0, -1):
-                    if is_hardened(path[i - 1]):
-                        return (path[:i], path[i:])
-                return ([], path)
-            signers = []
-            paths = []
-            for origin in hd_keypath_origins:
-                prefix, suffix = _split_at_last_hardened_element(origin.path)
-                signers.append((origin.fingerprint, prefix))
-                paths.append(suffix)
-            return signers, paths
-        c_txn = tx.get_unsigned_tx()
-        master_fp = self.get_master_fingerprint()
-        signing_singlesigs = False
-        signing_multisigs = {}
-        need_to_sign = True
-        while need_to_sign:
-            signing_pubkeys: List[Optional[bytes]] = [None] * len(tx.inputs)
-            need_to_sign = False
-            # Signing input details
-            jade_inputs = []
-            for n_vin, psbtin in py_enumerate(tx.inputs):
-                # Get bip32 path to use to sign, if required for this input
-                path = None
-                multisig_input = len(psbtin.hd_keypaths) > 1
-                for pubkey, origin in psbtin.hd_keypaths.items():
-                    if origin.fingerprint == master_fp and len(origin.path) > 0:
-                        if not multisig_input:
-                            signing_singlesigs = True
-                        if psbtin.partial_sigs.get(pubkey, None) is None:
-                            # hw to sign this input - it is not already signed
-                            if signing_pubkeys[n_vin] is None:
-                                signing_pubkeys[n_vin] = pubkey
-                                path = origin.path
-                            else:
-                                # Additional signature needed for this input - ie. a multisig where this wallet is
-                                # multiple signers?  Clumsy, but just loop and go through the signing procedure again.
-                                need_to_sign = True
-                # Get the tx and prevout/scriptcode
-                utxo = None
-                p2sh = False
-                input_txn_bytes = None
-                if psbtin.witness_utxo:
-                    utxo = psbtin.witness_utxo
-                if psbtin.non_witness_utxo:
-                    if psbtin.prev_txid != psbtin.non_witness_utxo.hash:
-                        raise BadArgumentError(f'Input {n_vin} has a non_witness_utxo with the wrong hash')
-                    assert psbtin.prev_out is not None
-                    utxo = psbtin.non_witness_utxo.vout[psbtin.prev_out]
-                    input_txn_bytes = psbtin.non_witness_utxo.serialize_without_witness()
-                if utxo is None:
-                    raise Exception('PSBT is missing input utxo information, cannot sign')
-                sats_value = utxo.nValue
-                scriptcode = utxo.scriptPubKey
-                if is_p2sh(scriptcode):
-                    scriptcode = psbtin.redeem_script
-                    p2sh = True
-                witness_input, witness_version, witness_program = is_witness(scriptcode)
-                if witness_input:
-                    if is_p2wsh(scriptcode):
-                        scriptcode = psbtin.witness_script
-                    elif is_p2wpkh(scriptcode):
-                        scriptcode = b'\x76\xa9\x14' + witness_program + b'\x88\xac'
-                    else:
-                        continue
-                # If we are signing a multisig input, deduce the potential
-                # registration details and cache as a potential change wallet
-                if multisig_input and path and scriptcode and (p2sh or witness_input):
-                    parsed = parse_multisig(scriptcode)
-                    if parsed:
-                        addr_type = AddressType.LEGACY if not witness_input else AddressType.WIT if not p2sh else AddressType.SH_WIT
-                        script_variant = self._convertAddrType(addr_type, multisig=True)
-                        threshold = parsed[0]
-                        pubkeys = parsed[1]
-                        hd_keypath_origins = [psbtin.hd_keypaths[pubkey] for pubkey in pubkeys]
-                        signers, paths = _parse_signers(hd_keypath_origins)
-                        multisig_name = self._get_multisig_name(script_variant, threshold, signers)
-                        signing_multisigs[multisig_name] = (script_variant, threshold, signers)
-                # Build the input and add to the list - include some host entropy for AE sigs (although we won't verify)
-                jade_inputs.append({'is_witness': witness_input, 'satoshi': sats_value, 'script': scriptcode, 'path': path,
-                                    'input_tx': input_txn_bytes, 'ae_host_entropy': os.urandom(32), 'ae_host_commitment': os.urandom(32)})
-            # Change output details
-            # This is optional, in that if we send it Jade validates the change output script
-            # and the user need not confirm that output.  If not passed the change output must
-            # be confirmed by the user on the hwwallet screen, like any other spend output.
-            change: List[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]] = [None] * len(tx.outputs)
-            # Skip automatic change validation in expert mode - user checks *every* output on hw
-            if not self.expert:
-                # If signing multisig inputs, get registered multisigs details in case we
-                # see any multisig outputs which may be change which we can auto-validate.
-                # ie. filter speculative 'signing multisigs' to ones actually registered on the hw
-                if signing_multisigs:
-                    registered_multisigs = self.jade.get_registered_multisigs()
-                    signing_multisigs = {k: v for k, v in signing_multisigs.items()
-                                         if k in registered_multisigs
-                                         and registered_multisigs[k]['variant'] == v[0]
-                                         and registered_multisigs[k]['threshold'] == v[1]
-                                         and registered_multisigs[k]['num_signers'] == len(v[2])}
-                # Look at every output...
-                for n_vout, (txout, psbtout) in py_enumerate(zip(c_txn.vout, tx.outputs)):
-                    num_signers = len(psbtout.hd_keypaths)
-                    if num_signers == 1 and signing_singlesigs:
-                        # Single-sig output - since we signed singlesig inputs this could be our change
-                        for pubkey, origin in psbtout.hd_keypaths.items():
-                            # Considers 'our' outputs as potential change as far as Jade is concerned
-                            # ie. can be verified and auto-confirmed.
-                            # Is this ok, or should check path also, assuming bip44-like ?
-                            if origin.fingerprint == master_fp and len(origin.path) > 0:
-                                change_addr_type = None
-                                if txout.is_p2pkh():
-                                    change_addr_type = AddressType.LEGACY
-                                elif txout.is_witness()[0] and not txout.is_p2wsh():
-                                    change_addr_type = AddressType.WIT  # ie. p2wpkh
-                                elif txout.is_p2sh() and is_witness(psbtout.redeem_script)[0]:
-                                    change_addr_type = AddressType.SH_WIT
-                                else:
-                                    continue
-                                script_variant = self._convertAddrType(change_addr_type, multisig=False)
-                                change[n_vout] = {'path': origin.path, 'variant': script_variant}
-                    elif num_signers > 1 and signing_multisigs:
-                        # Multisig output - since we signed multisig inputs this could be our change
-                        candidate_multisigs = {k: v for k, v in signing_multisigs.items() if len(v[2]) == num_signers}
-                        if not candidate_multisigs:
-                            continue
-                        for pubkey, origin in psbtout.hd_keypaths.items():
-                            if origin.fingerprint == master_fp and len(origin.path) > 0:
-                                change_addr_type = None
-                                if txout.is_p2sh() and not is_witness(psbtout.redeem_script)[0]:
-                                    change_addr_type = AddressType.LEGACY
-                                    scriptcode = psbtout.redeem_script
-                                elif txout.is_p2wsh() and not txout.is_p2sh():
-                                    change_addr_type = AddressType.WIT
-                                    scriptcode = psbtout.witness_script
-                                elif txout.is_p2sh() and is_witness(psbtout.redeem_script)[0]:
-                                    change_addr_type = AddressType.SH_WIT
-                                    scriptcode = psbtout.witness_script
-                                else:
-                                    continue
-                                parsed = parse_multisig(scriptcode)
-                                if parsed:
-                                    script_variant = self._convertAddrType(change_addr_type, multisig=True)
-                                    threshold = parsed[0]
-                                    pubkeys = parsed[1]
-                                    hd_keypath_origins = [psbtout.hd_keypaths[pubkey] for pubkey in pubkeys]
-                                    signers, paths = _parse_signers(hd_keypath_origins)
-                                    multisig_name = self._get_multisig_name(script_variant, threshold, signers)
-                                    matched_multisig = candidate_multisigs.get(multisig_name)
-                                    if matched_multisig and matched_multisig[0] == script_variant and matched_multisig[1] == threshold and sorted(matched_multisig[2]) == sorted(signers):
-                                        change[n_vout] = {'paths': paths, 'multisig_name': multisig_name}
-            # The txn itself
-            txn_bytes = c_txn.serialize_without_witness()
-            # Request Jade generate the signatures for our inputs.
-            # Change details are passed to be validated on the hw (user does not confirm)
-            signatures = self.jade.sign_tx(self._network(), txn_bytes, jade_inputs, change, True)
-            # Push sigs into PSBT structure as appropriate
-            for psbtin, signer_pubkey, sigdata in zip(tx.inputs, signing_pubkeys, signatures):
-                signer_commitment, sig = sigdata
-                if signer_pubkey and sig:
-                    psbtin.partial_sigs[signer_pubkey] = sig
-        # Return the updated psbt
-        return tx
+        psbt_b64 = tx.serialize()
+        psbt_bytes = base64.b64decode(psbt_b64.strip())
+        # NOTE: sign_psbt() does not use AE signatures, so sticks with default (rfc6979)
+        psbt_bytes = self.jade.sign_psbt(self._network(), psbt_bytes)
+        psbt_b64 = base64.b64encode(psbt_bytes).decode()
+        psbt_signed = PSBT()
+        psbt_signed.deserialize(psbt_b64)
+        return psbt_signed
     # Sign message, confirmed on device
@@ -533,7 +342,7 @@ def _get_device_entry(device_model: str, device_path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
     # Scan com ports looking for the relevant vid and pid, and use 'path' to
     # hold the path to the serial port device, eg. /dev/ttyUSB0
     for devinfo in list_ports.comports():
-        if (devinfo.vid, devinfo.pid) in JADE_DEVICE_IDS:
+        if (devinfo.vid, devinfo.pid) in JadeSerialImpl.JADE_DEVICE_IDS:
             results.append(_get_device_entry('jade', devinfo.device))
     # If we can connect to the simulator, add it too
diff --git a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/README.md b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/README.md
index 6ce232e0c..38a9fcf19 100644
--- a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/README.md
+++ b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 This is a slightly stripped down version of the official [Jade](https://github.com/Blockstream/Jade) python library.
-This stripped down version was made from tag [0.1.38](https://github.com/Blockstream/Jade/releases/tag/0.1.38)
+This stripped down version was made from tag [1.0.31](https://github.com/Blockstream/Jade/releases/tag/1.0.31)
 ## Changes
diff --git a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/__init__.py b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/__init__.py
index 64e2ceb7e..ce732cbcd 100644
--- a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/__init__.py
+++ b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 from .jade import JadeAPI
 from .jade_error import JadeError
-__version__ = "0.2.0"
+__version__ = "1.0.31"
diff --git a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade.py b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade.py
index b21ee4c1e..72d98927d 100644
--- a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade.py
+++ b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 import collections.abc
 import traceback
 import random
+import socket
 import sys
 # JadeError
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ def _http_request(params):
         The default implementation used in JadeAPI._jadeRpc() below.
         NOTE: Only available if the 'requests' dependency is available.
-        Callers can supply their own implmentation of this call where it is required.
+        Callers can supply their own implementation of this call where it is required.
@@ -113,6 +114,32 @@ def http_call_fn(): return requests.post(url, data)
     logger.info('Default _http_requests() function will not be available')
+def generate_dump():
+    while True:
+        try:
+            with socket.create_connection(("localhost", 4444)) as s:
+                output = b""
+                while b"Open On-Chip Debugger" not in output:
+                    data = s.recv(1024)
+                    if not data:
+                        continue
+                    output += data
+                s.sendall(b"esp gcov dump\n")
+                output = b""
+                while b"Targets disconnected." not in output:
+                    data = s.recv(1024)
+                    if not data:
+                        continue
+                    output += data
+                s.sendall(b"resume\n")
+                time.sleep(1)
+            return
+        except ConnectionRefusedError:
+            pass
 class JadeAPI:
     High-Level Jade Client API
@@ -421,7 +448,8 @@ def logout(self):
         return self._jadeRpc('logout')
-    def ota_update(self, fwcmp, fwlen, chunksize, fwhash=None, patchlen=None, cb=None):
+    def ota_update(self, fwcmp, fwlen, chunksize, fwhash=None, patchlen=None, cb=None,
+                   gcov_dump=False):
         RPC call to attempt to update the unit's firmware.
@@ -497,6 +525,9 @@ def ota_update(self, fwcmp, fwlen, chunksize, fwhash=None, patchlen=None, cb=Non
             if (cb):
                 cb(written, cmplen)
+        if gcov_dump:
+            self.run_remote_gcov_dump()
         # All binary data uploaded
         return self._jadeRpc('ota_complete')
@@ -513,6 +544,22 @@ def run_remote_selfcheck(self):
         return self._jadeRpc('debug_selfcheck', long_timeout=True)
+    def run_remote_gcov_dump(self):
+        """
+        RPC call to run in-built gcov-dump.
+        NOTE: Only available in a DEBUG build of the firmware.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool
+            Always True.
+        """
+        result = self._jadeRpc('debug_gcov_dump', long_timeout=True)
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+        generate_dump()
+        time.sleep(2)
+        return result
     def capture_image_data(self, check_qr=False):
         RPC call to capture raw image data from the camera.
@@ -815,6 +862,55 @@ def get_registered_multisigs(self):
         return self._jadeRpc('get_registered_multisigs')
+    def get_registered_multisig(self, multisig_name, as_file=False):
+        """
+        RPC call to fetch details of a named multisig wallet registered to this signer.
+        NOTE: the multisig wallet must have been registered with firmware v1.0.23 or later
+        for the full signer details to be persisted and available.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        multisig_name : string
+            Name of multsig registration record to return.
+        as_file : string, optional
+            If true the flat file format is returned, otherwise structured json is returned.
+            Defaults to false.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict
+            Description of registered multisig wallet identified by registration name.
+            Contains keys:
+                is_file is true:
+                    multisig_file - str, the multisig file as produced by several wallet apps.
+                    eg:
+                        Name: MainWallet
+                        Policy: 2 of 3
+                        Format: P2WSH
+                        Derivation: m/48'/0'/0'/2'
+                        B237FE9D: xpub6E8C7BX4c7qfTsX7urnXggcAyFuhDmYLQhwRwZGLD9maUGWPinuc9k96ej...
+                        249192D2: xpub6EbXynW6xjYR3crcztum6KzSWqDJoAJQoovwamwVnLaCSHA6syXKPnJo6U...
+                        67F90FFC: xpub6EHuWWrYd8bp5FS1XAZsMPkmCqLSjpULmygWqAqWRCCjSWQwz6ntq5KnuQ...
+                is_file is false:
+                    multisig_name - str, name of multisig registration
+                    variant - str, script type, eg. 'sh(wsh(multi(k)))'
+                    sorted - boolean, whether bip67 key sorting is applied
+                    threshold - int, number of signers required,N
+                    master_blinding_key - 32-bytes, any liquid master blinding key for this wallet
+                    signers - dict containing keys:
+                        fingerprint - 4 bytes, origin fingerprint
+                        derivation - [int], bip32 path from origin to signer xpub provided
+                        xpub - str, base58 xpub of signer
+                        path - [int], any fixed path to always apply after the xpub - usually empty.
+        """
+        params = {'multisig_name': multisig_name,
+                  'as_file': as_file}
+        return self._jadeRpc('get_registered_multisig', params)
     def register_multisig(self, network, multisig_name, variant, sorted_keys, threshold, signers,
@@ -892,6 +988,42 @@ def register_multisig_file(self, multisig_file):
         params = {'multisig_file': multisig_file}
         return self._jadeRpc('register_multisig', params)
+    def get_registered_descriptors(self):
+        """
+        RPC call to fetch brief summaries of any descriptor wallets registered to this signer.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict
+            Brief description of registered descriptor, keyed by registration name.
+            Each entry contains keys:
+                descriptor_len - int, length of descriptor output script
+                num_datavalues - int, total number of substitution placeholders passed with script
+                master_blinding_key - 32-bytes, any liquid master blinding key for this wallet
+        """
+        return self._jadeRpc('get_registered_descriptors')
+    def get_registered_descriptor(self, descriptor_name):
+        """
+        RPC call to fetch details of a named descriptor wallet registered to this signer.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        descriptor_name : string
+            Name of descriptor registration record to return.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict
+            Description of registered descriptor wallet identified by registration name.
+            Contains keys:
+                descriptor_name - str, name of descritpor registration
+                descriptor - str, descriptor output script, may contain substitution placeholders
+                datavalues - dict containing placeholders for substitution into script
+        """
+        params = {'descriptor_name': descriptor_name}
+        return self._jadeRpc('get_registered_descriptor', params)
     def register_descriptor(self, network, descriptor_name, descriptor_script, datavalues=None):
         RPC call to register a new descriptor wallet, which must contain the hw signer.
@@ -900,7 +1032,7 @@ def register_descriptor(self, network, descriptor_name, descriptor_script, datav
         network : string
-            Network to which the multisig should apply - eg. 'mainnet', 'liquid', 'testnet', etc.
+            Network to which the descriptor should apply - eg. 'mainnet', 'liquid', 'testnet', etc.
         descriptor_name : string
             Name to use to identify this descriptor wallet registration record.
@@ -1162,18 +1294,57 @@ def sign_identity(self, identity, curve, challenge, index=0):
         params = {'identity': identity, 'curve': curve, 'index': index, 'challenge': challenge}
         return self._jadeRpc('sign_identity', params)
-    def get_master_blinding_key(self):
+    def sign_attestation(self, challenge):
+        """
+        RPC call to sign passed challenge with embedded hw RSA-4096 key, such that the caller
+        can check the authenticity of the hardware unit.  eg. whether it is a genuine
+        Blockstream production Jade unit.
+        Caller must have the public key of the external verifying authority they wish to validate
+        against (eg. Blockstream's Jade verification public key).
+        NOTE: only supported by ESP32S3-based hardware units.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        challenge : bytes
+            Challenge bytes to sign
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict
+            Contains keys:
+            signature - 512-bytes, hardware RSA signature of the SHA256 hash of the passed
+                        challenge bytes.
+            pubkey_pem - str, PEM export of RSA pubkey of the hardware unit, to verify the returned
+            RSA signature.
+            ext_signature - bytes, RSA signature of the verifying authority over the returned
+            pubkey_pem data.
+            (Caller can verify this signature with the public key of the verifying authority.)
+        """
+        params = {'challenge': challenge}
+        return self._jadeRpc('sign_attestation', params)
+    def get_master_blinding_key(self, only_if_silent=False):
         RPC call to fetch the master (SLIP-077) blinding key for the hw signer.
+        May block temporarily to request the user's permission to export.  Passing 'only_if_silent'
+        causes the call to return the 'denied' error if it would normally ask the user.
         NOTE: the master blinding key of any registered multisig wallets can be obtained from
         the result of `get_registered_multisigs()`.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        only_if_silent : boolean, optional
+            If True Jade will return the denied error if it would normally ask the user's permission
+            to export the master blinding key.  Passing False (or letting default) may block while
+            asking the user to confirm the export on Jade.
             SLIP-077 master blinding key
-        return self._jadeRpc('get_master_blinding_key')
+        params = {'only_if_silent': only_if_silent}
+        return self._jadeRpc('get_master_blinding_key', params)
     def get_blinding_key(self, script, multisig_name=None):
@@ -1699,7 +1870,7 @@ def create_serial(device=None, baud=None, timeout=None):
-            Inerface object configured to use given serial parameters.
+            Interface object configured to use given serial parameters.
             NOTE: the instance has not yet tried to contact the hw
             - caller must call 'connect()' before trying to use the Jade.
@@ -1741,7 +1912,7 @@ def create_ble(device_name=None, serial_number=None,
-            Inerface object configured to use given BLE parameters.
+            Interface object configured to use given BLE parameters.
             NOTE: the instance has not yet tried to contact the hw
             - caller must call 'connect()' before trying to use the Jade.
@@ -1995,7 +2166,7 @@ def validate_reply(request, reply):
     def make_rpc_call(self, request, long_timeout=False):
         Method to send a request over the underlying interface, and await a response.
-        The request is minimally validated before it is sent, and the response is simialrly
+        The request is minimally validated before it is sent, and the response is similarly
         validated before being returned.
         Any read-timeout is respected unless 'long_timeout' is passed, in which case the call
         blocks indefinitely awaiting a response.
diff --git a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade_serial.py b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade_serial.py
index ac08119d0..4b17c59dc 100644
--- a/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade_serial.py
+++ b/hwilib/devices/jadepy/jade_serial.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 import logging
 from serial.tools import list_ports
+from .jade_error import JadeError
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -21,7 +22,9 @@
 class JadeSerialImpl:
     # Used when searching for devices that might be a Jade/compatible hw
-    JADE_DEVICE_IDS = [(0x10c4, 0xea60), (0x1a86, 0x55d4), (0x0403, 0x6001), (0x1a86, 0x7523)]
+            (0x10c4, 0xea60), (0x1a86, 0x55d4), (0x0403, 0x6001),
+            (0x1a86, 0x7523), (0x303a, 0x4001), (0x303a, 0x1001)]
     def _get_first_compatible_device(cls):
@@ -51,7 +54,10 @@ def connect(self):
         assert self.ser is not None
         if not self.ser.is_open:
-            self.ser.open()
+            try:
+                self.ser.open()
+            except serial.serialutil.SerialException:
+                raise JadeError(1, "Unable to open port", self.device)
         # Ensure RTS and DTR are not set (as this can cause the hw to reboot)
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index a3abeff6d..a3a69cd48 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "hwi"
-version = "3.0.0"
+version = "3.1.0"
 description = "A library for working with Bitcoin hardware wallets"
 authors = ["Ava Chow <me@achow101.com>"]
 license = "MIT"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 00f56e099..13fa4a924 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 setup_kwargs = {
     'name': 'hwi',
-    'version': '3.0.0',
+    'version': '3.1.0',
     'description': 'A library for working with Bitcoin hardware wallets',
     'long_description': "# Bitcoin Hardware Wallet Interface\n\n[![Build Status](https://api.cirrus-ci.com/github/bitcoin-core/HWI.svg)](https://cirrus-ci.com/github/bitcoin-core/HWI)\n[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/hwi/badge/?version=latest)](https://hwi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)\n\nThe Bitcoin Hardware Wallet Interface is a Python library and command line tool for interacting with hardware wallets.\nIt provides a standard way for software to work with hardware wallets without needing to implement device specific drivers.\nPython software can use the provided library (`hwilib`). Software in other languages can execute the `hwi` tool.\n\nCaveat emptor: Inclusion of a specific hardware wallet vendor does not imply any endorsement of quality or security.\n\n## Prerequisites\n\nPython 3 is required. The libraries and [udev rules](hwilib/udev/README.md) for each device must also be installed. Some libraries will need to be installed\n\nFor Ubuntu/Debian:\n```\nsudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev python3-dev\n```\n\nFor Centos:\n```\nsudo yum -y install python3-devel libusbx-devel systemd-devel\n```\n\nFor macOS:\n```\nbrew install libusb\n```\n\n## Install\n\n```\ngit clone https://github.com/bitcoin-core/HWI.git\ncd HWI\npoetry install # or 'pip3 install .' or 'python3 setup.py install'\n```\n\nThis project uses the [Poetry](https://github.com/sdispater/poetry) dependency manager. HWI and its dependencies can be installed via poetry by executing the following in the root source directory:\n\n```\npoetry install\n```\n\nPip can also be used to automatically install HWI and its dependencies using the `setup.py` file (which is usually in sync with `pyproject.toml`):\n\n```\npip3 install .\n```\n\nThe `setup.py` file can be used to install HWI and its dependencies so long as `setuptools` is also installed:\n\n```\npip3 install -U setuptools\npython3 setup.py install\n```\n\n## Dependencies\n\nSee `pyproject.toml` for all dependencies. Dependencies under `[tool.poetry.dependencies]` are user dependencies, and `[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies]` for development based dependencies. These dependencies will be installed with any of the three above installation methods.\n\n## Usage\n\nTo use, first enumerate all devices and find the one that you want to use with\n\n```\n./hwi.py enumerate\n```\n\nOnce the device type and device path are known, issue commands to it like so:\n\n```\n./hwi.py -t <type> -d <path> <command> <command args>\n```\n\nAll output will be in JSON form and sent to `stdout`.\nAdditional information or prompts will be sent to `stderr` and will not necessarily be in JSON.\nThis additional information is for debugging purposes.\n\nTo see a complete list of available commands and global parameters, run\n`./hwi.py --help`.  To see options specific to a particular command,\npass the `--help` parameter after the command name; for example:\n\n```\n./hwi.py getdescriptors --help\n```\n\n## Documentation\n\nDocumentation for HWI can be found on [readthedocs.io](https://hwi.readthedocs.io/).\n\n### Device Support\n\nFor documentation on devices supported and how they are supported, please check the [device support page](https://hwi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/devices/index.html#support-matrix)\n\n### Using with Bitcoin Core\n\nSee [Using Bitcoin Core with Hardware Wallets](https://hwi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/bitcoin-core-usage.html).\n\n## License\n\nThis project is available under the MIT License, Copyright Andrew Chow.\n",
     'author': 'Ava Chow',
diff --git a/test/test_jade.py b/test/test_jade.py
index 1d57c4fc4..da677480a 100755
--- a/test/test_jade.py
+++ b/test/test_jade.py
@@ -214,6 +214,11 @@ def test_get_signing_p2shwsh(self):
         result = self.do_command(self.dev_args + ['displayaddress', descriptor_param])
         self.assertEqual(result['address'], '2NAXBEePa5ebo1zTDrtQ9C21QDkkamwczfQ', result)
+class TestJadeSignTx(TestSignTx):
+    # disable big psbt as jade simulator can't handle it
+    def test_big_tx(self):
+        pass
 def jade_test_suite(emulator, bitcoind, interface):
     dev_emulator = JadeEmulator(emulator)
@@ -233,7 +238,7 @@ def jade_test_suite(emulator, bitcoind, interface):
     suite.addTest(DeviceTestCase.parameterize(TestDisplayAddress, bitcoind, emulator=dev_emulator, interface=interface))
     suite.addTest(DeviceTestCase.parameterize(TestJadeGetMultisigAddresses, bitcoind, emulator=dev_emulator, interface=interface))
     suite.addTest(DeviceTestCase.parameterize(TestSignMessage, bitcoind, emulator=dev_emulator, interface=interface))
-    suite.addTest(DeviceTestCase.parameterize(TestSignTx, bitcoind, emulator=dev_emulator, interface=interface, signtx_cases=signtx_cases))
+    suite.addTest(DeviceTestCase.parameterize(TestJadeSignTx, bitcoind, emulator=dev_emulator, interface=interface, signtx_cases=signtx_cases))
     result = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout, verbosity=2).run(suite)
     return result.wasSuccessful()