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Neutron L3 Agent 之 keepalived


  • 参考:

keepalive配置文件详解 理解 OpenStack 高可用(HA)(2):Neutron L3 Agent HA 之 虚拟路由冗余协议(VRRP) keepalived原理及配置段的说明

class KeepalivedVipAddress(object)

VRRP VIP 地址的描述

class KeepalivedVipAddress(object):
    """A virtual address entry of a keepalived configuration."""

    def __init__(self, ip_address, interface_name, scope=None):
        self.ip_address = ip_address
        self.interface_name = interface_name
        self.scope = scope

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (isinstance(other, KeepalivedVipAddress) and
                self.ip_address == other.ip_address)

    def __str__(self):
        return '[%s, %s, %s]' % (self.ip_address,

    def build_config(self):
        result = '%s dev %s' % (self.ip_address, self.interface_name)
        if self.scope:
            result += ' scope %s' % self.scope
        return result

class KeepalivedVirtualRoute(object)


class KeepalivedVirtualRoute(object):
    """A virtual route entry of a keepalived configuration."""

    def __init__(self, destination, nexthop, interface_name=None,
        self.destination = destination
        self.nexthop = nexthop
        self.interface_name = interface_name
        self.scope = scope

    def build_config(self):
        output = self.destination
        if self.nexthop:
            output += ' via %s' % self.nexthop
        if self.interface_name:
            output += ' dev %s' % self.interface_name
        if self.scope:
            output += ' scope %s' % self.scope
        return output

class KeepalivedInstanceRoutes(object)

class KeepalivedInstanceRoutes(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.gateway_routes = []
        self.extra_routes = []
        self.extra_subnets = []

    def remove_routes_on_interface(self, interface_name):
        self.gateway_routes = [gw_rt for gw_rt in self.gateway_routes
                               if gw_rt.interface_name != interface_name]
        # NOTE(amuller): extra_routes are initialized from the router's
        # 'routes' attribute. These routes do not have an interface
        # parameter and so cannot be removed via an interface_name lookup.
        self.extra_subnets = [route for route in self.extra_subnets if
                              route.interface_name != interface_name]

    def routes(self):
        return self.gateway_routes + self.extra_routes + self.extra_subnets

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.routes)

    def build_config(self):
        return itertools.chain(['    virtual_routes {'],
                               ('        %s' % route.build_config()
                                for route in self.routes),
                               ['    }'])

这个是用来管理 KeepalivedVirtualRoute 的。

class KeepalivedInstance(object)

    def __init__(self, state, interface, vrouter_id, ha_cidrs,
                 priority=HA_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, advert_int=None,
                 mcast_src_ip=None, nopreempt=False,
                 garp_master_delay=GARP_MASTER_DELAY): = 'VR_%s' % vrouter_id

        if state not in VALID_STATES:
            raise InvalidInstanceStateException(state=state)

        self.state = state
        self.interface = interface
        self.vrouter_id = vrouter_id
        self.priority = priority
        self.nopreempt = nopreempt
        self.advert_int = advert_int
        self.mcast_src_ip = mcast_src_ip
        self.garp_master_delay = garp_master_delay
        self.track_interfaces = []
        self.vips = []
        self.virtual_routes = KeepalivedInstanceRoutes()
        self.authentication = None
        self.primary_vip_range = get_free_range(
                             constants.DVR_FIP_LL_CIDR] + ha_cidrs,
  1. vrouter_id:VRID(一个组内的 VRID 是一样的)
  2. interface:ha port name
  3. state:当前 ha port 处于的状态(master、backup、fault)
  4. priority:VRRP 优先级
  5. nopreempt:是否是抢占式
  6. advert_int:VRRP 报文发送时间间隔(默认为 2s)
  7. mcast_src_ip:发送多播包的地址,如果不设置默认使用绑定网卡的primary ip
  8. garp_master_delay:在切换到master状态后,延迟进行gratuitous ARP请求
  9. track_interfaces:跟踪接口
  10. vips:发送的VRRP包里不包含的IP地址,为减少回应VRRP包的个数。在网卡上绑定的IP地址比较多的时候用。

def set_authentication(self, auth_type, password)

配置 ha 的认证方式

def add_vip(self, ip_cidr, interface_name, scope)

创建一个 KeepalivedVipAddress 来描述 vip

def remove_vips_vroutes_by_interface(self, interface_name)

通过 interface 名称来删除一个 vip 的记录,同时删除与该 interface 有关的 route 记录

def remove_vip_by_ip_address(self, ip_address)

删除一个 vip 记录

def get_existing_vip_ip_addresses(self, interface_name)

获取该 interface 上的 vip 地址

def _build_track_interface_config(self)


def get_primary_vip(self)

根据 VRID 获取一个 primary vip(这个是当前 VRRP 组的 vip)

def _build_vips_config(self)

生成 virtual_ipaddress 的配置

def _build_virtual_routes_config(self)

生成 virtual_routes 的配置

def build_config(self)

生成 vrrp_instance 的配置

class KeepalivedConf(object)

class KeepalivedConf(object):
    """A keepalived configuration."""

    def __init__(self):

    def reset(self):
        self.instances = {}

    def add_instance(self, instance):
        self.instances[instance.vrouter_id] = instance

    def get_instance(self, vrouter_id):
        return self.instances.get(vrouter_id)

    def build_config(self):
        config = ['global_defs {',
                  '    notification_email_from %s' % KEEPALIVED_EMAIL_FROM,
                  '    router_id %s' % KEEPALIVED_ROUTER_ID,

        for instance in self.instances.values():

        return config

    def get_config_str(self):
        """Generates and returns the keepalived configuration.

        :return: Keepalived configuration string.
        return '\n'.join(self.build_config())

这个类用来生成整个 keepalived 的配置

class KeepalivedManager(object)

    def __init__(self, resource_id, config, process_monitor, conf_path='/tmp',
        self.resource_id = resource_id
        self.config = config
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.process_monitor = process_monitor
        self.conf_path = conf_path
  1. resource_id : router id
  2. configKeepalivedConf 实例
  3. namespace : qrouter- namespace
  4. conf_path : keepalived 配置文件存放位置

def get_conf_dir(self)

获取当前 router 的 配置文件地址

def get_full_config_file_path(self, filename, ensure_conf_dir=True)

获取 filename 的全路径

def _output_config_file(self)

为该 router 生成 keepalived.conf

def _safe_remove_pid_file(pid_file)

删除 pid file

def get_vrrp_pid_file_name(self, base_pid_file)

    def get_vrrp_pid_file_name(self, base_pid_file):
        return '%s-vrrp' % base_pid_file

def get_conf_on_disk(self)


def spawn(self)

  1. 调用 _output_config_file 生成配置文件
  2. 调用 get_process 创建 ProcessManager 实例,管理 keepalived 进程
  3. 调用 _get_vrrp_process 创建 ProcessManager 实例 管理 vrrp 子进程
  4. 启动 keepalived 进程
  5. 添加对 keepalived 进程的监视

def get_process(self)

创建一个 ProcessManager 实例

def _get_vrrp_process(self, pid_file)

创建一个 ProcessManager 实例

def disable(self)

停止 keepalived 进程

def _get_keepalived_process_callback(self, vrrp_pm, config_path)

生成要运行的 keepalived 的名利