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extension 架构

extension 为 neutron plugin 的向外提供接口。根据 rest api,extension 向外暴露的是资源、操作资源的方法以及操作资源的参数。那么 extension 就分为三种:

  1. 直接实现了某种新的resource。比如实现了资源XXX,那么我可以通过/v2.0/XXX进行XXX资源的操作。这个是最类似于实现一个新的service_plugin的

  2. 对现有的某种资源添加某种操作功能。比如对于ports资源,我想有一个动作是做绑定(打个比方,不一定确切),则可以通过extension在现有的plugin基础上增加功能,比如对/v2.0/ports增加/action接口

  3. 对现有的某个REST API请求增加参数。比如对于/v2.0/ports我本来创建的时候什么参数都不用提供,现在我希望POST请求能带上参数NAME,则可以通过extension来实现

extension 的实现步骤:

  1. neutron/extensions 文件夹下创建一个模块;

  2. 在这个模块中创建一个与模块名一致的,继承于 ExtensionDescriptor 的类,这就是你的 extension;

  3. 实现 extension 的基本方法和相应功能;

  4. 通过 plugin 的 supported_extension_aliases 将 extension 与 plugin 关联起来;

抽象类 class ExtensionDescriptor(object)

  • 代码:
class ExtensionDescriptor(object):
    """Base class that defines the contract for extensions."""

    def get_name(self):
        """The name of the extension.

        e.g. 'Fox In Socks'

    def get_alias(self):
        """The alias for the extension.

        e.g. 'FOXNSOX'

    def get_description(self):
        """Friendly description for the extension.

        e.g. 'The Fox In Socks Extension'

    def get_updated(self):
        """The timestamp when the extension was last updated.

        e.g. '2011-01-22T13:25:27-06:00'
        # NOTE(justinsb): Not sure of the purpose of this is, vs the XML NS

    def get_resources(self):
        """List of extensions.ResourceExtension extension objects.

        Resources define new nouns, and are accessible through URLs.
        resources = []
        return resources

    def get_actions(self):
        """List of extensions.ActionExtension extension objects.

        Actions are verbs callable from the API.
        actions = []
        return actions

    def get_request_extensions(self):
        """List of extensions.RequestException extension objects.

        Request extensions are used to handle custom request data.
        request_exts = []
        return request_exts

    def get_extended_resources(self, version):
        """Retrieve extended resources or attributes for core resources.

        Extended attributes are implemented by a core plugin similarly
        to the attributes defined in the core, and can appear in
        request and response messages. Their names are scoped with the
        extension's prefix. The core API version is passed to this
        function, which must return a
        specifying the extended resource attribute properties required
        by that API version.

        Extension can add resources and their attr definitions too.
        The returned map can be integrated into RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.
        return {}

    def get_plugin_interface(self):
        """Returns an abstract class which defines contract for the plugin.

        The abstract class should inherit from extensions.PluginInterface,
        Methods in this abstract class  should be decorated as abstractmethod
        return None

    def get_required_extensions(self):
        """Returns a list of extensions to be processed before this one."""
        return []

    def get_optional_extensions(self):
        """Returns a list of extensions to be processed before this one.

        Unlike get_required_extensions. This will not fail the loading of
        the extension if one of these extensions is not present. This is
        useful for an extension that extends multiple resources across
        other extensions that should still work for the remaining extensions
        when one is missing.
        return []

    def update_attributes_map(self, extended_attributes,
        """Update attributes map for this extension.

        This is default method for extending an extension's attributes map.
        An extension can use this method and supplying its own resource
        attribute map in extension_attrs_map argument to extend all its
        attributes that needs to be extended.

        If an extension does not implement update_attributes_map, the method
        does nothing and just return.
        if not extension_attrs_map:

        for resource, attrs in six.iteritems(extension_attrs_map):
            extended_attrs = extended_attributes.get(resource)
            if extended_attrs:

    def get_pecan_resources(self):
        """List of PecanResourceExtension extension objects.

        Resources define new nouns, and are accessible through URLs.
        The controllers associated with each instance of
        extensions.ResourceExtension should be a subclass of

        If a resource is defined in both get_resources and get_pecan_resources,
        the resource defined in get_pecan_resources will take precedence.
        return []


  1. ExtensionDescriptor 是个抽象类(@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)),定义了 extension 的基本框架;

  2. get_name 抽象方法,返回 extension 的名字;

  3. get_alias 抽象方法,返回 extension 的别名;

  4. get_description 抽象方法,返回 extension 的描述;

  5. get_updated 抽象方法,返回该 extension 最后更新的时间戳;

  6. get_resources 返回一个以 extensions.ResourceExtension 封装的资源列表。我们上面说了 extension 分为三类,那么第一类(暴露资源的 extension)必须实现这个方法。

  7. get_actions 返回一个以 extensions.ActionExtension 封装的列表。这个是 第二类 extension(暴露动作)必须实现的方法。

  8. get_request_extensions 返回一个以 extensions.RequestException 封装的列表。这个是第三类 extension(暴露参数)必须实现的方法。

  9. get_extended_resources,若是这个 extension 向外暴露了资源,那么这个 extension 所暴露的资源以及资源的属性就会通过这个方法获得。

  10. get_plugin_interface 返回一个从 extension.PluginInterface 继承的抽象类,这个抽象类中的方法应该被装饰为 abstractmethod待深入研究

  11. get_required_extensions 方法用来声明:加此 extension 资源前必须加载的其他的 extension 资源。(**注意:**加载 extension 是按照文件名来排序的,但是加载 extension 的资源是有顺序的。)若是有被需要的 extension 资源无法被加载则会报错。

  12. get_optional_extensions 方法用来声明:加此 extension 资源前可选地加载其他的 extension 资源。但是,若是有可选地 extension 资源无法被加载则也不会报错。

  13. update_attributes_map 跟新此 extension 的资源属性。因为有可能不能的 extension 处理了同一种资源,那么这里就可以把这个资源的所有属性集合到一起(也就是说所有的 extension 中相同的资源的属性是一致的)。

  14. get_pecan_resources 方法返回一个 PecanResourceExtension 的实例列表。关于 pecan 以后再研究


单看一个抽象类没啥好看的,我们结合一个具体的实现来看:availability_zone extension

availability_zone extension 中的公共属性和方法


# resource independent common methods
def convert_az_list_to_string(az_list):
    return jsonutils.dumps(az_list)

def convert_az_string_to_list(az_string):
    return jsonutils.loads(az_string) if az_string else []

def _validate_availability_zone_hints(data, valid_value=None):
    # syntax check only here. existence of az will be checked later.
    msg = validators.validate_list_of_unique_strings(data)
    if msg:
        return msg
    az_string = convert_az_list_to_string(data)
    if len(az_string) > AZ_HINTS_DB_LEN:
        msg = _("Too many availability_zone_hints specified")
        raise exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)


# Attribute Map
RESOURCE_NAME = 'availability_zone'
AVAILABILITY_ZONES = 'availability_zones'
AZ_HINTS = 'availability_zone_hints'
# name: name of availability zone (string)
# resource: type of resource: 'network' or 'router'
# state: state of availability zone: 'available' or 'unavailable'
# It means whether users can use the availability zone.
        'name': {'is_visible': True},
        'resource': {'is_visible': True},
        'state': {'is_visible': True}

    'agents': {
        RESOURCE_NAME: {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
                        'is_visible': True}

class AvailabilityZoneNotFound(exceptions.NotFound):
    message = _("AvailabilityZone %(availability_zone)s could not be found.")


class Availability_zone(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
    """Availability zone extension."""

    def get_name(cls):
        return "Availability Zone"

    def get_alias(cls):
        return "availability_zone"

    def get_description(cls):
        return "The availability zone extension."

    def get_updated(cls):
        return "2015-01-01T10:00:00-00:00"
  • 关于 ExtensionDescriptor中的四个抽象方法,其实是对该 extension 的简单描述,下面我们通过 curlAvailability_zone extension 进行测试:
curl -s -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: d25873d674ad42b7aefce8dad58b4763' | jq


  "extension": {
    "alias": "network_availability_zone",
    "updated": "2015-01-01T10:00:00-00:00",
    "name": "Network Availability Zone",
    "links": [],
    "description": "Availability zone support for network."
  • extension 的 alias 在 neutron 用的比较多,比如说,在加载所以的 extension 的时候,会将所以的 extension 类实例放在一个字典(ExtensionManager.extensions 属性)中,这个字典的 key 既是 extension 的 alias,value 为 extension 的实例。

get_resources 方法实例:

    def get_resources(cls):
        """Returns Ext Resources."""
        my_plurals = [(key, key[:-1]) for key in RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.keys()]
        plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
        controller = base.create_resource(AVAILABILITY_ZONES,
                                          RESOURCE_NAME, plugin, params)

        ex = extensions.ResourceExtension(AVAILABILITY_ZONES, controller)

        return [ex]

neutron.api.v2.base.Controller 以及 neutron.api.extensions.ResourceExtension 是用于 resource wsgi 映射的实现,我们有专门的一节来讲解,这里我们只看一下 availability_zone extension 中 get_resource 方法的实现逻辑。

  • 定义资源的复数名及单数名映射 my_plurals[('availability_zones', 'availability_zone')]

  • 更新 neutron.api.v2.attributesPLURALS 属性,这个属性存储了所以资源的单复数映射:

# Store plural/singular mappings
           PORTS: PORT,
           SUBNETS: SUBNET,
           'dns_nameservers': 'dns_nameserver',
           'host_routes': 'host_route',
           'allocation_pools': 'allocation_pool',
           'fixed_ips': 'fixed_ip',
           'extensions': 'extension'}


# Store plural/singular mappings
           PORTS: PORT,
           SUBNETS: SUBNET,
           'dns_nameservers': 'dns_nameserver',
           'host_routes': 'host_route',
           'allocation_pools': 'allocation_pool',
           'fixed_ips': 'fixed_ip',
           'extensions': 'extension',
           'availability_zones':  'availability_zone'}
  • 获取支持此 extension 的 plugin

  • 获取此资源的属性

  • 创建此资源的 controller,controller 在 wsgi 架构中用到。当对 neutron 的一个资源发出请求时,会调用 controller 的相应方法进行处理。

  • 构造 ResourceExtension 对象(也就是单个 resource 的封装对象)并返回。

get_extended_resources 方法实例:

    def get_extended_resources(self, version):
        if version == "2.0":
            return dict(list(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_2_0.items()) +
            return {}


{'availability_zones': {'state': {'is_visible': True}, 'resource': {'is_visible': True}, 'name': {'is_visible': True}}, 'agents': {'availability_zone': {'is_visible': True, 'allow_put': False, 'allow_post': False}}}


AvailabilityZones extension 只实现了这些方法,关于其他的方法的实例,大家可以在 neutron 的其他 extension 中找一下。


API Extensions

JUNO NEUTRON中的plugin和extension介绍及加载机制