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File metadata and controls

674 lines (487 loc) · 27 KB

extension 的封装与控制

extension 架构 中我们说到了有三种形式的 extension:

  1. 直接实现了某种新的resource。比如实现了资源XXX,那么我可以通过/v2.0/XXX进行XXX资源的操作。这个是最类似于实现一个新的service_plugin的;

  2. 对现有的某种资源添加某种操作功能。比如对于ports资源,我想有一个动作是做绑定(打个比方,不一定确切),则可以通过extension在现有的plugin基础上增加功能,比如对/v2.0/ports增加/action接口;

  3. 对现有的某个REST API请求增加参数。比如对于/v2.0/ports我本来创建的时候什么参数都不用提供,现在我希望POST请求能带上参数NAME,则可以通过extension来实现;

extension 的封装


我们在分析 extension 基础类 ExtensionDescriptor 时,也提到了下面这三种方法:

  1. get_resources 返回一个以 extensions.ResourceExtension 封装的资源列表。我们上面说了 extension 分为三类,那么第一类(暴露资源的 extension)必须实现这个方法。

  2. get_actions 返回一个以 extensions.ActionExtension 封装的列表。这个是第二类 extension(暴露动作)必须实现的方法。

  3. get_request_extensions 返回一个以 extensions.RequestException 封装的列表。这个是第三类 extension(暴露参数)必须实现的方法。




class ResourceExtension(object):
    """Add top level resources to the OpenStack API in Neutron."""

    def __init__(self, collection, controller, parent=None, path_prefix="",
                 collection_actions=None, member_actions=None, attr_map=None,
        collection_actions = collection_actions or {}
        collection_methods = collection_methods or {}
        member_actions = member_actions or {}
        attr_map = attr_map or {}
        self.collection = collection
        self.controller = controller
        self.parent = parent
        self.collection_actions = collection_actions
        self.collection_methods = collection_methods
        self.member_actions = member_actions
        self.path_prefix = path_prefix
        self.attr_map = attr_map
  • collection:资源集合。一般是资源名称的复数形式(例如:availability_zones)。

  • collection (集合)这个词来自 routes.Mapper 的使用,相对于单个资源(比如说:水壶和水壶1号、水壶2号的区别)。

  • controller:控制器。

  • 这个词也是来源于 routes.Mapper 的使用,意味着为接收到的请求的处理。

  • parent:父资源。

  • path_prefix:路径前缀。

  • 也是来源于对 routes.Mapper 的使用,在建立路由映射时,在所有的路径前增加的前缀。

  • collection_actions:允许对 collection 的动作(index、delete等)。

  • member_actions:允许对单个资源的动作。

  • attr_map:资源的属性。

  • collection_methods:允许对资源的请求方法(GET、PUT等)。



class ActionExtension(object):
    """Add custom actions to core Neutron OpenStack API controllers."""

    def __init__(self, collection, action_name, handler):
        self.collection = collection
        self.action_name = action_name
        self.handler = handler
  • collection:同样是资源的复数;

  • action_name:增加的动作的名称;

  • handler:针对该动作名称调用的处理方法;



class RequestExtension(object):
    """Extend requests and responses of core Neutron OpenStack API controllers.

    Provide a way to add data to responses and handle custom request data
    that is sent to core Neutron OpenStack API controllers.

    def __init__(self, method, url_route, handler):
        self.url_route = url_route
        self.handler = handler
        self.conditions = dict(method=[method])
        self.key = "%s-%s" % (method, url_route)
  • method:请求方法;

  • url_routes:请求路径;

  • handler:对请求的处理方法。

extension 控制器

我们有三种 extension,有三种 extension 的封装,那么自然我们就有三种 extenion 的控制器,用于处理 wsgi 的请求。

neutron.api.v2.resource 中的 Resource

Resource 是对真正的 controller 的一个封装,在这里面定义了:

  1. 接收消息体的解析方法 deserializers

  2. 回复消息体的封装方法 serializers

  3. 动作的状态 action_status

  4. 错误的处理 faults,请参考:Faults

  5. 最终在获取真正 controller 方法处理后的消息体后,组合消息头,返回消息。


def Resource(controller, faults=None, deserializers=None, serializers=None,
    """Represents an API entity resource and the associated serialization and
    deserialization logic
    default_deserializers = {'application/json': wsgi.JSONDeserializer()}
    default_serializers = {'application/json': wsgi.JSONDictSerializer()}
    format_types = {'json': 'application/json'}
    action_status = action_status or dict(create=201, delete=204)

    default_deserializers.update(deserializers or {})
    default_serializers.update(serializers or {})

    deserializers = default_deserializers
    serializers = default_serializers
    faults = faults or {}

    def resource(request):
        route_args = request.environ.get('wsgiorg.routing_args')
        if route_args:
            args = route_args[1].copy()
            args = {}

        # NOTE(jkoelker) by now the controller is already found, remove
        #                it from the args if it is in the matchdict
        args.pop('controller', None)
        fmt = args.pop('format', None)
        action = args.pop('action', None)
        content_type = format_types.get(fmt,
        language = request.best_match_language()
        deserializer = deserializers.get(content_type)
        serializer = serializers.get(content_type)

            if request.body:
                args['body'] = deserializer.deserialize(request.body)['body']

            method = getattr(controller, action)

            result = method(request=request, **args)
        except Exception as e:
            mapped_exc = api_common.convert_exception_to_http_exc(e, faults,
            if hasattr(mapped_exc, 'code') and 400 <= mapped_exc.code < 500:
      '%(action)s failed (client error): %(exc)s'),
                         {'action': action, 'exc': mapped_exc})
                    _LE('%(action)s failed: %(details)s'),
                        'action': action,
                        'details': utils.extract_exc_details(e),
            raise mapped_exc

        status = action_status.get(action, 200)
        body = serializer.serialize(result)
        # NOTE(jkoelker) Comply with RFC2616 section 9.7
        if status == 204:
            content_type = ''
            body = None

        return webob.Response(request=request, status=status,
    # NOTE(blogan): this is something that is needed for the transition to
    # pecan.  This will allow the pecan code to have a handle on the controller
    # for an extension so it can reuse the code instead of forcing every
    # extension to rewrite the code for use with pecan.
    setattr(resource, 'controller', controller)
    return resource

neutron.api.v2.base 中的 Controller

这是本篇文章的重头戏,也就是真正的 controller,所有的 resource extension 都是使用这个类来实现控制器功能。

controller 的分析分为两部分,一个是 controller 的初始化,另一个是controller 实现的 action。

初始化自然是指 __init__ 方法。

我们之前有一篇文章是 extension调试,里面有一个是跟踪路由映射,我们从打印出的路由映射中可以发现,controller 应该实现 createindexnewupdatedeleteeditshowtenantdefault 这几个 action。

那么我们就从 __init__ 看起。

初始化 __init__ 方法
class Controller(object):
    LIST = 'list'
    SHOW = 'show'
    CREATE = 'create'
    UPDATE = 'update'
    DELETE = 'delete'

    def plugin(self):
        return self._plugin

    def resource(self):
        return self._resource

    def attr_info(self):
        return self._attr_info

    def member_actions(self):
        return self._member_actions

    def _init_policy_attrs(self):
        """Create the list of attributes required by policy.

        If the attribute map contains a tenant_id policy, then include
        project_id to bring the resource into the brave new world.

        :return: sorted list of attributes required by policy

        policy_attrs = {name for (name, info) in self._attr_info.items()
                        if info.get('required_by_policy')}
        if 'tenant_id' in policy_attrs:

        # Could use list(), but sorted() makes testing easier.
        return sorted(policy_attrs)

    def __init__(self, plugin, collection, resource, attr_info,
                 allow_bulk=False, member_actions=None, parent=None,
                 allow_pagination=False, allow_sorting=False):
        if member_actions is None:
            member_actions = []
        self._plugin = plugin
        self._collection = collection.replace('-', '_')
        self._resource = resource.replace('-', '_')
        self._attr_info = attr_info
        self._allow_bulk = allow_bulk
        self._allow_pagination = allow_pagination
        self._allow_sorting = allow_sorting
        self._native_bulk = self._is_native_bulk_supported()
        self._native_pagination = self._is_native_pagination_supported()
        self._native_sorting = self._is_native_sorting_supported()
        self._policy_attrs = self._init_policy_attrs()
        self._notifier = n_rpc.get_notifier('network')
        self._member_actions = member_actions
        self._primary_key = self._get_primary_key()
        if self._allow_pagination and self._native_pagination:
            # Native pagination need native sorting support
            if not self._native_sorting:
                raise exceptions.Invalid(
                    _("Native pagination depend on native sorting")
            if not self._allow_sorting:
      "Allow sorting is enabled because native "
                             "pagination requires native sorting"))
                self._allow_sorting = True
        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
            self._parent_id_name = '%s_id' % parent['member_name']
            parent_part = '_%s' % parent['member_name']
            self._parent_id_name = None
            parent_part = ''
        self._plugin_handlers = {
            self.LIST: 'get%s_%s' % (parent_part, self._collection),
            self.SHOW: 'get%s_%s' % (parent_part, self._resource)
        for action in [self.CREATE, self.UPDATE, self.DELETE]:
            self._plugin_handlers[action] = '%s%s_%s' % (action, parent_part,

    def _get_primary_key(self, default_primary_key='id'):
        for key, value in six.iteritems(self._attr_info):
            if value.get('primary_key', False):
                return key
        return default_primary_key

    def _is_native_bulk_supported(self):
        native_bulk_attr_name = ("_%s__native_bulk_support"
                                 % self._plugin.__class__.__name__)
        return getattr(self._plugin, native_bulk_attr_name, False)

    def _is_native_pagination_supported(self):
        return api_common.is_native_pagination_supported(self._plugin)

    def _is_native_sorting_supported(self):
        return api_common.is_native_sorting_supported(self._plugin)
  • __init__ 参数说明:
  1. plugin 支持该 extention 的 plugin 实例;
  2. collection 资源复数名;
  3. resource 资源单数名;
  4. attr_info 资源属性;
  5. allow_bulk 是否允许批量操作;(一次对多个资源进行操作,参考:Bulk-create
  6. member_actions 允许对单个资源的动作;
  7. parent 父资源名;
  8. allow_pagination 是否允许分页;(限制服务器一次返回的资源个数,请参考:Pagination
  9. allow_sorting 是否允许排序;(对返回的资源列表进行排序,请参考:Sorting
  • 我们看一下 __init__ 方法都做了那些工作:
  1. 初始化控制器的一些参数

  2. 获得 plugin 的一些参数(self._native_bulkself._native_paginationself._native_sorting

  3. 调用 self._init_policy_attrs 获取 policy 所需要的资源属性列表;

  4. 调用 self._get_primary_key 获取资源属性的主键

  5. 构造了 self._plugin_handlers 的字典;

创建 availability_zone resource extension 的 controller 时的 self._plugin_handlers 实例: {'create': 'create_availability_zone', 'delete': 'delete_availability_zone', 'list': 'get_availability_zones', 'update': 'update_availability_zone', 'show': 'get_availability_zone'}

index 动作


    def index(self, request, **kwargs):
        """Returns a list of the requested entity."""
        parent_id = kwargs.get(self._parent_id_name)
        # Ensure policy engine is initialized
        return self._items(request, True, parent_id)

这里我们可以看到它在最后调用了 _items 方法,对于这个方法我们重点看这么几行:

    def _items(self, request, do_authz=False, parent_id=None):
        obj_getter = getattr(self._plugin, self._plugin_handlers[self.LIST])
        obj_list = obj_getter(request.context, **kwargs)
        obj_list = sorting_helper.sort(obj_list)
        obj_list = pagination_helper.paginate(obj_list)
        # Check authz
        if do_authz:
            # FIXME(salvatore-orlando): obj_getter might return references to
            # other resources. Must check authZ on them too.
            # Omit items from list that should not be visible
            obj_list = [obj for obj in obj_list
                        if policy.check(request.context,
        # Use the first element in the list for discriminating which attributes
        # should be filtered out because of authZ policies
        # fields_to_add contains a list of attributes added for request policy
        # checks but that were not required by the user. They should be
        # therefore stripped
        fields_to_strip = fields_to_add or []
        if obj_list:
            fields_to_strip += self._exclude_attributes_by_policy(
                request.context, obj_list[0])
        collection = {self._collection:
                          request.context, obj,
                       for obj in obj_list]}
        pagination_links = pagination_helper.get_links(obj_list)
        if pagination_links:
            collection[self._collection + "_links"] = pagination_links
        # Synchronize usage trackers, if needed
            request.context, self._resource, request.context.tenant_id)
        return collection

看到这里我们就明白了, _items 方法从支持此 extension 的 plugin 里面获取属性方法 obj_getter,再通过此方法去处理请求,获取 obj_list,最终通过 obj_list 获取所有的返回值。

我们同时也明白了,self._plugin_handlers 保存的是需要从 plugin 里面获取的方法。

  • 我们以 Availability_zone extension 为例,来看以下这个方法。
  1. 支持 Availability_zone extension 的 plugin 为 Ml2Plugin,也就是我们的核心插件
  2. 访问 Availability_zone extension controller 的 index 方法,需要调用 Ml2Plugin 插件的方法为:get_availability_zones
  3. 我们在 Ml2Plugin__init__ 方法的初始位置设定断点(pdb.set_trace()),调试时使用下列语句获取 Ml2Plugin 的继承列表:Ml2Plugin.mro(),结果如下:
<class 'neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin'>, <class 'neutron.db.db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2'>, <class 'neutron.db.db_base_plugin_common.DbBasePluginCommon'>, <class 'neutron.neutron_plugin_base_v2.NeutronPluginBaseV2'>, <class 'neutron.worker.WorkerSupportServiceMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.rbac_db_mixin.RbacPluginMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.standardattrdescription_db.StandardAttrDescriptionMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.dvr_mac_db.DVRDbMixin'>, <class ''>, <class 'neutron.db.external_net_db.External_net_db_mixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.securitygroups_rpc_base.SecurityGroupServerRpcMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.securitygroups_db.SecurityGroupDbMixin'>, <class 'neutron.extensions.securitygroup.SecurityGroupPluginBase'>, <class 'neutron.db.agentschedulers_db.AZDhcpAgentSchedulerDbMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.agentschedulers_db.DhcpAgentSchedulerDbMixin'>, <class 'neutron.extensions.dhcpagentscheduler.DhcpAgentSchedulerPluginBase'>, <class 'neutron.db.agentschedulers_db.AgentSchedulerDbMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.agents_db.AgentDbMixin'>, <class 'neutron.extensions.agent.AgentPluginBase'>, <class 'neutron.db.agents_db.AgentAvailabilityZoneMixin'>, <class 'neutron.extensions.availability_zone.AvailabilityZonePluginBase'>, <class ''>, <class 'neutron.extensions.network_availability_zone.NetworkAvailabilityZonePluginBase'>, <class 'neutron.db.allowedaddresspairs_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.vlantransparent_db.Vlantransparent_db_mixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.extradhcpopt_db.ExtraDhcpOptMixin'>, <class 'neutron.db.address_scope_db.AddressScopeDbMixin'>, <class 'neutron.extensions.address_scope.AddressScopePluginBase'>, <class 'neutron.db.subnet_service_type_db_models.SubnetServiceTypeMixin'>, <type 'object'>)
  1. 我们在继承列表中发现了这么两个类:<class 'neutron.db.agents_db.AgentAvailabilityZoneMixin'><class 'neutron.extensions.availability_zone.AvailabilityZonePluginBase'>
  2. 看一下 <class 'neutron.extensions.availability_zone.AvailabilityZonePluginBase'> 这个类,发现它定义了一个 get_availability_zones 抽象方法。
  3. <class 'neutron.db.agents_db.AgentAvailabilityZoneMixin'> 类继承于 <class 'neutron.extensions.availability_zone.AvailabilityZonePluginBase'> 且实现了 get_availability_zones 方法,这个就是被 extension controller 调用的方法。
create 动作

实现方式与 index 动作类似

new 动作

Controller 没有实现 new 动作

update 动作

实现方式与 index 动作类似

delete 动作

实现方式与 index 动作类似

edit 动作

Controller 没有实现 edit 动作

show 动作

实现方式与 index 动作类似

tenant 动作

Controller 没有实现 tenant 动作

default 动作

Controller 没有实现 default 动作


从给用户的响应中删除一些不可见('is_visible': False)或者不符合 policy 检查的属性

_exclude_attributes_by_policy 方法用于返回一个应该被删除的属性列表。

    def _exclude_attributes_by_policy(self, context, data):
        """Identifies attributes to exclude according to authZ policies.

        Return a list of attribute names which should be stripped from the
        response returned to the user because the user is not authorized
        to see them.
        attributes_to_exclude = []
        for attr_name in data.keys():
            # TODO(amotoki): At now, all attribute maps have tenant_id and
            # determine excluded attributes based on tenant_id.
            # We need to migrate tenant_id to project_id later
            # as attr_info is referred to in various places and we need
            # to check all logis carefully.
            if attr_name == 'project_id':
            attr_data = self._attr_info.get(attr_name)
            if attr_data and attr_data['is_visible']:
                if policy.check(
                    '%s:%s' % (self._plugin_handlers[self.SHOW], attr_name),
                    # this attribute is visible, check next one
            # if the code reaches this point then either the policy check
            # failed or the attribute was not visible in the first place
            # TODO(amotoki): As mentioned in the above TODO,
            # we treat project_id and tenant_id equivalently.
            # This should be migrated to project_id in Ocata.
            if attr_name == 'tenant_id':

        return attributes_to_exclude


这个是 action extension 的控制器,源码如下:

class ActionExtensionController(wsgi.Controller):

    def __init__(self, application):
        self.application = application
        self.action_handlers = {}

    def add_action(self, action_name, handler):
        self.action_handlers[action_name] = handler

    def action(self, request, id):
        input_dict = self._deserialize(request.body,
        for action_name, handler in six.iteritems(self.action_handlers):
            if action_name in input_dict:
                return handler(input_dict, request, id)
        # no action handler found (bump to downstream application)
        response = self.application
        return response

我们看一下在 ExtensionMiddleware.__init__ 对它的调用:

# extended actions
        action_controllers = self._action_ext_controllers(application,
                                                          self.ext_mgr, mapper)
        for action in self.ext_mgr.get_actions():
            LOG.debug('Extended action: %s', action.action_name)
            controller = action_controllers[action.collection]
            controller.add_action(action.action_name, action.handler)

可以看出来,这里首先是为所有的 action extension 构建 controller,然后再为 controller 添加 handler。


这个是 requext extension 的控制器,源码如下:

class RequestExtensionController(wsgi.Controller):

    def __init__(self, application):
        self.application = application
        self.handlers = []

    def add_handler(self, handler):

    def process(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        res = request.get_response(self.application)
        # currently request handlers are un-ordered
        for handler in self.handlers:
            response = handler(request, res)
        return response

对它的调用同样是在 ExtensionMiddleware.__init__ 中:

        # extended requests
        req_controllers = self._request_ext_controllers(application,
                                                        self.ext_mgr, mapper)
        for request_ext in self.ext_mgr.get_request_extensions():
            LOG.debug('Extended request: %s', request_ext.key)
            controller = req_controllers[request_ext.key]

逻辑同 action extension 中是一致的。

一个特殊的控制器 ExtensionController

这个控制器是专门为 extensions 资源服务的,也就是所有资源的大管家:

我们先看一下它的使用,在 ExtensionManager.get_resources 中:


很明显这是个手动增加的 extension,而不是自动从目录中增加的。


class ExtensionController(wsgi.Controller):

    def __init__(self, extension_manager):
        self.extension_manager = extension_manager

    def _translate(ext):
        ext_data = {}
        ext_data['name'] = ext.get_name()
        ext_data['alias'] = ext.get_alias()
        ext_data['description'] = ext.get_description()
        ext_data['updated'] = ext.get_updated()
        ext_data['links'] = []  # TODO(dprince): implement extension links
        return ext_data

    def index(self, request):
        extensions = []
        for _alias, ext in six.iteritems(self.extension_manager.extensions):
        return dict(extensions=extensions)

    def show(self, request, id):
        # NOTE(dprince): the extensions alias is used as the 'id' for show
        ext = self.extension_manager.extensions.get(id, None)
        if not ext:
            raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(
                _("Extension with alias %s does not exist") % id)
        return dict(extension=self._translate(ext))

    def delete(self, request, id):
        msg = _('Resource not found.')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(msg)

    def create(self, request):
        msg = _('Resource not found.')
        raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(msg)

这个就是个典型的简单控制器了,实现了 indexshowdeletecreate 方法。


curl -s -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token: 189ad468b6054a03aea1d08538149576'

关于 extensions,请参考:Extensions