- Manifest your ideal body
- Have dream relationships
- Become the ultimate Best version of yourself
- Excel in your career, business and money-life
- Fully experience life, create inspiring environments and leave an excellent legacy
- It combines and simplifies the 12 life-areas from Jon and Missy Butcher's "Life Book".
- It combines and simplifies the 12 life areas from Vishen Lakhiani's "The Code of the Extraordinary Mind".
- It integrates your Life Balance into a manageable system of FIVE Life Domains.
- It incorporates
- Belief System improvement
- Vision creation
- Goal design
- in each of the 5 life domains.
- Central to this is establishment of Purpose (Simon Sinek - "Find Your WHY")
- This all accumulates into a weekly Action Plan (incorporating the principles from Steven Covey's "First Things First".)
- It incorporates best practises for:
- gratitude practice
- journalling
- weekly review
- It works in cycles of 12 weeks incorporating the principles of "The 12 week year" (https://12weekyear.com)
- It implements daily habit tracking of
- sleep
- hydration
- exercise
- affirmations
- intermittent fasting
- gut health
- breath work
- cold & sun exposure
- contribution
- spiritual practice
- It keeps track of daily actions, originating from the weekly strategic life plan.