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Releases: bee-san/Ciphey

New Ciphers + Bug Fixes

12 Aug 17:08
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  • Added X&Y cipher
  • Added Standard Galactic Language (Minecraft Enchanting Table)


  • Stopped using Git LFS as we ran over the limit
  • Cleaned up docs so more can add ciphers
  • Added translations of README
  • Made Docker


  • Fixed bug where colour was printed
  • Saved my dying peace lilly

New Ciphers

05 Aug 19:33
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  • Added Atbash cipher #249


  • Fixed some CipheyCore issues
  • Improved general stability of program


  • Fixed bug where language checker didn't strip newlines when checking for words.

The Great Orwellian Restructure

01 Aug 20:38
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This is the first release of Ciphey. if you believe otherwise, the Ministry of Truth will know

This release is the first commit for Ciphey. Before this, we exchanged code via Google Docs. Which is a great version control system that allows multiple contributors at once.


  • Vigenere is now enabled, due to massive performance gains from the C++ core
  • Pytest can now be run over the entire program, from main to the output. This means we can crate tests that test the whole of Ciphey, not just small unit tests.
  • Better input handling. Ciphey now supports pipes echo 'hello' | ciphey - and text with no arguments ciphey 'hello'

Bug Fixes

  • Chi-squared calcuations are now done correctly
  • Fixed bug where main didn't return the output.
  • Multiple debug statements were printed when not in debug mode.
  • Morse Code now has a more complete alphabet.
  • Morse code now doesn't fail on letters that cannot be translated to Morse.
  • Fixed a bug where if any of the inputs were a certain size, it got classed as a hash and bypassed language checker despite it not being English.


  • Offloaded lots of stuff onto C++ core to get much speed
  • Disabled summing of language checkers, as no-one could explain why it would make sense
  • is refactored so users can manually call decryptions. The name has also changed from base64 to bases.
  • LanguageChecker now follows PEP8.
  • Main and MathsHelper now follow PEP8.
  • Now uses Nox to Pytest against multple Python versions (3.6, 3.7, and 3.8).
  • Code coverage is now calculated and used.
  • Automatic application of Black formatter upon push.
  • Automatic uploading to PyPi testing.
  • Saftey, which checks for security issues, is now run with Nox.
  • Automatic uploding to Test PyPi and PyPi upon push to master, and GitHub release respectively.
  • We now use verbosity levels -v, -vv, -vvv instead of --debug, --trace etc.
  • Switched from ArgParser to Click
  • Click now safely opens files
  • Click now creates OS friendly file paths from arguments
  • Click now supports unqualified paths
  • Click now supports UNIX style file opening ciphey - file.txt
  • Added more Gifs to README
  • Created an installation guide on the documentation
  • Created a "how does it work" section on the documentation
  • Brought to be used for the website, and created the repo cipheyOnline
  • Created to link to our Discord
  • Discord links & Documentation links are now plastered everywhere, so users should always be able to find support.


12 Jul 12:56
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RC4 Pre-release

Fixed a bunch of bugs!

Orwell rc2

09 Jul 16:25
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Orwell rc2 Pre-release

Oh look, tensorflow is gone!


09 Jul 16:10
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Orwell-rc1 Pre-release

We will tell you what's in this when we release proper

More testing, More Decryptions and Better Input Handling Release

10 Jun 21:45
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  • Vigenere is now enabled, due to massive performance gains from the C++ core
  • Pytest can now be run over the entire program, from main to the output. This means we can create tests that test the whole of Ciphey, not just small unit tests.
  • Better input handling. Ciphey now supports pipes echo 'hello' | ciphey and text with no arguments ciphey 'hello'.

Bug Fixes

  • Chi-squared calcuations are now done correctly
  • Fixed bug where main didn't return the output.
  • Multiple debug statements were printed when not in debug mode.
  • Morse Code now has a more complete alphabet.
  • Morse code now doesn't fail on letters that cannot be translated to Morse.
  • Fixed a bug where if any of the inputs were a certain size, it got classed as a hash and bypassed language checker despite it not being English.


  • Offloaded lots of stuff onto C++ core to get much speed
  • Disabled addition of language checkers, as no-one could explain why it would make sense
  • is refactored so users can manually call decryptions. The name has also changed from base64 to bases.
  • LanguageChecker now follows PEP8.
  • Main and MathsHelper now follow PEP8.
  • Now uses Nox to Pytest against multiple Python versions (3.6, 3.7, and 3.8).
  • Code coverage is now calculated and used.
  • Automatic application of Black formatter upon push.
  • Automatic uploading to PyPi testing.
  • Saftey, which checks for security issues, is now run with Nox.
  • Automatic uploading to Test PyPi and PyPi upon push to master, and GitHub release respectively.
  • PEP8'd the code
  • Moved to Poetry

Better release

02 Jun 21:33
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Now featuring:

  • C++ core that makes tedious stuff faster!
  • Statistics from a mathematician!
  • Consistent versions!
  • Questionable speed/reliability tradeoffs!

Ciphey is now on PyPi!

03 May 16:14
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Updated README