Javascript utilities for Baloise Web Applications.
npm i @baloise/web-app-utils
The language utils helps to list the common languages and to detect the correct ones.
Returns the Language of the given language key or if the lauage is not registered it returns undefined.
valueOf(key: string): Language | undefined
const language = LanguageModel.valueOf('de')
if (language === undefined) {
// language is not registered
Returns the Language of the given language key or if the language is not registered it returns the default one.
valueOfOrDefault(key: string): Language
const language = LanguageModel.valueOfOrDefault('de')
Verifies if the given language key is registered as a supported language or not.
isValidKey(key: string): boolean
if (LanguageModel.isValidKey('de')) {
// language key is valid
} else {
// language key is not valid
We provide various set of language list for our supported countries. Those Languages have the type LanguageModel
List of german, french, italien & english with the default language german.
LanguagesOfSwitzerland.isValidKey('de') // true
LanguagesOfSwitzerland.isValidKey('be') // false
List of german & english with the default language german.
List of dutch, french, italien & english with the default language dutch.
List of luxembourgish, french & english with the default language luxembourgish.
The language object has only one property the key
which has the language key like en
The browser utils solve some common request when working with the broser api.
For working with cookies we recommand to use the library js-cookie.
For working with the url we recommand to use the library query-string.
Scrolls to the ancor element with the attribute data-ref="heading"
scrollToAnchorElement(referenceName: string): void
<div data-ref="heading">...</div>
Scrolls to the top of the body.
scrollToTopOfBody(): void
Opens a new location in the current tab.
open(url: string): void
Opens the new location in a new tab.
openInNewWindow(url: string): void
Returns the main language key. For example if the browser has the language de-CH
this function return the language key de
, so we can use our LangaugeModel
getBrowserLanguage(): string
const langKey = getBrowserLanguage()
if(LanguagesOfSwitzerland.isValidKey(langKey)) { ... }
Disables for the whole web application drag and drop.
disableDragAndDropFiles(): void
Returns some useful information from the browser.
getBrowserInfo(): BrowserInfo
interface BrowserInfo {
cookiesEnabled?: boolean
language?: string
timezone?: string
userAgent?: string
The integration utils helps to work with our integration tools like one trust.
Loads the one trust script directly from our main cms system with the necessary parameters.
loadOneTrustBaloiseSwitzerland(): void
Some useful models to use in the daily business.
The RequestState
enum helps to have a state variable to show the current stand of an api call.
export enum RequestState {
Example (Angular)
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'
import { RequestState } from '@baloise/web-app-utils'
import { ConfirmEmailService, EmailConfirmationResponse } from '../confirm-email.service'
selector: 'confirm-email-page',
templateUrl: './',
styleUrls: ['./'],
export class ConfirmEmailPageComponent implements OnInit {
confirmEmailResponse: EmailConfirmationResponse
requestState: RequestState = RequestState.INIT
constructor(private confirmEmailService: ConfirmEmailService) {}
confirmEmail() {
this.requestState = RequestState.RUNNING
.then(resp => {
this.requestState = RequestState.SUCCESS
this.confirmEmailResponse = resp
.catch(() => {
this.requestState = RequestState.ERROR
areArraysEqual(a: any, b: any) => boolean
Returns true
if the arrays are equal
areArraysEqual(['a', 'b'], ['b', 'a']) // true
now() => Date
Returns a JS Date instance of the exact moment
const date = now()
// Wed Mar 10 2021 20:30:32 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
today() => Date
Returns a JS Date instance of today with time being set to 0
const date = today()
// Wed Mar 10 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
floorTime(date: Date) => Date
Returns a JS Date instance with time being set to 0
const date = floorTime(new Date())
// Wed Mar 10 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
ceilTime(date: Date) => Date
Returns a JS Date instance with the time set to the possible end
const date = ceilTime(new Date())
// Wed Mar 10 2021 23:59:59 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
formatDateString(date: Date) => string
Return the formatted date string in ISO 8601 format. Options may be passed to control the parts and notations of the date.
const dateString = formatDateString(new Date())
// '2022-02-14'
isValidIsoString(dateString: any) => any
Validates if the given date string matches the iso date format.
// 'true'
format(locale: any, date: Date) => any
Formats the dates according to the given locale.
format('de-CH', new Date())
// '14.2.2022'
parse(dateString: string, locale: any) => any
Parses the iso date string into a javascript date object.
const dateString = parse('2021-03-10')
// Wed Mar 10 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
dateSeparator(locale: any) => string
Returns the char which separates day form month and year.
// .
debounce(func: any, wait: any) => any
The debounce function wait a certain amount of time before running the inner function again. This should reduce the number of times a function is called.
const debounceFunction = debounce(function () {
// The function's code
}, 250)
window.addEventListener('resize', debounceFunction)
isEmpty(value: any) => boolean
Returns true
if the value is empty
isEnterKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the Enter
isSpaceKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the Space
isEscapeKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the Escape
isBackspaceKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the Backspace
isArrowDownKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the ArrowDown
isArrowUpKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the ArrowUp
isArrowLeftKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the ArrowLeft
isArrowRightKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the ArrowRight
isHomeKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the Home
isEndKey(event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
Returns true
if the keyboard event was triggered by the End
numberLocale(locale: any) => string
Parses the locale to the correct display locale
// 'de-CH'
dateLocale(locale: any) => string
Parses the locale to the correct display locale
// 'fr-CH'
isValidMonetaryNumber(stringValue: string) => boolean
Returns true
if the arrays are equal
isValidMonetaryNumber(`1'000.99`) // true
getDecimalSeparator(locale: any) => string
Returns the decimal separator of the given locale
getDecimalSeparator('de-ch') // .
getThousandSeparator(locale: any) => string
Returns the thousand separator of the given locale
getThousandSeparator('de-ch') // '
formatLocaleNumber(locale: any, number: number, minimumFractionDigits: number) => string
Formats the number into the given locale
formatLocaleNumber('de-ch', 1000.42) // 1'000.42
parseLocaleNumber(locale: any, stringNumber: string) => number
Parses the locale formatted number into a native number
parseLocaleNumber('de-ch', '1'000.42') // 1000.42