diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2d17c0c..c1d3d32 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,20 @@
# meo
-The `meo` program is a package manager for the programs available on the `baldeuniversel/linux` repository
+The **meo** program is a package manager for all programs available on the
+`baldeuniversel/linux` repository .
+You could first install the **meo** program to manage (install, remove, update ...)
+the packages that are on the `baldeuniversel/linux` repository .
+**Hash-package** : **md5sum(d86f38dcb03aa379b72133e5c9a90f04)**
+**Code-name** : **Ve-Quantic**
+After installing the **meo** program, from your terminal execute this command
+**meo --help** or **meo --doc** or **man meo** to see how to use the **meo** program .
diff --git a/package/deb/meo-1.1.8.deb b/package/deb/meo-1.1.8.deb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93279d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/package/deb/meo-1.1.8.deb differ
diff --git a/package/info/info-pkg b/package/info/info-pkg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f230bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/info/info-pkg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ package: meo ,
+ version: 1.1.8 ,
+ pkg-md5sum: d86f38dcb03aa379b72133e5c9a90f04
diff --git a/package/info/readme b/package/info/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bb113c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/info/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+* The <> program allows to manage available packages of the
+* Github repository `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git`
+* (Use from the terminal) .
+* Otherwise <> program is a package manager for all programs
+* of this Github repository `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux`
+* at the level of the `main` branch. So, you could first install the
+* <> program to manage(install, remove, update ...) the packages
+* that are on this Github repository(in the main branch) .
+* After installing the <> program, from your terminal execute this
+* command `meo --help` or `meo --doc` to see how to use the <> program .
diff --git a/source/meo/DEBIAN/control b/source/meo/DEBIAN/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ebf0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/DEBIAN/control
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Package: meo
+Version: 1.1.8
+Section: base
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: all
+Maintainer: Baldé
+Depends: bash, coreutils, dpkg, curl, bc, debianutils, git, awk, gawk, zsh, util-linux
+Description: The <> program allows to manage the available packages from the Github \
+ repository `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git` (Use from the terminal)
diff --git a/source/meo/DEBIAN/postinst b/source/meo/DEBIAN/postinst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec03e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/DEBIAN/postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# postinst script
+set -uo pipefail
+# Declaration variables
+# Create some directories
+if [[ ! -e "$meoInfoDir" ]]
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$meoInfoDir" 2> /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong, make sure you have the right to install packages \U001F6A8 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [[ ! -e "$getMngDebDirectory" ]]
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$getMngDebDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ rm -fr "$getMngDebDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+ mkdir -p "$getMngDebDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+if [[ ! -e "$getMngInfoDirectory" ]]
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$getMngInfoDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ rm -fr "$getMngInfoDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+ mkdir -p "$getMngInfoDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+if [[ -e "$getTmpCloneGit" ]]
+ rm -fr "$getTmpCloneGit" 2> /dev/null
+ mkdir -p "$getTmpCloneGit" 2> /dev/null
+if [[ -e "$meoTmpDir" ]]
+ rm -fr "$meoTmpDir" 2> /dev/null
+ mkdir -p "$meoTmpDir" 2> /dev/null
+# Clone the branch
+git clone --branch "$getBranch" --single-branch --depth 1 "$getURL" "$getTmpCloneGit/linux" 2> /dev/null
+if [[ ! ( $? -eq 0 ) ]]
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Your internet connection seems not to be established \U001F30D "
+ echo ""
+ exit 1
+### Sequence for the `deb` package management` -> start tag[m0]
+getTheDebProgram=` find "$getTmpCloneGit/linux/package" -name "$getProgram*.deb" -type f 2> /dev/null `
+getTheInfoPkg=` find "$getTmpCloneGit/linux/package" -name "$getNameInfoPkg" -type f 2> /dev/null `
+getTheReadmeFile=` find "$getTmpCloneGit/linux/package" -name "readme" -type f 2> /dev/null `
+# Move the deb program
+mv "$getTheDebProgram" "$getMngDebDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+mv "$getTheInfoPkg" "$getMngInfoDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+mv "$getTheReadmeFile" "$getMngInfoDirectory" 2> /dev/null
+### Sequence for the `deb` package management` -> end tag[m0]
+### Sequence for the deployment some useful files -> start tag[s0]
+# Clone the git repository
+git clone --branch "$getCurrentFileVersionPkgs" --single-branch --depth 1 "$getURL" "$meoTmpDir/linux" 2> /dev/null
+if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Your internet connection seems not to be established \U001F30D "
+ echo ""
+ exit 1
+if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ # Action to save in another files the content of the file that contents the available packages
+ find "$meoTmpDir/linux" -name "current-version-pkgs" -type f -exec \
+ cat {} \; | grep -A 2 "package" | awk '{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|,|--/, ""); print }' > $meoListAvailablePkgsPure
+ #
+ find "$meoTmpDir/linux" -name "current-version-pkgs" -type f -exec \
+ cat {} \; | grep -A 2 "package" | awk '{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|,|--/, ""); print }' | \
+ awk -F ": " 'length($0) > 3 && NF > 0 {printf "\033[1;036m%s\033[0m: \033[1;32m%s\033[0m\n", $1, $2}; \
+ length($0) < 3 && NF <= 0 {print}' > $meoListAvailablePkgs
+### Sequence for the deployment some useful files -> end tag[s0]
+# Remove the `tmp/..` directory
+if [[ -e "$getTmpCloneGit" ]]
+ #
+ rm -fr "$getTmpCloneGit" 2> /dev/null
+# Remove `...meo..github/...` directory in /tmp
+if [[ -e "$meoTmpDir" ]]
+ rm -rf "$meoTmpDir" 2> /dev/null
+# Just to print the name of the author
+echo ""
+echo ""
+echo "~"
+tput setaf 6; tput bold; echo "By Baldé ~" `tput sgr0` 2> /dev/null
diff --git a/source/meo/DEBIAN/postrm b/source/meo/DEBIAN/postrm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3141f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/DEBIAN/postrm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# postrm script
+set -euo pipefail
+# Declaration variables
+if [[ -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ]]
+ #
+ sed -i "/meo/d" "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null
diff --git a/source/meo/DEBIAN/preinst b/source/meo/DEBIAN/preinst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0799b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/DEBIAN/preinst
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+set -uo pipefail
+# Action before deploying the program
+# Declaration variables
+if [[ -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ]]
+ #
+ sed -i "/meo/d" "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null
+### Action on the directory `/tmp` and ... -> start tag[0]
+if [[ ! ( -e "/tmp" ) ]]
+ mkdir -p /tmp 2> /dev/null
+ chmod 777 /tmp 2> /dev/null
+ # Check the return value of the last command <>
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo "This program is not compatible with your system ."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Get kernel
+ getOS=` uname --operating-system `
+ #
+ if [[ $getOS != "GNU/Linux" ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo "This program is not compatible with your system ."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action on the directory `/tmp` and ... -> end tag[0]
diff --git a/source/meo/DEBIAN/prerm b/source/meo/DEBIAN/prerm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..26d9fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/DEBIAN/prerm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# prerm script
+set -euo pipefail
+# Declaration variables
+if [[ -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ]]
+ #
+ sed -i "/meo/d" "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null
diff --git a/source/meo/bin/meo b/source/meo/bin/meo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b60841a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/bin/meo
@@ -0,0 +1,3078 @@
+: '
+ /**
+ * @overview This program allows to manage the available packages from the git repository
+ * `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git` (First of all, this program is written for
+ * the <> members) .
+ * The program also allows to list available packages from the same git repository .
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @requires The only options supported are [ self-update, install, update, upgrade, remove
+ * download, list, list-installed, search, show,
+ * info, --help, --doc, --version ]
+ * && the <> command has to have at least one option . Ex: meo self-update
+ * && with the options [ install, remove, search, show, download ] you have to give the package(s)
+ * && with the options [ self-update, list, update, list-installed, --help, --doc, --version ]
+ * there is not another parameter
+ * && with the options [ upgrade ], you can either upgrade all the installed packages
+ * by `meo` or upgrade target installed packages
+ * Ex : meo upgrade (to upgrade all the installed packages by `meo`)
+ * Ex : meo upgrade am-okay (to upgrade the target installed package)
+ *
+ * && with the option [ info ], one available (from `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git`) package
+ * can be given . Ex : meo info am-okay
+ *
+ * && you can not call `meo` program to install it itself . Ex : meo install meo
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Options :
+ * --------
+ * @param {string} self-update // This option allows to verify if there is a new version/revision of `meo`
+ * program that is ready to upgrade
+ * Ex : meo self-update
+ *
+ * @param {string} install // This option allows installing packages
+ * Ex : meo install am-okay
+ *
+ * @param {string} update // This option allows to list the packages ready to upgrade and it also allows to
+ * update the list of available packages
+ * Ex : meo update
+ *
+ * @param {string} upgrade // This option allows upgrading the packages ready to upgrade
+ * Ex : meo upgrade (to upgrade all the installed packages by `meo` program)
+ * Ex : meo upgrade am-okay (to upgrade the target installed
+ * package by `meo` program)
+ *
+ * @param {string} remove // This option allows removing packages
+ * Ex : meo remove am-okay
+ *
+ * @param {string} download // This option allows to download packages
+ * Ex : meo download am-okay
+ *
+ * @param {string} list // This option allows to list packages of the git repository
+ * Ex : meo list
+ * Note: To have the updated list, you have first of all to execute the command
+ * `sudo meo update `
+ *
+ * @param {string} list-installed // This option allows listing the installed packages from the git repository
+ * Ex : meo list-installed
+ *
+ * @param {string} search // This option allows to search packages from the git repository
+ * Ex : meo search am-okay
+ *
+ * @param {string} show // This option allows to have information on the installed packages from the `control`
+ * files
+ * Ex : meo show am-okay
+ * @param {string} info // This option allows to get information about a available package from the Github
+ * repository `https/github.com/baldeuniversel/linux` (since the last execution of
+ * ( the command `sudo meo update `)
+ * Ex : meo info am-okay
+ *
+ * @param {string} --help // This option allows getting help on the `meo` program
+ * Ex : meo --help
+ *
+ * @param {string} --doc // This option allows getting a documentation on `meo` program
+ * Ex : meo --doc
+ *
+ * @param {string} --version // This option allows getting the version installed of the `meo` program
+ * Ex : meo --version
+ *
+ *
+ * @ensure Successfully execution if the preconditions are satisfied. That is to say, with the
+ * above options and the appropriated sequences allowed for these options .
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @note This program depends of some programs, these programs are required in the global `meo`
+ * package .
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @author
+ *
+ */
+ '
+set -uo pipefail # To exit the script if there is an error
+# Check to see if there is at least one option for `meo` in input
+if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]
+ #
+ getMeoName=` echo "$0" | awk '{ split($0, array, "/"); print array[length(array)] }' `
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "It has to be at least one parameter for the \e[32;1m$getMeoName\e[0m program \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+# Exclude some sensitive actions
+if ( [[ $USER != "root" ]] ) && ( [[ $1 != "list" ]] && [[ $1 != "list-installed" ]] && [[ $1 != "--version" ]] \
+ && [[ $1 != "show" ]] && [[ $1 != "info" ]] && [[ $1 != "search" ]] && [[ $1 != "--doc" ]] && [[ $1 != "--help" ]] )
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Only the root/admin has the right to execute this \e[32;1mmeo\e[0m action \U001F6A7 "
+ exit 1
+# Declaration variables
+listOfParams=("self-update" "install" "update" "upgrade" "remove" "download" \
+ "list" "list-installed" "search" "show" "info" "--help" "--doc" "--version")
+### Check the input options -> start tag[p0]
+for optionUP in ${listOfParams[@]}
+ if [[ $1 != $optionUP ]]
+ then
+ counterOption=$(( counterOption + 1 ))
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $counterOption -eq 14 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Unknown `tput setaf 3; tput bold`$1` tput sgr0 ` option \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if ( [[ $1 == "self-update" ]] || [[ $1 == "self-upgrade" ]] || [[ $1 == "self-remove" ]] || [[ $1 == "list" ]] \
+ || [[ $1 == "list-installed" ]] || [[ $1 == "--doc" ]] || [[ $1 == "--help" ]] || [[ $1 == "--version" ]] ) \
+ && ( [[ $# -gt 1 ]] )
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "There can only be one parameter when the \e[32;1m$1\e[0m option is invoked \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+if ( [[ $1 == "install" ]] || [[ $1 == "remove" ]] || [[ $1 == "search" ]] || [[ $1 == "show" ]] || \
+ [[ $1 == "download" ]] ) && ( [[ $# -lt 2 ]] )
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "There have to be at least two parameters when the \e[32;1m$1\e[0m option is invoked \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+if ( [[ $1 == "info" ]] && [[ $# -ne 2 ]] )
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "There have to be two parameters when the \e[32;1m$1\e[0m option is invoked \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+### Check the input options -> end tag[p0]
+### Prepare some necessary directories or files -> start tag[c0]
+# Declaration variables
+### Prepare some necessary directories or files -> end tag[c0]
+: '
+* @overview The `truncateFileData` allows to remove the data that contains a file
+* @param {string} $1 // The file that has to be truncated
+ '
+function truncateFileData
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getTheFile="$1"
+ # Remove the data contained in the target file
+ if [[ -e "$getTheFile" ]] && [[ -f "$getTheFile" ]]
+ then
+ truncate -s 0 "$getTheFile" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The `removeDirFile` allows to remove a directory or file
+* @param {string} $@ // The files or directories to remove
+ '
+function removeDirFile
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getTheDirFile="$@"
+ # Remove the file or directory if it exists
+ for dirFile in "$@"
+ do
+ if [[ -e "$dirFile" ]]
+ then
+ rm -fr "$dirFile" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+: '
+* @overview The `alertNonEffectiveAction` function allows to raise exceptions .
+* @param {string} $1 // A file where the code of return of the `meo` program will be sent .
+ '
+function alertNonEffectiveAction
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getPathOfFileForReturnLastCommand="$1"
+ local getNumberOfLine=0
+ if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && [[ "$getPathOfFileForReturnLastCommand" != "none" ]]
+ then
+ if [[ -e "$getPathOfFileForReturnLastCommand" ]]
+ then
+ getNumberOfLine=` wc -l "$getPathOfFileForReturnLastCommand" | cut -d " " -f1 | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ #
+ if [[ $getNumberOfLine -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -en "Something wrong \U001F9D0, please make sure you have a permission to \nexecute the \e[32;1mmeo\e[0m program "
+ # Call the function
+ $( truncateFileData "$getPathOfFileForReturnLastCommand" )
+ #
+ setterm --cursor on
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The `refreshAvailablePkgsFile` function allows to update the files that contain the
+* list of available packages from the Github repository
+ '
+function refreshAvailablePkgsFile
+ # Declarations variables
+ local getURL="https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git"
+ local getBranch="current-version-pkgs"
+ local getFileCurrentVersionPkg="current-version-pkgs"
+ #
+ if [[ ! ( -e "$meoTmpDirGithub" ) ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p $meoTmpDirGithub
+ fi
+ # Check if there is internet connection
+ curl ifconfig.me &> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Your internet connection seems not to be established \U001F30D"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ $( removeDirFile "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" )
+ # Clone the git repository
+ git clone --branch "$getBranch" --single-branch --depth 1 \
+ "$getURL" "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ # Action to save in another files the content of the file that contents the available packages
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" -name "$getFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f -exec \
+ cat {} \; | grep -A 2 "package" | awk '{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|,|--/, ""); print }' > $meoListAvailablePkgsPure
+ #
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" -name "$getFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f -exec \
+ cat {} \; | grep -A 2 "package" | awk '{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|,|--/, ""); print }' | \
+ awk -F ": " 'length($0) > 3 && NF > 0 {printf "\033[1;036m%s\033[0m: \033[1;32m%s\033[0m\n", $1, $2}; \
+ length($0) < 3 && NF <= 0 {print}' > $meoListAvailablePkgs
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview `clonePersonalGit` allows to clone a git repository (see where the clone is putted)
+ '
+function clonePersonalGit
+ # Declaration variable
+ local getURL="https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git"
+ # Check if there is internet connection
+ curl ifconfig.me &> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Your internet connection seems not to be established \U001F30D"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ $( removeDirFile "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" )
+ # Clone the git repository
+ git clone --branch main --single-branch --depth 1 "$getURL" "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" 2> /dev/null
+: '
+* @overview `cloneSingleBranchGit` allows to clone a single branch via a git
+* repository (see where the clone is putted)
+* @param {string} $1 // The branch to clone
+ '
+function cloneSingleBranchGit
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getTheBranch="$1"
+ local getURL="https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git"
+ # Check if there is internet connection
+ curl ifconfig.me &> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Your internet connection seems not to be established \U001F30D"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ $( removeDirFile "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" )
+ #
+ if [[ ! -e "$meoTmpDirGithub" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$meoTmpDirGithub" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong, make sure you have the permission to write to the [ /tmp ] directory \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Clone the git repository
+ git clone --branch "$getTheBranch" --single-branch --depth 1 "$getURL" \
+ "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" 2> /dev/null
+: '
+* @overview The `storeInslalledPkg` function allows to store the installed packages
+* on the `list-available-packages` file
+* @param {string} $1 // The file where the package information is located
+* @param {string} $2 // The program to install
+ '
+function storeInslalledPkg
+ # Declaration variables
+ local counterLine=0
+ local fileAction="$meoTmpDirGithub/package-info"
+ local getNameOfPkg=""
+ local getVersionOfPkg=""
+ local getPkgHash=""
+ local getTheFileListPkg="$1"
+ local getTheProgram="$2"
+ #
+ getTheFileListPkg=` cat $getTheFileListPkg | grep -w -A 2 -- "package" | \
+ awk '{ gsub(/^[[:space:]]*|,|--/, ""); print }' | \
+ awk -v pkgName=$getTheProgram -F ' ' '$2 == pkgName {counter=3} { { if (counter && counter-- > 0) {print} } }' `
+ #
+ if [[ ! -e "$meoTmpDirGithub" ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p "$meoTmpDirGithub" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ # Put the content of the variable in the target file
+ echo "$getTheFileListPkg" > $fileAction
+ # Create the directory and the files where some info about the installed packages will be save
+ if [[ ! -e "$meoLibraryDir/info" ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p "$meoLibraryDir/info" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ ! -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ]]
+ then
+ touch "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ # Action to store the info about the package
+ while IFS= read -r lineFile
+ do
+ # Get the name of the package
+ if [[ $counterLine -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getNameOfPkg=` echo "$lineFile" | awk '{ split($0, array, ": " ); print array[length(array)] }' | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ #
+ counterLine=$(( counterLine + 1 ))
+ # Get the version
+ elif [[ $counterLine -eq 1 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getVersionOfPkg=` echo -e $lineFile | awk '{ split($0, array, ": " ); print array[length(array)] }' | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ #
+ counterLine=$(( counterLine + 1 ))
+ # Get the hash (md5sum)
+ elif [[ $counterLine -eq 2 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getPkgHash=` echo -e $lineFile | awk '{ split($0, array, ": " ); print array[length(array)] }' | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ #
+ counterLine=$(( counterLine + 1 ))
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ]] && [[ $counterLine -eq 3 ]]
+ then
+ # Check if the package does not exist in the target file `$meoListInstalledPkgsPure`, then ...
+ if [[ ! ` cat $meoListInstalledPkgsPure | cut -d ":" -f 1 | grep -w "$getTheProgram" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo -e "$getNameOfPkg : v($getVersionOfPkg) , hash(md5sum) : $getPkgHash" >> \
+ $meoListInstalledPkgsPure 2> /dev/null
+ # Check the version, then ...
+ else
+ #
+ if [[ ! ` cat $meoListInstalledPkgsPure | cut -d ":" -f 2 | grep -w "$getVersionOfPkg" ` ]]
+ then
+ # Get the line number of the package via the given file `$meoListInstalledPkgsPure`
+ getLineNbPkgOldVersion=` grep -nw "$getNameOfPkg" $meoListInstalledPkgsPure | cut -d ":" -f 1 `
+ # Get the version of the package via the given file ...
+ getTheOldVersion=` sed -n "$getLineNbPkgOldVersion p" $meoListInstalledPkgsPure | \
+ cut -d ":" -f2 | cut -d "," -f1 | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f 1 `
+ # Substitute the old version by the new one
+ sed -i "$getLineNbPkgOldVersion s/$getTheOldVersion/$getVersionOfPkg/" $meoListInstalledPkgsPure
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ done < $fileAction
+: '
+* @overview The `isPackageInstalled` allows to verify if the package is installed
+* @param {string} $1 // The package to verify
+* @return {string} // A `true` string will be returned if the package exists, else
+* `false` string will be returned
+ '
+function isPackageInstalled
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getPkg="$1"
+ which ` echo "$getPkg" ` &> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "true"
+ else
+ echo "false"
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The function `isPackageAvailable` allows to verify if a given package exists in the
+* `list-available-packages` file
+* @param {string} $1 // The package to verify the existence
+* @param {int} $2 // The counter (for the iteration)
+* @param {string | optional} $2 // A parameter flag allowing to call the function `refreshAvailablePkgsFile`
+* or not
+ '
+function isPackageAvailable
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getPackage=""
+ local getFirstParam="$1"
+ local getSecondParam="$2"
+ local getThirdParam="$3"
+ #
+ if [[ $getSecondParam -lt 1 ]] && [[ $getThirdParam == "yes" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ $( refreshAvailablePkgsFile )
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$meoListAvailablePkgs" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getPackage=` cat $meoListAvailablePkgsPure | cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d "[ \t]+" | grep -w -- "^$getFirstParam$" `
+ #
+ if [[ -n "$getPackage" ]]
+ then
+ echo "true"
+ else
+ echo "false"
+ fi
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The `isNewVersionOfPkgAvailable` allows to verify if a new version of
+* a installed package is available
+* @param {string} $1 // The package to examine
+* @return {string} // A `true` string will be returned if a new version is available,
+* else `false` value will be returned
+ '
+function isNewVersionOfPkgAvailable
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getPkg="$1"
+ local getDebPkg=""
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$meoListAvailablePkgsPure" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getPkgRefreshVersion=` cat $meoListAvailablePkgsPure | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d "[ \t]+" | \
+ grep -w -A3 -- "^$getPkg$" | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 `
+ getPkgVersionPkgInstalled=` $getPkg --version 2> /dev/null `
+ # Verify the match versions, then do ...
+ if [[ ` echo "$getPkgRefreshVersion" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == \
+ ` echo "$getPkgVersionPkgInstalled" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]]
+ then
+ echo "false"
+ else
+ echo "true"
+ fi
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The `isNewRevisionOfPkgAvailable` allows to verify if a new version of
+* a installed package is available
+* @param {string} $1 // The package to examine
+* @return {string} // A `true` string will be returned if a new revision is available,
+* else `false` value will be returned
+ '
+function isNewRevisionOfPkgAvailable
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getPkg="$1"
+ local getDebPkg=""
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$meoListAvailablePkgsPure" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getRefreshRevisionPkgHash=` cat $meoListAvailablePkgsPure | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d "[ \t]+" | \
+ grep -w -A3 -- "^$getPkg$" | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 `
+ getHashPkgInstalled=` cat $meoListInstalledPkgsPure | awk -F '[: ]' -v getPkg="$getPkg" '$1 == getPkg {print}' | \
+ cut -d "," -f 2 | cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d "[ \t]" `
+ # Verify the match versions, then do ...
+ if [[ ` echo "$getRefreshRevisionPkgHash" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == \
+ ` echo "$getHashPkgInstalled" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]]
+ then
+ echo "false"
+ else
+ echo "true"
+ fi
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The `spinnerAnimation` function allows to make animations while a process is in progress
+* @param {int} $1 // The pid of the process
+ '
+function spinnerAnimation
+ # Declaration variables
+ local pidCmd=$1
+ local delay=0.3
+ local getRandValue=` shuf -i 1-5 -n 1 `
+ local spinString=""
+ local spinStringA="⠋⠙⠹⠸⠼⠴⠦⠧⠇⠏"
+ local spinStringB="◰◳◲◱◰◳◲◱"
+ local spinStringC="☼☀☁☂☃☄☽☾"
+ local spinStringD="◴◷◶◵◴◷◶◵"
+ local spinStringE="♚♛♜♝♞♟"
+ local infotext="\e[36;1mwait...\e[0m \U00270B \U001F449 ⏳ "
+ local firstChar=""
+ ### Choice the spin string -> start tag[c0]
+ if [[ $getRandValue -eq 1 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ spinString=$spinStringA
+ elif [[ $getRandValue -eq 2 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ spinString=$spinStringB
+ elif [[ $getRandValue -eq 3 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ spinString=$spinStringC
+ elif [[ $getRandValue -eq 4 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ spinString=$spinStringD
+ elif [[ $getRandValue -eq 5 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ spinString=$spinStringE
+ fi
+ ### Choice the spin string -> start tag[c0]
+ #
+ trap "setterm --cursor on" SIGINT
+ #
+ setterm --cursor off
+ echo "~"
+ # Animation
+ while [[ ` ps -p "$pidCmd" | grep -- "$pidCmd" ` ]]
+ do
+ firstChar=${spinString#?}
+ echo -en "$infotext $spinString"
+ spinString=$firstChar${spinString%"$firstChar"}
+ sleep $delay
+ echo -ne "\r"
+ done
+ #
+ echo -ne "\e[36;1mwait...\e[0m \U00270B \U001F449 ⌛ $spinString \r"
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ #
+ setterm --cursor on
+: '
+* @overview The `removeGitDownloadGitAction` allows to remove files/dirs created during operations
+ '
+function removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ # Remove the content the given content
+ if [[ -e "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" ]]
+ then
+ rm -rf "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux" 2> /null
+ fi
+ # Remove files/dirs
+ if [[ -e "$meoTmpDirGithub/github-action" ]]
+ then
+ rm -rf "$meoTmpDirGithub/github-action" 2> /null
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The `createDirPackageToInstall` function allows to create a directory where the packages
+* to install will be moved .
+* @return {string} // The created directory will be returned
+ '
+function createDirPackageToInstall
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getDirPkgToInstall="/tmp/.$USER/meo/package-to-install"
+ #
+ if [[ ! -e "$getDirPkgToInstall" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$getDirPkgToInstall" 2> /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong, make sure you have the permission to write to the [ /tmp ] directory \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ #
+ rm -rf "$getDirPkgToInstall" 2> /dev/null
+ mkdir -p "$getDirPkgToInstall" 2> /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong, make sure you have the permission to write to the [ /tmp ] directory \U001F9D0 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Return the directory
+ echo "$getDirPkgToInstall"
+: '
+* @overview The `getNewVersionPkg` allows to get the new version of a program from a defined file
+* @param {string} $1 // The name of the package
+* @return {string} // The version of the given package will be returned
+ '
+function getNewVersionPkg
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getTheNewVersionPkg=""
+ local getTheCurrentVersionFile="$meoListAvailablePkgsPure"
+ local getNameOfPkg="$1"
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$getTheCurrentVersionFile" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getTheNewVersionPkg=` cat $getTheCurrentVersionFile | grep -A 2 -w $getNameOfPkg | head -n 2 \
+ | grep -w "version" | tail -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ # Display/return
+ echo "$getTheNewVersionPkg"
+ else
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong, a missing file \U001F9D0. Please reinstall \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The `getNewHashPkg` allows to get the new hash of a program from a defined file
+* @param {string} $1 // The name of the package
+* @return {string} // The hash of the given package will be returned
+ '
+function getNewHashPkg
+ # Declaration variables
+ local getTheNewHashPkg=""
+ local getTheCurrentVersionFile="$meoListAvailablePkgsPure"
+ local getNameOfPkg="$1"
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$getTheCurrentVersionFile" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getTheNewHashPkg=` cat $getTheCurrentVersionFile | grep -A 3 -w "$getNameOfPkg" | tail -n 2 \
+ | grep -w -- "pkg-md5sum" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ # Display/return
+ echo "$getTheNewHashPkg"
+ else
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong, a missing file \U001F9D0. Please reinstall \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+: '
+* @overview The function `colorElem` allows to color strings
+* @param {string} $1 // The input string to color
+ '
+function colorElem
+ # Declaration variables
+ getTheString="$1"
+ echo -e "\033[36m$getTheString\033[0m"
+# Create some working dirs
+if [[ ! ( -e "$meoTmp" ) ]]
+ mkdir -p "$meoTmp" 2> /dev/null
+if [[ ! ( -e "$meoTmpDirGithub" ) ]]
+ mkdir -p "$meoTmpDirGithub" 2> /dev/null
+# Trap some commands
+trap 'rm -r "$meoTmp" 2> /dev/null' EXIT
+trap 'rm -r "$meoTmp" 2> /dev/null' SIGINT SIGTERM
+### Action based to the `meo` itself -> start tag[s0]
+if [[ $1 == "self-update" ]] && [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ getMeoRefreshVersion=""
+ getMeoRefreshVersionHash=""
+ getMeoVersionPkgInstalledHash=""
+ getDebPkg=""
+ getURLPkg="https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux/tree/main/packages"
+ getMeoVersionPkgInstalled=` meo --version `
+ getPkg="meo"
+ fieldAlgoHash="pkg-md5sum"
+ getMeoDebDir="/usr/lib/meo/library/packages-info/meo/deb"
+ # Call the function
+ refreshAvailablePkgsFile &
+ # Call the function and give the `pid` of the last command
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$getMeoDebDir" ]]
+ then
+ # Get the meo package after having downloading it
+ getDebPkg=` find "$getMeoDebDir" -name "$getPkg*.deb" -type f `
+ # Get the hash of the package
+ getMeoVersionPkgInstalledHash=` md5sum "$getDebPkg" | cut -d " " -f 1 2> /dev/null `
+ else
+ echo "~"
+ echo "Something is wrong, a $getPkg deb package is missing \U001F9D0, please reinstall the \e[32;1m$getPkg\e[0m program"
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$meoListAvailablePkgsPure" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getMeoRefreshVersion=` cat $meoListAvailablePkgsPure | awk 'BEGIN { counter=0 } /\/ \
+ {counter=3} { if ( counter && counter > 0) { print; counter-- } }' | \
+ awk '/\/ {FS=": "; print $2} ' `
+ #
+ getMeoRefreshVersionHash=` cat $meoListAvailablePkgsPure | awk 'BEGIN { counter=0 } /\/ \
+ {counter=3} { if ( counter && counter > 0) { print; counter-- } }' | \
+ awk '/\/ {FS=": "; print $2} ' `
+ # Verify the match versions, then do ...
+ if ( [[ ` echo "$getMeoRefreshVersion" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == \
+ ` echo "$getMeoVersionPkgInstalled" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]] ) \
+ && ( [[ ` echo "$getMeoRefreshVersionHash" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == \
+ ` echo "$getMeoVersionPkgInstalledHash" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]] )
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "The job is clean, \e[32;1m$getPkg\e[0m program is up to date \U002705 "
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ exit 0
+ elif [[ ` echo "$getMeoRefreshVersionHash" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` != \
+ ` echo "$getMeoVersionPkgInstalledHash" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "A new revision \U001F4DD of the \e[032;1m$getPkg\e[0m program is available, hash-md5sum \c"
+ echo -e "(\e[1;032m$getMeoRefreshVersionHash\e[0m) ."
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Go to this Github \e[1;4;032m$getURLPkg\e[0m repository to"
+ echo -e "download the \e[032;1m$getPkg\e[0m program or download the \e[032;1m$getPkg\e[0m program via the "
+ echo -e "command -> \e[036;1msudo $getPkg download $getPkg\e[0m , then install it ."
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "A new version ($getMeoRefreshVersion) \e[1;036m ⬆ \e[0m for the \e[032;1m$getPkg\e[0m program is available ."
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "Go to this Github \e[1;4;032m$getURLPkg\e[0m repository"
+ echo -e "to download the \e[032;1m$getPkg\e[0m program or download the \e[032;1m$getPkg\e[0m program via the "
+ echo -e "command -> \e[036;1msudo $getPkg download $getPkg\e[0m , then install it ."
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "~"
+ echo "Something is wrong, a file is missing \U001F9D0, please reinstall the \e[32;1m$getPkg\e[0m program"
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based to the `meo` itself -> end tag[s0]
+### Action based on the `install` option -> start tag[i1]
+if [[ $1 == "install" ]] && [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ flagPackageFound=""
+ flagPackageInstalledFound=""
+ getDebPkg=""
+ getDirPkgToInstall=""
+ getPkgMng="meo"
+ pkgDirectoryInMng="/usr/lib/meo/library/packages-info"
+ counterInstalledPkg=0
+ counterCloneGit=0
+ counterNotFoundPkg=0
+ counterFlagMng=0
+ counterAlreadyInstalledPkg=0
+ counterErrorInstall=0
+ counterInputPkg=0
+ getCurrentBranchPkg="current-version-pkgs"
+ getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg="current-version-pkgs"
+ getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg="/tmp/.$USER/meo/current-version"
+ declare -a listOfDownloadedPkg=()
+ declare -a listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg=()
+ declare -a listOfInstalledPkg=()
+ declare -a listOfNotInstalledPkg=()
+ declare -a listOfErrorInstallingPkg=()
+ # Temporary files to save variables and arrays
+ tmp_counterCloneGit=` mktemp `
+ tmp_counterNotFoundPkg=` mktemp `
+ tmp_counterFlagMng=` mktemp `
+ tmp_counterAlreadyInstalledPkg=` mktemp `
+ #
+ tmp_listOfDownloadedPkg=` mktemp `
+ tmp_listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg=` mktemp `
+ tmp_listOfNotInstalledPkg=` mktemp `
+ # Call the function
+ getDirPkgToInstall=` createDirPackageToInstall `
+ # Shift one position
+ shift 1
+ # Download the packages if it exists
+ (
+ for packageUP in $@
+ do
+ #
+ flagPackageFound=` isPackageAvailable "$packageUP" $counterInputPkg "yes" `
+ flagPackageInstalledFound=` isPackageInstalled $packageUP `
+ #
+ if [[ $flagPackageFound == "true" ]] && [[ ! ` echo "$packageUP" | grep -w -- "^$getPkgMng$" ` ]] \
+ && [[ "$flagPackageInstalledFound" == "false" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$packageUP"
+ # Create a directory for the package to install in ...
+ if [[ ! -e "$pkgDirectoryInMng/$packageUP" ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p "$pkgDirectoryInMng/$packageUP" 2> /dev/null
+ else
+ #
+ rm -fr "$pkgDirectoryInMng/$packageUP" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$pkgDirectoryInMng/$packageUP" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ # Create a directory for the current package
+ if [[ ! -e "$getDirPkgToInstall/$packageUP" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$getDirPkgToInstall/$packageUP" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ # Move the package
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -name "$packageUP*.deb" -type f -exec mv {} "$getDirPkgToInstall/$packageUP" \;
+ # Move the `info` directory of the package in ...
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -maxdepth 1 -name "info" -type d -exec mv {} "$pkgDirectoryInMng/$packageUP" \;
+ # Move the `depends` directory of the package in ...
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -maxdepth 1 -name "depends" -type d -exec \
+ mv {} "$pkgDirectoryInMng/$packageUP" \;
+ # Append the package to the array
+ listOfDownloadedPkg+="$packageUP"
+ #
+ counterCloneGit=$(( counterCloneGit + 1 ))
+ # Clone the file containing the current version of the packages
+ if [[ $counterCloneGit -eq 1 ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$getCurrentBranchPkg"
+ #
+ if [[ ! -e "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ else
+ #
+ rm -rf "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ #
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/versonning" -name "$getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f -exec \
+ mv {} "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null \;
+ fi
+ #
+ elif [[ $flagPackageFound == "false" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ listOfNotInstalledPkg+="$packageUP"
+ #
+ counterNotFoundPkg=$(( counterNotFoundPkg + 1 ))
+ elif [[ "$flagPackageInstalledFound" == "true" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg+="$packageUP"
+ #
+ counterAlreadyInstalledPkg=$(( counterAlreadyInstalledPkg + 1 ))
+ elif [[ ` echo "$packageUP" | grep -w -- "^$getPkgMng$" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ counterFlagMng=$(( counterFlagMng + 1 ))
+ fi
+ #
+ counterInputPkg=$(( counterInputPkg + 1 ))
+ done
+ # Save the content of variables in the temporary files
+ echo "$counterCloneGit" > "$tmp_counterCloneGit"
+ echo "$counterNotFoundPkg" > "$tmp_counterNotFoundPkg"
+ echo "$counterFlagMng" > "$tmp_counterFlagMng"
+ echo "$counterAlreadyInstalledPkg" > "$tmp_counterAlreadyInstalledPkg"
+ # For the array
+ printf "%s\n" "${listOfDownloadedPkg[@]}" > "$tmp_listOfDownloadedPkg"
+ printf "%s\n" "${listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg[@]}" > "$tmp_listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg"
+ printf "%s\n" "${listOfNotInstalledPkg[@]}" > "$tmp_listOfNotInstalledPkg"
+ ) &
+ # Call the function (for the loop above)
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Get the content of the temporary files
+ counterCloneGit=` cat "$tmp_counterCloneGit" `
+ counterNotFoundPkg=` cat "$tmp_counterNotFoundPkg" `
+ counterFlagMng=` cat "$tmp_counterFlagMng" `
+ counterAlreadyInstalledPkg=` cat "$tmp_counterAlreadyInstalledPkg" `
+ #
+ listOfDownloadedPkg=( ` cat $tmp_listOfDownloadedPkg ` )
+ listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg=( ` cat $tmp_listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg ` )
+ listOfNotInstalledPkg=( ` cat $tmp_listOfNotInstalledPkg ` )
+ # Installation action
+ if [[ $counterCloneGit -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ getTheFileCurrentVersionPkg=` find "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" -name "$getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f 2> /dev/null `
+ #
+ for downloadedPkg in ${listOfDownloadedPkg[@]}
+ do
+ # The installer to install the dependencies of the package
+ getTheInstaller=` find "$pkgDirectoryInMng/$downloadedPkg/depends" -type f -name "installer-depends.sh" `
+ getTheDebPkgToInstall=` find "$getDirPkgToInstall/$downloadedPkg" -type f -name "$downloadedPkg*.deb" `
+ # Installing dependencies of the current package `$downloadedPkg`
+ bash "$getTheInstaller"
+ # Install the package itself `downloadedPkg`
+ dpkg --install "$getTheDebPkgToInstall"
+ #
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ storeInslalledPkg "$getTheFileCurrentVersionPkg" "$downloadedPkg"
+ #
+ listOfInstalledPkg+="$downloadedPkg"
+ #
+ counterInstalledPkg=$(( counterInstalledPkg + 1 ))
+ else
+ #
+ dpkg --remove "$getTheDebPkgToInstall" &> /dev/null
+ #
+ listOfErrorInstallingPkg+="$downloadedPkg"
+ #
+ counterErrorInstall=$(( counterErrorInstall + 1 ))
+ fi
+ done
+ #
+ echo ""
+ fi
+ #
+ echo -e ""
+ # If the package manager was included among the package(s) to install, cast an alert
+ if [[ $counterFlagMng -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo "~"
+ echo "You can not install the \e[032;1m$getPkgMng\e[0m program itself 🚨"
+ fi
+ # The list of uninstalled packages
+ if [[ $counterNotFoundPkg -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ for notInstalledPkg in ${listOfNotInstalledPkg[@]}
+ do
+ echo -e "\e[031;1m$notInstalledPkg\e[0m not found \U00274C "
+ done
+ fi
+ # List of packages that could not be installed
+ if [[ $counterErrorInstall -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ for errorInstallingPkg in ${listOfErrorInstallingPkg[@]}
+ do
+ echo -e "\e[032;1m$errorInstallingPkg\e[0m could not be installed \U001F6AB "
+ done
+ fi
+ # The list of package(s) already installed
+ if [[ $counterAlreadyInstalledPkg -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ for alreadyInstalledPkg in ${listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg[@]}
+ do
+ echo -e "\e[032;1m$alreadyInstalledPkg\e[0m already installed \U001F530 "
+ done
+ fi
+ # The list of package(s) installed
+ if [[ $counterInstalledPkg -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ for installedPkg in ${listOfInstalledPkg[@]}
+ do
+ echo -e "\e[032;1m$installedPkg\e[0m installed \U002705 "
+ done
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ # call the function
+ removeDirFile "$meoTmp" "$tmp_counterCloneGit" "$tmp_counterNotFoundPkg" "$tmp_counterFlagMng" \
+ "$tmp_counterAlreadyInstalledPkg" "$tmp_listOfDownloadedPkg" "$tmp_listOfAlreadyInstalledPkg" \
+ "$tmp_listOfNotInstalledPkg"
+ #
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `install` option -> end tag[i1]
+### Action based on the `update` option -> start tag[u0]
+if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && [[ $1 == "update" ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ getNameOfPkg=""
+ flagProgramInstall=""
+ flagProgramNewVersion=""
+ flagProgramNewRevision=""
+ counterPkgNewRevision=0
+ counterPkgNewVersion=0
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshVersion
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshRevision
+ # If the target file does not exist, no packages to update
+ if [[ ! ( -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ) ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "The job is clean, no packages to update by \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m \U002705 "
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ refreshAvailablePkgsFile &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Load the installed packages, their version(new or old) and the hash(new) in arrays
+ while IFS= read -r lineFile
+ do
+ getNameOfPkg=` echo "$lineFile" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ # Call the functions
+ flagProgramInstall=` isPackageInstalled $getNameOfPkg `
+ flagProgramNewVersion=` isNewVersionOfPkgAvailable $getNameOfPkg `
+ flagProgramNewRevision=` isNewRevisionOfPkgAvailable $getNameOfPkg `
+ # If there is a new version of the program, then ...
+ if [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "true" ]] && [[ "$flagProgramNewVersion" == "true" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ getNewVersionProgram=` getNewVersionPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ getNewHashProgram=` getNewHashPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Save package info
+ tablePkgToRefreshVersion[$getNameOfPkg]="$getNameOfPkg : $getNewVersionProgram : $getNewHashProgram"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewVersion=$(( counterPkgNewVersion + 1 ))
+ elif [[ "$flagProgramNewRevision" == "true" ]] && [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "true" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ getVersionProgram=` getNewVersionPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ getNewHashProgram=` getNewHashPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Save package info
+ tablePkgToRefreshRevision[$getNameOfPkg]="$getNameOfPkg : $getVersionProgram : $getNewHashProgram"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewRevision=$(( counterPkgNewRevision + 1 ))
+ fi
+ done < $meoListInstalledPkgsPure
+ # The action of displaying the list of packages that may be up to date
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewVersion -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Here the list of package(s) can be \e[1;032mupdated\e[0m \e[1;036m\U002B06\e[0m "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshVersion}
+ do
+ getTheVersionPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $2}' `
+ getTheHashPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $3}' `
+ getThePkg=` echo "$key" `
+ #
+ echo "\e[1;032m$getThePkg\e[0m v(\e[1;036m$getTheVersionPkg\e[0m) , hash(\e[1;95m$getTheHashPkg\e[0m)"
+ done
+ fi
+ # The action of displaying the list of packages that may be reviewed
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevision -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevision -eq 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "A \e[1;032mreview\e[0m of this package is available \U001F4DD "
+ else
+ echo -e "A \e[1;032mreview\e[0m of these packages are available \U001F4DD "
+ fi
+ #
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshRevision}
+ do
+ getTheVersionPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $2}' `
+ getTheHashPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $3}' `
+ getThePkg=` echo "$key" `
+ #
+ echo "\e[1;032m$getThePkg\e[0m v(\e[1;036m$getTheVersionPkg\e[0m) , hash(\e[1;095m$getTheHashPkg\e[0m)"
+ done
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevision -eq 0 ]] && [[ $counterPkgNewVersion -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "The job is clean, no packages to update by \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m \U002705 "
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ exit 0
+ if [[ $1 == "update" ]] && [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, there is not another argument \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `update` option -> end tag[u0]
+### Action based on the `upgrade` option -> start tag[u1]
+if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && [[ $1 == "upgrade" ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ getNameOfPkg=""
+ flagProgramInstall=""
+ flagProgramNewVersion=""
+ flagProgramNewRevision=""
+ theTmpDirPkgs="/tmp/.$USER/meo/package-dir"
+ getCurrentBranchPkg="current-version-pkgs"
+ getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg="current-version-pkgs"
+ getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg="/tmp/.$USER/meo/current-version"
+ counterPkgNewVersion=0
+ counterPkgNewVersionInstalled=0
+ counterPkgNewRevision=0
+ counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled=0
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshVersion
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshVersionInstalled
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshRevision
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshRevisionInstalled
+ #
+ trap "setterm --cursor on" SIGINT SIGTERM
+ # If no packages are installed
+ if [[ ` cat "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null | wc -l | cut -d " " -f 1 ` -lt 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "At the time I run, no packages are installed by me \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m \U002705 "
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Create a temporary directory where the content of packages will be sent
+ if [[ ! -e "$theTmpDirPkgs" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$theTmpDirPkgs" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong \U001F9D0, make sure you have the right to write in [ /tmp ]"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Save the current position of the cursor
+ tput sc
+ #
+ # Call the function
+ refreshAvailablePkgsFile &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$getCurrentBranchPkg" &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ # Create a temporary directory where the versions of packages will be sent
+ if [[ ! -e "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ else
+ #
+ rm -rf "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ # Move the file containing the package versions in ...
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/versonning" -name "$getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f -exec \
+ mv {} "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null \;
+ # Get the file containing the package versions
+ getTheFileCurrentVersionPkg=` find "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" -name "$getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f 2> /dev/null `
+ # Load the installed packages, their version(new or old) and the hash(new) in arrays
+ while IFS= read -r lineFile
+ do
+ getNameOfPkg=` echo "$lineFile" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ # Call the functions
+ flagProgramInstall=` isPackageInstalled $getNameOfPkg `
+ flagProgramNewVersion=` isNewVersionOfPkgAvailable $getNameOfPkg `
+ flagProgramNewRevision=` isNewRevisionOfPkgAvailable $getNameOfPkg `
+ # If there is a new version of the program, then ...
+ if [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "true" ]] && [[ "$flagProgramNewVersion" == "true" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ getNewVersionProgram=` getNewVersionPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ getNewHashProgram=` getNewHashPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$getNameOfPkg" &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ #
+ getCurrentPkg=` find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -name "$getNameOfPkg*.deb" 2> /dev/null `
+ #
+ mv "$getCurrentPkg" "$theTmpDirPkgs"
+ # Save package info
+ tablePkgToRefreshVersion[$getNameOfPkg]="$getNameOfPkg : $getNewVersionProgram : $getNewHashProgram"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewVersion=$(( counterPkgNewVersion + 1 ))
+ elif [[ "$flagProgramNewRevision" == "true" ]] && [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "true" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ getVersionProgram=` getNewVersionPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ getNewHashProgram=` getNewHashPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$getNameOfPkg" &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ #
+ getCurrentPkg=` find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -name "$getNameOfPkg*.deb" 2> /dev/null `
+ #
+ mv "$getCurrentPkg" "$theTmpDirPkgs"
+ # Save package info
+ tablePkgToRefreshRevision[$getNameOfPkg]="$getNameOfPkg : $getVersionProgram : $getNewHashProgram"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewRevision=$(( counterPkgNewRevision + 1 ))
+ fi
+ done < $meoListInstalledPkgsPure
+ # Get back the cursor in the current position
+ tput rc
+ # Process of installation
+ if [[ -e "$theTmpDirPkgs" ]]
+ then
+ # Declaration variables
+ fileOfPkgReadyToInstall="$theTmpDirPkgs/file-path-deb-pkg"
+ # Save the path of packages that are ready to install in a file
+ find "$theTmpDirPkgs" -name "*.deb" -type f > $fileOfPkgReadyToInstall 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ while IFS= read -r lineFile
+ do
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ # Install the `deb` package
+ dpkg --install "$lineFile"
+ # Check if the package was properly installed
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ # Get the name of the package
+ getThePkgName=` echo "$lineFile" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F "-" '{sub(/-[^-]*$/, ""); print}' `
+ # Call the function
+ storeInslalledPkg "$getTheFileCurrentVersionPkg" "$getThePkgName"
+ # Save the installed package in an array -> source array `tablePkgToRefreshVersion`
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshVersion}
+ do
+ if [[ ` echo "$key" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == ` echo "$getThePkgName" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ tablePkgToRefreshVersionInstalled[$getThePkgName]="$value"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewVersionInstalled=$(( counterPkgNewVersionInstalled + 1 ))
+ # Stop the loop
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # Save the installed package in an array -> source array `tablePkgToRefreshRevision`
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshRevision}
+ do
+ if [[ ` echo "$key" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == ` echo "$getThePkgName" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ tablePkgToRefreshRevisionInstalled[$getThePkgName]="$value"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled=$(( counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled + 1 ))
+ # Stop the loop
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ #
+ dpkg --remove "$lineFile" &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done < $fileOfPkgReadyToInstall
+ fi
+ # Some checking
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevision -eq 0 ]] && [[ $counterPkgNewVersion -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "All packages installed by \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m are up to date \U002705 "
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewVersion -ne $counterPkgNewVersionInstalled ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "At least one package has not been \e[1;035mupdated\e[0m by the \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program \U001F9D0 ."
+ echo -e "Execute the following command to see this or these packages ."
+ echo -e "\e[1;032msudo meo update\e[0m "
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevision -ne $counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "At least one package could not be \e[1;035mreviewed\e[0m by the \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program \U001F9D0 ."
+ echo -e "Execute the following command to see this or these packages ."
+ echo -e "\e[1;032msudo meo update\e[0m "
+ fi
+ # The action of displaying the list of packages which version has been updated
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewVersionInstalled -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Here the list of package(s) whose version has been \e[1;035mupdated\e[0m \e[1;036m\U002B06\e[0m "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshVersionInstalled}
+ do
+ getTheVersionPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $2}' `
+ getTheHashPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $3}' `
+ getThePkg=` echo "$key" `
+ #
+ echo "\e[1;032m$getThePkg\e[0m v(\e[1;036m$getTheVersionPkg\e[0m) , hash(\e[1;095m$getTheHashPkg\e[0m)"
+ done
+ fi
+ # The action of displaying the list of packages that have been reviewed
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ #
+ echo -e "Here the list of packages that have been \e[1;035mreviewed\e[0m \U001F4DD "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshRevisionInstalled}
+ do
+ getTheVersionPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $2}' `
+ getTheHashPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $3}' `
+ getThePkg=` echo "$key" `
+ #
+ echo "\e[1;032m$getThePkg\e[0m v(\e[1;036m$getTheVersionPkg\e[0m) , hash(\e[1;095m$getTheHashPkg\e[0m)"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ #
+ removeDirFile "$theTmpDirPkgs" "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg"
+ exit 0
+elif [[ $# -gt 1 ]] && [[ $1 == "upgrade" ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ getNameOfPkg=""
+ flagProgramInstall=""
+ flagProgramNewVersion=""
+ flagProgramNewRevision=""
+ theTmpDirPkgs="/tmp/.$USER/meo/package-dir"
+ getCurrentBranchPkg="current-version-pkgs"
+ getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg="current-version-pkgs"
+ getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg="/tmp/.$USER/meo/current-version"
+ counterPkgNewVersion=0
+ counterPkgNewVersionInstalled=0
+ counterPkgNewRevision=0
+ counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled=0
+ counterProgramAlreadyUpdated=0
+ counterProgramNotFound=0
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshVersion
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshVersionInstalled
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshRevision
+ typeset -A tablePkgToRefreshRevisionInstalled
+ declare -a tableProgramNotInstalled=()
+ declare -a tableProgramAlreadyUpdated=()
+ #
+ trap "setterm --cursor on" SIGINT SIGTERM
+ # If no packages are installed
+ if [[ ` cat "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null | wc -l | cut -d " " -f 1 ` -lt 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "At the time I run, no packages are installed by me \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m \U002705 "
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ # Create a temporary directory where the content of packages will be sent
+ if [[ ! -e "$theTmpDirPkgs" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$theTmpDirPkgs" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Something is wrong \U001F9D0, make sure you have the right to write in [ /tmp ]"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Save the current position of the cursor
+ tput sc
+ # Call the function
+ refreshAvailablePkgsFile &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$getCurrentBranchPkg" &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ # Create a temporary directory where the versions of packages will be sent
+ if [[ ! -e "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" ]]
+ then
+ mkdir -p "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ else
+ #
+ rm -rf "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ mkdir -p "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ # Move the file containing the package versions in ...
+ find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/versonning" -name "$getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f -exec \
+ mv {} "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" 2> /dev/null \;
+ # Get the file containing the package versions
+ getTheFileCurrentVersionPkg=` find "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg" -name "$getNameFileCurrentVersionPkg" -type f 2> /dev/null `
+ # Shift the parameter `upgrade`
+ shift 1
+ # Load the installed packages, their version(new or old) and the hash(new) in arrays
+ for pkgInput in "$@"
+ do
+ #
+ getNameOfPkg=` echo "$pkgInput" `
+ # Call the functions
+ flagProgramInstall=` isPackageInstalled $getNameOfPkg `
+ flagProgramNewVersion=` isNewVersionOfPkgAvailable $getNameOfPkg `
+ flagProgramNewRevision=` isNewRevisionOfPkgAvailable $getNameOfPkg `
+ # If there is a new version of the program, then ...
+ if [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "true" ]] && [[ "$flagProgramNewVersion" == "true" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ getNewVersionProgram=` getNewVersionPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ getNewHashProgram=` getNewHashPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$getNameOfPkg" &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ #
+ getCurrentPkg=` find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -name "$getNameOfPkg*.deb" 2> /dev/null `
+ #
+ mv "$getCurrentPkg" "$theTmpDirPkgs"
+ # Save package info
+ tablePkgToRefreshVersion[$getNameOfPkg]="$getNameOfPkg : $getNewVersionProgram : $getNewHashProgram"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewVersion=$(( counterPkgNewVersion + 1 ))
+ elif [[ "$flagProgramNewRevision" == "true" ]] && [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "true" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ getVersionProgram=` getNewVersionPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ getNewHashProgram=` getNewHashPkg $getNameOfPkg `
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$getNameOfPkg" &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ #
+ getCurrentPkg=` find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -name "$getNameOfPkg*.deb" 2> /dev/null `
+ #
+ mv "$getCurrentPkg" "$theTmpDirPkgs"
+ # Save package info
+ tablePkgToRefreshRevision[$getNameOfPkg]="$getNameOfPkg : $getVersionProgram : $getNewHashProgram"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewRevision=$(( counterPkgNewRevision + 1 ))
+ elif [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "false" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ tableProgramNotInstalled+="$getNameOfPkg"
+ #
+ counterProgramNotFound=$(( counterProgramNotFound + 1 ))
+ elif ( [[ "$flagProgramInstall" == "true" ]] ) && ( [[ "$flagProgramNewVersion" == "false" ]] && \
+ [[ "$flagProgramNewRevision" == "false" ]] )
+ then
+ #
+ tableProgramAlreadyUpdated+="$getNameOfPkg"
+ #
+ counterProgramAlreadyUpdated=$(( counterProgramAlreadyUpdated + 1 ))
+ fi
+ done
+ # Get back the cursor in the current position
+ tput rc
+ # Process of installation
+ if [[ -e "$theTmpDirPkgs" ]]
+ then
+ # Declaration variables
+ fileOfPkgReadyToInstall="$theTmpDirPkgs/file-path-deb-pkg"
+ # Save the path of packages that are ready to install in a file
+ find "$theTmpDirPkgs" -name "*.deb" -type f > $fileOfPkgReadyToInstall 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ while IFS= read -r lineFile
+ do
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ # Install the `deb` package
+ dpkg --install "$lineFile"
+ # Check if the package was properly installed
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ # Get the name of the package
+ getThePkgName=` echo "$lineFile" | awk -F "/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F "-" '{sub(/-[^-]*$/, ""); print}' `
+ # Call the function
+ storeInslalledPkg "$getTheFileCurrentVersionPkg" "$getThePkgName"
+ # Save the installed package in an array -> source array `tablePkgToRefreshVersion`
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshVersion}
+ do
+ if [[ ` echo "$key" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == ` echo "$getThePkgName" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ tablePkgToRefreshVersionInstalled[$getThePkgName]="$value"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewVersionInstalled=$(( counterPkgNewVersionInstalled + 1 ))
+ # Stop the loop
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # Save the installed package in an array -> source array `tablePkgToRefreshRevision`
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshRevision}
+ do
+ if [[ ` echo "$key" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` == ` echo "$getThePkgName" | tr -d "[[:space:]]" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ tablePkgToRefreshRevisionInstalled[$getThePkgName]="$value"
+ #
+ counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled=$(( counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled + 1 ))
+ # Stop the loop
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ #
+ dpkg --install "$lineFile" &> /dev/null
+ fi
+ done < $fileOfPkgReadyToInstall
+ fi
+ #
+ echo ""
+ # Some checking
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevision -eq 0 ]] && [[ $counterPkgNewVersion -eq 0 ]] && [[ $counterProgramNotFound -eq 0 ]] \
+ && [[ $counterProgramAlreadyUpdated -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "All packages installed by \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m are up to date \U002705 "
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewVersion -ne $counterPkgNewVersionInstalled ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "At least one package has not been \e[1;035mupdated\e[0m by the \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program \U001F9D0 ."
+ echo -e "Execute the following command to see this or these packages ."
+ echo -e "\e[1;032msudo meo update\e[0m "
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevision -ne $counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "~"
+ echo -e "At least one package could not be \e[1;035mreviewed\e[0m by the \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program \U001F9D0 ."
+ echo -e "Execute the following command to see this or these packages ."
+ echo -e "\e[1;032msudo meo update\e[0m "
+ fi
+ # Not found packages
+ if [[ $counterProgramNotFound -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Here the list of package(s) that \e[1;031mwere not found\e[0m \U00274C "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for value in ${tableProgramNotInstalled[@]}
+ do
+ #
+ echo -e "\e[1;031m$value\e[0m"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Packages already updated
+ if [[ $counterProgramAlreadyUpdated -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Here the list of package(s) that are \e[1;035malready up to date\e[0m \U002705 "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for value in ${tableProgramAlreadyUpdated[@]}
+ do
+ #
+ echo -e "\e[1;032m$value\e[0m v(` $value --version 2> /dev/null `) "
+ done
+ fi
+ # The action of displaying the list of packages which version has been updated
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewVersionInstalled -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Here the list of package(s) whose version has been \e[1;032mupdated\e[0m \e[1;036m\U002B06\e[0m "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshVersionInstalled}
+ do
+ getTheVersionPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $2}' `
+ getTheHashPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $3}' `
+ getThePkg=` echo "$key" `
+ #
+ echo "\e[1;032m$getThePkg\e[0m v(\e[1;036m$getTheVersionPkg\e[0m) , hash(\e[1;095m$getTheHashPkg\e[0m)"
+ done
+ fi
+ # The action of displaying the list of packages that have been reviewed
+ if [[ $counterPkgNewRevisionInstalled -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ #
+ echo -e "Here the list of packages that have been \e[1;032mreviewed\e[0m \U001F4DD "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ #
+ for key value in ${(kv)tablePkgToRefreshRevisionInstalled}
+ do
+ getTheVersionPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $2}' `
+ getTheHashPkg=` echo "$value" | awk -F " : " '{print $3}' `
+ getThePkg=` echo "$key" `
+ #
+ echo "\e[1;032m$getThePkg\e[0m v(\e[1;036m$getTheVersionPkg\e[0m) , hash(\e[1;095m$getTheHashPkg\e[0m)"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ #
+ removeDirFile "$theTmpDirPkgs" "$getPathDirCurrentVersionPkg"
+ exit 0
+### Action based on the `upgrade` option -> end tag[u1]
+### Action based on the `remove` option -> start tag[r0]
+if [[ $1 == "remove" ]] && [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ flagPkgFound=""
+ counterPkgRemoved=0
+ declare -a listOfRemovedPkg=()
+ #
+ shift 1
+ #
+ for givenPkgToRemove in $@
+ do
+ #
+ flagPkgFound=` isPackageInstalled $givenPkgToRemove `
+ #
+ if [[ $flagPkgFound == "true" ]] && [[ ! ` echo "$givenPkgToRemove" | grep -w -- "^meo$" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ dpkg --remove $givenPkgToRemove
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ listOfRemovedPkg+=$givenPkgToRemove
+ #
+ sed -i "/$givenPkgToRemove/d" "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null
+ #
+ counterPkgRemoved=$(( counterPkgRemoved + 1 ))
+ fi
+ elif [[ $flagPkgFound == "true" ]] && [[ ` echo "$givenPkgToRemove" | grep -w -- "^meo$" ` ]]
+ then
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo "You can not remove the \e[32;1mmeo\e[0m program itself 🚨"
+ #
+ continue
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "The package \e[32;1m$givenPkgToRemove\e[0m is not installed \U001F9D0 "
+ fi
+ done
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgRemoved -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ #
+ for namePkgRemoved in ${listOfRemovedPkg[@]}
+ do
+ local getNamePkgRemoved=` echo $namePkgRemoved | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ if [[ "$getNamePkgRemoved" != "meo" ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\e[32;1m$getNamePkgRemoved\e[0m removed \U002705 "
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ #
+ exit 0
+ #
+ if [[ $1 == "remove" ]] && [[ $# -lt 2 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, you have to give the package(s) to remove \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `remove` option -> end tag[r0]
+### Action based on the `download` option -> start tag[d0]
+if [[ $1 == "download" ]] && [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ flagPkgFound=""
+ getDebPkg=""
+ getCurrentPath=` pwd `
+ counterPkgDownloaded=0
+ counterInputPkg=0
+ declare -a listOfDownloadedPkg=()
+ # Save the current position of the cursor
+ tput sc
+ # Shift the `download` option
+ shift 1
+ # The downloading operations
+ for pkgToDownload in $@
+ do
+ #
+ flagPkgFound=` isPackageAvailable $pkgToDownload $counterInputPkg "yes" `
+ #
+ if [[ $flagPkgFound == "true" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$pkgToDownload" &
+ # Call the function
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ # Delete the displayed lines (just above)
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput cuu1
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ tput el
+ #
+ getDebPkg=` find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/package" -name "$pkgToDownload*.deb" 2> /dev/null `
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$getDebPkg" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ cp -ra "$getDebPkg" "$getCurrentPath" 2> /dev/null
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ #
+ counterPkgDownloaded=$(( counterPkgDownloaded + 1 ))
+ listOfDownloadedPkg+="$pkgToDownload"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ # Get back the cursor in the current position
+ tput rc
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "The package \e[32;1m$pkgToDownload\e[0m does not exist in the \e[32;1mmeo\e[0m repository \U001F9D0 "
+ fi
+ #
+ counterInputPkg=$(( counterInputPkg + 1 ))
+ done
+ # Get back the cursor in the current position
+ tput rc
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgDownloaded -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo ""
+ echo -e ""
+ echo -e "~"
+ #
+ for namePkgDownloaded in ${listOfDownloadedPkg[@]}
+ do
+ getNamePkgDownloaded=` echo $namePkgDownloaded | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ if [[ -n "$getNamePkgDownloaded" ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\e[32;1m$getNamePkgDownloaded\e[0m downloaded \U002705 "
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ exit 0
+ if [[ $1 == "download" ]] && [[ $# -lt 2 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, you have to give the package(s) to download \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `download` option -> end tag[d0]
+### Action based on the `list` option -> start tag[l0]
+if [[ $1 == "list" ]] && [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$meoListAvailablePkgs" ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Here the list of \e[1;032mavailable\e[0m packages since the last execution of the "
+ echo -e "command ~ \e[35;1msudo meo update\e[0m "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ cat "$meoListAvailablePkgs" 2> /dev/null
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo "Something is wrong, please reinstall the \e[32;1mmeo\e[0m program \U001F6A8"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $1 == "list" ]] && [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, there is not another argument \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `list` option -> end tag[l0]
+### Action based on the `list-installed` option -> start tag[l0]
+if [[ $1 == "list-installed" ]] && [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ]] && [[ ` cat "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" 2> /dev/null | wc -l | cut -d " " -f 1 ` -ge 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Here the list of installed packages by the \e[35;1mmeo\e[0m program "
+ echo -e "\U001F517"
+ cat "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" | \
+ awk '{printf "\033[1;092m%s\033[0m : \033[1;096m%s\033[0m , \033[1;032m%s\033[0m : \033[1;036m%s\033[0m\n", $1, $3, $5, $7}' \
+ 2> /dev/null
+ exit 0
+ elif [[ -e "$meoListInstalledPkgsPure" ]] && [[ ` cat "$meoListInstalledPkgs" 2> /dev/null | wc -l | cut -d " " -f 1 ` -eq 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Currently , no packages installed \U001F4BB by \e[32;1mmeo\e[0m "
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Currently , no packages installed \U001F4BB by \e[32;1mmeo\e[0m "
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ #
+ if [[ $1 == "list-installed" ]] && [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, there is not another argument \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `list-installed` option -> end tag[l1]
+### Action based on the `search` option -> start tag[s0]
+if [[ $1 == "search" ]] && [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ flagPkgFound=""
+ counterPkgFound=0
+ counterInputPkg=0
+ declare -a listOfFoundPkg=()
+ typeset -A tableSearchFoundPkg
+ # Shift the `search` option
+ shift 1
+ #
+ for pkgSearched in $@
+ do
+ #
+ flagPkgFound=` isPackageAvailable "$pkgSearched" $counterInputPkg "no" `
+ getVersionOfPkg=` getNewVersionPkg $pkgSearched `
+ getHashPkg=` getNewHashPkg $pkgSearched `
+ #
+ if [[ $flagPkgFound == "true" ]]
+ then
+ #
+ tableSearchFoundPkg[$pkgSearched]="$pkgSearched : $getVersionOfPkg : $getHashPkg"
+ #
+ counterPkgFound=$(( counterPkgFound + 1 ))
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Based on the current list available packages, that's to say since the last execution "
+ echo -e "of the command \e[1;096msudo meo update\e[0m , The package \e[031;1m$pkgSearched\e[0m you are looking for "
+ echo -e "was not found in the local database of the \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program \U001F9D0 ."
+ fi
+ #
+ counterInputPkg=$(( counterInputPkg + 1 ))
+ done
+ #
+ if [[ $counterPkgFound -gt 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -e ""
+ echo -e "~"
+ #
+ for key value in ${(kv)tableSearchFoundPkg}
+ do
+ getTheVersionPkg=` echo $value | awk -F " : " '{print $2}' | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ getTheHashPkg=` echo $value | awk -F " : " '{print $3}' | tr -d "[[:space:]]" `
+ if [[ -n "$getTheVersionPkg" ]]
+ then
+ echo -e "\e[032;1m$key\e[0m v(\e[1;036m$getTheVersionPkg\e[0m) , hash(\e[1;095m$getTheHashPkg\e[0m) found \U002705 "
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ # Call the function
+ removeGitDownloadGitAction
+ removeDirFile "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux"
+ exit 0
+ #
+ if [[ $1 == "search" ]] && [[ $# -lt 2 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, you have to give the package(s) to search \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `search` option -> end tag[s0]
+### Action based on the `show` option -> start tag[s1]
+if [[ $1 == "show" ]] && [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ flagPkgFound=""
+ # Shift the `show` option
+ shift 1
+ # Action allowing to display package information
+ for givenPkg in $@
+ do
+ flagPkgFound=` isPackageInstalled $givenPkg `
+ #
+ if [[ $flagPkgFound == "true" ]]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ dpkg-query --status $givenPkg
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "The package \e[031;1m$givenPkg\e[0m is not installed \U001F9D0 "
+ fi
+ done
+ # Delete the given directory
+ removeDirFile "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux"
+ #
+ exit 0
+ #
+ if [[ $1 == "show" ]] && [[ $# -lt 2 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, you have to give the package(s) to show \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `show` option -> end tag[s1]
+### Action based on the `info` option -> start tag[s2]
+if [[ $1 == "info" ]] && [[ $# -eq 2 ]]
+ # Declaration variables
+ flagPkgFound=""
+ counterInputPkg=0
+ nameOfInfoPkgsBranch="share-info-pkgs"
+ # Shift the `info` option
+ shift 1
+ # Action allowing to display package information
+ for givenPkg in $@
+ do
+ flagPkgFound=` isPackageAvailable "$givenPkg" $counterInputPkg "no" `
+ #
+ if [[ $flagPkgFound == "true" ]]
+ then
+ # Call the function
+ cloneSingleBranchGit "$nameOfInfoPkgsBranch" &
+ #
+ spinnerAnimation $!
+ #
+ getTheFileInfoPackage=` find "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux/share-info-pkgs/$givenPkg" -name "readme" -type f 2> /dev/null `
+ #
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ #
+ if [[ -e "$getTheFileInfoPackage" ]]
+ then
+ cat "$getTheFileInfoPackage" 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ else
+ echo ""
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "Based on the current list available packages, that's to say since the last execution "
+ echo -e "of the command \e[1;096msudo meo update\e[0m , The package \e[031;1m$givenPkg\e[0m you are looking for "
+ echo -e "was not found in the local database of the \e[1;032mmeo\e[0m program \U001F9D0 ."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #
+ counterInputPkg=$(( counterInputPkg + 1 ))
+ done
+ # Delete the given directory
+ removeDirFile "$meoTmpDirGithub/linux"
+ #
+ exit 0
+ #
+ if [[ $1 == "info" ]] && [[ $# -gt 2 ]]
+ then
+ echo "~"
+ echo -e "With the \e[36;1m$1\e[0m option, you have to only give two parameters \U001F917 "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+### Action based on the `info` option -> end tag[s2]
+### Print some files linked to the options `--doc`, `--help` , `--version` --> start tag[io]
+if [[ $1 == "--doc" ]] && [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
+ #
+ cat /usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-doc 2> /dev/null
+ exit 0
+elif [[ $1 == "--help" ]] && [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
+ #
+ cat /usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-help 2> /dev/null
+ exit 0
+elif [[ $1 == "--version" ]] && [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
+ #
+ cat /usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-version-pure 2> /dev/null
+ exit 0
+echo "~"
+echo -e "Invalid request \U001F9D0 ."
+exit 1
+### Print some files linked to the options `--doc`, `--help` , `--version` --> end tag[io]
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-doc b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1e9a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-doc
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+[1;35mmeo[0m('1') [1;35mmeo[0m('1')
+ [1;35mmeo[0m (version 1.1.8) .
+ [1;35mmeo[0m is a program that allows to manage installed packages from the Github
+ repository `[1;32mhttps://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git[0m` (Use from the terminal) .
+ @requires The [1;35mmeo[0m program allows to an user to manage packages emanating from the Github repository
+ `[1;32mhttps://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git[0m` .
+ (First of all, this program is written for the Ve-Quantic members) .
+ @requires The only options supported are [ [1;36mself-update[0m, [1;36minstall[0m, [1;36mupdate[0m, [1;36mupgrade[0m, [1;36mremove[0m
+ [1;36mdownload[0m, [1;36mlist[0m, [1;36mlist-installed[0m, [1;36msearch[0m, [1;36mshow[0m,
+ [1;36minfo[0m, [1;36m--help[0m, [1;36m--doc[0m, [1;36m--version[0m ]
+ && the [1;35mmeo[0m command has to have at least one option . Ex: [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mself-update[0m
+ && with the options [ [1;36minstall[0m, [1;36mremove[0m, [1;36msearch[0m, [1;36mshow[0m, [1;36mdownload[0m ] you have to give the package(s)
+ && with the options [ [1;36mself-update[0m, [1;36mlist[0m, [1;36mupdate[0m, [1;36mlist-installed[0m, [1;36m--help[0m, [1;36m--doc[0m, [1;36m--version[0m ]
+ there is not another parameter
+ && with the options [ [1;36mupgrade[0m ], you can either [1;36mupgrade[0m all the installed packages
+ by [1;35mmeo[0m or [1;36mupgrade[0m target installed packages
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupgrade[0m (to [1;36mupgrade[0m all the installed packages by [1;35mmeo[0m)
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupgrade[0m am-okay (to [1;36mupgrade[0m the target installed package)
+ && you can not call [1;35mmeo[0m program to [1;36minstall[0m it itself . Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36minstall[0m [1;35mmeo[0m
+ [1;35mmeo[0m [ option | option ]
+ [1;36mself-update[0m
+ This option allows to verify if there is a new version of [1;35mmeo[0m program
+ that is ready to [1;36mupgrade[0m, and it also allows to [1;36mupdate[0m the [1;36mlist[0m of
+ packages available on the Github repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mself-update[0m
+ [1;36minstall[0m
+ This option allows installing packages
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36minstall[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mupdate[0m
+ This option allows listing the packages ready to [1;36mupgrade[0m
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupdate[0m
+ [1;36mupgrade[0m
+ This option allows upgrading the packages ready to [1;36mupgrade[0m
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupgrade[0m (to [1;36mupgrade[0m all the installed packages by [1;35mmeo[0m program)
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupgrade[0m am-okay (to [1;36mupgrade[0m the target installed package by [1;35mmeo[0m program)
+ [1;36mremove[0m
+ This option allows removing packages
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mremove[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mdownload[0m
+ This option allows to [1;36mdownload[0m packages
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mdownload[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mlist[0m
+ This option allows listing packages of the git repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mlist[0m
+ Note: To have the updated [1;36mlist[0m, you have first of all to execute the command
+ [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mself-update[0m
+ [1;36mlist-installed[0m
+ This option allows listing the installed packages from the git repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mlist-installed[0m
+ [1;36msearch[0m
+ This option allows to [1;36msearch[0m packages from the git repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36msearch[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mshow[0m
+ This option allows to have information on the installed packages from the
+ `control` files
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mshow[0m am-okay
+ [1;36minfo[0m
+ This option allows to get information about a available package from the Github
+ repository `[1;32mhttps://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git[0m` (since the last execution of the
+ ( command `[1;36msudo[0m [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupdate[0m` )
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36minfo[0m am-okay
+ [1;36m--help[0m
+ This option allows getting help on the `[1;35mmeo[0m` program
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36m--help[0m
+ [1;36m--doc[0m
+ This option allows getting a documentation on `[1;35mmeo[0m` program
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36m--doc[0m
+ [1;36m--version[0m
+ This option allows getting the version installed of the `[1;35mmeo[0m` program
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36m--version[0m
+ @ensure Successfully execution if the preconditions are satisfied . That is to say, with the
+ above options and the appropriated sequences allowed for these options.
+ @note This program depends of some programs, these programs are required in the global [1;35mmeo[0m
+ package .
+ Author : [1;32mBaldé[0m [1;32mAmadou[0m <[1;32mbaldeuniversel@protonmail.com[0m>
+[1;35mmeo[0m program 2024-01-21 [1;35mmeo[0m('1')
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-doc-pure b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-doc-pure
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de10efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-doc-pure
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+meo('1') meo('1')
+ meo (version 1.1.8) .
+ meo is a program that allows to manage installed packages from the Github
+ repository `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git` (Use from the terminal) .
+ @requires The meo program allows to an user to manage packages emanating from the Github repository
+ `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git` .
+ (First of all, this program is written for the Ve-Quantic members) .
+ @requires The only options supported are [ self-update, install, update, upgrade, remove
+ download, list, list-installed, search, show,
+ info, --help, --doc, --version ]
+ && the meo command has to have at least one option . Ex: meo self-update
+ && with the options [ install, remove, search, show, download ] you have to give the package(s)
+ && with the options [ self-update, list, update, list-installed, --help, --doc, --version ]
+ there is not another parameter
+ && with the options [ upgrade ], you can either upgrade all the installed packages
+ by meo or upgrade target installed packages
+ Ex : meo upgrade (to upgrade all the installed packages by meo)
+ Ex : meo upgrade am-okay (to upgrade the target installed package)
+ && you can not call meo program to install it itself . Ex : meo install meo
+ meo [ option | option ]
+ self-update
+ This option allows to verify if there is a new version of meo program
+ that is ready to upgrade, and it also allows to update the list of
+ packages available on the Github repository
+ Ex : meo self-update
+ install
+ This option allows installing packages
+ Ex : meo install am-okay
+ update
+ This option allows listing the packages ready to upgrade
+ Ex : meo update
+ upgrade
+ This option allows upgrading the packages ready to upgrade
+ Ex : meo upgrade (to upgrade all the installed packages by meo program)
+ Ex : meo upgrade am-okay (to upgrade the target installed package by meo program)
+ remove
+ This option allows removing packages
+ Ex : meo remove am-okay
+ download
+ This option allows to download packages
+ Ex : meo download am-okay
+ list
+ This option allows listing packages of the git repository
+ Ex : meo list
+ Note: To have the updated list, you have first of all to execute the command
+ meo self-update
+ list-installed
+ This option allows listing the installed packages from the git repository
+ Ex : meo list-installed
+ search
+ This option allows to search packages from the git repository
+ Ex : meo search am-okay
+ show
+ This option allows to have information on the installed packages from the
+ `control` files
+ Ex : meo show am-okay
+ info
+ This option allows to get information about a available package from the Github
+ repository `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git` (since the last execution of the
+ ( command `sudo meo update` )
+ Ex : meo info am-okay
+ --help
+ This option allows getting help on the `meo` program
+ Ex : meo --help
+ --doc
+ This option allows getting a documentation on `meo` program
+ Ex : meo --doc
+ --version
+ This option allows getting the version installed of the `meo` program
+ Ex : meo --version
+ @ensure Successfully execution if the preconditions are satisfied . That is to say, with the
+ above options and the appropriated sequences allowed for these options.
+ @note This program depends of some programs, these programs are required in the global meo
+ package .
+ Author : Baldé Amadou
+meo program 2024-01-21 meo('1')
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-help b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca662af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-help
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ [1;36mself-update[0m
+ This option allows to verify if there is a new version of [1;35mmeo[0m program
+ that is ready to [1;36mupgrade[0m, and it also allows to [1;36mupdate[0m the [1;36mlist[0m of
+ packages available on the Github repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mself-update[0m
+ [1;36minstall[0m
+ This option allows installing packages
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36minstall[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mupdate[0m
+ This option allows listing the packages ready to [1;36mupgrade[0m
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupdate[0m
+ [1;36mupgrade[0m
+ This option allows upgrading the packages ready to [1;36mupgrade[0m
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupgrade[0m (to [1;36mupgrade[0m all the installed packages by [1;35mmeo[0m program)
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupgrade[0m am-okay (to [1;36mupgrade[0m the target installed package by [1;35mmeo[0m program)
+ [1;36mremove[0m
+ This option allows removing packages
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mremove[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mdownload[0m
+ This option allows to [1;36mdownload[0m packages
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mdownload[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mlist[0m
+ This option allows listing packages of the git repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mlist[0m
+ Note: To have the updated [1;36mlist[0m, you have first of all to execute the command
+ [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mself-update[0m
+ [1;36mlist-installed[0m
+ This option allows listing the installed packages from the git repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mlist-installed[0m
+ [1;36msearch[0m
+ This option allows to [1;36msearch[0m packages from the git repository
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36msearch[0m am-okay
+ [1;36mshow[0m
+ This option allows to have information on the installed packages from the
+ `control` files
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mshow[0m am-okay
+ [1;36minfo[0m
+ This option allows to get information about a available package from the Github
+ repository `[1;32mhttps://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git[0m` (since the last execution of the
+ ( command `[1;36msudo[0m [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36mupdate[0m` )
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36minfo[0m am-okay
+ [1;36m--help[0m
+ This option allows getting help on the `[1;35mmeo[0m` program
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36m--help[0m
+ [1;36m--doc[0m
+ This option allows getting a documentation on `[1;35mmeo[0m` program
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36m--doc[0m
+ [1;36m--version[0m
+ This option allows getting the version installed of the `[1;35mmeo[0m` program
+ Ex : [1;35mmeo[0m [1;36m--version[0m
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-help-pure b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-help-pure
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93a6fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-help-pure
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ self-update
+ This option allows to verify if there is a new version of meo program
+ that is ready to upgrade, and it also allows to update the list of
+ packages available on the Github repository
+ Ex : meo self-update
+ install
+ This option allows installing packages
+ Ex : meo install am-okay
+ update
+ This option allows listing the packages ready to upgrade
+ Ex : meo update
+ upgrade
+ This option allows upgrading the packages ready to upgrade
+ Ex : meo upgrade (to upgrade all the installed packages by meo program)
+ Ex : meo upgrade am-okay (to upgrade the target installed package by meo program)
+ remove
+ This option allows removing packages
+ Ex : meo remove am-okay
+ download
+ This option allows to download packages
+ Ex : meo download am-okay
+ list
+ This option allows listing packages of the git repository
+ Ex : meo list
+ Note: To have the updated list, you have first of all to execute the command
+ meo self-update
+ list-installed
+ This option allows listing the installed packages from the git repository
+ Ex : meo list-installed
+ search
+ This option allows to search packages from the git repository
+ Ex : meo search am-okay
+ show
+ This option allows to have information on the installed packages from the
+ `control` files
+ Ex : meo show am-okay
+ info
+ This option allows to get information about a available package from the Github
+ repository `https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux.git` (since the last execution of the
+ ( command `sudo meo update` )
+ Ex : meo info am-okay
+ --help
+ This option allows getting help on the `meo` program
+ Ex : meo --help
+ --doc
+ This option allows getting a documentation on `meo` program
+ Ex : meo --doc
+ --version
+ This option allows getting the version installed of the `meo` program
+ Ex : meo --version
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-version b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c4e3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-version
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-version-pure b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-version-pure
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18efdb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo-version-pure
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo.1.gz b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo.1.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90909cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/documentation/meo.1.gz differ
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/library/info/readme b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/library/info/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a93a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/meo/usr/lib/meo/library/info/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+The pioneer of the `meo` program is Amadou Baldé .
+ email: baldeuniversel@protonmail.com ,
+ github-repository: https://github.com/baldeuniversel/linux
diff --git a/source/meo/usr/share/man/man1/meo.1.gz b/source/meo/usr/share/man/man1/meo.1.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90909cf
Binary files /dev/null and b/source/meo/usr/share/man/man1/meo.1.gz differ