Welcome to PanoptiCity !
This project's purpose is to help display information about CCTV, cameras, to easily map where they are, what they can see, and get data about their usage in cities. The website also give users an easy way to contribute into the OpenStreetMap database if they want to add cameras when they see some that are not already known or improve the attributes of existing ones.
PanoptiCity is my way to act and try to raise awareness about mass surveillance in all cities, to make people realize the amount of cameras around us that they usually not even see. In a time were artifical intelligence is generalizing, it is more than ever the moment to ask ourselves, is it really the model of society we want to build collectively ?
One major inspiration for this project has been the website SunderS. It gave me the idea of improving the project with new features and therefore obviously needs to be cited. Information used is from the awesome OpenStreetMap database. Other attributions and projects used for this application can be found later on this page.
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- Get data from OpenStreetMap database
- Compute field of vision of each camera, take in consideration surounding buildings
- Connection with OpenStreetMap account
- Edition of existing cameras
- Creation form to contribute new cameras
- Dark/light mode
Thank you for your interest in this project. This section will guide you to facilitate the installation, configuration and run of the project on your server.
If you encounter any problem feel free to open an issue to ask for support.
To run this application you'll need docker.
- If not done already, install docker on the server.
- Download this project :
git clone https://github.com/babastienne/panopticity
- Go to the downloaded folder :
cd panopticity
Define some variables used by the application by editing environment variables :
cp .env.dist .env
- Then edit the
file and replace the variables values by the ones you want to use. - Edit the configuration file for the front-end
and override with your parameters.
Optional: You can override translations of the front-end interface or add new languages by editing the file
It is now time to launch the project for the first time :
- Initialize the database by running
docker compose run --rm postgis
. When you seedatabase system is ready to accept connections
you can exit by doingctr+c
(should not take more than a few seconds). - Then create the database structure by applying Django migration. To do so run:
docker compose run --rm web ./manage.py migrate
To import data to your project, you need to download file corresponding to the area you want to cover. This file will be used to import cameras as well as buildings (needed to compute the field of view of each camera). After this initial update you have two options :
- Keep on your server the original file : it'll be used to replicate future modifications done in OpenStreetMap. Usefull if you want to keep your building database up to date with new modifications.
- Remove the original file : you'll still have the possiblity to get updates for cameras but not for the buildings.
By default this project come with sample data so you can follow the import procedure without having to download any file (usefull if you just want to test or develop on the project).
In OpenStreetMap, there is multiple ways of keeping informations up to date. On this project we choose to import data from PBF files. To keep change of the updates we use diff files that are generated regularly. It can by : daily / hourly / minutely.
Depending on the frequency of updates you want and the area you wish to cover, you'll need to choose where to download your data file. Few suggestions :
- https://planet.openstreetmap.org/ : Official source with possiblity to keep change daily / hourly / minutely. It is only for the entire planet therefore the file size can be important and the database for buldings may not be able to keep up without good resources.
- https://download.openstreetmap.fr/ : Daily extracts and minutely diffs. Files are splits into continents / countries / states. Very usefull to download specific region and keep up with the changes almost in real time.
You can find an up to date list of mirrors on the OpenStreetMap dedicated wiki page to explore more options. If you want to keep your data up to date you'll need to find one that handle diffs.
We will refer at your downloaded pbf file as <my-pbf-file>
and in the next commands.
Download both your desired pbf and state files and put them in the
folder. (If you want to use sample data you can skip this step) -
Import the buildings in the database (can take some time depending of your area. For loading entire France it took 12 minutes) by running the following command:
docker compose run osm2pgsql -O flex -S /data/buildings.lua /osm-data/<my-pbf-file>
- Load cameras (usually takes more time than the previous command):
docker compose run --rm web ./manage.py load_cameras /osm-data/<my-pbf-file>
- Generate your state file from your original data file. To do so run the command:
docker compose run --rm web pyosmium-get-changes -O /osm-data/<my-pbf-file> -f /osm-data/sequence.state.txt -v
. It will create a state file inosm-data/sequence.state.txt
After this step, if you don't want to update your buildings in the future and want to save some space on your server you can download your original data file.
- This last command should have prompted something an URL on the terminal. Probably in the format
INFO: Using replication server at <URL_OF_THE_REPLICATION_SERVER>
This is the URL that will be used to get diffs. Copy it and then you can run the following lines to update your cameras (replace with your url):
docker compose run --rm web pyosmium-get-changes --server <URL_OF_THE_REPLICATION_SERVER> -f /osm-data/sequence.state.txt -o /osm-data/diff.osc.gz
> This command creates a diff file (the fileosm-data/diff.osc.gz
) that contains every differences between the original data file and the last version of OSM data on the replication server. The command also edit the sequence.state.txt file to update the sequence number with the last version fetched on the server.docker compose run --rm web ./manage.py load_cameras -d -u /osm-data/diff.osc.gz
> This command updates the camera database with the differences.- (Optionnal) the
can be removed. It will otherwise be overwrite next time so this is not mandatory.
Note: If you want to stay up to date, the last three commands can easily by put into a bash script and then launched regularly with a cron depending of your update frequency (minute, hour, day). The file
is an example of something that can be done to automatize the process (it could be improved with log monitoring).
Because of the volume of the building database, we recommand not to update those objects too often. The process consist of completely reloading the database from scratch so it is time consuming and therefore need to be done only occasionaly.
To update your building database without having to completely re-download your data, you need to keep on your server your original data file. This file well be updated by the process.
docker compose run --rm web pyosmium-up-to-date /osm-data/<my-pbf-file>
> This command will fetch the diffs since the last version of your file and apply them to your data file. This command can take some time depending of the last time you did the operation.- Re-create the building database :
docker compose run osm2pgsql -O flex -S /data/buildings.lua /osm-data/<my-pbf-file>
- (Option) Re-compute camera field of views (can be long) :
docker compose run --rm web ./manage.py shell
> from cameras.models import Camera
> for elem in Camera:
> elem.save()
> # This operation will be long
> exit()
We don't recommand to automatize this operation.
- To launch the back-end, you need to run
docker compose up -d
. The back-end will be running on localhost on port 8000. You need to configure your server as an http_proxy to this port. Anything behind then endpoint/api
need to be available. - The front-end is a static html website so it can be served by any web server.
An example of basic server configuration can be found on the file nginx.conf.example
Pretty much the same as in production. If you want to contribute to this project there is some contribution ideas available on todo.md. Don't hesitate to ask if you want to share ideas or need help to start.
Wow, you're still there ? I guess you're really interested in this project. Here is some usefull information and resources.
If you see multiple cameras at the same location (for example on the same pole), it is advised to create one entry for each camera and set the location the closest as possible. This way it will ensure the logic "one node in OSM = one object in real life".
This way of representing objects has been discussed in the community and seems to be the recommanded way:
- See this discussion (in english)
- Or almost the same (in french)
One inspiration for this project has been the SunderS project. Lot of resources can already be found on their website.
Multiple studies has been conducted to measure effectiveness of CCTV in public areas. It usually shows relative effectiveness but not in the spots we could imagine: in car parkings and residential areas ... so not really in public spaces and city centers.
Also, field studies in cities have shown that video surveillance does not significantly help to solve investigations, nor does it reduce the number of violent crimes, drug-related offences or public order disturbances in cities. There are a number of reasons for this ineffectiveness: lack of coordination between security forces (private, state, municipal), poor quality images, misdirected or dirty cameras, etc. But the major problem is the staggering number of video streams compared with the small number of officers who are supposed to be using them.
Moreover, few studies really compare CCTV costs in comparison with human investments, wich could be interesting.
Finally, in a rising AI age, this really asks more about what we want to do collectively as society and where we want to go. Does little effectiveness justify global surveillance and death of anonymity ?
- TechnoPolice by La Quadrature Du Net (french)
- Big Brother Watch
- Outperforming activism: reflections on the demise of the surveillance camera players
- Anonymize yourself with IR LEDs:
- Anti-recognition systems:
- Disable cameras:
- With lasers
- Or physicaly (paint, stickers, rocks ... be creative)
... and add cameras that you spot in your daily life on OpenStreetMap ! The best way to fight back is to know your enemy, so help us map all the existing cameras so we can at least know where they are and try to avoid them (when possible).
This project is here thanks to the work of others. To create this website I've mainly used those following dependencies.
If you notice that I've used your project but don't see it in this list feel free to open an issue or a pull request so it can be added.
- Leaflet v1.9.4 - BSD 2-Clause License
- Leaflet.Locate v0.83.1 - MIT license
- Leaflet.Basemaps v0.2.1 - ISC license (used a forked version)
- Leaflet.markercluster v1.5.3 - MIT license
- Map background attributions can be seen directly on map on the website
- OpenStreetMap - OBdL-1.0 license
- pyosmium v4.0.2 - BSD 2-Clause License
- osm2pgsql v2.0.1 - GPL-2.0 License
- osm-api-js v2.4.0 - MIT license
- Django v5.1 - BSD-3-Clause license
- django-rest-framework-gis v1.1.0 - MIT license
- django-rest-framework v3.15.2 - license
- Pico CSS v2.0.6 - MIT license
- Logo: https://design-kink.com/hal-9000-2001-space-odyssey-free-vector-art/
- Pictograms for cameras: SunderS
For this project, I've used a Cooperative Non-Violent Non-AI Public Software license. In brief (if you really intent to use this software check the complete license though), you are free to use, modify, redistribute, commercialize and do pretty much everything you want with this software as long as:
- It is not used to exerce any violent action or repression or discrimination against any person. This software can't therefore be used by any law-enforcement administration or company ; (Non-Violent clause)
- If a commercial usage is made of this software, the financial gains are equaly redistributed among workers ; (Cooperative or Anticapitalist clause)
- The content of this project can't be used to train any artificial intelligence model ; (Non-AI clause)