Pólya noted the solution for Problem 8 (Axes of a Cube) in How to Solve It:
... the "average width" of the cube, which is, in fact, 3/2 = 1.5
I guessed two definitions of the "average width":
According to the volume of cube and sphere:
the solution is:
Here we use spherical coordinates:
Then the average radius can be defined as:
Here let's choose a cube with edge length 2, centered at the origin, then calculate the average radius (half of width) of one of the symmetric 48 parts of the cube:
Then this part of the cube is a tetrahedron with 4 planes:
- OAB: y = 0, or ϕ = 0
- OAC: x = y, or ϕ = π/4
- OBC: x = z, or cosϕ sinθ = cosθ
- ABC: z = 1, or r cosθ = 1
So we have:
Because of the symmetry, we can just integrate the average radius of the tetrahedron:
Let's calculate the integral:
Although the antiderivative of this function doesn't look analytic, we can get the numeric solution: [1]
This is close to the isovolumic-sphere definition but far different from Pólya's note.
- Here is the calculation:
from numpy import *
from scipy.integrate import dblquad
result, abserr = dblquad(lambda t, f : tan(t), 0, pi/4, 0, lambda f : pi/2 - arctan(cos(f)))