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File metadata and controls

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Vocabs Registry installation

Please also refer to for information about the Registry.

The following instructions are a work in progress. Although correct, and mostly complete, there should be more added about integration with the related services.

(For example, you will need to install Sesame server and SISSVoc.)

(For example, TBD: add a reference to for LDA custom configuration.)


  • JDK for Java 8
  • Ant
  • gawk version 4
  • MySQL (at least version 5.6)
  • Solr (at least version 8.1 is required)
    • Solr must be run in SolrCloud mode. You may use either the embedded ZooKeeper, or use an external ZooKeeper.
  • Tomcat (at least version 7)
  • npm (for packing the generated JavaScript Client API)

Locale setting for JDK

The Java source code has characters encoded in UTF-8. You must have a locale setting in your environment that means that UTF-8 will be understood by the JDK.

In the ARDC environment, the command echo $LANG prints: en_AU.UTF-8

If, for you, the command echo $LANG prints an empty response, or a response that does not include UTF-8 in the variant (i.e., in what is printed after the "."), set the LANG variable to include it in the variant. For example (for Bourne shell/bash):

export LANG=en_AU.UTF-8


export LANG=C.UTF-8

gawk 4.2

Gawk (i.e., GNU Awk) version 4.2 or later is required by the script src/CrawlerDetect/ to generate the Java source file src/main/java/au/org/ands/vocabs/registry/utils/ If the output of the command awk --version does not indicate that the awk command is gawk 4.2 or later, you may need to download and install a recent release of gawk. You don't need to install it as the default for awk; you only need to have it installed somewhere in the file system.

Once you have done that, configure the GAWK environment variable to point to the gawk executable. For example, for bash, if the gawk executable is /opt/gawk-4.2.1/bin, add this to .bashrc:

# gawk 4.2 is needed to run
export GAWK=/opt/gawk-4.2.1/bin

Configuration files

Configuration files for toolkit, registry, roles are in the directory conf.

Create Toolkit configuration

If you will be migrating content from an existing Toolkit installation, you need to define at least the database properties for that installation.

Create conf/ You may base it on conf/

Elda/SISSVoc Config template

The Toolkit property SISSVoc.specTemplate must point to a file that contains a template which will be used in the generation of configuration ('spec') files as used by the Elda library. Please refer to conf/ANDS-ELDAConfig-template.ttl.sample for an example.

Elda/SISSVoc XSL transform

The Toolkit property SISSVoc.variable.HTML_STYLESHEET must point to an XSL transform used by Elda/SISSVoc to generate HTML pages. Either, copy lda/resources/default/transform/ands-ashtml-sissvoc.xsl into the resources/default/transform directory of your deployed instance of SISSVoc, or make use of the file(s) provided in the repository (There is a version of ands-ashtml-sissvoc.xsl contained in the directory common/resources/default/transform.)

Create Registry configuration

Web application properties

Create conf/ You may base it on conf/

You decide on the Registry database JDBC URL, username, and password here, and you will need them in subsequent steps. They are referred to in subsequent steps as registry-url, registry-user, and registry-password.

The setting Registry.storagePath points to a directory in the file system where the Registry stores all of the vocabulary data. This directory must exist, and be writable by the user that runs Tomcat. For example, if you are using /var/vocab-files/registry-data, you might do something like this to create it:

sudo sh
mkdir -p /var/vocab-files/registry-data
chmod 755 /var/vocab-files/registry-data
chown tomcat.tomcat /var/vocab-files/registry-data

Language Subtag Registry

The Registry uses the IANA Language Subtag Registry (LSR) to resolve BCP 47 language codes. A sample instance of this file is contained in this repository as conf/language-subtag-registry. You may use this, or download and use the latest version from [].

The setting Registry.lsr must be configured to point to the file as installed. You may choose to keep the example setting, which is ${Registry.storagePath}/conf/language-subtag-registry.

For example, if you are using /var/vocab-files/registry-data as your storage path, you might do something like this:

sudo sh
mkdir -p /var/vocab-files/registry-data/conf/
cp conf/language-subtag-registry /var/vocab-files/registry-data/conf/
chmod -R 755 /var/vocab-files/registry-data/conf
chown -R tomcat.tomcat /var/vocab-files/registry-data/conf

(The chmod and chown commands make the ownership and permissions consistent with the rest of the Registry's storage.)

Solr configuration

Set Registry.Solr.baseURL to the base URL of your Solr installation, and Registry.Solr.zkHost to the zkZost setting of your ZooKeeper.

Set Registry.Solr.collection to your choice of name for the Solr collection used for registry entities. In the following, we have chosen vocabs-registry.

Set Registry.Solr.resources.collection to your choice of name for the Solr collection for vocabulary resources (SKOS concepts, etc.). In the following, we have chosen vocabs-resources.

SMTP configuration

The Registry can send email notifications for updates to vocabularies. This functionality requires a correctly-configured SMTP server.

The file scripts/ is a sample bash script that can be invoked by a cron task to send weekly notifications. If you wish to use the script, please take note of its dependency on GNU date. The script uses the logging configuration in the file scripts/logback-email_notifications.xml.

Create Roles configuration

Create conf/ You may base it on conf/

Configure logging

The file conf/logback.xml is the logging configuration for the Registry. You may modify it to suit your needs.

Liquibase properties

Create conf/ You may base it on

In order to create the tables in the registry database, the database user must have the "CREATE" privilege. If the database user used by the Registry web app does not have that privilege, create another configuration file that specifies the username and password of a database user that has the necessary privileges. Then, specify that configuration file in the Liquibase command line.

Create the Registry database

Initialize the Registry database

Connect to MySQL. For the following steps, you may need to connect as a database administrator user.

Create the registry-user database user, if it does not already exist.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `vocabs_registry`.* TO 'registry-user'@'localhost';

Create Registry database tables

tools/dist/liquibase-3.5.3/liquibase --defaultsFile=conf/ dropAll; ant -Dregistrydb-properties=conf/ registry-database-update

Or, if you have created a configuration file as mentioned above, use it as follows:

tools/dist/liquibase-3.5.3/liquibase dropAll; ant registry-database-update

Build the Toolkit/Registry web application

ant war

Deploy and start the Toolkit/Registry web application

Deploy the resulting vocabs-registry.war into Tomcat.

You may choose to deploy it using a Tomcat context file in order to select a convenient context path.

Whatever you decide, in the following, the context path is taken to be http://localhost:8080/registry-context.

Check the (Tomcat) log files to confirm that the web application is running.

Migrate any existing content from an "old-style" vocabs database

To proceed, the web application must have been successfully deployed.

Access to the migration process is locked-down to the loopback address; in the following, you must specify "localhost" or its IP address "".

Migrate the content from the "old-style" database into the new, blank Registry database:

wget -O - http://localhost:8080/registry-context/adminApi/database/migrateToolkitToRegistry

It is crucial to check the log file of the Registry to see if there are any log messages related to migration that have priority "ERROR". If there are, an error has occurred during migration that needs to be addressed. Note that the migration may have continued anyway, and reported completion, in order to migrate as much data as possible; nevertheless, the errors need to be addressed. When that has been done, you will need to clear out the database (see "Create Registry database tables" above) and run the migration again.

Define PoolParty server for the Registry

Connect to the MySQL Registry database as the registry-user user.

Define the main PoolParty server as follows. Replace the strings hostname, username, password with the hostname, username, and password you specified in conf/

INSERT INTO poolparty_servers(id,api_url,username,password) VALUES (1,"hostname","username","password");

The Registry software does not currently make use of any additional PoolParty servers you define in this way.

Define subject resolver sources, and populate subject resolution

Connect to the MySQL Registry database as the registry-user user.

INSERT INTO subject_resolver_sources(source,iri) VALUES ('anzsrc-for', '');
INSERT INTO subject_resolver_sources(source,iri) VALUES ('anzsrc-seo', '');
INSERT INTO subject_resolver_sources(source,iri) VALUES ('gcmd', '');

Access to the populate process is locked-down to the loopback address; in the following, you must specify "localhost" or its IP address "".

Now run:

wget -O - http://localhost:8080/registry-context/adminApi/database/populateSubjectResolver

Create Solr collections and install schemas

Add custom query plugin

The Registry's search function uses a custom Solr query plugin.

You must install the plugin into every Solr instance that is part of your SolrCloud setup.

In the top level of each Solr instance, make a directory ardc. (For example, if your Solr instance is installed in /opt/solr, create a directory /opt/solr/ardc.)

Copy the JAR file from lib/ifpress-solr-plugin-*/*.jar (currently, that is lib/ifpress-solr-plugin-1.6.2/ifpress-solr-plugin-1.6.2.jar) into the ardc directory in your Solr installation.

Note: there must be only one version of the plugin in the ardc directory of your Solr installation. If you ever upgrade the plugin, make sure to remove any old version.

Create the Solr collections

Create the two Solr collections. Here, vocabs-registry and vocabs-resources match the names chosen for the collections and assigned in above. The output of the create command includes a recommendation to run another command to disable auto-creation of fields. You don't need to run that command, as the installation of the Solr schemas in the next step makes that setting for you.

/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr create -c vocabs-registry
/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr create -c vocabs-resources

If your setting of Registry.Solr.baseURL includes a port that isn't Solr's default, you'll need to specify that for these commands. E.g., if you set Registry.Solr.baseURL = http://localhost:8988/solr, the collection creation commands must be given as:

/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr create -p 8988 -c vocabs-registry
/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr create -p 8988 -c vocabs-resources

Install the two Solr schemas

Use this build target to upload a custom solrconfig.xml (from the file conf/solrconfig.xml) and to create the Solr schemas.

ant create-solr-schema
ant create-solr-schema-resources

Very important: if you need to re-install the Solr schemas (either because something went wrong, or you're upgrading the schemas), use the command line to delete the collections and start again:

/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr delete -c vocabs-registry
/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr delete -c vocabs-resources

or, specifing a non-default port:

/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr delete -p 8988 -c vocabs-registry
/path-to-Solr-installation/bin/solr delete -p 8988 -c vocabs-resources

This way, you'll also delete each collection's corresponding "config set", which contains the value of the "schema version". (See src/main/java/au/org/ands/vocabs/registry/solr/admin/ for details of how this is set/read.) If instead, you use Solr's web interface to delete the collections, the config sets won't be deleted, and recreating the collections will create them with the existing config sets, including any previous setting of the schema version, so that any subsequent attempt to do schema installation stops immediately.

Force indexing of the vocabularies into Solr

If vocabulary metadata has been migrated from a Toolkit database or from another Registry installation, it's necessary to force indexing of the migrated vocabularies' metadata (and concept data) within Solr.

This API method is authenticated, and requires a user with the VOCABS_REGISTRY_SUPERUSER functional role. In the following, supply the appropriate values in place of username and pass:


wget --user=username --password=pass -O - http://localhost:8080/registry-context/adminApi/solr/index

Once again, it is crucial to check the log file of the Registry to see if there are any log messages related to indexing. If Solr is not responding, you will see an error message of priority "SEVERE". In this case, restart Solr and try again.

Create PHP Client API

The PHP code of the Portal accesses the Registry using a client library API generated from the Registry code itself. To generate this PHP library:

ant php-client

Create JavaScript Client API

The browser-side JavaScript code of the Portal also accesses the Registry using a client library API generated from the Registry code itself. To generate this JavaScript library and make it available to the Portal's own build process in the expected format (a .tgz file):

ant js-client
( cd js-client; npm pack )

Optional: use automated webapp deploy/start/stop

If you want to be able to script the deployment of the Registry webapp to Tomcat, and/or to script starting/stopping the webapp, please see the section in build.xml that begins with the comment "Support deployment to Tomcat".

It's easiest if you have a local installation of Tomcat, so that you have the file catalina-tasks.xml that is part of the Tomcat distribution. Otherwise, you will need, at least, to download a copy of the Tomcat distribution and unpack it. Then, edit build.xml and change the file attribute of the include statement:

<include optional="true" file="/usr/share/tomcat/bin/catalina-tasks.xml"/>

so that it points to the correct location of catalina-tasks.xml.

Here is a summary of the steps involved to configure deployment:

  • In the Tomcat installation to which you will be deploying, ensure that in Tomcat's tomcat-users.xml, you have a suitable user defined that has the manager-script role. For example:
    <user name="deploy" password="my-password" roles="manager-script" />
  • If you add a username/password in this way, you need to restart Tomcat so that it loads tomcat-users.xml afresh.
  • In the top-level of your checkout of the Registry code, create a file containing the URL of the target Tomcat, the username/password you specified, and the context path. For example (following the running example used in these instructions), the file might look like this:

Now you can run ant deploy, ant stop, and ant start.

Subsequent updating of the database schema

When updating the registry to a later version, there may be changes to the database schema. To apply them, run:

ant registry-database-update


If necessary, it is possible to roll back the database schema to an earlier form. There are tags defined at the end of each stage of the schema definition; see the files in src/main/db/changelog.

For example, to roll back to the tag version_0003, run:

tools/dist/liquibase-3.5.3/liquibase --changeLogFile=src/main/db/changelog/registry-master.xml rollback version_0003