- Added Sticks and Meteorite Sticks to the Arms Dealer's shop.
- Changed the High Velocity Stick recipe to allow any kind of stick. ##2.4.0
- Updated the hitbox of Ether Sticks to be the same as that of all other sticks.
- Updated the Sentient Stickgun so that it can be spawned during daytime.
- Updated Sentient Sticks to adjust their velocity to home towards a target rather than completely ignoring the old velocity.
- Increased the number of Sentient Sticks that drop from the Sentient Stickgun.
- Increased the health of the Sentient Stickgun.
- Increased the size of the Sentient Stickgun.
- Changed the texture of the Sentient Stickgun to that of the Sentient Stickrifle.
- Fixed a bug where the turret spawned by the Big Stick would not despawn in multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug where Sentient Sticks would home in on invincible entities. ##2.3.1
- Fixed the recipe of Ether Sticks. ##2.3.0
- Added Ether Sticks. ##2.2.4
- Increased the drop rate of Greedy Sticks. ##2.2.3
- Increased the money dropped by hitting monsters with Greedy Sticks.
- Increased the speed of Pearlsticks.
- Made Pearlsticks glow.
- Removed the bullet spread on Spectre Stickguns and Lunar Stickguns.
- Removed gravity on High Velocity Sticks and Pearlsticks. ##2.2.2
- Made High Velocity Sticks less expensive.
- Made High Velocity Sticks somewhat visible. ##2.2.1
- Fixed a bug where Meteorite Sticks were made at a workbench rather than an anvil. ##2.2.0
- Added Meteorite Sticks and High Velocity Sticks.
- Removed the bullet spread on the Clockwork Stickgun. ##2.1.3
- Decreased the cost of Sticks of Tears.
- Fixed a bug where the rarity of Sticks of Tears was too high. ##2.1.2
- Buffed the Hellstone Stickgun and Hellstone Stickrifle. ##2.1.1
- Doubled the damage of Sticks of Tears. ##2.1.0
- Added Crimtane Stickguns and Stickrifles.
- Increased the knockback of Stickrifles.
- Increased the damage of the Big Stick.
- Reduced the duration of Cursed Inferno and Ichor inflicted from Ebonsticks and Shadesticks respectively.
- Changed Sticks of Tears to be craftable before the Wall of Flesh rather than after the Moon Lord. ##2.0.1
- Adjusted the description to be shorter. ##2.0.0
- Added nine brand new Stickguns.
- Added nine brand new Stickrifles.
- Redesigned the sprites of all Stickguns, the Big Stick, and the Sentient Stickgun, courtesy of Geocide.
- Revamped the AI of the Sentient Stickgun, including support for Calamity's Revengeance mode.
- Changed the Sentient Stickgun to drop the Big Stick.
- Changed most Sticks to ignore invincibility frames.
- Changed Greedy Sticks to always drop, regardless of whether or not the Vortex Tower has been downed.
- Changed Greedy Sticks to drop up to 20 silver rather than 2 silver.
- Reduced the cost of all Sticks.
- Gave the Clockwork Stickgun a new crafting recipe.
- Nerfed the Clockwork Stickgun.
- Removed the crafting recipe for the Big Stick and gave it a special ability.
- Removed the ability for the Clockwork Stickgun to drop from any boss bag.
- Removed the original Stickgun (without a prefix). ##1.6.0
- Added the Sentient Stickgun.
- Added the Twitching Stickgun.
- Increased the knockback of the Clockwork Stickgun.
- Changed the Clockwork Stickgun to shoot sticks in a spread.
- Removed the ability for the Clockwork Stickgun to drop from the boss bags of all hardmode bosses. ##1.5.0
- Added Cosmilite Sticks, which can only be crafted if Calamity is installed.
- Changed Lunar Sticks so that they ignore invincibility frames.
- Increased the output of the recipe for Lunar Sticks.
- Increased the droprate of the Clockwork Stickgun from boss bags. ##1.4.2
- Fixed a bug where Luminite Sticks would not pierce through enemies. ##1.4.1
- Fixed a bug where Lunar Sticks and Sticks of Tears would not pierce through enemies. ##1.4.0
- Added Lunar Tears and Lunar Sticks.
- Renamed the Bleached Stickgun to the Clockwork Stickgun.
- Changed the fire sound of the Clockwork Stickgun.
- Adjusted the Clockwork Stickgun to use more ammo.
- Adjusted the Clockwork Stickgun to require Last Tears and Cogs in its crafting recipe.
- Adjusted the Clockwork Stickgun to fire all sticks, not just Sticks of Tears.
- Adjusted the crafting recipe for the Net of Tears to no longer require bottled water.
- Changed the AI of Lunar Sticks and Sticks of Tears to obey gravity.
- Fixed a bug where critters dropped Last Tears.
- Fixed a bug where the Moon Lord's Leech dropped Last Tears. ##1.3.3
- Fixed a bug where the Bleached Stickgun was given the wrong crafting recipe. ##1.3.2
- Fixed a bug where the Bleached Stickgun was uncraftable. ##1.3.0
- Renamed the Emotional Stickgun to the Bleached Stickgun.
- Changed the texture of the Bleached Stickgun.
- Added the Net of Tears.
- Increased the chance for Last Tears to drop.
- Adjusted the recipe for Sticks of Tears.
- Last Tears can now be used to grant the Mourning debuff. ##1.2.0
- Added the Mourning debuff.
- Added Last Tears.
- Tweaked the Emotional Stickgun drop chance from boss bags. ##1.1.0
- Renamed the Emotional Stick to the Stick of Tears.
- Changed the description of the Emotional Stickgun. ##1.0.0
- Restructured the code.
- Added Spooky Sticks.
- Added the Emotional Stickgun and Emotional Sticks. ##0.3.0
- Added a description as well as an icon for the mod browser. ##0.2.0
- Added Stickguns, Sticks, Boreal Sticks, Pearlsticks, Ebonsticks, Shadesticks, Luminite Sticks, and Greedy Sticks. ##0.1.0
- Initial release.
- Added the Big Stick.