All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Add count stage details ratio (#8)
- Add sampled cohort creation (#9)
- (pgbulk) Add retry with filtered df for pg output write (#10)
- (job) Set KILLED status to cancelled jobserrored
- (jobs) Add configurable autoretry
- (basicResource) Add unique codes nAmongM filter (#11)
- (temporalconstraint) Allow multistage temporal constraints
- (sourcePopulation) Rename to cohortList
- Add authors
- (fhir) Optional active filter + new cohort list reference
- Add configurable job thread count
- (cohortcreation) Add existing cohort update
- Allow partial source population support
- [breaking] Remove encounterdaterange and daterange support
- (querybuilder) Wrap exluded criteria in and groups when in or group (#6)
- (stagecount) Reverse value for excluded criteria (#7)
- Add configurable List note text column name
- Update changelog
- Add latest tag for main docker build
- Move the build steps in the multistage dockerfile
- (resolver) Add resolver options + auth token for fhirresolver
- Add stage criteria sub counts (#5)
- Enable constraint on all criteria to be applied to all sub groups
- (fhirresolver) Set correct security param name
- (jobmanager) Update parser with new job model
- (fhirresolver) Set _count to batch size
- (logging) Criterion tags object logging
- Filter final df to prevent temporal constraint result df to duplicate patiens results
- Add license
- Add input parsing test
- Add github actions (#1)
- Add docker publish (#2)
- Add workflow for tags
- Add branch info + limit build to main/tags and PR (#4)
- Fix build for tags
- Add some logs to rest fhir resolver
- imagingstudy: add group by column and deduplicate resource on it (8c79c02)
- add fhir resource name mapping to solr collection (c0b0a24)
- add option to skip source population filter (2f56bf3)
- cohort: add fhir cohort creation (32d55cc)
- fhirresolver: add auth token option (f6c6eb0)
- fhirresolver: add encounter and patient joins (3195da6)
- fhirrestresolver: add basic fhir rest resolver + small solr resolver refacto (0817264)
2.5.1 (2024-06-03)
- create: add distinct at the end of the cohort creation process (9b8aba7)
- parser: allow empty group criteria in request (85abe11)
- queryjson: change occurence type from short to int (d062a2a)
- basicResource: add crosscollection join for _list when cohort is not fully indexed (afbe510)
- cohortCreate: readd other resources types (49c0af8)
- cohortCreation: prevent solr upload of non Patient cohorts (b62d379)
- cohortCreation: remove long pending status for non patient cohorts (48e431c)
- occurenceFilter: add groupby column for exploded collections (eg. imagingStudy) (63bcca7)
- omoptools: add configurable cohort table names (f8efa67)
2.4.0 (2024-02-26)
- jobmanager: remove non ascii character in error message (12dcfb6)
- set status and provider name when creating a new row in List table (f38fec5)
- temporalconstraint: add check to filter only resource with episode of care for this kind of tc (1048124)
- add security in fq criteria for patient feed empty inclusive (3bedc1a)
- add wrapping super group when root group is non inclusive (1108d3f)
- correct sparkjobparam parsing (91eb335)
- ipplist: add opposed subject filter for ipplist resource (e357635)
- temporalconstraint: check intersection instead of ordered slice match for criteria group tmp constraint (546139a)
- add count with organization details (f34f5f4)
- jobs: add new callbackPath arg for callback overriding (33eebd7)
- queryparser: add raw query log (f64ea49)
- add total count processing time (c7866cf)
- imaging: add imaging resource config (aa3f64d)
- job: add error message (9451b09)
- jobs: add optional PATCH callback url for jobs result (a736037)
- jobs: change job result format (08afdaf)
- update create mode to support basic resource filter cohort creation (d26e13c)
- add last update datetime to group aphp solr insert (6ab6a1f)
- cast column to timestamp for interval to work in temporal constraint (aa92ca3)
- change job status result to a list (4e486ed)
- config: readd composition collection mapping for backward compatibilty (37b0a3c)
- encounter patient col name (991d395)
- encounter patient col name reference refactor r4 (3dcd5dc)
- encounter patient col name reference refactor r4 (f8a9a09)
- jobmanager: remove option type in job status message (2cf1bdd)
- large cohorts are linked to patients in postgresql (6cb5a64)
- pgtool: set a writable tmp path (58dda6a)
- readd count_all mode job routing (72d0cb4)
- result value in failed jobs (ea75021)
- set new spark user (0195807)
- sql IS NULL replaced with column dsl (9365aca)