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Analysis of 7 different crimes commited against women in India over the span of 15 years (2001 to 2014). Also contains a machine learning model which predicts the number of crimes that could occur in select states in the future.
This repository contains 7 different files:
- crimes_against_women_2001-2014.csv : Dataset csv file
- datacleaning.ipynb : Python code used to clean the data
- EDA.ipynb : Exploratory Data Analysis carried out on the dataset after cleaning
- PPT.pptx : Powerpoint slides for presentation (created using Google slides)
- ARTICLE.docx : Published article
- MTT.ipynb : Dedicated juypter notebook file for model training.
- : Deployed streamlit app
Task: Regression/Time-Series
Data Type: Multivariate
File Type: .csv
Attributes: 10
Instances: 10677
11 Columns:
- #️⃣ Integer - 7
- 🔤 String - 2
- #️⃣ Date/Time - 1
- Streamlit
- Google colab
- Google docs
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Scikit-learn
- Python
- Seaborn
Exploratory Data Analysis Notebook on Google colab:
Model Training Notebook on Google colab:
Powerpoint Slides on Google Slides:
Article on Google Docs:
Streamlit app (deployed model):