Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | The ID of the file | [optional] |
product_id | int | The ID of the product associated with the file | [optional] |
add_time | string | The UTC date time when the file was uploaded. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | [optional] |
update_time | string | The UTC date time when the file was last updated. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | [optional] |
file_name | string | The original name of the file | [optional] |
file_size | int | The size of the file in bytes | [optional] |
active_flag | bool | Whether the user is active or not. | [optional] |
inline_flag | bool | Whether the file was uploaded as inline or not | [optional] |
remote_location | string | The location type to send the file to. Only googledrive is supported at the moment. | [optional] |
remote_id | string | The ID of the remote item | [optional] |
s3_bucket | string | The location of the cloud storage | [optional] |
product_name | string | The name of the product associated with the file | [optional] |
url | string | The URL to download the file | [optional] |
name | string | The visible name of the file | [optional] |
description | string | The description of the file | [optional] |