Name | Type | Description | Notes |
expected_close_date | \DateTime | The expected close date of the deal. In ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. | [optional] |
probability | float | The success probability percentage of the deal. Used/shown only when `deal_probability` for the pipeline of the deal is enabled. | [optional] |
lost_reason | string | The optional message about why the deal was lost (to be used when status = lost) | [optional] |
visible_to | VisibleTo | The visibility of the deal. If omitted, the visibility will be set to the default visibility setting of this item type for the authorized user. Read more about visibility groups <a href="\" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.<h4>Essential / Advanced plan</h4><table><tr><th style="width:40px">Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner & followers</td><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Entire company</td></tr></table><h4>Professional / Enterprise plan</h4><table><tr><th style="width:40px">Value</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>`1`</td><td>Owner only</td><tr><td>`3`</td><td>Owner's visibility group</td></tr><tr><td>`5`</td><td>Owner's visibility group and sub-groups</td></tr><tr><td>`7`</td><td>Entire company</td></tr></table> | [optional] |