Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | The ID of the organization | [optional] |
company_id | int | The ID of the company related to the organization | [optional] |
owner_id | \Pipedrive\Model\Owner | [optional] | |
name | string | The name of the organization | [optional] |
active_flag | bool | Whether the organization is active or not | [optional] |
picture_id | \Pipedrive\Model\PictureDataWithValue | [optional] | |
country_code | string | The country code of the organization | [optional] |
first_char | string | The first character of the organization name | [optional] |
add_time | string | The creation date and time of the organization | [optional] |
update_time | string | The last updated date and time of the organization | [optional] |
visible_to | string | The visibility group ID of who can see the organization | [optional] |
label | int | The label assigned to the organization | [optional] |
owner_name | string | The name of the organization owner | [optional] |
cc_email | string | The BCC email associated with the organization | [optional] |