Category 1: Spacing: 8 Item Size: 66 Edge Insets: 16
Category 2: Spacing: 15 Item Size: 69 Edge Insets: 27
Category 3: Spacing: 14 Item Size: 76 Edge Insets: 34
Brightness: -0.12 Saturation: 1.7 Color Matrix Color: [UIColor colorWithRed:0.196 green:0.196 blue:0.196 alpha:0.5];
Brightness: 0.52 Saturation: 1.6 Color Add Color: [UIColor colorWithRed:1 green:1.0 blue:1.0 alpha:0.25];
Padding between button bottom and title is 12px
Padding between title and subtitle is 28px;
Padding on top is 44, bottom is 46
bottom is 44, top is 42
top is 52, bottom is 54
spacing between is 34 for mid
space between title and subtitle is 1.5
spacing between round button containers is 34
spacing between title bottom and container edge: 6, for 18 font size it seems to be 5
leading default = 1.6;
// text size largest want: 98.5
buttonSize: 54 title line height: 21.48 title leading: 1.51
subtitle lineheight: 21.48 subtitle leading: 1.51 subtitle descender: -4.34
total: 95.64 difference:2.86
text size max: 5 text size min: -0.5
subtitle leading: -0.12 subtitle lineHeight: 13.12; subtitle descender: -2.65
scaled value: 8.9375
descender: - 2.6533
- 1.5
//difference is 10
scaled value: 25
//difference is 18
// 77 scaled from other thing // descender -4.34
98.5 for max value
86.5 for normal value
77 for small valuiw
92.3333 for normal value
104.667 for max value
83 for small value
LEADING 1.51 DESCENDING: -4.34 Line Height 21.48