From 77fe0f2e3107ee52d4452be145ebc91a1c0346bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Trevor Gamblin <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 12:49:12 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] AD762x: Add support for AD762x series ADCs

- Add AD762x/Base.m class
- Add AD7625, AD7626, AD7960, AD7961
- Add examples/ad7625_DataCapture.m
- Update docs, metadata

Signed-off-by: Trevor Gamblin <>
 +adi/+AD7625/Rx.m                | 22 ++++++++
 +adi/+AD7626/Rx.m                | 22 ++++++++
 +adi/+AD762x/Base.m              | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 +adi/+AD7960/Rx.m                | 22 ++++++++
 +adi/+AD7961/Rx.m                | 22 ++++++++
 +adi/Contents.m                  |  4 ++
 CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m            |  4 ++
 CI/doc/genhtml.m                 |  3 +-
 CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/  |  7 ++-
 CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m |  4 ++
 examples/ad7625_DataCapture.m    | 16 ++++++
 11 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 +adi/+AD7625/Rx.m
 create mode 100644 +adi/+AD7626/Rx.m
 create mode 100644 +adi/+AD762x/Base.m
 create mode 100644 +adi/+AD7960/Rx.m
 create mode 100644 +adi/+AD7961/Rx.m
 create mode 100644 examples/ad7625_DataCapture.m

diff --git a/+adi/+AD7625/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7625/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19a13f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7625/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.AD762x.Base & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+    % AD7625 Precision ADC Class
+    % 
+    % adi.AD7625.Rx Receives data from the AD7625 ADC
+    % The adi.AD7625.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+    % data from the AD7625.
+    %
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7625.Rx;`
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7625.Rx('uri','');`
+    %
+    % `AD7625 Datasheet <>`_
+    methods
+        %% Constructor
+        function obj = Rx(varargin)
+            obj = obj@adi.AD762x.Base('ad7625', 'ad7625', 'int16', varargin{:});
+            obj.enableExplicitPolling = false;
+            obj.EnabledChannels = 1;
+            obj.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7626/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7626/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34fb64b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7626/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.AD762x.Base & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+    % AD7626 Precision ADC Class
+    % 
+    % adi.AD7626.Rx Receives data from the AD7626 ADC
+    % The adi.AD7626.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+    % data from the AD7626.
+    %
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7626.Rx;`
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7626.Rx('uri','');`
+    %
+    % `AD7626 Datasheet <>`_
+    methods
+        %% Constructor
+        function obj = Rx(varargin)
+            obj = obj@adi.AD762x.Base('ad7626', 'ad7626', 'int16', varargin{:});
+            obj.enableExplicitPolling = false;
+            obj.EnabledChannels = 1;
+            obj.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/+adi/+AD762x/Base.m b/+adi/+AD762x/Base.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8121367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD762x/Base.m
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+classdef Base < adi.common.Rx & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+    % AD762X is a family of fully-differential precision ADCs with
+    % maximum sample rates between 5 MSPS and 10 MSPS
+    %
+    % AD7625 is a single-channel, 16-bit signed ADC with a max sample
+    % rate of 6 MSPS
+    % AD7626 is a single-channel, 16-bit signed ADC with a max sample
+    % rate of 10 MSPS
+    % AD7960 is a single-channel, 18-bit signed ADC with a max sample
+    % rate of 5 MSPS
+    % AD7961 is a single-channel, 16-bit signed ADC with a max sample
+    % rate of 5 MSPS
+    properties (Nontunable)
+        % SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame
+        %   Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive
+        %   integer.
+        SamplesPerFrame = 4096
+	% SampleRate Sample Rate
+	%   Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
+	%   in samples per second.
+	SampleRate = '500000'
+    end
+    properties (Dependent)
+        % VoltageScale Voltage Scale
+        %   ADC Voltage scale.
+        VoltageScale
+        % VoltageOffset Voltage Offset
+        %   ADC Voltage offset.
+        VoltageOffset
+    end
+    % Channel names
+    properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+        channel_names = {'voltage0-voltage1'}
+    end
+    % isOutput
+    properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
+        isOutput = false
+    end
+    properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+        Timeout = Inf
+        kernelBuffersCount = 1
+        dataTypeStr
+        phyDevName
+        devName
+    end
+    properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+        Type = 'Rx'
+    end
+    properties (Hidden, Constant)
+        ComplexData = false
+    end
+    methods
+        %% Constructor
+        function obj = Base(phydev, dev, dtype, varargin)
+            obj = obj@matlabshared.libiio.base(varargin{:});
+	    obj.phyDevName = phydev;
+	    obj.devName = dev;
+	    obj.dataTypeStr = dtype;
+        end
+	%% Set SampleRate
+	function set.SampleRate(obj, value)
+	    % Set device sampling rate
+	    obj.SampleRate = value;
+	    if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+	        obj.setDeviceAttributeRAW('sampling_frequency', num2str(value));
+	    end
+	end
+        %% Check Voltage Scale
+        function rValue = get.VoltageScale(obj)
+            if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+                rValue = obj.getAttributeDouble('voltage0-voltage1', 'scale', obj.isOutput);
+            else
+                rValue = NaN;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    %% API Functions
+    methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+        function setupInit(obj)
+	    obj.setDeviceAttributeRAW('sampling_frequency', ...
+	                              num2str(obj.SampleRate));
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7960/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7960/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42ff8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7960/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.AD762x.Base & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+    % AD7960 Precision ADC Class
+    % 
+    % adi.AD7960.Rx Receives data from the AD7960 ADC
+    % The adi.AD7960.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+    % data from the AD7960.
+    %
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7960.Rx;`
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7960.Rx('uri','');`
+    %
+    % `AD7960 Datasheet <>`_
+    methods
+        %% Constructor
+        function obj = Rx(varargin)
+            obj = obj@adi.AD762x.Base('ad7960', 'ad7960', 'int32', varargin{:});
+            obj.enableExplicitPolling = false;
+            obj.EnabledChannels = 1;
+            obj.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7961/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7961/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..134a310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7961/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.AD762x.Base & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+    % AD7961 Precision ADC Class
+    % 
+    % adi.AD7961.Rx Receives data from the AD7961 ADC
+    % The adi.AD7961.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+    % data from the AD7961.
+    %
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7961.Rx;`
+    %   `rx = adi.AD7961.Rx('uri','');`
+    %
+    % `AD7961 Datasheet <>`_
+    methods
+        %% Constructor
+        function obj = Rx(varargin)
+            obj = obj@adi.AD762x.Base('ad7961', 'ad7961', 'int16', varargin{:});
+            obj.enableExplicitPolling = false;
+            obj.EnabledChannels = 1;
+            obj.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/+adi/Contents.m b/+adi/Contents.m
index df1164e..be9338a 100644
--- a/+adi/Contents.m
+++ b/+adi/Contents.m
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
 %   <a href="matlab:help adi.ADAQ4224          ">ADAQ4224</a>       - ADAQ
 %   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD4858            ">AD4858</a>         - ADC
 %   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD7380            ">AD7380</a>         - ADC
+%   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD7625            ">AD7625</a>         - ADC
+%   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD7626            ">AD7626</a>         - ADC
+%   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD7960            ">AD7960</a>         - ADC
+%   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD7961            ">AD7961</a>         - ADC
 %   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD7768            ">AD7768</a>         - ADC
 %   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD7768_1          ">AD7768-1</a>       - ADC
 %   <a href="matlab:help adi.AD2S1210          ">AD2S1210</a>       - Resolver-to-Digital Converter
diff --git a/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m b/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
index eb094cb..9094276 100644
--- a/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
+++ b/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
 % * AD4630 <AD4630_Rx.html Rx>
 % * AD4030 <AD4030_Rx.html Rx>
 % * AD463x <AD463x_Rx.html Rx>
+% * AD7625 <AD7625_Rx.html Rx>
+% * AD7626 <AD7626_Rx.html Rx>
+% * AD7960 <AD7960_Rx.html Rx>
+% * AD7961 <AD7961_Rx.html Rx>
 % * AD7768 <AD7768_Rx.html Rx>
 % * AD7768 <AD4858_Rx.html Rx>
 % * AD2S1210 <AD2S1210_Rx.html Rx>
diff --git a/CI/doc/genhtml.m b/CI/doc/genhtml.m
index 912ba03..d555024 100644
--- a/CI/doc/genhtml.m
+++ b/CI/doc/genhtml.m
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 mfiledir = '..\..\+adi\';
 docdir = '..\..\doc\';
-parts = {'AD4630','AD4030','AD463x','AD7768','AD4858','AD2S1210','AD4000', 'AD4001', 'AD4002', 'AD4003', 'AD4004', 'AD4005', 'AD4006', 'AD4007', 'AD4008', 'AD4010', 'AD4011', 'AD4020', 'AD4021', 'AD4022'};
+parts = {'AD4630','AD4030','AD463x','AD7625', 'AD7626', 'AD7960',
+        'AD7961','AD7768','AD4858','AD2S1210','AD4000', 'AD4001', 'AD4002', 'AD4003', 'AD4004', 'AD4005', 'AD4006', 'AD4007', 'AD4008', 'AD4010', 'AD4011', 'AD4020', 'AD4021', 'AD4022'};
 trx_files = {'Rx','Base','Tx'};
 for ii = 1:numel(parts)
     for jj = 1:numel(trx_files)
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/
index 17c366b..1cf6702 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ The following have device-specific implementations in MATLAB and Simulink. If a
 | Evaluation Card | FPGA Board | Streaming Support | Targeting | Variants and Minimum Supported Release |
 | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- |
 | AD7380	| Zedboard	| Yes	| No	| ADI (2021b) |
+| AD7625    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
+| AD7626    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
+| AD7960    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
+| AD7961    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
 | AD7768    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
 | AD7768-1  | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
 | AD4030-24 | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
@@ -51,4 +55,5 @@ The following have device-specific implementations in MATLAB and Simulink. If a
 | AD4022    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
 | AD7124-4  | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
 | AD7124-8  | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
-| AD4080    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
\ No newline at end of file
+| AD4080    | Zedboard  | Yes   | No    | ADI (2021b) |
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
index 8798475..df233a0 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
 rootClasses = {...
+    , {'AD7625', {'Rx'}}...
+    , {'AD7626', {'Rx'}}...
+    , {'AD7960', {'Rx'}}...
+    , {'AD7961', {'Rx'}}...
     , {'AD7768', {'Rx'}}...
     , {'AD7768_1', {'Rx'}}...
     , {'AD4030', {'Rx'}}...
diff --git a/examples/ad7625_DataCapture.m b/examples/ad7625_DataCapture.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e28e5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ad7625_DataCapture.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+%% Script for capturing data from a connected AD7625 board
+% Instantiate the system object
+rx = adi.AD7625.Rx('uri','ip:analog.local');
+% Connect to device and initialize data
+% Retrieve ADC scale
+% Print system object properties
+% Delete the system object

From 39e8dc46c2cf9b956f194816991467dae8bf86f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Trevor Gamblin <>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 22:41:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] sysobjs.json: Update

Signed-off-by: Trevor Gamblin <>
 CI/gen_doc/docs/sysobjs.json | 562 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 353 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/sysobjs.json b/CI/gen_doc/docs/sysobjs.json
index ad8c3dd..1c4f39d 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/sysobjs.json
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/sysobjs.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD7380.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD7380.Rx Receives data from the AD7380 ADC<br>    The adi.AD7380.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD7380.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD7380.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD7380.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD7380 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD7380.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7380.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": " <br>  adi.AD7380.Rx Receives data from the AD7380 ADC.<br>  The adi.AD7380.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7380.<br> <br>  `rx = adi.AD7380.Rx;`<br>  `rx = adi.AD7380.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD7380 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7380.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7380.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -25,9 +25,153 @@
+  {
+    "name": "adi.AD7625.Rx",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD7625.Rx Receives data from the AD7625 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7625.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7625.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7625.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7625.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD7625 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7625.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7625.Rx<br>",
+    "props": [
+      {
+        "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
+        "prop_title": " EnabledChannels Enabled Channels",
+        "prop_description": "Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SampleRate",
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD7625.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "uri",
+        "prop_title": "  URI - remote host URI",
+        "prop_description": "Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.AD7625.Rx/uri is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "adi.AD7626.Rx",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD7626.Rx Receives data from the AD7626 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7626.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7626.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7626.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7626.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD7626 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7626.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7626.Rx<br>",
+    "props": [
+      {
+        "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
+        "prop_title": " EnabledChannels Enabled Channels",
+        "prop_description": "Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SampleRate",
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD7626.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "uri",
+        "prop_title": "  URI - remote host URI",
+        "prop_description": "Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.AD7626.Rx/uri is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "adi.AD7960.Rx",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD7960.Rx Receives data from the AD7960 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7960.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7960.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7960.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7960.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD7960 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7960.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7960.Rx<br>",
+    "props": [
+      {
+        "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
+        "prop_title": " EnabledChannels Enabled Channels",
+        "prop_description": "Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SampleRate",
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD7960.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "uri",
+        "prop_title": "  URI - remote host URI",
+        "prop_description": "Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.AD7960.Rx/uri is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "adi.AD7961.Rx",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD7961.Rx Receives data from the AD7961 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7961.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7961.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7961.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7961.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD7961 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7961.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7961.Rx<br>",
+    "props": [
+      {
+        "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
+        "prop_title": " EnabledChannels Enabled Channels",
+        "prop_description": "Indexs of channels to be enabled. Input should be a [1xN] vector with the indexes of channels to be enabled. Order is irrelevant"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SampleRate",
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD7961.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
+      },
+      {
+        "prop_name": "uri",
+        "prop_title": "  URI - remote host URI",
+        "prop_description": "Hostname or IP address of remote libIIO deviceHelp for adi.AD7961.Rx/uri is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
     "name": "adi.AD7768.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD7768.Rx Receives data from the AD7768 ADC<br>    The adi.AD7768.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD7768.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD7768.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD7768.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD7768 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD7768.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7768.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD7768.Rx Receives data from the AD7768 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7768.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7768.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7768.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7768.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD7768 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7768.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7768.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -53,7 +197,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD7768_1.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD7768_1.Rx Receives data from the AD7768-1 ADC<br>    The adi.AD7768_1.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD7768-1.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD7768_1.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD7768_1.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD7768-1 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD7768_1.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7768_1.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": " <br>  adi.AD7768_1.Rx Receives data from the AD7768-1 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7768_1.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7768-1.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7768_1.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7768_1.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD7768-1 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7768_1.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7768_1.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "CommonModeVolts",
@@ -84,7 +228,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4030.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4030.Rx Receives data from the AD4030-24 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4030.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4030-24.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4030.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4030.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4030-24 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4030.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4030.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4030.Rx Receives data from the AD4030-24 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4030.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4030-24.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4030.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4030.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4030-24 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4030.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4030.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -93,18 +237,18 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleAveragingLength",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleAveragingLength",
-        "prop_description": "Block length of samples to be averaged. Applied in the Averaging Mode register only when OUT_DATA_MD is set to 30-bit averaged differential modeHelp for adi.AD4030.Rx/SampleAveragingLength is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleAveragingLength",
+        "prop_description": "Block length of samples to be averaged. Applied in the Averaging Mode register only when OUT_DATA_MD is set to 30-bit averaged differential mode"
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4030.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4030.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4030.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -115,7 +259,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4630_16.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4630_16.Rx Receive data from the AD4630-16 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4630_16.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4630-16.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4630_16.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4630_16.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4630-16 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4630_16.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4630_16.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4630_16.Rx Receive data from the AD4630-16 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4630_16.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4630-16.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4630_16.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4630_16.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4630-16 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4630_16.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4630_16.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -124,18 +268,18 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleAveragingLength",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleAveragingLength",
-        "prop_description": "Block length of samples to be averaged. Applied in the Averaging Mode register only when OUT_DATA_MD is set to 30-bit averaged differential modeHelp for adi.AD4630_16.Rx/SampleAveragingLength is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleAveragingLength",
+        "prop_description": "Block length of samples to be averaged. Applied in the Averaging Mode register only when OUT_DATA_MD is set to 30-bit averaged differential mode"
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4630_16.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4630_16.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4630_16.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -146,7 +290,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4630_24.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4630_24.Rx Receive data from the AD4630-24 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4630_24.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4630-24.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4630_24.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4630_24.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4630-24 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4630_24.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4630_24.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4630_24.Rx Receive data from the AD4630-24 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4630_24.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4630-24.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4630_24.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4630_24.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4630-24 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4630_24.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4630_24.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -155,18 +299,18 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleAveragingLength",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleAveragingLength",
-        "prop_description": "Block length of samples to be averaged. Applied in the Averaging Mode register only when OUT_DATA_MD is set to 30-bit averaged differential modeHelp for adi.AD4630_24.Rx/SampleAveragingLength is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleAveragingLength",
+        "prop_description": "Block length of samples to be averaged. Applied in the Averaging Mode register only when OUT_DATA_MD is set to 30-bit averaged differential mode"
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4630_24.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4630_24.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD463x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4630_24.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -177,7 +321,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4858.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4858.Rx Receives data from the AD4858 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4858.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4858.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4858.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4858.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4858 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4858.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4858.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4858.Rx Receives data from the AD4858 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4858.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4858.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4858.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4858.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4858 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4858.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4858.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -203,7 +347,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD2S1210.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD2S1210.Rx Receives data from the AD2S1210 Resolver<br>    The adi.AD2S1210.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD2S1210.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD2S1210.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD2S1210.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD2S1210 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD2S1210.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD2S1210.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD2S1210.Rx Receives data from the AD2S1210 Resolver<br>  The adi.AD2S1210.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD2S1210.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD2S1210.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD2S1210.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD2S1210 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD2S1210.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD2S1210.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "Angle",
@@ -244,7 +388,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4000.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4000.Rx Receives data from the AD4000 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4000.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4000.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4000.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4000.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4000 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4000.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4000.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4000.Rx Receives data from the AD4000 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4000.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4000.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4000.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4000.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4000 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4000.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4000.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -253,23 +397,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4000.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4000.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4000.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4000.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4000.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -280,7 +424,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4001.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4001.Rx Receives data from the AD4001 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4001.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4001.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4001.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4001.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4001 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4001.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4001.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4001.Rx Receives data from the AD4001 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4001.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4001.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4001.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4001.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4001 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4001.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4001.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -289,23 +433,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4001.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4001.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -316,7 +460,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4002.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4002.Rx Receives data from the AD4002 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4002.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4002.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4002.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4002.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4002 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4002.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4002.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4002.Rx Receives data from the AD4002 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4002.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4002.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4002.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4002.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4002 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4002.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4002.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -325,23 +469,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4002.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4002.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4002.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4002.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4002.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -352,7 +496,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4003.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4003.Rx Receives data from the AD4003 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4003.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4003.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4003.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4003.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4003 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4003.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4003.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4003.Rx Receives data from the AD4003 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4003.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4003.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4003.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4003.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4003 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4003.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4003.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -361,23 +505,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4003.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4003.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4003.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4003.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4003.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -388,7 +532,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4004.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4004.Rx Receives data from the AD4004 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4004.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4004.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4004.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4004.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4004 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4004.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4004.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4004.Rx Receives data from the AD4004 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4004.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4004.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4004.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4004.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4004 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4004.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4004.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -397,23 +541,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4004.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4004.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4004.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4004.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4004.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -424,7 +568,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4005.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4005.Rx Receives data from the AD4005 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4005.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4005.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4005.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4005.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4005 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4005.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4005.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4005.Rx Receives data from the AD4005 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4005.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4005.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4005.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4005.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4005 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4005.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4005.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -433,23 +577,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4005.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4005.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4005.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4005.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4005.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -460,7 +604,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4006.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4006.Rx Receives data from the AD4006 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4006.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4006.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4006.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4006.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4006 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4006.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4006.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4006.Rx Receives data from the AD4006 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4006.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4006.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4006.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4006.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4006 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4006.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4006.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -469,23 +613,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4006.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4006.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4006.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4006.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4006.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -496,7 +640,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4007.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4007.Rx Receives data from the AD4007 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4007.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4007.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4007.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4007.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4007 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4007.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4007.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4007.Rx Receives data from the AD4007 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4007.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4007.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4007.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4007.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4007 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4007.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4007.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -505,23 +649,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4007.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4007.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4007.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4007.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4007.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -532,7 +676,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4008.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4008.Rx Receives data from the AD4008 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4008.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4008.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4008.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4008.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4008 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4008.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4008.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4008.Rx Receives data from the AD4008 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4008.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4008.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4008.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4008.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4008 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4008.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4008.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -541,23 +685,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4008.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4008.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4008.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4008.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4008.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -568,7 +712,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4010.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4010.Rx Receives data from the AD4010 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4010.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4010.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4010.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4010.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4010 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4010.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4010.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4010.Rx Receives data from the AD4010 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4010.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4010.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4010.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4010.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4010 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4010.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4010.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -577,23 +721,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4010.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4010.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4010.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4010.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4010.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -604,7 +748,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4011.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4011.Rx Receives data from the AD4011 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4011.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4011.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4011.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4011.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4011 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4011.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4011.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4011.Rx Receives data from the AD4011 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4011.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4011.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4011.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4011.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4011 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4011.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4011.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -613,23 +757,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4011.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4011.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4011.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4011.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4011.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -640,7 +784,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4020.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4020.Rx Receives data from the AD4020 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4020.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4020.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4020.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4020.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4020 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4020.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4020.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4020.Rx Receives data from the AD4020 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4020.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4020.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4020.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4020.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>  `AD4020 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4020.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4020.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -649,23 +793,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4020.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4020.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4020.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4020.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4020.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -676,7 +820,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4021.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4021.Rx Receives data from the AD4021 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4021.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4021.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4021.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4021.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4021 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4021.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4021.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4021.Rx Receives data from the AD4021 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4021.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4021.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4021.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4021.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4021 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4021.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4021.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -685,23 +829,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4021.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4021.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4021.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4021.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4021.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -712,7 +856,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD4022.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD4022.Rx Receives data from the AD4022 ADC<br>    The adi.AD4022.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD4022.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD4022.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD4022.Rx('uri','');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD4022 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD4022.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4022.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD4022.Rx Receives data from the AD4022 ADC<br>  The adi.AD4022.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD4022.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD4022.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD4022.Rx('uri','');`<br> <br>  `AD4022 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD4022.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD4022.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -721,23 +865,23 @@
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second.Help for adi.AD4022.Rx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer.Help for adi.AD4022.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD4022.Rx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "VoltageOffset",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageOffset Voltage Offset",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset.Help for adi.AD4022.Rx/VoltageOffset is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageOffset - Voltage Offset",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage offset."
         "prop_name": "VoltageScale",
-        "prop_title": "  VoltageScale Voltage Scale",
-        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale.Help for adi.AD4022.Rx/VoltageScale is inherited from superclass adi.AD400x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "VoltageScale - Voltage Scale",
+        "prop_description": "ADC Voltage scale."
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -748,12 +892,12 @@
     "name": "adi.AD5760.Tx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD5760.Tx Transmits data to the AD5760 DAC<br>    The adi.AD5760.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>    data to the AD5760.<br> <br>    tx = adi.AD5760.Tx;<br>    tx = adi.AD5760.Tx('uri','ip:');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD5760 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD5760.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5760.Tx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD5760.Tx Transmits data to the AD5760 DAC<br>  The adi.AD5760.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>  data to the AD5760.<br> <br>    `tx = adi.AD5760.Tx;`<br>    `tx = adi.AD5760.Tx('uri','ip:');`<br> <br>  `AD5760 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD5760.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5760.Tx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "CodeSelect",
-        "prop_title": "  CodeSelect Code Select",
-        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binaryHelp for adi.AD5760.Tx/CodeSelect is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "CodeSelect - Code Select",
+        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binary"
         "prop_name": "DDSFrequencies",
@@ -787,23 +931,23 @@
         "prop_name": "PowerDown",
-        "prop_title": "  PowerDown Power Down",
-        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channelsHelp for adi.AD5760.Tx/PowerDown is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "PowerDown - Power Down",
+        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channels"
         "prop_name": "Raw",
-        "prop_title": "  Raw Channel Raw Value",
-        "prop_description": "Help for adi.AD5760.Tx/Raw is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "Raw - Channel Raw Value",
+        "prop_description": ""
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second. Help for adi.AD5760.Tx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer. Help for adi.AD5760.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD5760.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -814,12 +958,12 @@
     "name": "adi.AD5780.Tx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD5780.Tx Transmits data to the AD5780 DAC<br>    The adi.AD5780.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>    data to the AD5780.<br> <br>    tx = adi.AD5780.Tx;<br>    tx = adi.AD5780.Tx('uri','ip:');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD5780 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD5780.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5780.Tx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD5780.Tx Transmits data to the AD5780 DAC<br>  The adi.AD5780.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>  data to the AD5780.<br> <br>    `tx = adi.AD5780.Tx;`<br>    `tx = adi.AD5780.Tx('uri','ip:');`<br> <br>  `AD5780 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD5780.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5780.Tx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "CodeSelect",
-        "prop_title": "  CodeSelect Code Select",
-        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binaryHelp for adi.AD5780.Tx/CodeSelect is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "CodeSelect - Code Select",
+        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binary"
         "prop_name": "DDSFrequencies",
@@ -853,23 +997,23 @@
         "prop_name": "PowerDown",
-        "prop_title": "  PowerDown Power Down",
-        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channelsHelp for adi.AD5780.Tx/PowerDown is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "PowerDown - Power Down",
+        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channels"
         "prop_name": "Raw",
-        "prop_title": "  Raw Channel Raw Value",
-        "prop_description": "Help for adi.AD5780.Tx/Raw is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "Raw - Channel Raw Value",
+        "prop_description": ""
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second. Help for adi.AD5780.Tx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer. Help for adi.AD5780.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD5780.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -880,12 +1024,12 @@
     "name": "adi.AD5781.Tx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD5781.Tx Transmits data to the AD5781 DAC<br>    The adi.AD5781.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>    data to the AD5781.<br> <br>    tx = adi.AD5781.Tx;<br>    tx = adi.AD5781.Tx('uri','ip:');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD5781 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD5781.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5781.Tx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD5781.Tx Transmits data to the AD5781 DAC<br>  The adi.AD5781.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>  data to the AD5781.<br> <br>    `tx = adi.AD5781.Tx;`<br>    `tx = adi.AD5781.Tx('uri','ip:');`<br> <br>  `AD5781 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD5781.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5781.Tx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "CodeSelect",
-        "prop_title": "  CodeSelect Code Select",
-        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binaryHelp for adi.AD5781.Tx/CodeSelect is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "CodeSelect - Code Select",
+        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binary"
         "prop_name": "DDSFrequencies",
@@ -919,23 +1063,23 @@
         "prop_name": "PowerDown",
-        "prop_title": "  PowerDown Power Down",
-        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channelsHelp for adi.AD5781.Tx/PowerDown is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "PowerDown - Power Down",
+        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channels"
         "prop_name": "Raw",
-        "prop_title": "  Raw Channel Raw Value",
-        "prop_description": "Help for adi.AD5781.Tx/Raw is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "Raw - Channel Raw Value",
+        "prop_description": ""
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second. Help for adi.AD5781.Tx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer. Help for adi.AD5781.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD5781.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -946,12 +1090,12 @@
     "name": "adi.AD5790.Tx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD5790.Tx Transmits data to the AD5790 DAC<br>    The adi.AD5790.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>    data to the AD5790.<br> <br>    tx = adi.AD5790.Tx;<br>    tx = adi.AD5790.Tx('uri','ip:');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD5790 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD5790.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5790.Tx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD5790.Tx Transmits data to the AD5790 DAC<br>  The adi.AD5790.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>  data to the AD5790.<br> <br>    `tx = adi.AD5790.Tx;`<br>    `tx = adi.AD5790.Tx('uri','ip:');`<br> <br>  `AD5790 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD5790.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5790.Tx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "CodeSelect",
-        "prop_title": "  CodeSelect Code Select",
-        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binaryHelp for adi.AD5790.Tx/CodeSelect is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "CodeSelect - Code Select",
+        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binary"
         "prop_name": "DDSFrequencies",
@@ -985,23 +1129,23 @@
         "prop_name": "PowerDown",
-        "prop_title": "  PowerDown Power Down",
-        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channelsHelp for adi.AD5790.Tx/PowerDown is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "PowerDown - Power Down",
+        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channels"
         "prop_name": "Raw",
-        "prop_title": "  Raw Channel Raw Value",
-        "prop_description": "Help for adi.AD5790.Tx/Raw is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "Raw - Channel Raw Value",
+        "prop_description": ""
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second. Help for adi.AD5790.Tx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer. Help for adi.AD5790.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD5790.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -1012,12 +1156,12 @@
     "name": "adi.AD5791.Tx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD5791.Tx Transmits data to the AD5791 DAC<br>    The adi.AD5791.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>    data to the AD5791.<br> <br>    tx = adi.AD5791.Tx;<br>    tx = adi.AD5791.Tx('uri','ip:');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD5791 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD5791.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5791.Tx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD5791.Tx Transmits data to the AD5791 DAC<br>  The adi.AD5791.Tx System object is a signal sink that can transmit<br>  data to the AD5791.<br> <br>    `tx = adi.AD5791.Tx;`<br>    `tx = adi.AD5791.Tx('uri','ip:');`<br> <br>  `AD5791 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD5791.Tx<br>       doc adi.AD5791.Tx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "CodeSelect",
-        "prop_title": "  CodeSelect Code Select",
-        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binaryHelp for adi.AD5791.Tx/CodeSelect is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "CodeSelect - Code Select",
+        "prop_description": "Set to 2s_complement/offset_binary"
         "prop_name": "DDSFrequencies",
@@ -1051,23 +1195,23 @@
         "prop_name": "PowerDown",
-        "prop_title": "  PowerDown Power Down",
-        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channelsHelp for adi.AD5791.Tx/PowerDown is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "PowerDown - Power Down",
+        "prop_description": "Set to true/false to power-up/power-down the device channels"
         "prop_name": "Raw",
-        "prop_title": "  Raw Channel Raw Value",
-        "prop_description": "Help for adi.AD5791.Tx/Raw is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "Raw - Channel Raw Value",
+        "prop_description": ""
         "prop_name": "SampleRate",
-        "prop_title": "  SampleRate Sample Rate",
-        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second. Help for adi.AD5791.Tx/SampleRate is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "SampleRate - Sample Rate",
+        "prop_description": "Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar in samples per second."
         "prop_name": "SamplesPerFrame",
-        "prop_title": "  SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame",
-        "prop_description": "Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive integer. Help for adi.AD5791.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass adi.AD579x.Base"
+        "prop_title": "  Frame size",
+        "prop_description": "Size of the frame in samplesHelp for adi.AD5791.Tx/SamplesPerFrame is inherited from superclass matlabshared.libiio.base"
         "prop_name": "uri",
@@ -1078,7 +1222,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD7124_4.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD7124-4.Rx Receives data from the AD7124 ADC<br>    The adi.AD7124-4.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD7124-4.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD7124_4.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD7124_4.Rx('uri','ip:');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD7124-4 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD7124_4.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7124_4.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD7124-4.Rx Receives data from the AD7124 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7124-4.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7124-4.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7124_4.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7124_4.Rx('uri','ip:');`<br> <br>  `AD7124-4 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7124_4.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7124_4.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",
@@ -1119,7 +1263,7 @@
     "name": "adi.AD7124_8.Rx",
-    "dec": "  adi.AD7124-8.Rx Receives data from the AD7124 ADC<br>    The adi.AD7124-8.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>    data from the AD7124-8.<br> <br>    rx = adi.AD7124_8.Rx;<br>    rx = adi.AD7124_8.Rx('uri','ip:');<br> <br>    <a href=\"\">AD7124-8 Datasheet</a><br>    Documentation for adi.AD7124_8.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7124_8.Rx<br>",
+    "dec": "  <br>  adi.AD7124-8.Rx Receives data from the AD7124 ADC<br>  The adi.AD7124-8.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive<br>  data from the AD7124-8.<br> <br>    `rx = adi.AD7124_8.Rx;`<br>    `rx = adi.AD7124_8.Rx('uri','ip:');`<br> <br>  `AD7124-8 Datasheet <>`_<br>    Documentation for adi.AD7124_8.Rx<br>       doc adi.AD7124_8.Rx<br>",
     "props": [
         "prop_name": "EnabledChannels",