The serverless deploy
command deploys either your entire service or a single Function of your service to the Auth0 Webtasks platform.
serverless deploy
The stage in your service that you want to deploy to. The default stage is 'dev'.--profile
The Auth0 Webtasks profile to use when deploying your service. The 'serverless' profile is used by default.
serverless deploy
This example will deploy all of the Functions specified in the service to the Auth0 Webtasks platform. If a given function was previously deployed, it will be re-deployed with the current version of the code.
All of the Functions will be deployed with the default 'dev' stage. Functions deployed to different stages are different webtasks on the Auth0 Webtasks platform and therefore have distinct URLs.
serverless deploy function -f main
This example will deploy only the 'main' function to the Auth0 Webtasks platform. If the 'main' function was previously deployed, it will be re-deployed with the current version of the code.
The 'main' Function will be deployed with the default 'dev' stage.