From 58456ec1301e217074eb2c795e2e5dbfb95d0592 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lars Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2017 09:13:49 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Did the Github Markdown format change? --- | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 567b39f..f8bbc63 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -#Roofpig +# Roofpig Roofpig is an animated, programmable and interactive Rubik's Cube for the modern web. It uses WebGL or plain Canvas (by way of [three.js]( and is written in CoffeeScript. You can see it in use on, or [play with demos]( It should work on most [any modern browser]( -##1. Usage +## 1. Usage All you need is one file and a web server. Put [`roofpig_and_three.min.js`]( on your server. Include it, and jQuery 3.1.1 in your HTML: ```html ``` -#####Static creation +##### Static creation To put a cube on the page, make a `div` with `class='roofpig'`. Configuration goes in a `data-config` attribute. Set height and width in CSS. **That's it!** ```html
``` -#####Dynamic creation +##### Dynamic creation To create a cube dynamically under a parent div, call `CubeAnimation.create_in_dom(parent_div, config, div_attributes)`, where `config` is the `data-config` and `div_attributes` is what it sounds like. ```html CubeAnimation.create_in_dom('#show-alg', "alg=R U R' U R U2 R'", "class='my-roofpig'"); ``` -##2. data-config +## 2. data-config In `data-config` you set values to properties. The format is `property1=value|prop2=other value | prop99=you get the idea`. This is a fully configured example cube: @@ -38,27 +38,27 @@ This is a fully configured example cube: Valid properties are: `alg`, `algdisplay`, `base`, `colored`, `colors`, `flags`, `hover`, `pov`, `setup`, `solved`, `speed`, `tweaks`. We'll go over them in a logical order. -###2.1 The Algorithm. `alg`. +### 2.1 The Algorithm. `alg`. Define the animated algorithm like this: `alg=R F' x2 R D Lw'`. It handles standard cube notation and some more. If no alg is given, the playback buttons don't appear. -#####Standard notation +##### Standard notation Roofpig supports (almost) all standard cube notation. Layer(s): **F, B, R, L, U, D. M, E, S. x, y, z. Fw, Bw, Rw, Lw, Uw, Dw, f, b, r, l, u, d**. Turns: **2, ', 2'**. You can also use **², Z, 1**, and **3**. -#####Rotation notation +##### Rotation notation Roofpig adds "non destructive" rotations, that turns the cube while preserving the side names (in contrast, inserting `x2` changes all following moves). You can think of them as moving the "camera". `R>` rotates the whole cube like an `R` move. `R>>` is a double turn, `R<` and `R<<` the same in the opposite direction. This means `F>` is the same as `B<`. -#####Combination notation +##### Combination notation Roofpig also allows combining moves. Using **+**. Side safe slice moves: `M` = `L'+R`, `E` = `D'+U`, and `S` = `F'+B`. 'w' moves: `Rw` = `R>+L`, `Lw` = `L>+R`, `Uw` = `U>+D`, etc. Whole cube: `y`=`U+E'+D'`. Combining moves that can't be done in parallel, like `L+U` or `Rw+Fw2`, will make horrible and amusing things happen. [**Alg notation demo**]( -###2.2 The Cube +### 2.2 The Cube In Roofpig, you normally define how the cube will look after the alg is done. By default, it's a fully colored cube. You can also make parts 'solved' (dark gray) or 'ignored' (light gray), move pieces, recolor stickers and sprinkle out **X**-es. But first we must talk about Cubexps. -#####Cubexps +##### Cubexps We often need to define sets of stickers. So I made a tiny language to simply describe groups of stickers. Cubexps do one thing: Define a set stickers, out of the 54 on a cube. That's it. They do nothing else. @@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ This would be enough to define any set of stickers. It would also be tedious to Now that we know Cubexps, we can make cubes! -#####`solved` and `colored` +##### `solved` and `colored` The main parameters for this are the `solved` and `colored` Cubexps. `solved` stickers will be dark grey. `colored` stickers will have normal colors. Anything not `solved` or `colored` will be light gray as 'ignored'. `solved` trumps `colored`. [**`Solved` and `colored` demo**]( -#####`setupmoves` and `tweaks` +##### `setupmoves` and `tweaks` When marking stickers 'solved' and 'ignored' is not enough, you need to use these. - `setupmoves` applies some moves to the cube. For example `setupmoves=L' B' R B L B' R' B` permutes 3 corners. @@ -91,29 +91,29 @@ Aside from colors, you can also put **X** es on stickers: `tweaks=X:Ub x:Ul` [`setupmoves` and `tweaks` demo]( (clearer than the text) -###2.3 Other parameters +### 2.3 Other parameters [**Other parameters Demo**]( -#####`hover` +##### `hover` How far out do the 'peek' stickers hover away from the cube? `1` is 'not at all'. `10` is 'too far'. It's easiest to use the aliases `none`, `near` and `far` (1, 2 and 7.1). Solved and ignored stickers don't hover. -#####`speed` +##### `speed` Number of milliseconds for a turn. Defaults to 400. Double turns take 1.5x longer. -#####`flags` +##### `flags` Things that can only be on or off are set to "ON" by mentioning them in this free form text field. Current flags are - `showalg` - Display the alg, according to the `algdisplay` setting. - `canvas` - Use regular 2D canvas to draw instead of WebGL. - `startsolved` - Start out with a solved cube, instead of with the reverse alg applied. -#####`colors` +##### `colors` Default colors are **R** - green, **L** - blue, **F** - red, **B** - orange, **U** - yellow, and **D** - white. Or `colors=R:g L:b F:r B:o U:y D:w` in this notation. Aside from 'g' for green etc, you can also use any CSS color, like `pink`, `#77f`, `#3d3dff` etc. -#####`pov` +##### `pov` By default the Point Of View is on the UFR corner, with U on top. Or `Ufr` in this notation. To face DFL with F on top, use `pov=Fdl`. -#####`algdisplay` +##### `algdisplay` This defines how algs are written (if `showalg` is on). Much like flags, it's a free form string, where we look for certain words: - `fancy2s` - Double moves are written F² rather than F2. - `rotations` - Displays the Roofpig rotations (R>, U<< etc) . Off by default. @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ This defines how algs are written (if `showalg` is on). Much like flags, it's a - `Z` - Display counter clockwise double moves as Z. -###2.4 `base` - sharing configs. +### 2.4 `base` - sharing configs. By now you may be asking, "But Lars, what if I use the Japanese color scheme? Do I really have to repeat that in each and every cube config?". To that I say, "No, dear infomercial plant, Roofpig has a simple way to share common config, which both cuts down on repetition and makes the common parts easy and safe to change!" You can use Javascript variables, named starting with **"ROOFPIG_CONF_"**, as base. @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Properties in data-config override those "inherited" from the base. One `base` c To share between pages, you can for example put **"ROOFPIG_CONF_"**'s in a common .js file. -###3. Working with the code +### 3. Working with the code 1. Install Node and NPM - 2. Clone/download this Github repository, and `cd` to the resulting directory 3. `npm install` @@ -146,16 +146,16 @@ To share between pages, you can for example put **"ROOFPIG_CONF_"**'s in a commo Now the gulp task below should work. Let me know if it doesn't. -####Building it +#### Building it `gulp build` on the command line creates a `roofpig_and_three.min.js` file in `local/build/` `misc/demo_local.html` is a demo page using the built file. `misc/demo.html` is the same demo using the official release file. -####Testing +#### Testing `gulp test` makes the `rptest.html` file for running the tests in a browser. `open rptest.html` is one way. -##4. What's a Roofpig anyway? +## 4. What's a Roofpig anyway? [**"Most unexpected!"**](