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Containerised TPCReco

Getting started with Docker

  1. Install and start docker according to instructions for your platform.
  2. Load eliptc/tpcreco image. You can either import pre-built image or build one locally (longer).

Import pre-built image

Download eliptc_tpcreco_latest.tar, then import it:

docker load elitpc/tpcreco:latest -i elitpc_tpcreco_latest.tar

Build locally

This image uses elitpc/get as its base. Make sure that image is already present in your system. Then build elitpc/tpcreco:

git clone ssh://
cd TPCReco
docker build --no-cache --rm --target user -t elitpc/tpcreco:latest -f docker/Dockerfile . 

Getting started with Singularity

It's possible to convert TPCReco docker image to singularity image.

From pre-built .sif file

There are no extra preparation steps. You are ready.

From pre-built docker image

This way doesn't require docker installation, just pre-built elitpc_tpcreco_latest.tar file.

singularity build elitpc_tpcreco_latest.sif docker-archive://elitpc_tpcreco_latest.tar

From local docker image

This way requires docker installation of docker. Complete getting started steps so that elitpc/tpcreco image is present on your system. Then:

singularity build elitpc_tpcreco_latest.sif docker-daemon://elitpc/tpcreco:latest


First start your container, then launch a reconstruction application inside the container.

Start docker container

docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --rm -it --user $(id -u) -v $HOME:/scratch --workdir /scratch -v /data:/data elitpc/tpcreco:latest

Options -v $HOME:/scratch --workdir /scratch will bind your home directory from host to /scratch and set it to initial working directory. Option -v /data:/data will bind /data host directory.

Start singularity container

singularity shell --bind /data elitpc_tpcreco_latest.sif

Singularity will automatically include your $HOME from host inside the container. If you wish to include other directories from host, you can do so using --bind option. --bind /data will bind /data directory on host to /data directory inside the container.

Start tpcGUI

Following steps should be done inside a container.

Prepare directory for reconstruction:

mkdir -p reco && cd reco && cp /opt/soft/TPCReco/resources* .

Launch tpcGUI:

tpcGUI config_GUI__OFFLINE_250mbar_12.5MHz.json --dataFile /data/CoBo_ALL_AsAd_ALL_2021-06-22T12\:01\:56.568_0000.graw

Pre-made configurations files are available in \opt\soft\TPCReco\config\.


GetSoftware is distributed under CeCILL license.

elitpc/tpcreco docker image is not meant to be uploaded to Dockerhub or any other third part registry.