- NEW: tested with py310 and py311
- bugfix: model-explorer was broken due to internal code refactoring
- bugfix: config files had faulty defaults
- bugfix: export agumentations
- improved CLI inference script (better performance: model gets cached)
- better documentation in the repo and the config files
- added inference script: extract embeddings from single image
- added parameter to show samples of image augmentations, and an argument to do a training dry run
- more sensible LR finder options (e.g. to chuck more from beginning or end of range
- better annotated config files with default values
- bugfix: broken plotting function
- fixed various typos in config files
- enhanced plotting functions
- proper loggers
- cli interface
- help files
- fixed some small bugs
- readme/repo rework
- add a license
- intial release of the pypi-version