From e8ab5aede4fa340942b78516b86667c640af2ae7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonah <> Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 11:04:41 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] feat(rules-update): change the default rules (#219) Co-authored-by: Jonah Pereira --- configs/@typescript-eslint/index.js | 57 +- configs/eslint/index.js | 1986 +++++++++++++-------------- 2 files changed, 1022 insertions(+), 1021 deletions(-) diff --git a/configs/@typescript-eslint/index.js b/configs/@typescript-eslint/index.js index 09a3769..663d64b 100644 --- a/configs/@typescript-eslint/index.js +++ b/configs/@typescript-eslint/index.js @@ -1,28 +1,29 @@ -module.exports = { - "@typescript-eslint/indent": ["error", 4], - "@typescript-eslint/member-delimiter-style": ["off"], - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": ["off"], - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-interface": ["off"], - "@typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures": ["error"], - "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": ["error"], - "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": ["error"], - "@typescript-eslint/naming-convention": ["error"], - 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Use Object.{keys,values,entries}, and iterate over the resulting array." - }, - { - selector: "ForOfStatement", - message: - "iterators/generators require regenerator-runtime, which is too heavyweight for this guide to allow them. Separately, loops should be avoided in favor of array iterations." - }, - { - selector: "LabeledStatement", - message: - "Labels are a form of GOTO; using them makes code confusing and hard to maintain and understand." - }, - { - selector: "WithStatement", - message: - "`with` is disallowed in strict mode because it makes code impossible to predict and optimize." - } - ], - "no-spaced-func": ["error"], - "no-tabs": ["error"], - "no-ternary": ["off"], - "no-trailing-spaces": [ - "error", - { - skipBlankLines: false, - ignoreComments: false - } - ], - "no-unneeded-ternary": [ - "error", - { - defaultAssignment: false - } - ], - "no-whitespace-before-property": ["error"], - "nonblock-statement-body-position": [ - "error", - "beside", - { - overrides: {} - } - ], - "object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"], - "object-curly-newline": [ - "error", - { - ObjectExpression: { - minProperties: 4, - multiline: true, - consistent: true - }, - ObjectPattern: { - minProperties: 4, - multiline: 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["off"], - semi: ["error", "always"], - "semi-spacing": [ - "error", - { - before: false, - after: true - } - ], - "semi-style": ["error", "last"], - "sort-keys": [ - "off", - "asc", - { - caseSensitive: false, - natural: true - } - ], - "sort-vars": ["off"], - "space-before-blocks": ["error"], - "space-before-function-paren": [ - "error", - { - anonymous: "always", - named: "never", - asyncArrow: "always" - } - ], - "space-in-parens": ["error", "never"], - "space-infix-ops": ["error"], - "space-unary-ops": [ - "error", - { - words: true, - nonwords: false, - overrides: {} - } - ], - "spaced-comment": [ - "error", - "always", - { - line: { - exceptions: ["-", "+"], - markers: ["=", "!"] - }, - block: { - exceptions: ["-", "+"], - markers: ["=", "!", ":", "::"], - balanced: true - } - } - ], - "switch-colon-spacing": [ - "error", - { - after: true, - before: false - } - ], - "template-tag-spacing": ["error", "never"], - "unicode-bom": ["error", "never"], - "wrap-regex": ["off"], - 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"no-implicit-coercion": [ - "off", - { - boolean: false, - number: true, - string: true, - allow: [] - } - ], - "no-implicit-globals": ["off"], - "no-implied-eval": ["error"], - "no-invalid-this": ["off"], - "no-iterator": ["error"], - "no-labels": [ - "error", - { - allowLoop: false, - allowSwitch: false - } - ], - "no-lone-blocks": ["error"], - "no-loop-func": ["error"], - "no-magic-numbers": [ - "off", - { - ignore: [], - ignoreArrayIndexes: true, - enforceConst: true, - detectObjects: false - } - ], - "no-multi-spaces": [ - "error", - { - ignoreEOLComments: false - } - ], - "no-multi-str": ["error"], - "no-new": ["error"], - "no-new-func": ["error"], - "no-new-wrappers": ["error"], - "no-octal": ["error"], - "no-octal-escape": ["error"], - "no-param-reassign": [ - "error", - { - props: true, - ignorePropertyModificationsFor: [ - "acc", - "accumulator", - "e", - "ctx", - "req", - "request", - "res", - "response", - "$scope", - "staticContext" - ] - } - ], - "no-proto": ["error"], - "no-redeclare": ["error"], - "no-restricted-properties": [ - "error", - { - object: "arguments", - property: "callee", - message: "arguments.callee is deprecated" - }, - { - object: "global", - property: "isFinite", - message: "Please use Number.isFinite instead" - }, - { - object: "self", - property: "isFinite", - message: "Please use Number.isFinite instead" - }, - { - object: "window", - property: "isFinite", - message: "Please use Number.isFinite instead" - }, - { - object: "global", - property: "isNaN", - message: "Please use Number.isNaN instead" - }, - { - object: "self", - property: "isNaN", - message: "Please use Number.isNaN instead" - }, - { - object: "window", - property: "isNaN", - message: "Please use Number.isNaN instead" - }, - { - property: "__defineGetter__", - message: "Please use Object.defineProperty instead." - }, - { - property: "__defineSetter__", - message: "Please use Object.defineProperty instead." - }, - { - object: "Math", - property: "pow", - message: "Use the exponentiation operator (**) instead." - } - ], - "no-return-assign": ["error", "always"], - "no-return-await": ["error"], - "no-script-url": ["error"], - "no-self-assign": [ - "error", - { - props: true - } - ], - "no-self-compare": ["error"], - "no-sequences": ["error"], - "no-throw-literal": ["error"], - "no-unmodified-loop-condition": ["off"], - "no-unused-expressions": [ - "error", - { - allowShortCircuit: false, - allowTernary: false, - allowTaggedTemplates: false - } - ], - "no-unused-labels": ["error"], - "no-useless-call": ["off"], - "no-useless-catch": ["error"], - "no-useless-concat": ["error"], - "no-useless-escape": ["error"], - "no-useless-return": ["error"], - "no-void": ["error"], - "no-warning-comments": [ - "off", - { - terms: ["todo", "fixme", "xxx"], - location: "start" - } - ], - "no-with": ["error"], - "prefer-promise-reject-errors": [ - "error", - { - allowEmptyReject: true - } - ], - "prefer-named-capture-group": ["off"], - radix: ["error"], - "require-await": ["off"], - "require-unicode-regexp": ["off"], - "vars-on-top": ["error"], - "wrap-iife": [ - "error", - "outside", - { - functionPrototypeMethods: false - } - ], - yoda: ["error"] -}; +module.exports = { + indent: [ + "off", + 2, + { + SwitchCase: 1, + VariableDeclarator: 1, + outerIIFEBody: 1, + FunctionDeclaration: { + parameters: 1, + body: 1 + }, + FunctionExpression: { + parameters: 1, + body: 1 + }, + CallExpression: { + arguments: 1 + }, + ArrayExpression: 1, + ObjectExpression: 1, + ImportDeclaration: 1, + flatTernaryExpressions: false, + ignoredNodes: [ + "JSXElement", + "JSXElement > *", + "JSXAttribute", + "JSXIdentifier", + "JSXNamespacedName", + "JSXMemberExpression", + "JSXSpreadAttribute", + "JSXExpressionContainer", + "JSXOpeningElement", + "JSXClosingElement", + "JSXText", + "JSXEmptyExpression", + "JSXSpreadChild" + ], + ignoreComments: false + } + ], + "linebreak-style": ["off", "unix"], + "max-len": [ + "error", + { + code: 120, + tabWidth: 2, + 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["error", "prefer-double"], + "class-methods-use-this": [ + "error", + { + exceptMethods: [ + "render", + "getInitialState", + "getDefaultProps", + "getChildContext", + "componentWillMount", + "UNSAFE_componentWillMount", + "componentDidMount", + "componentWillReceiveProps", + "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps", + "shouldComponentUpdate", + "componentWillUpdate", + "UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate", + "componentDidUpdate", + "componentWillUnmount", + "componentDidCatch", + "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate" + ] + } + ], + strict: ["error", "never"], + "arrow-body-style": [ + "error", + "as-needed", + { + requireReturnForObjectLiteral: false + } + ], + "arrow-parens": ["error", "as-needed", { "requireForBlockBody": true }], + "arrow-spacing": [ + "error", + { + before: true, + after: true + } + ], + "constructor-super": ["error"], + "generator-star-spacing": [ + "error", + { + before: false, + after: true + } + ], + "no-class-assign": ["error"], + "no-confusing-arrow": [ + "error", + { + allowParens: true + } + ], + "no-const-assign": ["error"], + "no-dupe-class-members": ["error"], + "no-duplicate-imports": ["off"], + "no-new-symbol": ["error"], + "no-restricted-imports": [ + "off", + { + paths: [], + patterns: [] + } + ], + "no-this-before-super": ["error"], + "no-useless-computed-key": ["error"], + "no-useless-constructor": ["off"], + "no-useless-rename": [ + "error", + { + ignoreDestructuring: false, + ignoreImport: false, + ignoreExport: false + } + ], + "object-shorthand": [ + "error", + "always", + { + ignoreConstructors: false, + avoidQuotes: true + } + ], + "prefer-arrow-callback": [ + "error", + { + allowNamedFunctions: false, + allowUnboundThis: true + } + ], + "prefer-destructuring": [ + "error", + { + VariableDeclarator: { + array: false, + object: true + }, + AssignmentExpression: { + array: true, + object: false + } + }, + { + enforceForRenamedProperties: false + } + ], + "prefer-numeric-literals": ["error"], + "prefer-reflect": ["off"], + "prefer-template": ["error"], + "require-yield": ["error"], + "rest-spread-spacing": ["error", "never"], + "sort-imports": [ + "off", + { + ignoreCase: false, + ignoreDeclarationSort: false, + ignoreMemberSort: false, + memberSyntaxSortOrder: ["none", "all", "multiple", "single"] + } + ], + "symbol-description": ["error"], + "template-curly-spacing": ["error"], + "yield-star-spacing": ["error", "after"], + "init-declarations": ["off"], + "no-catch-shadow": ["off"], + "no-delete-var": ["error"], + "no-label-var": ["error"], + "no-restricted-globals": [ + "error", + "isFinite", + "isNaN", + "addEventListener", + "blur", + "close", + "closed", + "confirm", + "defaultStatus", + "defaultstatus", + "event", + "external", + "find", + "focus", + "frameElement", + "frames", + "history", + "innerHeight", + "innerWidth", + "length", + "location", + "locationbar", + "menubar", + "moveBy", + "moveTo", + "name", + "onblur", + "onerror", + "onfocus", + "onload", + "onresize", + "onunload", + "open", + "opener", + 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ignorePattern: ".*", + ignoreInlineComments: true, + ignoreConsecutiveComments: true + } + } + ], + "comma-spacing": [ + "error", + { + before: false, + after: true + } + ], + "comma-style": [ + "error", + "last", + { + exceptions: { + ArrayExpression: false, + ArrayPattern: false, + ArrowFunctionExpression: false, + CallExpression: false, + FunctionDeclaration: false, + FunctionExpression: false, + ImportDeclaration: false, + ObjectExpression: false, + ObjectPattern: false, + VariableDeclaration: false, + NewExpression: false + } + } + ], + "computed-property-spacing": ["error", "never"], + "consistent-this": ["off"], + "eol-last": ["error", "always"], + "func-call-spacing": ["error", "never"], + "func-name-matching": [ + "off", + "always", + { + includeCommonJSModuleExports: false, + considerPropertyDescriptor: true + } + ], + "func-names": ["error"], + "func-style": ["off", "expression"], + "function-paren-newline": ["error", "consistent"], + "id-blacklist": ["off"], + "id-length": ["off"], + "id-match": ["off"], + "key-spacing": [ + "error", + { + beforeColon: false, + afterColon: true + } + ], + "keyword-spacing": [ + "error", + { + before: true, + after: true, + overrides: { + return: { + after: true, + before: true + }, + throw: { + after: true, + before: true + }, + case: { + after: true, + before: true + } + } + } + ], + "line-comment-position": [ + "off", + { + position: "above", + ignorePattern: "", + applyDefaultPatterns: true + } + ], + "lines-between-class-members": [ + "error", + "always", + { + exceptAfterSingleLine: false + } + ], + "lines-around-comment": ["off"], + "lines-around-directive": [ + "error", + { + before: "always", + after: "always" + } + ], + "max-depth": ["off", 4], + "max-lines": [ + "off", + { + max: 300, + skipBlankLines: true, + skipComments: true + } + ], + "max-lines-per-function": [ + "off", + { + max: 50, + skipBlankLines: true, + skipComments: true, + IIFEs: true + } + ], + "max-nested-callbacks": ["off"], + "max-params": ["off", 3], + "max-statements": ["off", 10], + "max-statements-per-line": [ + "off", + { + max: 1 + } + ], + "multiline-comment-style": ["off", "starred-block"], + "multiline-ternary": ["off", "never"], + "new-cap": [ + "error", + { + newIsCap: true, + newIsCapExceptions: [], + capIsNew: false, + capIsNewExceptions: ["Immutable.Map", "Immutable.Set", "Immutable.List"], + properties: true + } + ], + "new-parens": ["error"], + "newline-after-var": ["off"], + "newline-before-return": ["off"], + "newline-per-chained-call": [ + "error", + { + ignoreChainWithDepth: 4 + } + ], + "no-bitwise": ["error"], + "no-continue": ["error"], + "no-inline-comments": ["off"], + "no-lonely-if": ["error"], + "no-mixed-operators": [ + "error", + { + groups: [ + ["%", "**"], + ["%", "+"], + ["%", "-"], + ["%", "*"], + ["%", "/"], + ["/", "*"], + ["&", "|", "<<", ">>", ">>>"], + ["==", "!=", "===", "!=="], + ["&&", "||"] + ], + allowSamePrecedence: false + } + ], + "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": ["error"], + "no-multi-assign": ["error"], + "no-multiple-empty-lines": [ + "error", + { + max: 2, + maxBOF: 1, + maxEOF: 0 + } + ], + "no-negated-condition": ["off"], + "no-nested-ternary": ["error"], + "no-new-object": ["error"], + "no-plusplus": ["error"], + "no-restricted-syntax": [ + "error", + { + selector: "ForInStatement", + message: + " loops iterate over the entire prototype chain, which is virtually never what you want. Use Object.{keys,values,entries}, and iterate over the resulting array." + }, + { + selector: "ForOfStatement", + message: + "iterators/generators require regenerator-runtime, which is too heavyweight for this guide to allow them. Separately, loops should be avoided in favor of array iterations." + }, + { + selector: "LabeledStatement", + message: + "Labels are a form of GOTO; using them makes code confusing and hard to maintain and understand." + }, + { + selector: "WithStatement", + message: + "`with` is disallowed in strict mode because it makes code impossible to predict and optimize." + } + ], + "no-spaced-func": ["error"], + "no-tabs": ["error"], + "no-ternary": ["off"], + "no-trailing-spaces": [ + "error", + { + skipBlankLines: false, + ignoreComments: false + } + ], + "no-unneeded-ternary": [ + "error", + { + defaultAssignment: false + } + ], + "no-whitespace-before-property": ["error"], + "nonblock-statement-body-position": [ + "error", + "beside", + { + overrides: {} + } + ], + "object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"], + "object-curly-newline": [ + "error", + { + ObjectExpression: { + minProperties: 4, + multiline: true, + consistent: true + }, + ObjectPattern: { + minProperties: 4, + multiline: true, + consistent: true + }, + ImportDeclaration: { + minProperties: 4, + multiline: true, + consistent: true + }, + ExportDeclaration: { + minProperties: 4, + multiline: true, + consistent: true + } + } + ], + "object-property-newline": [ + "error", + { + allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine: true, + allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine: false + } + ], + "one-var": ["error", "never"], + "one-var-declaration-per-line": ["error", "always"], + "operator-assignment": ["error", "always"], + "operator-linebreak": [ + "error", + "before", + { + overrides: { + "=": "none" + } + } + ], + "padded-blocks": [ + "error", + { + blocks: "never", + classes: "never", + switches: "never" + }, + { + allowSingleLineBlocks: true + } + ], + "padding-line-between-statements": ["off"], + "prefer-object-spread": ["error"], + "quote-props": [ + "error", + "as-needed", + { + keywords: false, + unnecessary: true, + numbers: false + } + ], + quotes: [ + "error", + "single", + { + avoidEscape: true + } + ], + "require-jsdoc": ["off"], + semi: ["error", "always"], + "semi-spacing": [ + "error", + { + before: false, + after: true + } + ], + "semi-style": ["error", "last"], + "sort-keys": [ + "off", + "asc", + { + caseSensitive: false, + natural: true + } + ], + "sort-vars": ["off"], + "space-before-blocks": ["error"], + "space-before-function-paren": [ + "error", + { + anonymous: "always", + named: "never", + asyncArrow: "always" + } + ], + "space-in-parens": ["error", "never"], + "space-infix-ops": ["error"], + "space-unary-ops": [ + "error", + { + words: true, + nonwords: false, + overrides: {} + } + ], + "spaced-comment": [ + "error", + "always", + { + line: { + exceptions: ["-", "+"], + markers: ["=", "!"] + }, + block: { + exceptions: ["-", "+"], + markers: ["=", "!", ":", "::"], + balanced: true + } + } + ], + "switch-colon-spacing": [ + "error", + { + after: true, + before: false + } + ], + "template-tag-spacing": ["error", "never"], + "unicode-bom": ["error", "never"], + "wrap-regex": ["off"], + "callback-return": ["off"], + "global-require": ["error"], + "handle-callback-err": ["off"], + "no-buffer-constructor": ["error"], + "no-mixed-requires": ["off", false], + "no-new-require": ["error"], + "no-path-concat": ["error"], + "no-process-env": ["off"], + "no-process-exit": ["off"], + "no-restricted-modules": ["off"], + "no-sync": ["off"], + "for-direction": ["error"], + "getter-return": [ + "error", + { + allowImplicit: true + } + ], + "no-async-promise-executor": ["error"], + "no-await-in-loop": ["error"], + "no-compare-neg-zero": ["error"], + "no-cond-assign": ["error", "always"], + "no-console": ["error"], + "no-constant-condition": ["error"], + "no-control-regex": ["error"], + "no-debugger": ["error"], + "no-dupe-args": ["error"], + "no-dupe-keys": ["error"], + "no-duplicate-case": ["error"], + "no-empty": ["error"], + "no-empty-character-class": ["error"], + "no-ex-assign": ["error"], + "no-extra-boolean-cast": ["error"], + "no-extra-parens": [ + "off", + "all", + { + conditionalAssign: true, + nestedBinaryExpressions: false, + returnAssign: false, + ignoreJSX: "all", + enforceForArrowConditionals: false + } + ], + "no-extra-semi": ["error"], + "no-func-assign": ["error"], + "no-inner-declarations": ["error"], + "no-invalid-regexp": ["error"], + "no-irregular-whitespace": ["error"], + "no-misleading-character-class": ["error"], + "no-obj-calls": ["error"], + "no-prototype-builtins": ["error"], + "no-regex-spaces": ["error"], + "no-sparse-arrays": ["error"], + "no-template-curly-in-string": ["error"], + "no-unexpected-multiline": ["error"], + "no-unreachable": ["error"], + "no-unsafe-finally": ["error"], + "no-unsafe-negation": ["error"], + "no-negated-in-lhs": ["off"], + "require-atomic-updates": ["off"], + "use-isnan": ["error"], + "valid-jsdoc": ["off"], + "valid-typeof": [ + "error", + { + requireStringLiterals: true + } + ], + "accessor-pairs": ["off"], + "array-callback-return": [ + "error", + { + allowImplicit: true + } + ], + "block-scoped-var": ["error"], + complexity: ["off", 11], + "consistent-return": ["error"], + curly: ["error", "multi-line"], + "default-case": [ + "error", + { + commentPattern: "^no default$" + } + ], + "dot-notation": [ + "error", + { + allowKeywords: true, + allowPattern: "" + } + ], + "dot-location": ["error", "property"], + eqeqeq: [ + "error", + "always", + { + null: "ignore" + } + ], + "guard-for-in": ["error"], + "max-classes-per-file": ["error", 1], + "no-alert": ["error"], + "no-caller": ["error"], + "no-case-declarations": ["error"], + "no-div-regex": ["off"], + "no-else-return": [ + "error", + { + allowElseIf: false + } + ], + "no-empty-pattern": ["error"], + "no-eq-null": ["off"], + "no-eval": ["error"], + "no-extend-native": ["error"], + "no-extra-bind": ["error"], + "no-extra-label": ["error"], + "no-fallthrough": ["error"], + "no-floating-decimal": ["error"], + "no-global-assign": [ + "error", + { + exceptions: [] + } + ], + "no-native-reassign": ["off"], + "no-implicit-coercion": [ + "off", + { + boolean: false, + number: true, + string: true, + allow: [] + } + ], + "no-implicit-globals": ["off"], + "no-implied-eval": ["error"], + "no-invalid-this": ["off"], + "no-iterator": ["error"], + "no-labels": [ + "error", + { + allowLoop: false, + allowSwitch: false + } + ], + "no-lone-blocks": ["error"], + "no-loop-func": ["error"], + "no-magic-numbers": [ + "off", + { + ignore: [], + ignoreArrayIndexes: true, + enforceConst: true, + detectObjects: false + } + ], + "no-multi-spaces": [ + "error", + { + ignoreEOLComments: false + } + ], + "no-multi-str": ["error"], + "no-new": ["error"], + "no-new-func": ["error"], + "no-new-wrappers": ["error"], + "no-octal": ["error"], + "no-octal-escape": ["error"], + "no-param-reassign": [ + "error", + { + props: true, + ignorePropertyModificationsFor: [ + "acc", + "accumulator", + "e", + "ctx", + "req", + "request", + "res", + "response", + "$scope", + "staticContext" + ] + } + ], + "no-proto": ["error"], + "no-redeclare": ["error"], + "no-restricted-properties": [ + "error", + { + object: "arguments", + property: "callee", + message: "arguments.callee is deprecated" + }, + { + object: "global", + property: "isFinite", + message: "Please use Number.isFinite instead" + }, + { + object: "self", + property: "isFinite", + message: "Please use Number.isFinite instead" + }, + { + object: "window", + property: "isFinite", + message: "Please use Number.isFinite instead" + }, + { + object: "global", + property: "isNaN", + message: "Please use Number.isNaN instead" + }, + { + object: "self", + property: "isNaN", + message: "Please use Number.isNaN instead" + }, + { + object: "window", + property: "isNaN", + message: "Please use Number.isNaN instead" + }, + { + property: "__defineGetter__", + message: "Please use Object.defineProperty instead." + }, + { + property: "__defineSetter__", + message: "Please use Object.defineProperty instead." + }, + { + object: "Math", + property: "pow", + message: "Use the exponentiation operator (**) instead." + } + ], + "no-return-assign": ["error", "always"], + "no-return-await": ["error"], + "no-script-url": ["error"], + "no-self-assign": [ + "error", + { + props: true + } + ], + "no-self-compare": ["error"], + "no-sequences": ["error"], + "no-throw-literal": ["error"], + "no-unmodified-loop-condition": ["off"], + "no-unused-expressions": [ + "error", + { + allowShortCircuit: false, + allowTernary: false, + allowTaggedTemplates: false + } + ], + "no-unused-labels": ["error"], + "no-useless-call": ["off"], + "no-useless-catch": ["error"], + "no-useless-concat": ["error"], + "no-useless-escape": ["error"], + "no-useless-return": ["error"], + "no-void": ["error"], + "no-warning-comments": [ + "off", + { + terms: ["todo", "fixme", "xxx"], + location: "start" + } + ], + "no-with": ["error"], + "prefer-promise-reject-errors": [ + "error", + { + allowEmptyReject: true + } + ], + "prefer-named-capture-group": ["off"], + radix: ["error"], + "require-await": ["off"], + "require-unicode-regexp": ["off"], + "vars-on-top": ["error"], + "wrap-iife": [ + "error", + "outside", + { + functionPrototypeMethods: false + } + ], + yoda: ["error"] +};