All notable changes to country
will be documented in this file
- Addition of the croatian localisation by @mbanusic
- Increase of the state_code column length in the world config file. @mefenlon
- Disallow world:refresh in production.
- Addition of the arabic locale (ar) in countries.json translations. @waadmawlood
- Added missing Côte d'Ivoire native name
- Improved seeder performance @mrmmg
- As of January 2023, the currency of Croatia changed to Euro @manuelfrans
- As of January 2023, the currency of Croatia changed to Euro @manuelfrans
- Correction of the Croatian and Czech language codes @svenraudkivi
- Removed Singapore cities and states. @pengkong
- Updated source data: countries, states and cities.
- Corrected message translation in the response.
- Corrected path of the response builder class.
- Simplification of the response trait.
- Rework of the actions responses.
- Italian locale support (it)
- Turkisk locale support (tr)
- seeder action enhancement. credit to @dgironella and @Mello21century
- addition of the allowed and disallowed country lists in the world config file.
- addition of the search field in all the request queries.
- addition of the posibility to filter with the optional fields.
- renaming of the sub_region to subregion in the countries.json file.
- bug fix in the countries subregion field.
- @emiliopedrollo. Conditional route generation per module and overall routes enablement/disablement.
- @emiliopedrollo. php 7.4 compatibility fix.
- reworked action classes.
- add Dutch localization by @gdevlugt.
- custom table names.
- optional database fields.
- Enhanced seeder (lower memory footprint).
- Obsoleted phone formatting helpers. The phone formatting will be re-introduced in a future version.
- Route bindings removed.
- Creation of the demonstration domain
- Resources publishing.
- Fixing of the states translation keys.
- Addition of the languages module.
- Addition of the country language in the countries json source file.
- Creation of the languages route, controller and action.
- General code style fix.
- New configuration file (world.php), allowing the choosing of which modules to install.
- @ivanshamir: Bangla Localization.
- @ivanshamir: Addition of the setLocale helper method.
- @parth391: Correction for found duplicates in indian cities.
- @nnjeim: Fixing of the trimmed states and cities names
- @nnjeim: Addition of the unit tests
- @cloudchristoph: Correction of the German response translations.
- @nnjeim: initial release.