issues Search Results · repo:ZhuangLab/matlab-storm language:MATLAB
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inZhuangLab/matlab-storm (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi,
While running /MERFISH_analysis/example_scripts/library_design_example.m
Error seen as follows:
Designing primers for L1E1 Error using CheckParameter (line 142) parallel is not a parallel.Pool object ...
- TingtingSsl2
- Opened on Aug 12, 2021
- #4
If a molecule list is saved in .txt format from Insight3, it will contain a valid column. But a bin file loaded into
MATLAB using ReadMasterMoleculeList() has a column called density instead. What does ...
- GayatriChandran
- Opened on Jun 16, 2020
- #3
If the target molecule list happens to be empty (size 1 byte) for some reason because the file was never fully written
or otherwise corrupt, ReadMasterMoleculeList attempts to initialize an array with ...
- AlistairBoettiger
- Opened on Feb 2, 2014
- #2
If the filename passed ends in _list.bin everything works great. If the filename ends in _alist.bin the script runs
fine, claims to have written molecules, but the resulting .bin file is empty (size = ...
- AlistairBoettiger
- Opened on Feb 2, 2014
- #1
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