- Run an api that provides a timestamp and how many people asked for the api
- Count occurances of a word, letters, phrases
- Bill splitting and tip calculating
- Manipulate a CSV
- Blocks - Count to x
- Blocks - Howdy! Howdy! Howdy! - find youtube link from toy story - Woody's Hat - YouTube
- Send CSV data as json
- Image resizer using imagemagick
- Minimalist authentication - if name exists in "database" say hello to username as soon as they start running, hold that username in memory
- UUID in the url
- Authentication with actual hashing of password as soon as they start, collect a user name and password (hash password with some salt)
- Actual ORM
- Parse multiple CSVs and join them in memory
- read a csv (file upload, display the table)
- output a csv (take some api data and put in a table)
- Parse a website like wikipedia for information
- Parse a local
site for data - Parse a website for data and display on own site
- Create a wordcram for trending tweets
- Parse data for an infographic
- Hello World website with a google map on the page
set up an api to be hit - just returns the current time at the end point along with how many people have asked the api for data
use status codes (200, 404, 422, 500) - a form with validation
movie api
youtube playlist creator - takes a list of youtube videos and plays a random one
fry shack game
random song from soundcloud?
Recipe API to figure out a potluck
Text driven menu using thor
Read CSV
Create a ToDo list app
Write a CSV
"Mail merge"
Unit converter
Meme generator via API or via ImageMagick
Build a markov chain (use a gem) chat bot (not a web app, just in REPL)
Count words in a file
Spell checker via a hash
Make your computer talk!
A form RSVP
Make something that's actually DB backed (SQLite)
interact with SQLite or another minimalist database
Sending email - requires registering for something
Sending texts - requires registering for something
Tax calculator
Interest rate calculator
Bowling scorer
Fill in a field with a comma separated list of people (musical chairs) that picks one
Read latest issue from SeeClickFix in my neighborhood: query neighborhood, query issue
List some ingredients, have it pick a pizza or a sammich
turtle / kame - Turtle render in an image? (Forward, Turn 90, Forward, Turn 90, Forward, Turn 90, Forward : square)
https://github.com/benjaminoakes/pencil_mustache or something similar to show different templating styles.
Where should I go to lunch - hit yelp api, pick one
require 'RMagick'
# http://studio.imagemagick.org/RMagick/doc/
image = Magick::ImageList.new("Ruby_logo.png")
text = Magick::Draw.new
text.annotate(image, 0, 0, 0, 60, "<3 Ruby") {
self.gravity = Magick::SouthGravity
self.pointsize = 72
self.stroke = '#000000'
self.fill = '#FFFFFF'
self.font_weight = Magick::BoldWeight