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Using dotfilesmgmt to manager your dotfiles(configuration files) under your home directory


Note: This package is only available in PowerShell on Windows and bash on Linux(or WSL) now 😂.

When we want to use git to manage the dotfiles in our home directory, we want the home directory to be treated as a git repo, but other times we don't want it to be treated as a repo by git.

Inspired by the article Managing Dotfiles With Git which written by one of the maintainer of Neovim, I write this piece of code of the similar mechanism to help we use Git to maintain dotfiles under home directory.

You can use it in PowerShell or Bash in current version, other shells have not been tested not yet.

Installation and Configuration and Usage

  • Install the pipx (reference:`
  • Install this package by pipx install dotfilesmgmt. if you want to edit the source code to adjust this package's behavior, just run pipx install --editable dotfilesmgmt
  • Create a bare repo named .dotfiles.git used by this package under the home directory by git init --bare ~/.dotfiles.git.
  • If you use bash, please export your $PS1 variable such as appending(adding) export PS1 in your ~/.bashrc profile file.
  • Run d5mgmt to enter the subprocess interactive shell which has GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR environment variable setting. Now you are in here: alt text

The subprocess shell will have the shell prompt start with (dotfilesmgmt)string, then you can:

  • Use git to manager your dotfiles in the subprocess shell.
    Best My Practice:
    • append the following two lines to your .dotfiles.git/info/exclude file at first:
      # untrack all files under the home directory
      # track the relative path of this file itself which relative to the
      # GIT_WORK_TREE (i.e.: home dir in our context)
      See also: Ignoring Files in ProGit chapter 2.2
    • add the file named "exclude" to our .dotfiles.git repo by git add -f exclude and git commit it.
    • an example of tracking another file under home dir:
      # make ~/.condarc could be tracked (i.e.: not ignored by git)
      # by appending the line contains "!/.condarc" to the file 'exclude'
      echo "!/.condarc" >> ~/.dotfiles.git/info/exclude
      # track the ~/.condarc
      git add ~/.condarc
      # update all tracked files (include the 'exclude' file itself)
      git add -u
      # create the snapshot
      git commit
  • Enter exit. Enter exit will exit the subprocess shell which has GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_DIR setting, exit the d5mgmt program and go back to the origin shell with no above two variables modification before you run d5mgmt:
    alt text
    Press exit to return to the shell before you run d5mgmt
  • All done✔️✨ 🌟 ✨.

What does this package do? | Feature Approach, and Usage

After installing and configuring this package, if you run the d5mgmt or d5mgmt.exe executable in a shell, this executable will start a subprocess — the new instance of the shell interpreter, and setting following two git-related environment variable to the subprocess: the GIT_WORK_TREE and the GIT_DIR. The GIT_WORK_TREE is set to path of home directory (i.e., $env:USERPFOFILE on Windows, $HOME on LInux) and the GIT_DIR is set to the path of .dotfiles.git bare git repo(see also: What is a "bare repo"?) which under the home directory.

Then if we run git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree in home directory, we can get the result: the "true" string is outputted to stdout which mentions that git recognizes we are in the work(ing) tree of the bare repo because of two above git-related environment variable. Thus, we can use git normally as what we use git in a "not" bare repo under the home directory to manage dotfiles.

After we have managed dotfiles under the home directory already, just exit the subprocess shell (e.g., enter exit) and return to the shell which doesn't settingGIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE.

If you use oh-my-posh and meet its "git segment" display issue after running d5mgmt in PowerShell, how to solve it?

How to solve it? - two steps

  1. Install posh-git module and Import-Module posh-git in your pwsh $profile. (see also: about_Profiles)

  2. Insert the following JavaScript object before or after the git-segment's object in the "segments": [] list in the oh-my-posh theme which you used:

	"type": "text",
	"style": "plain",
	"template": "{{if .Segments.Git}}{{else}}{{if .Env.POSH_GIT_STRING}}git:{{ .Env.POSH_GIT_STRING }}{{end}}{{end}}",
	"properties": {

Explain the "template" property above: using the cross-segment-template-properties .Segments.Git in this "text" segment's template". If the .Segments.Git is empty and the .Env.POSH_GIT_STRING (the $env:POSH_GIT_STRING itself) is not empty, show the $env:POSH_GIT_STRING in the shell prompt.

The issue which we can solve(bypass) by above two steps.

In PowerShell, if we set the $env:GIT_DIR and $env:GIT_WORK_TREE, posh-git module can recognize which is the bare repo and which is the work tree of the bare repo but oh-my-posh's git segment can't.

Here is the example showing the different display result between posh-git and oh-my-posh (support the posh-git and oh-my-posh already installed and the $env:GIT_DIR and $env:GIT_WORK_TREE are not set at the beginning):

§About posh-git:
  1. Runpwsh.exe -NoProfile to start a PowerShell session without any PowerShell $PROFILE (see also: about_Profiles)

  2. Enter Import-Module posh-git to import the module.

  3. cd ~/.dotfiles.git to into the bare repo, the value of posh-git's git string (value of $env:POSH_GIT_STRING) is automatically appended to the shell prompt.

  4. Now, outside the bare repo (e.g.: cd ~), the $env:POSH_GIT_STRING be empty , then:

    1. set $env:GIT_DIR to the path of the bare repo (e.g.: $env:GIT_DIR="C:\Users\User\.dotfiles.git")

    2. set $env:GIT_WORK_TREE to our home directory (e.g.: $env:GIT_WORK_TREE="C:\Users\User")

    we can see the $env:POSH_GIT_STRING appends to the shell string.

§About oh-my-posh:
  1. Running pwsh.exe. Running it without options and without arguments in above step 1 will load $Profile file automatically. If we have oh-my-posh init pwsh --config "path\to\oh-my-posh\theme.json" | Invoke-Expression in $PROFILE, The oh-my-posh will use git segment to show the git prompt string,

  2. Same as above §About posh-git step 2.

  3. cd ~/.dotfiles.git as above step 3, but now the git prompt is display by git segment.

  4. Same as above step 4, after we set those two variable, the git segment is missing in shell prompt although we can also get the value of$env:POSH_GIT_STRINGprovided by posh-git in stdout by run $env:POSH_GIT_STRING.

Solution see How to solve it? - two steps above.