An Arduino VEML6075 library for specifically the Espressif ESP32.
The ESP32 can run into difficulties with some libraries as the stop command is always sent. This library handles the communication correctly.
- Optional TwoWire reference in constructor
- Optional pass a custom configuration
- Software "force mode" for individual reading control
Contains all available commands as per the datasheet.
The library will be found in the IDE/IO library manager. Alternatively, simply clone this library to your working library folder and include "VEML6075.h" in your main sketch.
If you are having difficulties, please raise an issue.
VEML67057 is a true UVA/UVB sensor.
This library uses the coefficients for sunlight and therefore will not provide accurate (and often out of range - shown as "-1") readings for LED lighting etc. To do this, calculations must be made as per the datasheets (see extras).
Myself, you can find my contact details below.
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 - see the file for details
This library was originally inspired by schizobovine's work!;
Feel free to improve on the project and propose appropriate changes and even coding advice as I'm still new to this world.