✓ This build is reproducible: you should be able to generate binaries that match the official releases (i.e. with the same sha256 hash).
In order to build for Windows, you must use docker. Don't worry! It's fast and produces 100% reproducible builds. You may do so by issuing the following command (from the top-level of this repository)::
$ contrib/build-wine/build.sh BRACH_OR_TAG
Where BRANCH_OR_TAG above is a git branch or tag you wish to build.
Note: If on a Linux host, the above script may ask you for your password as docker requires commands be run via sudo. Make sure you are in the /etc/sudoers file. On a macOS host, this is not the case and docker can be run as a normal user.
The built .exe files will be placed in: dist/
Alternatively, you may follow the instructions in the docker/
subfolder here: