Install the package beepr and run the command beepr::beep(). beepr::beep(k) can play k=1-11 sounds. (See ?beep for a list of sounds).
A. Write loops and functions.
Write a loop to listen to each sound. Use Sys.sleep() to pause 2 seconds between each call to beep.
Modify the loop to pause a random duration of time. You can set your own parameters for ‘what a random duration of time’ means.
B. How can the beepr::beep() function be helpful? What does this say about R being a scripting language?
C. After calling library(beepr), the beep function can be directly called as beep(). Why can it be helpful to call beepr::beep()?
D. (If time allows) Create a function that takes two inputs: a numeric vector and sound. Write a loop that one-at-a-time calculates the cumulative sum each element of the vector (don’t use the cumsum function). Play a beep at the end of calculation using the sound input. The output should be a two-column matrix with the original vector (column 1) and the cumsum (column 2). Check you answer using the cumsum function.
Note: Question D is designed to practice working with loops and building up the output result. One-at-a-time calculations discouraged whenever avoidable. In practice, it would be better to use the cumsum function.
This week’s lesson
Focus on foundations
Many of the this week’s topics will be familiar, and it may be tempting to gloss over. However, there are important foundational concepts which can strengthen understanding and efficient coding.
Key concepts
In addition to general concepts, the below strategies improve efficient, reproducible code:
Use matrices rather than data.frames whenever possible; they use less memory
Use names for indexing and filtering; it is transparent and less error-prone
Pre-initialize data-structures to be filled rather than saving over existing objects
Consider if there are ways to reduce unnecesary calculations
R and RStudio
What is R?
R is an object oriented-, functional-, and scripting-programming language.
Data are stored in objects (vectors, matrixes, lists, data.frames) and manipulated using objects (functions).
Are assigned a value via <- (preferred), =, or ->.
Have basic, intrinsic properties (aka attributes): mode (data type) and length
May have additional attributes such as (list from link)
class (a character vector with the classes that an object inherits from).
dim (which is used to implement arrays)
names (to label the elements of a vector or a list).
levels (for factors)
Have a class which may behave differently for generic functions (such as plot and summary) … we’ll discuss classes later.
The attributes of an object can be seen through str() and attributes():
, , Sex = Male
- Eye
-Hair Brown Blue Hazel Green
- Black 32 11 10 3
- Brown 53 50 25 15
- Red 10 10 7 7
- Blond 3 30 5 8
-, , Sex = Female
- Eye
-Hair Brown Blue Hazel Green
- Black 36 9 5 2
- Brown 66 34 29 14
- Red 16 7 7 7
- Blond 4 64 5 8
# Example of base function (with R installation)
-# Example of installed function from a package
-# General structure of custom function
-< name of your function><-function(
-< argument 1>,
-< argument 2>=< default value >,
- ...,
-< argument n>
-) {
-< some R code here >
-return(< some result >)
# Example of custom function
-fun <-function(v1,v2) {v1+v2}
# List with element names 1, 2, and 3
+x <-list("1"=1, "2"=2, "3"="A")
[1] 1
@@ -4486,67 +3539,68 @@
[1] "A"
# data.frame
X1 X2 X3
1 1 2 A
Atomic modes
Back to modes … The 6 primitive modes are also called ‘atomic’ modes. This means that when data are stored together in a vector, they must be of the same mode.
When modes are mixed (ex: x <- c("A",0,1L,TRUE)), R will force all elements to be of the same mode.
Question: What is your guess for which modes receive greatest priority?
Missing values
R has different types of missing values:
Missing values
R has different types of missing values (in order of most primitive):
NA: no information, has length 1,
NULL: which has length 0,
Inf: Infinite, and
NaN: Not a Number
NA: no information, has length 1,
Inf: Infinite, and
These have companion functions, is.null, is.infinite (or is.finite(), which covers NA, Inf, and NaN), and is.nan.
Questions 1
What is the mode of the following vector myVector <- c(NA, NaN, Inf)? (First try to answer without coding, then check using the mode() function in R)
The c() function can be used with other vectors, for example
What is the mode of the vector c(myStringVector, myStringVector)?
What do each one of the functions, is.null, is.finite, is.infinite, is.nan return on the vector myVector?
What are the attributes of the following object myMat <- matrix(runif(12), ncol=4)? What are the attributes of myNumericVector and how can you make sense of the attributes?
Vectors and matrixes
Vectors and matrixes
Why to use vectors and matrices: they use less memory than lists and data.frame.
# Beware of dimension reduction
[1] 2 2
In the last example, why is the dimension NULL? (Hint, what is the class of the last two examples?)
Questions 2
Questions 2
What is the number of the alphabet for each letter of your name? Use a vector with names (try the `LETTERS’ object). For example, if the letters to the name JONATHAN were mapped to integers, the result would be: 10, 15, 14, 1, 20, 8, 1, 14.
Why is it important extract elements through naming conventions?
Why to use lists?
Lists are useful for returning output from functions. For example, the output of lm is a list. (Aside, it is also of the class lm which has a specific behavior when calling “generic” functions such as print and summary).
Key point: Loops (to be discussed further) carry out one-at-a-time operations. Usually, a vectorized alternative to loops is to use *apply functions with loops. This will be discussed in more later in the class.
Naming conventions are personal preference. JC and GVY use underscore_separated.
Filtering vectors
Elements of a vector can be filtered through:
@@ -4864,14 +3951,20 @@
Filtering vectors
Example, 10 patients were randomly assigned to control (0) or treatment (1). Suppose tx is the treatment assignment.
How many vacations were taken on the first and ninth year?
How many total vacations were taken on odd years? Use element names for solution.
How many total vacations were taken on even years? Use the seq function for solution.
How many total vacations were taken on even years? Use the seq function for solution. (seq(2010,2020,by=2))
Why would you want to use element names whenever possible?
@@ -4931,8 +4032,8 @@
Questions 3
–> –>
@@ -4942,25 +4043,32 @@
Questions 3
Control Statements
“R is a block-structured language … delineated by braces, though braces are optional if the block consists of just a single statement. Statements are separated by newline characters or, optionally, by semicolons.” (Matlooff, page 139)
If-then statements
If/Then Statements, Loops, and Functions (Control Statements)
“R is a block-structured language … delineated by braces, though braces are optional if the block consists of just a single statement. Statements are separated by newline characters or, optionally, by semicolons.” (Matlooff, page 139)
If-then statements
Conditional logic evaluates
> [1] "I'll take on the project"
x <-"yes"
+if(x=="yes") {
+print("I'll take on the project")
+} else {
+print("Sorry, I can't take on the project")
+> [1] "I'll take on the project"
The above if-else statement requires a single TRUE/FALSE evaluation. ifelse vectorizes conditional logic.
The above if-else statement requires a single TRUE/FALSE evaluation. ifelse “vectorizes” conditional logic.
> [1] 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
x <-seq(1:10)
+ifelse(test = x>5, yes =1, no =0)
+> [1] 0000011111
Loops iterate operations through a parameter saved in a vector. Possible loops include:
for: iterate through each value/element of a vector
@@ -4968,42 +4076,79 @@
repeat: continue loop until a return or break statement
i <-1
+while (i <=10){
+ i <- i +4
+> [1] 13
+i <-1
+i <- i +4
+if(i >10) break
+> [1] 13
+i <-1
+ i <- i +4
+if (i >10) break
+> [1] 13
The next statement allows the loop to stop current iteration and continue to next iteration.
Questions 4
Questions 4
From Jan 1 - Jan 9, 2023, it snowed 6 days atop Snowbasin. Snow days can be represented each day in a vector as 1 (snow) and 0 (no snow).
snow <-c(1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0)
+names(snow) <-1:9
Suppose you are interested in the first day it consecutively snowed three days (i.e. snowed the given day and two previous days). What is this day? Solve using a loop with conditional logic.
Repeating the strengths of functions … Using functions is a major theme of good R programming. Avoid explicit iteration (loops and copy-paste) as much as possible. [Matloff (pg xxii)]:
@@ -5013,25 +4158,45 @@
Easier transition to parallel programming
In general terms, R functions are structured as follow:
< name of your function><-function(
-< argument 1>,
-< argument 2>=< default value >,
- ...,
-< argument n>
-) {
-< some R code here >
-return(< some result >)
< name of your function><-function(
+< argument 1>,
+< argument 2>=< default value >,
+ ...,
+< argument n>
+) {
+< some R code here >
+return(< some result >)
For example, if we want to create a function to run the “unfair coin experiment” we could do it in the following way:
# Function definition
+# unfairCoin
+# n: number of tosses
+# p: biased coin (default = 0.7)
+unfairCoin <-function(n, p =0.7) {
+# Sampling from the coin dist
+ ans <-sample(c("H", "T"), n, replace =TRUE, prob =c(p, 1-p))
+# Returning
+ ans
+# Testing it
+tosses <-unfairCoin(20)
13 7
@@ -5040,1384 +4205,1638 @@
Questions 5
Generalize your code as a function so that for any string of days you can find the first day it consecutively snowed a given number of days. Return NA if no day meets this criteria.
Session info
Questions 5
Generalize your code to Question 4 as a function so that for any string of days you can find the first day it consecutively snowed a given number of days. Return NA if no day meets this criteria.
Vectorizing and replicate
R Simultaneously performs the same operation across vector elements.
Behind the scenes R calls C code to do one-at-a-time calculation, but this is faster than doing one-at-a-time calculation in R.
+title: 'R Essentials for advanced computing'
+author: 'Jonathan Chipman, Ph.D.'
+ html:
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+ embed-resources: true
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+ pdf: default
+# Introduction
+## Collaborative learning
+[Google Doc for sharing code/notes](
+## Preparation
+Read/Watch: Selections from [R Programming for Data Science](
+* Light read: Chapters 1-3
+* Careful read: Chapters 4, 9-10, and 13
+* Video: [Subsetting objects](
+* Video: [Vectorized Operations](
+Read: Selections from [The Art of R Programming](
+* [Contents through Chapter 1]( (Light read for familiarity)
+* [Chapter 2: Vectors]( (Careful read)
+* [Chapter 3, sections 5 - end: Matrixes and Arrays](
+* [Chapter 4, sections 1 - 3 and 5: Lists](
+* [Chapter 7, sections 3-4](
+Note: Big-picture principles in chapter 2, on vectors, have relevance to matrixes, lists, and data frames.
+Aside: [A reference for good coding practices](
+## Warm-up problem
+Install the package `beepr` and run the command `beepr::beep()`. `beepr::beep(k)` can play k=1-11 sounds. (See `?beep` for a list of sounds).
+A. Write loops and functions.
+ 1. Write a loop to listen to each sound. Use `Sys.sleep()` to pause 2 seconds between each call to `beep`.
+ 2. Modify the loop to pause a random duration of time. You can set your own parameters for 'what a random duration of time' means.
+B. How can the `beepr::beep()` function be helpful? What does this say about R being a scripting language?
+C. After calling `library(beepr)`, the beep function can be directly called as `beep()`. Why can it be helpful to call `beepr::beep()`?
+D. (If time allows) Create a function that takes two inputs: a numeric vector and `sound`. Write a loop that one-at-a-time calculates the cumulative sum each element of the vector (don't use the `cumsum` function). Play a beep at the end of calculation using the `sound` input. The output should be a two-column matrix with the original vector (column 1) and the cumsum (column 2). Check you answer using the `cumsum` function.
+ Note: Question D is designed to practice working with loops and building up the output result. One-at-a-time calculations discouraged whenever avoidable. In practice, it would be better to use the `cumsum` function.
+## This week's lesson
+### Focus on foundations
+Many of the this week's topics will be familiar, and it may be tempting to gloss over. However, there are important foundational concepts which can strengthen understanding and efficient coding.
+### Key concepts
+In addition to general concepts, the below concepts are the essentials:
+1. Creating and naming objects
+ * Learn when each data structure is most useful
+ * Develop habit to always use naming conventions to extract elements from objects
+2. Creating loops
+ * How-to create loops though use only as needed
+3. Creating functions
+ * How-to create functions
+ * Use to reduce redundancy and increase clarity
+4. Vectorized programming
+ * Develop habit to vectorize whenever possible
+# R and RStudio
+## What is R?
+R is an object oriented-, functional-, and scripting-programming language.
+### Object-oriented programming language
+* R Manual: [Objects](
+* Everything in R is an object.
+* Data are stored in objects (vectors, matrixes, lists, data.frames) and manipulated using objects (functions).
+* Objects:
+ * Are assigned a value via `<-` (preferred), `=`, or `->`.
+ * Have basic, intrinsic properties (aka `attributes`): `mode` (data type) and `length`
+ * May have additional `attributes` such as (list from [link](,elements%20(rows%20and%20columns).))
+ * class (a character vector with the classes that an object inherits from).
+ * comment
+ * dim (which is used to implement arrays)
+ * dimnames
+ * names (to label the elements of a vector or a list).
+ * row.names
+ * levels (for factors)
+ * Have a `class` which may behave differently for generic functions (such as `plot` and `summary`) ... we'll discuss classes later.
+The attributes of an object can be seen through `str()` and `attributes()`:
+### Functional programming language
+* Perform operations on object(s) (ex: `sum`, `'+'`, `rnorm`)
+* Functions come pre-intalled (base), installed, and custom-defined
+* Using functions is a major theme of good R programming. Avoid explicit iteration (loops and copy-paste) as much as possible. [Matloff [(pg xxii)](]:
+ * Clearer, more compact code
+ * Potentially must faster execution speed
+ * Less debugging, because the code is simpler
+ * Easier transition to parallel programming
+* R Manual: [Writing-your-own-functions](
+# Example of base function (with R installation)
+# Example of installed function from a package
+ beepr::beep(0)
+# General structure of custom function
+< name of your function><-function(
+< argument 1>,
+< argument 2>=< default value >,
+ ...,
+< argument n>
+ ) {
+< some R code here >
+return(< a single object of result(s) >)
+ }
+# Examples of custom function
+ fun1 <-function(v1,v2) {v1+v2}
+ fun2 <-function(v1,v2){
+ sum_v1v2 <- v1+v2
+ }
+ fun3 <-function(v1,v2){
+ sum_v1v2 <- v1+v2
+ ave_v1v2 <- sum_v1v2 /2
+ out <-c(sum=sum_v1v2, ave=ave_v1v2)
+ }
+ fun4 <-function(v1,v2){
+ sum_v1v2 <- v1+v2
+ ave_v1v2 <- sum_v1v2 /2
+ out <-list(sum=sum_v1v2, ave=ave_v1v2, text="fun4")
+ }
+* Scripting language
+ * R Manual: [Scripting-with-R](
+ * A script is run top-to-bottom. It is reproducible and transparent.
+ * Can be run in 'interactive' (ex: RStudio) and 'batch' modes (ex: command-line call)
+ % Rscript file.R > output.out
+ * [A reference for good coding practices](
+## What is RStudio?
+* An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to organize and facilitate common tasks coding in R
+# Data modes and structures
+<!-- In R, data are stored in 'objects' (vectors, matrixes, lists, data.frames) and can be manipulated through 'objects' (functions). -->
+<!-- Objects have values, a class (or type of data), structure, names, and attributes. -->
+<!-- Objects are created using the `<-` assignment -->
+<!-- A simplistic example -->
+<!-- ```{r,collapse=TRUE,comment=">"} -->
+<!-- # Create and 'print' a new object x with the numeric value of 3 -->
+<!-- x <- 3 -->
+<!-- x -->
+<!-- # Look at class of x -->
+<!-- class(x) -->
+<!-- # Look at structure length of x -->
+<!-- length(x) -->
+<!-- # Look at names of x -->
+<!-- names(x) -->
+<!-- # Look at attributes of x -->
+<!-- attributes(x) -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- Note: `NULL` means no value provided -->
+## Modes
+Six primitive modes (data types) of R:
+2 Modes less-commonly (for me never) created in practice:
+ * Raw (raw byte) `x <- raw(2)`
+ * Complex `x <- 0i`
+1 Mode moderately created (often indirectly through R) in practice:
+ * Integer `x <- 1L`
+3 Modes commonly created in practice:
+ * Logical (TRUE/FALSE) `x <- TRUE`
+ * Numeric (real number) `x <- 0`
+ * Character / String `x <- "hello world`
+## Structures
+Data are stored in any of the following structures (starting from most primitive):
+| **Feature** | **Vectors** | **Matrices** | **Lists** | **Data Frames** |
+| **Memory Usage** | Low | Low to Moderate | Moderate | Moderate to High |
+| **Dimensionality** | 1D (vector) | 2D (rows and columns) | 1D (but can contain elements of varying dimensions) | 2D (rows and columns) |
+| **Homogeneity** | Homogeneous (all elements of the same mode) | Homogeneous (all elements of the same mode) | Heterogeneous (elements can be of different modes and structures) | Heterogeneous (different columns can be different modes) |
+| **Creation** | `c()`, `seq()`, `rep()` | `matrix()`, `cbind()`, `rbind()` | `list()` | `data.frame()` |
+| **Combining Elements** | `c()` | `cbind()`, `rbind()` | `c()`, `append()` | `cbind()`, `rbind()` |
+| **Indexing** | Single bracket `[]` | Double bracket `[ , ]` | Double bracket `[[ ]]`, Single bracket `[ ]` | `$`, `[[ ]]`, or `[ ]` |
+| **Arithmetic Operations** | Yes | Yes | No (operations on elements) | Not directly (need to extract columns first) |
+| **Advantages** | Memory-efficient, fast for operations | Efficient for mathematical and matrix operations | Highly flexible, can store complex structures | Optimized for tabular data, handles mixed types |
+| **Disadvantages** | Limited to a single data type | Limited to a single data type | Higher memory usage for large/complex elements | Slightly higher memory overhead due to attributes |
+| **Usage** | Simple collections like numerical data | Mathematical computations, matrices | Grouping mixed-type data, complex structures | Tabular data, similar to Excel spreadsheets |
+## Questions 1
+1. What structure would you want to perform a computationally-heavy task?
+2. What structure would you want to read in data from a colleague?
+3. What kind of object does the following return?
+y <-1:10
+x <-1:10
+f <-lm(y~x)
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+### Examples
+# Numeric vector
+x <-1:10
+# Matrix of numerics with rownames 1, 2, and 3
+# List with element names 1, 2, and 3
+x <-list("1"=1, "2"=2, "3"="A")
+# data.frame
+### Atomic modes
+Back to modes ... The 6 primitive modes are also called 'atomic' modes. This means that when data are stored together in a vector, they must be of the same mode.
+When modes are mixed (ex: `x <- c("A",0,1L,TRUE)`), R will force all elements to be of the same mode.
+Question: What is your guess for which modes receive greatest priority?
+## Missing values
+R has different types of missing values (in order of most primitive):
+* `NULL`: which has length 0,
+* `NaN`: Not a Number
+* `NA`: no information, has length 1,
+* `Inf`: Infinite, and
+* These have companion functions ``, `is.null`, `is.infinite` (or `is.finite()`, which covers NA, Inf, and NaN), and `is.nan`.
+## Vectors and matrixes
+Why to use vectors and matrices: they use less memory than lists and data.frame.
+Get into a habit of using vectors and matrices / arrays as much as possible.
+### Creating vectors
+* To initialize an empty vector, use `vector`, `rep(NA,<length>)`, `numeric(<length>)`, or `character(<length>)`.
+ * JC aside) I commonly use `rep(NA,<length>)` to 'pre-allocate' a vector to future results.
+ * A question to keep in back of mind (we will revisit when talking about loops) ... Why would you want to initialize an empty vector?
+# vector(< mode >, < length >)
+* Other common methods to create numeric vectors include **combine** function, `c()`, `:`, `seq`, and `rep`:
+```{r, collapse=TRUE, comment=">"}
+# Combine 3 numeric vectors each with length 1
+# Vector of sequential numerics
+x <-1:10
+# Vector of sequential numerics from 1 to length(x)
+# Vector of sequential numerics from 1 to 10 by 2
+# Vector of sequential numerics from 1 to 10 divided equally into 3 elements
+# Vector of repeated numerics
+# Vector of repeated numerics
+# Initialize an empty vector to 'pre-allocate' memory for future results
+out <-rep(NA,10)
+### Creating matrices
+* Three common ways to create matrices: `matrix`, `cbind`, `rbind`.
+x <-1:10
+### Naming and indexing vectors and matrices
+Elements of vectors and matrices can be extracted through `[<position(s)>]` or `[<name(s)>]`.
+# Vector[k] pulls out the element(s) indexed by k
+x <-1:10
+names(x) <-2011:2020
+# Matrix[r,c] pulls out the element(s) indexed by row(s) r and columns (c)
+x <-matrix(1:10,nrow=2)
+rownames(x) <-2010:2011
+colnames(x) <-c("SLC","Murray","Bountiful","Milcreek","Sandy")
+# Beware of dimension reduction
+In the last example, why is the dimension `NULL`? (Hint, what is the class of the last two examples?)
+## Questions 2
+1. What is the number of the alphabet for each letter of your name? Use a vector with names (try the `LETTERS' object). For example, if the letters to the name JONATHAN were mapped to integers, the result would be: 10, 15, 14, 1, 20, 8, 1, 14.
+2. Why is it important extract elements through naming conventions?
+## Lists
+Why to use lists?
+* Lists are useful for returning output from functions. For example, the output of `lm` is a list. (Aside, it is also of the `class` lm which has a specific behavior when calling "generic" functions such as `print` and `summary`).
+# Two equivalent summary statements
+# summary(f)
+# summary.lm(f)
+# Two equivalent statements to get predicted values
+# predict(f)
+# predict.lm(f)
+### Creating lists
+x <-list(1:2,"A",NULL,c(TRUE,FALSE),list(1:10,"B"))
+x <-list("2010"=1,"2011"="A","2012"=NULL,"2013"=TRUE)
+### Naming and indexing lists
+Names can be set as in the example above, or through the `names` argument.
+x <-list(1,2,3)
+names(x) <-c("A","B","C")
+List elements can be extracted using `[]`, `[[]]`, or `$`. See [Subsetting Lists](
+x <-list("2010"=1:2,
+# Extract multiple elements
+# Extract single elements
+# Another option to extract by name
+## data.frames
+Why to use data.frames?
+* data.frames are useful in data analysis.
+* However, a data.frame of all one mode uses more memory than a matrix. When performing heavy computations, avoid data.frames unless needed.
+* A helpful data.frame comes from `expand.grid`. How can this be helpful in simulations?
+expand.grid("Param 1"=1:2,"Param 2"=letters[1:3])
+data.frames can be named and indexed similarly as above for lists. (A data.frame is a list.)
+# Naming, indexing, and filtering
+Rule of thumb: When you want to extract information from a data structure, use names (rather than position indexes).
+* Transparent in code and output
+* Easier to read
+* Reproducible
+Borrowing from [Blog on R code best practices (one user's opinion)]( There are 5 naming conventions to choose from:
+* alllowercase: e.g. adjustcolor
+* period.separated: e.g.
+* underscore_separated: e.g. numeric_version
+* lowerCamelCase: e.g. addTaskCallback
+* UpperCamelCase: e.g. SignatureMethod
+Strive for names that are concise and meaningful
+* Avoid naming an object that would overwrite an existing object. (Example, `c <- 0` overwrites the `c()` function).
+* Clarity is better than brevity unless well-documented. (Example, `s` in `s <- 0` could stand for a method name, simulation, etc.).
+Naming conventions are personal preference. JC and GVY use underscore_separated.
+# Filtering vectors
+Elements of a vector can be filtered through:
+* The vector position (aka index),
+* The element's name, or
+* Boolean logic (TRUE/FALSE)
+ * `==` Test for equality
+ * `>`, `>=` Test for greater than and greater than or equal to
+ * `<`, `<=` Test for less than and less or equal to
+Example, 10 patients were randomly assigned to control (0) or treatment (1). Suppose `tx` is the treatment assignment.
+tx <-rep(0:1,times=5)
+names(tx) <-1:10
+* Boolean logic can be used with
+ * `which`: which vector positions meet a testing criteria
+ * `any` and `all`: Boolean test (yes/no) for whether any or all elements meet criteria
+## Questions 3
+Suppose `x` is the number of vacations in the years 2010 - 2019
+```{r, collapse=TRUE, comment=">"}
+x <,size=10,replace=TRUE)
+names(x) <-2010:2019
+1. How many vacations were taken on the first and ninth year?
+2. How many total vacations were taken on odd years? Use element names for solution.
+3. How many total vacations were taken on even years? Use the `seq` function for solution. (`seq(2010,2020,by=2)`)
+4. Why would you want to use element names whenever possible?
+<!-- ## A solution -->
+<!-- Suppose `x` is the number of vacations in the years 2010 - 2019 -->
+<!-- ```{r, collapse=TRUE, comment=">"} -->
+<!-- set.seed(1) -->
+<!-- x <-,size=10,replace=TRUE) -->
+<!-- names(x) <- 2010:2019 -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- 1. How many vacations were taken on the first and ninth year? -->
+<!-- ```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">", class.source="fold-hide"} -->
+<!-- x[c(1,9)] -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- 2. How many total vacations were taken on odd years? Use `seq` for solution. -->
+<!-- ```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">", class.source="fold-hide"} -->
+<!-- x[seq(1,10,by=2)] -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- A more general solution would be to use the modular `%%` command (which means remainder after dividing by a number). (Example 5 %% 2: 2 goes into 5 two times and there is a remainder of 1). -->
+<!-- [Basic R Operators]( -->
+<!-- What are the sequential steps how R evaluates the following code? What are strengths and weaknesses of this code? -->
+<!-- ```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">", class.source="fold-hide"} -->
+<!-- x[as.numeric(names(x)) %% 2] -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- Strength: Generalization -->
+<!-- Weakness: Slightly harder to read -->
+<!-- 3. How many total vacations were taken on even years? Use element names for solution. -->
+<!-- ```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">"} -->
+<!-- x[as.character(seq(2010,2020,by=2))] -->
+<!-- x[(as.numeric(names(x)) +1) %% 2] -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- 4. Why would you want to use element names whenever possible? -->
+<!-- * Filtering by index names is transparent, easy-to-read, and less error prone -->
+<!-- * For example, what is an example where position indexing could go wrong if I were interested in 2010 data? -->
+<!-- * Using names is one of the most important concepts to implement for reproducible coding_ -->
+# If/Then Statements, Loops, and Functions (Control Statements)
+"R is a block-structured language ... delineated by braces, though braces are optional if the block consists of just a
+single statement. Statements are separated by newline characters or, optionally, by semicolons." (Matlooff, [page 139](
+## If-then statements
+Conditional logic evaluates
+```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">"}
+x <-"yes"
+if(x=="yes") {
+print("I'll take on the project")
+} else {
+print("Sorry, I can't take on the project")
+The above `if-else` statement requires a single TRUE/FALSE evaluation. `ifelse` "vectorizes" conditional logic.
+```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">"}
+x <-seq(1:10)
+ifelse(test = x>5, yes =1, no =0)
+## Loops
+Loops iterate operations through a parameter saved in a vector. Possible loops include:
+* `for`: iterate through each value/element of a vector
+* `while`: continue loop while TRUE until FALSE
+* `repeat`: continue loop until a `return` or `break` statement
+```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">", class.source="fold-hide"}
+x <-1:10
+for (n in x){
+for(n in1:length(x)){
+What will the following return:
+```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">", class.source="fold-hide",eval=FALSE}
+x <-seq(1,10,by=3)
+for(i in x){
+```{r,collapse=TRUE, comment=">", class.source="fold-hide"}
+i <-1
+while (i <=10){
+ i <- i +4
+i <-1
+i <- i +4
+if(i >10) break
+i <-1
+ i <- i +4
+if (i >10) break
+The `next` statement allows the loop to stop current iteration and continue to next iteration.
+## Questions 4
+From Jan 1 - Jan 9, 2023, it snowed 6 days atop Snowbasin. Snow days can be represented each day in a vector as 1 (snow) and 0 (no snow).
+snow <-c(1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0)
+names(snow) <-1:9
+Suppose you are interested in the first day it consecutively snowed three days (i.e. snowed the given day and two previous days). What is this day? Solve using a loop with conditional logic.
+# JC note to self: include example using break function and pre-initializing a vector of set length
+# Comment solution
+runs <-NULL
+for(i in1:length(snow)){
+if(i <3) next
+if(sum(snow[(i-2):i]) ==3){
+ runs <-c(runs, i)
+ }
+runs <-vector()
+i <-1
+for(s in3:length(snow)){
+if(sum(snow[(s-2):s]) ==3){
+ runs[i] <- s
+ i <- i +1
+ }
+## Functions
+* Repeating the strengths of functions ... Using functions is a major theme of good R programming. Avoid explicit iteration (loops and copy-paste) as much as possible. [Matloff [(pg xxii)](]:
+ * Clearer, more compact code
+ * Potentially must faster execution speed
+ * Less debugging, because the code is simpler
+ * Easier transition to parallel programming
+* In general terms, R functions are structured as follow:
+< name of your function><-function(
+< argument 1>,
+< argument 2>=< default value >,
+ ...,
+< argument n>
+ ) {
+< some R code here >
+return(< some result >)
+ }
+* For example, if we want to create a function to run the "unfair coin experiment"
+ we could do it in the following way:
+# Function definition
+# unfairCoin
+# n: number of tosses
+# p: biased coin (default = 0.7)
+ unfairCoin <-function(n, p =0.7) {
+# Sampling from the coin dist
+ ans <-sample(c("H", "T"), n, replace =TRUE, prob =c(p, 1-p))
+# Returning
+ ans
+ }
+# Testing it
+ tosses <-unfairCoin(20)
+## Questions 5
+Generalize your code to Question 4 as a function so that for any string of days you can find the first day it consecutively snowed a given number of days. Return `NA` if no day meets this criteria.
+```{r, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE}
+firstRun <-function(days, x){
+ runs <-vector()
+ i <-1
+for(s in x:length(days)){
+if(sum(days[(s-x+1):s]) == x){
+ days[i] <- s
+ i <- i +1
+ }
+ }
+# Vectorizing and replicate
+R Simultaneously performs the same operation across vector elements.
+ * Behind the scenes R calls C code to do one-at-a-time calculation, but this is faster than doing one-at-a-time calculation in R.
+Common vectorized operations and functions:
+| Category | Function | Description | Example Code | Result |
+| Arithmetic | `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `^` | Basic arithmetic operations | `c(1, 2, 3) + 1` | `2 3 4` |
+| Mathematical | `abs()` | Absolute value | `abs(c(-1, -2, 3))` | `1 2 3` |
+| | `sqrt()` | Square root | `sqrt(c(1, 4, 9))` | `1 2 3` |
+| | `log()` | Natural logarithm | `log(c(1, exp(1), exp(2)))` | `0 1 2` |
+| | `exp()` | Exponential function | `exp(c(0, 1, 2))` | `1 2.718 7.389` |
+| | `sin()`, `cos()`, `tan()` | Trigonometric functions | `sin(c(0, pi/2, pi))` | `0 1 0` |
+| | `log10()`, `log2()` | Base-10 and base-2 logarithms | `log10(c(1, 10, 100))` | `0 1 2` |
+| Statistical | `mean()` | Mean of a vector | `mean(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))` | `3` |
+| | `median()` | Median of a vector | `median(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))` | `3` |
+| | `sd()` | Standard deviation | `sd(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))` | `1.581` |
+| | `var()` | Variance | `var(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))` | `2.5` |
+| | `sum()` | Sum of elements | `sum(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))` | `15` |
+| | `prod()` | Product of elements | `prod(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))` | `120` |
+| | `range()` | Range (minimum and maximum) | `range(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))` | `1 5` |
+| Cumulative Functions | `cumsum()` | Cumulative sum of elements | `cumsum(c(1, 2, 3, 4))` | `1 3 6 10` |
+| | `cumprod()` | Cumulative product of elements | `cumprod(c(1, 2, 3, 4))` | `1 2 6 24` |
+| | `cummin()` | Cumulative minimum | `cummin(c(5, 2, 8, 1))` | `5 2 2 1` |
+| | `cummax()` | Cumulative maximum | `cummax(c(1, 3, 2, 4))` | `1 3 3 4` |
+| Comparison | `==`, `!=`, `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=` | Comparison operators | `c(1, 2, 3) > 2` | `FALSE FALSE TRUE` |
+| | `which()` | Indices of true values | `which(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))` | `2 3` |
+| Logical | `any()` | Check if any elements are true | `any(c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))` | `TRUE` |
+| | `all()` | Check if all elements are true | `all(c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))` | `TRUE` |
+| | `` | Check for `NA` values | `, NA, 3))` | `FALSE TRUE FALSE` |
+| | `is.finite()` | Check for finite values | `is.finite(c(1, Inf, NA))` | `TRUE FALSE FALSE` |
+| String | `str_length()` | Length of strings | `str_length(c("a", "ab", "abc"))` | `1 2 3` |
+| | `str_sub()` | Substrings | `str_sub(c("apple", "banana"), 1, 3)` | `app ban` |
+| | `str_detect()` | Detect patterns | `str_detect(c("apple", "banana"), "a")` | `TRUE TRUE` |
+| Data Manipulation | `ifelse()` | Vectorized conditional statements | `ifelse(c(1, 2, 3) > 2, "yes", "no")` | `"no" "no" "yes"`|
+| Apply Functions | `sapply()` | Apply function over a list or vector | `sapply(c(1, 2, 3), function(x) x^2)` | `1 4 9` |
+| | `lapply()` | Apply function over a list | `lapply(list(c(1, 2), c(3, 4)), sum)` | `3 7` |
+| | `vapply()` | Apply function with a specified output type | `vapply(c(1, 2, 3), function(x) x^2, numeric(1))` | `1 4 9` |
+| | `mapply()` | Apply function to multiple arguments | `mapply(function(x, y) x + y, c(1, 2), c(3, 4))` | `4 6` |
+| | `apply()` | Apply function to rows or columns of a matrix | `apply(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow=2), 1, sum)` | `3 7` |
+Element-wise addition in one call
+x1 <-1:10
+x2 <-101:110
+x1 + x2
+Element-wise logic assessments in one call
+x1 >5
+The above is an example of R 're-cycling' 5 to have the same length as x1. It is a strength and a caution.
+x <-1:10
+y <-2:4
+x < y
+**Key point**: Loops carry out one-at-a-time operations. Usually, a vectorized alternative to loops is to use *apply functions.
+The `replicate()` function in R is not strictly vectorized in the same way that functions like `+` or `mean()` are, as it involves iterating over a specified number of replications. However, it is a convenient function for repeating an expression or function multiple times and collecting the results.
+# Session info