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Releases: UI-Lovelace-Minimalist/UI

v1.0.3 🏳️‍🌈

22 Jul 15:08
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✨ Code enhancements

💡 New Custom Cards

✨ Custom Card enhancements

  • #780 Update custom_card_person_info - Include Locality @tgcowell
  • #811 card ristou person - fix doc + add new templates - v1.0.1 @Ristou
  • #816 Added missing default values for variables for custom card "custom_card_httpedo13_sun" @aurimasniekis
  • #833 [custom_card_scenes] Option to trigger automation @sildehoop
  • #828 New more featureful custom_card_esh_room version (2.0.0) @mpeterson
  • #869 Show correct location in custom_card_person_chip @mpeterson

🐛 Bug Fixes

💬 Translations

📝 Documentation

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@Gilganik, @JD-c0de, @Neekster, @Petapton, @Ristou, @aurimasniekis, @basbruss, @bokub, @briis, @delcara, @eliseo-juan, @github-actions, @ilesar, @jordandrako, @mdb17, @mpeterson, @muppie, @schumijo, @sildehoop, @sisimomo and @tgcowell

v1.0.2 🏳️‍🌈

28 Jun 09:42
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This release introduces mainly stability improvements and bug fixes that were introduced in v1.0.1.
The ability to customize names and icons is back for all cards that lost this feature with v1.0.1 (see Breaking Changes)
We also have improved the translation engine. It can now detect the currency set from within HA and doesn't display undefined anymore when there is no translation available


⚠️ Breaking Changes

  1. The way we can set names, last changed and icons for cards like: card_generic, card_battery, card_input_boolean, card_binary_sensor is changed.
    You now need to use variables to set those:
See needed config changes
Old config
- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: <card_name>
  entity: any.entity
  name: "Name"
  icon: "mdi:flower"
  show_last_changed: true

New Config

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: <card_name>
  entity: any.entity
    ulm_card_<card_name>_name: "Name"
    ulm_card_<card_name>_icon: "mdi:flower"
    ulm_show_last_changed: true
  1. Card Graph needs an entity assigned to it to work with the new naming system. (This can be the same as defined in the variables)

  2. Custom-card "Lock" needs now the prefix ulm_ with all assignable variables. This is done to create consistency with other cards, but also with the code of the card where variables were not equal to the documented ones. See the new documentation

✨ Code enhancements

💡 New Custom Cards

✨ Custom Card enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

💬 Translations

📝 Documentation

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@Ristou, @basbruss, @dougmaitelli, @finder39, @github-actions, @jeffconrad18, @schumijo, @wokkeltje13 and Mathieu Tanguy

v1.0.1 🏳️‍🌈

23 Jun 09:48
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This release introduces some long-awaited improvements to the backend of this integration with 3 main features:

  1. Translation engine 🌐
    From now on almost all strings and states are auto-translated by the HA-core engine and are available in many more languages.
    You can add translations by contributing to HA itself through Lokalise
  2. Set Click actions 🖱️
    This feature lets you customize the behavior of all types of click actions (tap_action, hold_action, and double_tap_action)
    Please read the documentation on our Wiki.
  3. Adaptive Dashboard 💻
    This newly added dashboard can be configured in the integration setup. It changes based on the type of your device and screen size.
    Warning: Please read the documentation carefully through the setup!
    Adaptive Dashboard
    Adaptive Dashboard


💡 Features

✨ Code enhancements

💡 New Custom Cards

✨ Custom Card enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

💬 Translations

📝 Documentation

  • #717 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #710 Update to custom_card_esh readme to include customizations @1337Reaper
  • #720 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #742 Update @Neekster
  • #747 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #763 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  1. The card_person needs an entity specified outside the variables config to work with the new translation engine #728
    This also holds when manually updating any custom person card!
See needed config changes
Old config
- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: card_person
    ulm_card_person_entity: person.username

New Config

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: card_person
  entity: person.username
    ulm_card_person_entity: person.username
  1. Adapting all cards to work with the custom actions means the show_last_changed behavior for the binary sensors cards is changed and controlled by a variable:
See needed config changes
Old config
- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: card_binary_sensor
    ulm_card_binary_sensor_alert: true
  entity: binary_sensor.garage_door
  show_last_changed: true

New Config

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  template: card_binary_sensor
    ulm_card_binary_sensor_alert: true
    ulm_show_last_changed: true
  entity: binary_sensor.garage_door

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@1337Reaper, @13robin37, @AndyVRD, @Gilganik, @LeandroIssa, @Neekster, @T1ppes, @basbruss, @cmccambridge, @github-actions, @oscfdezdz, @ronijaakkola, @schumijo, @sisimomo and @zerosottozero

v0.0.9 🏳️‍🌈

27 May 09:41
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💡 Features

✨ Code enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

💬 Translations

📝 Documentation

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@13robin37, @Eltarius, @EverythingSmartHome, @Gilganik, @MichaelBrunn3r, @Neekster, @Wesleyl89, @aomann, @basbruss, @desty2k, @finder39, @jordandrako, @oscfdezdz, @ulug79, @viseradius, @wranglatang, @yagrasdemonde and pw521312

v0.0.8 🏳️‍🌈

19 Apr 11:44
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💡 Features

✨ Code enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

💬 Translations

📝 Documentation

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@AndyVRD, @EverythingSmartHome, @JackPoint, @LRvdLinden, @Misiu, @Neekster, @Tommatheussen, @basbruss, @finder39, @github-actions, @kauelima, @likeadoc, @rairulyle, @sildehoop, @skrynklarn, @stokkie90, @yagrasdemonde and rick.stokkingreef

v0.0.7-hotfix2 🏳️‍🌈

01 Apr 10:27
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Happy April fools day!

As many of you have noticed card-mod introduced a joke where our dashboards began to look weird.

With this update we have updated the version of card-mod to fix this.

You only need to install this update if you have checked the box to let UI-Minimalist to install all the needed dependencies.
You can also wait to end this day. Card-mod will reset itself after today.

Please also reset your browser cache after installing this release and restarting HA.
This can be done on Windows by clicking CTRL + F5 or on Mac holding down shift and click the reload button 😃

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome


v0.0.7-hotfix1 🏳️‍🌈

24 Mar 14:35
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🐛 Bug Fixes

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@basbruss and @stokkie90

v0.0.7 🏳️‍🌈

21 Mar 13:07
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💡 Features

✨ Code enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

💬 Translations

📝 Documentation

  • #503 Update Custom-cards titles @basbruss
  • #504 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #508 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #512 Fix typo in from custom_card_scenes @appuchias
  • #513 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #519 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #523 Update @basbruss
  • #522 [Action] Update custom_cards docs @github-actions
  • #538 Update @basbruss
  • #516 Create @basbruss

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome

@AndyVRD, @CM000n, @LRvdLinden, @Neekster, @TheZoker, @appuchias, @basbruss, @dcoro, @desty2k, @filikun, @github-actions, @leon38, @mazerte, @mullerpeter, @schumijo, @sildehoop, @stokkie90 and @ulic75

v0.0.6-hotfix2 🏳️‍🌈

01 Mar 16:07
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🐛 Bug Fixes

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome


v0.0.6-hotfix1 🏳️‍🌈

01 Mar 11:44
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🐛 Bug Fixes

❤️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this UI awesome
