1.1. AI A2A Dispatcher
Create an A2A defense system executed by AI to perform CAP or GCI to defend your airspace.
There are two classes that are important to learn:
The AI_A2A_GCICAP is a class for novice mission designers, so I recommend novice users to start with using this class. You can quickly configure a working GCICAP process. But it will provide less flexibility and options. If you want more options, use the AI_A2A_DISPATCHER.
- Setup quickly an A2A defense system for a coalition.
- Setup (CAP) Control Air Patrols at defined zones to enhance your A2A defenses.
- Setup (GCI) Ground Control Intercept at defined airbases to enhance your A2A defenses.
- Define and use an EWR (Early Warning Radar) network.
- Define squadrons at airbases.
- Enable airbases for A2A defenses.
- Add different plane types to different squadrons.
- Add multiple squadrons to different airbases.
- Define different ranges to engage upon intruders.
- Establish an automatic in air refuel process for CAP using refuel tankers.
- Setup default settings for all squadrons and A2A defenses.
- Setup specific settings for specific squadrons.
- Quickly setup an A2A defense system using AI_A2A_GCICAP.
- Setup a more advanced defense system using AI_A2A_DISPATCHER.
Cargo dispatching will make the AI to transport cargo to deploy zones. Cargo can be transported by APC or trucks, or by helicopters.
Overall Features:
- Quickly transport cargo to various deploy zones using different carrier types.
- Various cargo types can be transported. These are infantry groups and crates.
- Define a list of deploy zones of various types to transport the cargo to.
- Multiple carrier groups can be enabled as one collaborating transportation process.
- Different options can be setup to tweak the cargo transporation behaviour.
- Home location that will be used for carrier parking, when all cargo has been transported.
- Automatic activation of carriers when new cargo is to be picked-up (of cargo is spawned for example).
Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo using APCs or trucks.
Specific Features:
- The vehicles follow the roads to ensure the fastest possible cargo transportation over the ground.
- Multiple vehicles can transport multiple cargo as one vehicle group.
- Infantry loaded as cargo, will unboard in case enemies are nearby and will help defending the vehicles.
- Different ranges can be setup for enemy defenses.
Models the intelligent transportation of infantry and other cargo using Helicopters.
Specific Features:
- The helicopters will fly towards the pickup locations to pickup the cargo.
- The helicopters will fly towards the deploy zones to deploy the cargo.
- Precision deployment as well as randomized deployment within the deploy zones are possible.
- Helicopters will orbit the deploy zones when there is no space for landing until the deploy zone is free.
3. AI Balancing
Balance player slots with AI to create an engaging simulation environment, independent of the amount of players.
- Automatically spawn AI as a replacement of free player slots for a coalition.
- Make the AI to perform tasks.
- Define a maximum amount of AI to be active at the same time.
- Configure the behaviour of AI when a human joins a slot for which an AI is active.
Build large airborne formations of aircraft.
- Build in-air formations consisting of more than 40 aircraft as one group.
- Build different formation types.
- Assign a group leader that will guide the large formation path.
5.1. AI Patrolling
Peform Air Patrolling for airplanes within a patrol zone.
- Patrol AI airplanes within a given zone.
- Trigger detected events when enemy airplanes are detected.
- Manage a fuel treshold to RTB on time.
Peform Combat Air Patrolling (CAP) for airplanes within a patrol zone.
- Patrol AI airplanes within a given zone.
- Trigger detected events when enemy airplanes are detected.
- Manage a fuel treshold to RTB on time.
- Engage the enemy when detected.
5.3. AI Close Air Support
Peform Close Air Support (CAS) near friendlies within an engagement zone.
- Hold and standby within a patrol zone.
- Engage upon command the enemies within an engagement zone.
- Loop the zone until all enemies are eliminated.
- Trigger different events upon the results achieved.
- After combat, return to the patrol zone and hold.
- RTB when commanded or after out of fuel.
Peform Battlefield Air Interdiction (BAI) within an engagement zone.
- Hold and standby within a patrol zone.
- Engage upon command the assigned targets within an engagement zone.
- Loop the zone until all targets are eliminated.
- Trigger different events upon the results achieved.
- After combat, return to the patrol zone and hold.
- RTB when commanded or after out of fuel.