All notable changes to TNC Toolbox for WordPress will be documented in this file.
- ??? (more cP API integrations?)
- Set max length of newly-relayed error (re: #22)
- Pass-through error from cP API back to WP GUI (#22)
- Improve uncaught error wording, and clarify on user type
- Update compatibility with WP to support v6.7 (#20)
- Slight improvements to GUI Notice wording (#21)
- Slight improvements to GUI/Menu wording
- Declare class firstly, resolve warnings (#18)
- Upgrade consistently to GPLv3 from a split mix of v2 and v3
- Merge all cPanel API Calls into single function, pass action (#16)
- Multi-site should now function properly, due to #17 being fixed
- pluggable.php no longer included, as it is supplied by WP (#17)
- Import pluggable.php for access to more WP API functionality (#15)
- Restrict on/off and reconfiguration functionality to WP Admins only (#14)
- Don't show a PHP warning when the config is empty, instead return empty (#13)
- Auto-purge now working properly
- Purges the NGINX User Cache if a post/page is published or updated (#3)
- Add a Settings link to WP's Installed Plugins page (#9)
- Add a warning if the plugin is activated but not configured (#4)
- Colour the button backgrounds (traffic light coming in v1.3.3) re: UX (#9)
- Expand the size of the config fields to show API key (#9)
- Retain existing config values during a WP Plugin Update (#8)
- Added Config GUI
- Published on!
- Clarify that ea-nginx (cPanel) is needed for usage.
- Improves security by escaping data before echoing.
- Adds buttons to enable and disable the NGINX User Cache.
- Passes you back to the page you requested the action from, rather than to WP-Admin home.
- Includes the ability to purge the NGINX User Cache via the admin top menu bar in one-click.